

The number of times I have heard people say this to me is mind-numbing.

I have wished to be the type of person who smiles easily.

I’m just not.

I walked away, and turned my back on past traumas.

I have bravely confronted the causes of painful wounds that were caused by the sharp cutting of things outside of my control.

I have embraced the peace, love and joy I receive continuously from God.

None of this frees me to walk as though I am care-free, though.

Just because God has given and I have embraced joy– that does not translate to smile.

Joy does not equal happy.

Not in my book, anyway.

Joy brings tears to my eyes.

Joy brings peace to my soul.

Joy reminds me that Jesus identifies with me, He has felt my pain.

Joy does not equal smile.

Yes Jesus died for my sins, and my soul rejoices with singing and thankfulness.

But the traumas I have endured and pushed through– surrendering myself over and over again to God for His healing– they still happened.

Smile to me says “Pretend they never happened. Fake happy until you convince yourself you are happy.”

I have never once read in my Bible any commandment telling me to be happy.

I have, however, read that I am to be content in all things, patient and kind, generous and forgiving…

Not happy.

I finally figured out– the reason people throughout my life have told me to “Smile!” is because it makes them feel more comfortable.

My reasons for being unable to smile aren’t considered, just how much better others feel around me as long as I just smile.

When I hear how or see how others have been encouraged, embraced and supported in healthy ways by other family members– my soul feels a painful heaviness.

When I am honest and remember the struggles in my life now, and how the ones all throughout my life add to the weight of these newer ones– I am not able to smile.

A smile says everything is ok.

Well– it’s really not. Everything is not ok.

Does that mean I never laugh or smile at things?

It does not.

My “resting” face is not smiling.

My true friends know this, know me and my “why’s”, and accept this about me.

I’m not going to pretend.

Maybe God will grant me some amount of light-hearted times where smiling is not painful.

No matter what though, I know– I will smile all the time in Heaven. ✝️

introspection, reality

Moving On From Disappointment

I think, often– at least for me– when I “deal” with disappointment, I just pack away the feelings and issues it has caused for me.

It’s all neat and tidy, seems super easy to just leave it all behind.

Except– things don’t always stay “packed”.

They “nag” at me.

They pop up from sudden hidden “triggers” in conversations, memories, interactions with certain people– hearing specific songs, eating specific foods…

What’s in your disappointment boxes?

My boxes tend to have any of my thoughts about the situation or person stuffed in them.

I “tape” them shut, but it doesn’t always hold them.

I think I’ve got it all handled, but see– the issues are always tricky.

Boxes can’t really hold them.

Like we imagine or believe ghosts flow through walls and floors of houses– residual consequences from disappointment seep right out of those boxes I so carefully shove them into.

Sometimes as I stand up and walk away– they just follow me.

Sometimes they actually trip me up and push my red buttons of anxiety, stress, even anger.

As a Christian, I try to just lay everything down, figuratively, at the foot of the cross through prayer, or singing of God’s Word and biblical ideas.

I know all the answers and what should-be’s…

I am fluent in Christianese, I “get” how I am supposed to look as I embrace American standard Christian practices.

But the truth is– if I don’t actually deal with what I shove into those boxes, I haven’t actually left them to die where Jesus died for us.

I’m really just practicing “out of sight, out of mind”.

Leaving things at the foot of the cross is meant for us to deal with them, honestly and openly, with God.

Confessing– admitting– how we feel, how much we hurt or it stings– to Him–

Not unleashing my box content on others.

Asking for God’s help to walk away or embracing how God brings about newness in me as a result of the disappointment cause.

God turns things around for my good, for His Good– because anything good can only come from God.

So I am learning, I have to unpack my boxes at the foot of the cross– I can’t just dump them there and walk away.

I have to be open for God to work– God will move me on when He chooses, how He chooses, and for His purpose.

He made me His vessel.

As His vessel– I can’t allow myself to be filled with junk that’s not even from Him.

If my garbage is there, His blessings can’t flow in and through me.

His healing power can’t flow in and through me.

My junk crowds out the goodness of God, it rejects and taints His healing.

Forgiveness is stifled.

Anything I do on my own without Him, thinking I can ignore it or just walk away from it, it becomes a blockage keeping Him at a distance.

My boxes become a wall between He and I.

I need Jesus to tear down all of those walls.

I need to surrender all of the contents to Him.

Only then can I receive the abundant, healthy Life He has for me.

Only then can I truly and thoroughly–

Move on.

Past and Present

Grace, Mercy and Forgiveness In a “Cobra-Kai” Environment

God has been deeply at work in my heart, again. He has revealed something to me that has been hidden from my understanding my entire life–

Why I react the way I do when certain people push buttons, step on nerves, or sucker throat punch me with their critical, often mean-spirited opinions and words.

I am forever thankful God moved me as far away on this earth from that environment as possible, and placed me somewhere that He could “detox” me.

He changed me.

He took what I learned, what I’d become in that deathly toxic environment, and He re-formed me.

He re-formed my thinking, my instincts, my need to be defensive– my inability to trust or be vulnerable with anyone…

He has re-formed me in every way possible.

He has reformed me.

I recently had a run-in with the past.

I was instantly reminded of how I constantly felt suffocated, undermined, controlled, hated, unloved– unwanted.

I have a dog that was rescued from an abusive animal “shelter”. He sometimes has behaviors and reactions that make his previous treatment evident– even though that was several years ago and he had another human companion before us.

I was rescued by God from an abusive environment, as well.

Because I was abused, I developed behaviors and reactions that left me open to be abused by others.

It’s what I knew.

It was my hated “comfort zone”.

And– how I hated it!

It nearly cost me my life in my first marriage– through the now ex’s decisions and actions, then by my own despair.

God opened the door, and He helped an emotionally crippled me leave through it.

He walked with me every step of the way to His freedom for me.

He gave me a second chance.

He healed me.

He helped me want to live.

He gave me people who love me, who cherish me, who respect me…

I cried out to Him for Mercy in a Show No Mercy life, and He not only showed me the kindest, loving, most gentle mercy I could never even imagine for myself–

He showed me how to show that to others.

Right now He is helping me work through the hatred and anger that has risen in my heart for that button-pushing, nerve-stomping purveyor of No Mercy.

I now understand why when I dare to be vulnerable, I feel exposed, judged, even unsafe and my spirit begins to hyperventilate with a near-crippling anxiety.

And now– now God can show me the “whys” of this.

He can continue to de-tox me and change me, and re-form me.

I owe Him everything.

He is so Good to me– so much better than I ever believed He’d want to be to me.

My old habitat had me believing I was nothing– I had no worth, no value, I was just in the way and needed to be kicked out of the way.

For the first time in over 25 years, I spent my birthday with friends that have become my family. I now feel liked and respected– and valued.

God gave me my heart’s desire.

He taught me to Always Show Mercy.

I’m still learning, and I despise who I used to be so much so, that it’s a relief my old self has been crucified with Christ, and I am now a New creation in Him.


Getting Away

Know when it seems like everything around you is a type of storm? Like things are swirling around you, on occasion colliding into you, but it has distance, it all feels separate from you– outside of you.

And then there is that moment of “waking up” in realization that that’s also how you’ve been feeling inside? As if you’ve been falsely lulled into a type of complacency and false sense of peacefulness, while you’re actually living inside of the eye of that storm you’ve recognized that’s agitating around you?

I’ve been becoming aware recently that I’m in the middle of some storm-like build-ups.

The last few years has been a bit of a steep, uphill climb for me.

I think I’ve been ok with finding ways to cope or escape that are convenient for everyone.

I’ve gotten in the habit of staying up when everyone is asleep, and watching mindless shows, playing mindless games.

Everyone here has a reason to get away– whether they want to, or have to.

Except me.

I am *always* here.

I go places for errands, responsibilities, and bettering myself– sure.

My “escape” right now is Perry Mason and an ipad game.

I need a break.

I need a road trip for me– with me.

Last month was full of tough things, changes, and I was sick.

This month is my birthday month– a birthday I am not looking forward to embracing.

The last 3 years have been very difficult in so many ways.

Recovery physically and emotionally–

It’s taking its toll on me now.

I used to go on road trips by myself, many years ago.

I think I just need to get back to some of “me”– the me before the wife me and the mom me took me over.

I need to visit some of the old me before I grew into this old me now.

Maybe then this storm I’m feeling will calm all the way back down.


A Lifetime Of Not Fitting

For as long as I can recall, I’ve known I just don’t belong.

I have almost always felt like I’m outside, looking in.

I’m almost never a pea-in-a-pod.

I’ve had too many unique experiences.

I don’t like to do what most others around me like.

I’m not often content with surface-level interactions.

If I were to make a list of the roles I’ve been assigned by others, it would include:

1) Don’t be seen or heard

2) Exhaust yourself beyond your physical capabilities with volunteering

3) Be a good scape-goat and take the blame for stuff you did not do/say

4) Be available, cheerfully, but don’t bother others when you need anything

5) Be low maintenance

6) Don’t ever have a need

7) Just don’t use the cane you need

8) Just be like everyone else– forget you have physical limitations and limited energy from that immune disorder.

9) Make God heal you 100% already– you obviously are missing or not accepting something…

10) Fit in this “perfect” Christian mold– don’t distinguish yourself, oh– but don’t be too confident in following God’s Spirit

11) Prove you are Saved…

There is only One Who has identified with me–


He didn’t fit in, either.

He was misunderstood.

He was rejected.

He was cast out.

His reputation was trampled on.

Some days I feel the weight of this life’s burdens.

They feel so heavy, it’s a challenge to not feel down-trodden.

Jesus always sustains me.

He never leaves me, never forsakes me.

Though I sometimes feel alone– He is always with me.

When I feel weak, physically, emotionally, mentally– He is my Strength, my Rock– the firm foundation of my narrow path.

People will often misunderstand, discourage or disappoint– Jesus never will.

He and I will always not fit in– together.

reality, Strong Woman

Mess— What You See Is Not What You Get

I’m not what anyone would call a “put together” person.

Hot mess doesn’t even define me— just mess.



No matter how much I fight this exhausting battle of imperfection— in me and in my living space— I have yet to conquer this.

Not dirty.


My space is too small for all I have.

Don’t get me started on “downsizing”.

And please don’t offer me suggestions or advice.



I have always been sensitive about this issue.




Talked about…

Today I choose to embrace the facts.

I’m not like everyone else.

I’m not like anyone else.

I never will be.

Talking with my husband last night, he reminded me—

I have had a lot of experiences.

Experiences no one else has.

Things that— literally— nearly killed me.

Physical, emotional, mental


I am done apologizing for what so many see with their eyes and their opinions— as wrong with me.

I do what I can.

I face mind-numbing overwhelm.

I have stared that down many times.

Sometimes it wins.

Lately though— I win.

So my house has “stuff”.

There are reasons that will never matter to my critics.

They don’t care about my “why’s

They just care about their preferred ways— how things “should” be.

I have struggled with being lost in a sea of opinions by sight or “first impressions”.

Very few people have taken the time look past, ignore, or focus on person me.

I am not my house.

I am not just a mess.

I am a survivor.

I am a fighter.

I am thriving in increasing health as my body heals from the inside out.

I am many testimonies of God saving, protecting, healing, repairing, changing—

I am the me that God has created.

If you only know me by the imperfect nature of appearance and/or my house—

You have completely missed it— missed me.

That really is your loss.

introspection, reality, Strong Woman

The One Who “Gets” Me

My life has had a specific, consistent pursuit. Sometimes I’m not even aware, other times there is an overwhelming emptiness that squeezes my emotions and mental awareness.

It’s sometimes felt in the form of loneliness, even though I am rarely alone.

This very specific thing requires understanding to be the perfect fit. Without understanding, it can take on the shape of condescension, or pity.

I don’t mean the kind of understanding where a pat on the back and a look of concerned compassion are extended.

I mean— walked in my shoes, lived through similar enough experiences so that true understanding is a connecting force.

That kind of understanding.

That requires communication.

That requires listening.

Being heard is something I rarely feel I fully experience when attempting to communicate.

Sometimes it’s because I falter in my words or actions.

Sometimes it’s because no one is listening.

Not being heard is overwhelmingly frustrating and causes that deep emptiness to squeeze my emotions.

Being identified with is important.

Not just anyone can fit this in my life.

Someone who literally has “been there, done that”— not in the condescending way many often speak that phrase— I mean, having lived that phrase.

I am at a point where I should be listened to more, brushed aside less.


Because I have survived and thrived though some pretty intense things.

I have never met anyone else that had a toddler mountain lion use their head as a chew toy.

Been there— done that— don’t want to ever again…

I’ve met a few who have gone through similar emotional, mental and physical things I have— and even some who seem to value what I learned the hardest ways possible.

People who don’t get offended when I share from my very real experiences.

Those are the ones I find I seek to spend more time with.

Not the ones who think I am weak and I have nothing of value to say.

The ones who can listen to advice— solicited or not— because all I ever want to do is encourage and help others, to identify with then however I’m able to.

But without communication, that’s not possible.

Without understanding and a measure of humility from both sides, it just can’t be a healthy, thriving friendship.

Without concern for the things I’m concerned for, the friendship never gets past the surface level.

This is why the lyrics to so many NF songs resonate so deeply for me!

I have never met him.

I will never meet him here on earth.

But— he “gets” me because he has also survived through the hardest of life’s situations, though not the same things as me.

I wish I could be known by others enough to find others like that around me— kindred spirits.

But no one talks anymore.

Everyone talks— but says not much of that measure of value.

How well are you known by anyone else?

In my spirit, though I long for those around me who identify with me— I know there is always One Who “gets” me.


I haven’t experienced what He has— maybe a few things on a tiny scale.

He has experienced some of what I have, but not in the same ways that I have.

But He understands my reactions.

He sees where I have healed and still need to heal— sees the “invisible” wounds inflicted upon my spirit, throughout my life.

He is patient, kind, and gentle.

He has and is understanding.

He sustains me always, and He helps me get through those lonely times.

He truly is my Rock and my Salvation.

Walking With God

Father’s Day— Out Of The Ashes And Shadow Of Anger

Anger is a stumbling block and a thief.

Saul— before God gave him the new name of Paul— struggled with being angered by those he believed were blasphemous towards God.

So much so he had several followers of Jesus Christ killed.

After extreme measures by God to get his full, repentant, attention, God redeemed him.

Paul became so submitted to God, He entrusted his life and his death to Him. He feared nothing because he knew he was experiencing what he himself deserved after all he had done to others before Jesus saved him.

Maybe the mentioned mysterious thorn in his side was his knowing what he had done— knowing that he, “the chief of sinners” (as he called himself)— was undeserving— disqualified—because of his earthly actions. But God CHOSE to look past that, to forgive him and redeem him and use him to become a pillar of wisdom, knowledge, love, mentorship and leadership for us all. Still today through God’s Word, Paul is being used to bring freedom, healing, wisdom, knowledge, redemption, God’s forgiveness, and lasting fruit of God’s Holy Spirit.






Self control.

Everything Good thing that comes from God.

During Moses’s early life, he was set apart. He chose to suffer with his people, rather than indulge in the lifestyle he had been placed within. He chose God rather than submit to the leadership of the wealthy, earthly kingdom family even as he had been taken in as their own. He forsook Egypt, unafraid because of his faith in the Eternal God of his true people. Through faith he practiced, faithfully, the purposed traditions of his birth people, the Israelites. (Hebrews 11:23-29)

And yet— Moses killed a man— but God still chose to use him, chose to redeem his actions, to save His people. He did something unthinkable— yet God used him to part the red sea to set God’s people free from being slaves to the Egyptian government— the Israelites were some the world’s first examples of human trafficking.

God looks out for those who are mistreated— He rescues them— though we may not always recognize that’s what He’s doing. He uses us— as we submit fully to Him— to do so.

He cares.

He rescues.

He redeems.

He gives purpose.

He told Moses not to strike the rock with anger, but to speak to the rock— and He had His reasons. Maybe because speaking to that was metaphoric for God speaking to our rock-hard hearts. Or maybe because Moses had such a temper, he scared others and they didn’t feel safe with him. Because of Moses’s temper getting out of control with whiny, complaining— scared and unbelieving— Israelites, Moses lost His opportunity to enter the earthly promised land God gave to the Israelites.

But— Moses is one that was “seen” with Jesus on the Mount of Transfiguration— Mount Tabor (Luke 9:28-36).

If we look through the lens of these two fallible, messed-up men— we get a pair of example-binoculars to see God through.

These two “fathers” of Faith.

My own earthly father suffered from uncontrolled anger. (If I’m honest— we all suffered from his uncontrollable anger.) To this day I still react out of the “conditioning” I learned from just trying to not make my dad mad. In my own adult life I have offered to take the blame— be the scapegoat— in order to prevent someone else from having to suffer the consequences of someone else’s anger. Because that’s what I was forced to do as a kid. I was terrified of my dad’s anger— the actions that came out of that enraged condition.

I can imagine how terrified the Israelites could have been as Moses displayed anger— rage— on the few occasions we have on record in God’s Word. I can also imagine their hearts turning hard as rocks towards God because of the anger His chosen vessel displayed towards them!! When my brother and I complained or fought in the backseat of my dad’s car, he would reach back and smack us hard. I don’t think Moses ever struck the Israelites— but he broke the tablets of Commandments He wrote out while He was in that physical and spiritual high place communing one-on-one with God Himself. How scary that must have been— even though they certainly provoked Moses to react in anger. Moses hit the rock, out of anger provoked by afraid, lack-of-faith Israelites, when God specifically told him to **speak** to it in order to bring forth water for the Israelites in the desert to drink. Moses got angry because the Israelites were mirroring his own lack of self control— but rather than confront that with God’s directed way— he reacted from his own flesh reaction.

I used to struggle with anger. Anger born out of fear— anger I mirrored from what I had witnessed from my earthly dad.

When I gave my life entirely to God, He set me apart so far from my old life, He moved me across the world. He removed me from a toxic environment that most likely would have somehow killed me by now.

He has chipped away at everything that instilled anger that used to burn constantly at a low “heat” within my heart. He has tamped that down and instead He has stoked His love and concern for others as He built a new kind of fire within my heart of hearts.

It’s something He fans, the flames swell and flicker from the breezy winds of His Holy Spirit within me, outside of me or my control.

Out of the ashes of the fruit of anger, He has caused His purpose to become the fruition of my life.

I’m no Moses or Paul, or any named person written in God’s Word for us.

I am however written with His Book of Life.

Despite me..

Break-down/Break-through/Reaction, NF Lyrics, reality

Can I Cry “Uncle”?? (NF Happy Reaction)

I’m not sure where to even start.

There are so many things this song and video have stirred up in me this past week.

The title of this blog just mirrors what I am realizing within myself—

Everything I have experienced— is there ever a point where I can scream out in agony — “Enough already!”?

Is there going to ever be a complete healing, or is God just going to have to keep gouging out the infected areas of so many deep wounds that reach far beneath the surface of my very essence and existence?

Is there going to be a “sometime” where I can expect full healing to just be complete?

I mean— before God takes my spirit to Heaven?

The lyrics— once again God has given NF the words I just can’t ever put together to fix the puzzle of my darkest days past.

“I got some traumas that I can’t forget…”

But I’m not allowed to talk about them.

I’ve never been allowed to talk about them.

And now that I’m older, I’m just supposed to continue on like they never happened— or they never affected me.

Come on.

It’s time to be real!

I’ve skirted so many issues over the years, even in here, because of this invisible jail cell of silence I’ve been “sentenced” to.

I grew up traumatized by a mentally ill dad.

Just like the wish from the little girl in the video, as she blew out her candles— I left every bit of that behind so I could walk into a new life, as I followed closely— desperately— after Jesus.

Jesus forged my path into surviving, and becoming a victor— no longer a victim.

The mental and emotional abuse, on their own were enough to destroy me— except for Jesus reaching down into my life when I was just 5 or 6.

The physical abuse was more than any child should ever have to bare— and I bore it completely alone— except for Jesus.

No one reached out to me to comfort me, no one apologized to me — ever— for what my dad stole from me, and the ways he hurt me.

No family member ever had my back, was in my corner, or placed me into safety.

When my dad tried to murder my mom on Mother’s Day— he beat her with the sides of his fists— no one talked me through the effects of that.

No one.

I saw what he did.

That little girl’s face in this video— that reflects me as a child so accurately!!

I don’t know probably the majority of things he did to my mom— because she refuses to talk about stuff with anyone.

Especially me.

My mom has always had an underlying hate and embarrassment for me— for as long as I can remember.

She was always at work.

I had no relationship with her, other than she worked to make sure we had necessities.

And I am grateful for that.

But— I was robbed of a healthy, Godly relationship with her.

So— watching this HAPPY NF video— and trying to get a firm grasp of the lyrics that draw blood with every point made— so many things I’ve coated the surface over screamed in agony.

God has delivered me from the PTSD of my childhood— but His healing continues to go deeper, and becomes more intricate each time He has to gouge outmore infections I didn’t even know are there.

Infections that keep healing from being thorough.

Infections only God can see, and His timing to remove them knocks the wind out of my spirit at times.

“Living in my agony, watching my self-esteem go up in flames…” “Truth is I don’t know who I’d be if I was happy…”

What exactly is happy, anyway?

I think it’s a mirage.

Like Paul, I have learned how to become content.

So— I may not smile, I may not be outgoing and talk easily with strangers, or even acquaintances.

I have too many experiences to have that sort of carefree freedom.

I did not escape the traumas of the first half of my life unscathed.

I still freak out inside when I think about the cougar that used my head as his chew toy when I was 7 or 8.

I still feel the deepest sadness that I will never have any sort of relationship with my parents that I see so many of my friends now have, or had.

“I have family that I just can’t connect with.”

That’s why I moved away.

If I hadn’t followed God to where I am now, I doubt I’d be alive today— or want to be.

I am so very thankful for the second half of my life where God redeemed me and He provided me with a path and the support I have needed to move forward.

No one else had ever had my back.

God always has.

I am who I am today because God picked me up and carried me through trauma after trauma.

He saved my life more than once.

He Saved my soul.

He listened to me, and I have no doubt He has wiped away my rivers of tears many times.

Where I have been failed time after time by the people in my life, God never fails me.

For that reason alone I am able to rejoice despite so many years of suffering.

Break-down/Break-through/Reaction, introspection, NF Lyrics, Walking With God


For as long as I can remember, I have a deep intense need to be able to capture things important to me, and share them.

When I see an amazing sunset, or the always-changing beauty of the colors of the sea.

My picture taking lacks depth of those details.

If I learned to draw, could I learn skills that would help me capture fully what I see?

It’s the same for me with words.

Nf lyrics
NF lyrics

How can I fully convey those things deep within my soul that have held me bound?

NF lyrics

How do I explain what I know needs to be released?

NF lyrics
NF lyrics

I feel things so deeply!

Maybe that’s the product of so many years of feeling numbed by the painful things that shaped the first half of my life.

NF lyrics

For so long I thought that meant something was wrong with me.

I was told that something was wrong with me.

I was treated as though I’m nothing but ridiculous and not to be taken seriously.

It has taken me several decades to move past that— to know they were wrong.

Sensitivity— sensitivity that God has carefully crafted within me—has plagued me so deeply at times, it feels like the wind is knocked out of my spirit.

NF lyrics

Maybe others don’t experience this.

Maybe they do, but say nothing.

One thing I have learned is— if no one says anything, some people feel like they are alone in what they deal with internally.

If I can bring the internal turmoils, sensitivities and breath-stealing emotions to the surface— if I can capture them— maybe someone else will not feel alone anymore.

This describes how I felt years ago— but God has moved me on. (NF lyrics)

I have that same desperation to capture the things God focuses on within me as He continues to heal the deepest of inner wounds.

NF lyrics

Only He knows these wounds, but everyone “sees” them— they just don’t recognize what they are.

They surface as my reactions or responses to things.

My physical body has reactions and responses to my diet.

My emotional instincts have a reaction or response to the environment around me.

My inner spirit has reactions and responses to so many external things that attempt to poke and prod at it.


NF lyrics
NF lyrics


NF lyrics




NF lyrics
NF lyrics
NF lyrics

The good news is that God continues to be deeply at work within me— where no one else can see — in my heart, my understanding, my reactions and responses!

I am healthy.

In my mind.

In my heart.

In my spirit.

In my body.

Gaining more and more of God’s health and perspective every day!

Maybe He will give me the abilities and the opportunities to capture and share all He continuously reveals to me.

I am unworthy— I know this better than any person.

I know where He rescued me from— the bottom of rock bottom.

The only direction I had to go was ⬆️.


This was my life!!!

There is so much in this post.

Hopefully it pinpoints exactly what God has done, and is continuously correcting, healing, repairing and perfecting in me.

I believe God created me to be an open book of where, how and why He is— and has been— at work in me.

I am nothing but a complete mess without Him.

Stop It

Looked Through: Invisible

Know when you👋 wave 👋 to someone you know, and they look 👀 right through you?

Pretend they don’t see you?

Yeah— that happened to me today.


This happens to me all the time.

Unless it’s someone that wants something from me.

Then— they are thrilled to see me!

If I didn’t have a firm foundation in who I am in Jesus— this would crush me.

It stings— a lot.

I get it.

I’m unimportant.

I’m unworthy of their attention or their time.

My own birth family looks right through me without ever actually seeing me.

I’m at the point where I can say “ Fine, whatever! 🙄” and mean it.

But— when it’s someone who claims to be a Christian doing this to me??

I am NOT ok with it.

God is NOT ok with it.

I have such an amazing testimony of God’s deliverance, healing and His grace.

How many around me actually know this?

Very few.

Not because I’m unwilling to share.

Because people don’t want to listen.

My entire life I have been looked through, as though I don’t even exist.

People in front and in back at church don’t greet me.

Even when I get their attention.

It’s exhausting not interacting with people I am invisible to, or who have already set their minds to push me away.


And— it’s people part of a community that say they embrace how we all connect.— like Legos.

Well— guess who rarely gets connected with?

👉 🙋‍♀️ 👈

I prefer to have a very small group of people I know I can trust.

It’s fine that many choose not to include me.

But— that’s just it— they choose that.

I would at least give them a fair chance by getting to know them.

They, sadly, are oblivious to the sting of rejection they cause by elevating themselves above my feelings.

Feelings were not created by God to be stepped on or mocked.

They are not stupid.

They are necessary to gauge safety.

Especially for people who have lived through emotional or mental trauma.

How sad is it that it’s Christians my feelings often warn me will not be safe for me?

That is not a problem just with me.

It’s a symptom of a very deep-seated problem in the church.

A dark blemish on the bride of Christ— the church.

We have to stop hurting our brothers and sisters in Christ.

I have felt the sharp edges of people claiming to have Jesus— but having no love.

Lack of love + lack of grace = lack of Jesus.

Instead of looking through me, I pray God reflects Himself back.

That His Holy Spirit reveals truth and fixes what is broken or dysfunctional.

I hope we aren’t revealed to be the smelly ♨️ armpit ♨️ of the Body of Christ.

Something sure smells unpleasant— offensive— at times…

How many of us just need someone to smile, wave, enjoy— listen to us?

James 2:15-17 What if a Christian does not have clothes or food? And one of you says to him, “Goodbye, keep yourself warm and eat well.” But if you do not give him what he needs, how does that help him? A faith that does not do things is a dead faith.

Romans 12:15 Be happy with those who are happy, and weep with those who weep.

Galatians 6:2-3 Share each other’s burdens, and in this way obey the law of Christ. If you think you are too important to help someone, you are only fooling yourself. You are not that important.

Romans 15:1 We who are strong ought to bear with the failings of the weak and not to please ourselves.

1 Corinthians 10:24 Try to do what is good for others, not just what is good for yourselves.

Romans 12:5 So we, being many, are one body in Christ, and every one members one of another.

1 Corinthians 12:25-26 This makes for harmony among the members, so that all the members care for each other. If one part suffers, all the parts suffer with it, and if one part is honored, all the parts are glad.

James 1:22 Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says.


Chasing Acceptance— Conditioned Or Suffocated?


This is the one word, the one question, that has defined so much of me.


Why has everything so often been such a fight for me?

My life, in so many ways, has been so exhausting.

I have gotten to a point where I don’t think much on my past.

My past no longer defines me.

Except in the minds and opinions of a few people who refuse to see I am not who I once was—

I’m not who they have thought I’ve been.

For years I felt like I was trapped inside of a mirror.

Some looked at me, and instead of seeing me—

—they see their opinion of me.

Opinions reflect back, and hide the reality of me.

I removed myself from that.

It was either leave, or die.

No one has seen the desperation I have dealt with in my own heart, because of my decisions and behaviors of past me.

God has seen, though.

He sees me.

The actual me.

I am a new creation in Christ Jesus.

So— finally— I have been walking in that freedom.

Until recently I walked right into a wall of that— once again.

And once again— there is that question


And here again is that mirror I am trapped in while this person admires his opinion of me.

It’s not imagined.

It’s not in my head.

It’s not something I can just not be affected by.

Because there will always be that question—


I don’t deserve that.

Maybe if people who I should naturally receive acceptance from didn’t hold up their reflected opinions to define me instead of taking time and care to get to know me— maybe this would not matter.

But— that is not the case.

I was conditioned from an early age to believe that I can never be enough— good enough, smart enough, confident enough— to earn acceptance. Acceptance isn’t just given away.

I used to believe I had to just live inside of that reflection of their opinions.

I let them keep me there.

I accepted it.

Now I just want God to shatter that mirror and allow who He has formed me to be, who He has healed me to be—

Shine through.

His Light in my life can be blinding to those unprepared to see it.

He has healed my mind.

He replaced my broken/destroyed heart that had turned cold and hard from years of rejection, misunderstanding, lack of compassion, abuse and hard circumstances— replaced it with a heart of flesh.

He is continuously healing my body.

He healed my broken spirit.

I have moved closer to Him, as I have moved farther away from all of those who have a history of having caused me emotional and spiritual injury.

No one would want to walk in the shoes of my past.

I have to revisit some of these things to re-appreciate what I know God has done for me., and I don’t want to walk in the shoes of my past.

I finally feel freedom to allow joy to begin shining into and through me.

Some just don’t get it— I didn’t have joyfulness in the first half of my life.

They just don ‘t get it— I was living in mourning.

I still mourn the loss of my dad.

Not his death.

That we had no relationship.

That he missed out on the healthy relationship God wanted him to have with me.

I have mourned the loss of many relationships.

Until my husband won my heart— I never knew acceptance. I never had the freedom to just be me!

I had to learn who me is.

And now I know—

I am a child of God.

Jesus is now reflected through me, in me.

I am a new creation in Christ Jesus.

If those who value their opinions over God’s work cannot recognize that—

They are missing God.

After looking closely at all of this going on under the surface of me, and writing what I’m experiencing, realizing and feeling—

My spirit can breath again.

It’s no longer being suffocated.

My spirit is nurtured carefully by God.

He has been so, so GOOD to underserving



One Anothering: When God Reaches Down

Have you ever been preoccupied with something, and have God grab your attention with His overwhelming kindness?

It’s happening for me, right now.

I often wish I could capture the full beauty of a sunset or a rainbow.

Right now I want so much to capture the fullness of how God is working in me.

Sunday we went to watch Jesus Revolution

Loved it!!

As we were looking for seats, someone called out my name in complete surprise: “Jami?? Is that you?? You guys are still here??”

I was so surprised when I realized it was our previous pastor’s wife (also a pastor).

I want to say it was a completely happy surprise— but there is complicated history there, I won’t get into now. I love them like I love my complicated family.

But, I was happy— reserved a bit— but happy to talk with her.

We grabbed seats behind them, just a few minutes before the National Anthem started, so not much time to get settled and catch up a little.

As we watched the movie, a few pieces jumped out as reminders when we were congregation members of their church.

God had His hand in us meeting there, for sure!

As the movie ended and we started out of the theater, I was prepared to just say our goodbyes and go our separate ways.

She wanted to talk more.

We all— my husband, her husband, she and I, and two of our boys stood outside catching up more for maybe another 20 minutes.

I finally had to go sit down, my knee wasn’t enjoying standing.

She walked with me to my car, and then she asked if she could pray for my knee.

In the back of my mind, I had so many conflicts of interest— “What if God doesn’t want to heal my knee?” We’re supposed to meet someone and he’s waiting on us…” “She really wants to pray for me??”

I agreed, and she started to pray. She prayed for my knee to be healed, for my legs and my hips.

I have experienced God’s healing many, many times, in various ways.

This time I didn’t feel an overwhelming sensation. But— my knee stopped hurting. The stiffness eased up.

And it’s continuing to not hurt and not feel stiff.

I believe God will and definitely can heal me if He wants to.

But in that moment of her praying for me, I felt more of a burden for the guy waiting on us than for God to heal me.

Sitting here now, God brought that back to mind, and with that He has spoken to my spirit, “Your needs are important to Me, too.”

“You are important to me.”

Suddenly, emotionally overwhelmed, my mind flashed back to the times where I needed something but my need wasn’t valued by someone else.

My “importance”, I have always believed, was in being patient, and available for others— whenever possible and led by God— to help other people.

I have always felt I needed to be self-sufficient, (and have been humbled greatly by that being so limited over the last few years).

I have believed others are much more important than I am— to everyone.

My health has been improving steadily because of severe, necessary diet changes.

God led me to make those changes. He has been involved in my healing this entire journey.

I just thought He had already provided me with His help and healing through that.

But He has even more for me.

More healing.

More of Him in my life.

Through someone things have become so compiicated with.

I am unworthy of so much kindness from Him.

I am so thankful for His attentiveness towards me in so many ways though-out my life.

Proverbs 17:22
Verse Concepts
A joyful heart is good medicine,
But a broken spirit dries up the bones”

He is giving me joy!!

As He heals my body through education and proper diet— He is also healing my broken spirit.

I’m certain sone will read this and think either I don’t know what that means, or that I am exaggerating— I assure you, neither is the case.

God has been so deeply at work within me, for 3 decades, healing the deepest of wounds from the darkest of days.

And yet— He still completely, emotionally overwhelms me by taking a few minutes to have someone pray for complete healing of something I have become settled in just living with.

My God Shall Supply ALL of my needs!

And here’s my encouragement for you—

If He will supply all of mine— He most certainly will supply all of yours!

Reality Check, Walking With God

What’s In A Phrase?

There are key phrases in our culture and daily lives that we hear and say often, but have we stopped to think what they actually mean?

One that’s sticking out to me at the moment is our “self worth”.

Each of us have value to many other people and sources. The value isn’t always a positive thing, or in our best interest, though.

Take our current online culture, for instance— our individual and collective value is often in the form of data. Pieces of us— information or data, have become a type of currency in some ways, as Social Media platforms make deals with various advertisers, government officials, even governments themselves, to get as much data as possible in an infinite number of ways.

We are valuable sources for information.

To politicians, we are valuable for molding by opinions and “news” reports to help “shape” our opinions through fear, outrage, disappointment and anger. They value us for our votes for them or their causes.

But self worth— that’s a whole different facet.

Self worth is often influenced by the negative things people say about us or to us, or negative reactions.

For instance, if, as a child, we grew up in a critical environment where complimentary things spoken to us was not common-place, our understanding of our self worth can morph into the pictures we get from the words of others, or develop as a reflection within that environment.

For instance— being called “good-for-nothing”, “worthless” and “just in the way”— that has affected how I view myself, in so many ways. I heard those things decades ago, but somehow they became embedded in the make-up of who I have developed into.

In some ways, that has actually spurred on some positive things. Having lived through the impact of those words hitting my malleable confidence, I know how much they hurt to both hear and receive treatment from others as being true.

But, even now I have a tough time finding my footing to be solid in relationships with others. I don’t have the benefit of self confidence near as much as I did years ago.

Life has happened. Circumstances have beaten me down. Health issues have left me tired and weakened.

I’m finding I have a new resolve now, though.

I’m resolved to surround myself, carefully, with those who purpose to build me up. I can’t use my limited energy on having to repair what others would tear down with their harsh opinions and treatment.

I’m finding, for the first time in my life, I feel delicate and I need to guard that.

And anyone who would mock that, I don’t even want them to be a part of my life.

My confidence is not the self worth that the world insists that I have.

My only worth is in Jesus. He highlights Himself in me— my words and my actions.

These aren’t just words and actions to me. I can dazzle the world all I want with gifts, talents, and pizzazz— but I cannot fool God. The things we strive for in this life mean nothing in Eternity with God.

So— in my personal life I have set up boundaries for me— Either I am built-up in Him by those who love Him, or I hide in Him to block out the mean and spiteful things meant to pull me down on a level God never created me to be on.

If I am really hidden in Christ Jesus, the things or people that seek to tear me down, can’t touch me.

I wish I were there already!! I have such a long way to go! Until then— I’m gonna struggle with confidence and sure-footedness with others.

I’m giving myself permission to be who I am as I continue to grow into who God is shaping me to be.

I can’t conjure up self-confidence just because some demonstrate no grace, no tolerance, or no understanding.

I apologize for how I am way too often. I care about the opinions of others way too much. I’ve tried to live up to those heavy expectations and opinions— until I just can’t any longer.

I’m not strong enough.

I try to hold myself up to a different standard because I know how it feels to be on the end I have where lived my entire life— where my personal beliefs, my experiences, my opinions have been treated as stupid, unimportant, uninformed or wrong because someone doesn’t agree.

My self confidence has taken many direct hits during it’s existence. I’ve lived with the belief if I’m not doing something perfect, I’ll just be messing it up for everyone. If I make a mistake, that’s what people will remember, not the 99% that was done right.

To some degree, everyone experiences this— I know.

I have built up a personal intolerance for it.

I believe God also has intolerance for it, as well.

Modeling myself after Christ means I have to self-regulate the way I treat others.

I have to monitor myself.

I also have to protect myself in Christ to be sure I am being built-up in Him.

Not by the world’s standards.

By Christ’s standards.

Demonstrating not only His love for others— but His love for me— His confidence in me.

I’m not used to anyone having confidence in me.

So— the Creator having confidence in me?

That is a tough one to keep a grip on.

True humility is admitting and embracing God’s truth about ourselves.

He thinks more highly of me than most in my family ever will, more highly than any person I’ve ever interacted with—

More highly than I could ever imagine, or dare to think/believe about myself.

He sees the whole picture.

I see one pixel of the picture…

He has chosen to use this nearly-destroyed vessel— in remarkable ways I still can’t believe He chooses to.

He knit me in my mother’s womb, and He is still reshaping what He put together.

I am not kidding when I say— if He can use my life, my heart, and instill His purpose in me— He absolutely can and will in anyone!!

In you.

I am amazed by His work in and through my life.

He weaves threads continuously that are creating a perfect picture— tapestry— throughout all of time.

My life is one thin, short strand in the most beautiful picture ever created by anyone.

God’s Eternal tapestry.

Walking With God

The Heart That Holds On

“Oh no, You never let go

Through the calm, through the storm

Oh no, You never let go

Through every high and every low

Oh no, You never let go

You never let go of me!”

I can’t begin to tell you how God used this song to rescue me, to reach deep into my soul, during one of the most difficult times of my life.

He never let go. He didn’t turn me away. He wasn’t too busy for me.

He saw me.

I don’t think my circumstance had even reached the next portion of this song, but it gave me hope.

“I can see the Light that is coming for the heart that holds on

There will be an end to these troubles

But until that day comes

Still I will praise You

Still I will praise You”

And then, now when I look back— I can recognize I am now walking within that hope, living within it.

My heart is one that has held on. At times, in desperation, and at other times in the dull numbness that traumatic situations tend to cause. There has been an end to deep troubles, and I have been able to praise Him— even when I didn’t see how things could change. But— I believed God could make the changes— if it was His Will to.

It was His Will.

“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” John 16:33

His Word never changes.

“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” Matthew 11:28

God's Heart

Love Language: Gift Giving— It’s So Much Bigger Than Just “Me”

I love to give gifts to people. It’s a joy to hunt for just the “perfect” thing that I hope will bless the receiver.

It’s part of who I am, and what I do.

Years ago, when someone was praying was praying over me, they said, “You can’t “out-give” God.” From time to time, I remember that, and I ponder what it could mean.

But lately— the last few weeks— that has been swirling around in my thoughts.

This past Christmas, I was given the opportunity help a dear, dear friend get special ornaments to someone else, in a different country, to bless and minister to others.

Normally, this wouldn’t have been an issue. But— Covid caused major changes in the mailing system.

At first, someone else was supposed to get them from me, and then mail them. But— that didn’t work out.

So, with some help figuring out what to do, I was finally able to learn how to do it.

The process of figuring it out— it was frustrating! I was tempted to be annoyed, and may have given in to that a little… 😳😔

But— this friend who was asking for my help— if you knew her, you’d know what I know about her. She’s probably the most giving, sincere, kind person I’ve ever been blessed to meet.

So— I figured out the process.

Then I found out there was a deadline for getting it to my friend’s friend! Prayerfully, I got it mailed, and it arrived just in time!

All that intimidation and worry about language barriers, how to pay for it and difficulty physically for me were found to be pretty ridiculous— It was such an easy process, once I figured out what to do.

I felt happy that I got to be a tiny part in blessing others, to help share the Gospel message.

My dear, dear friend messaged me today. Her friend had passed away.

I’m sitting her marveling at how God used me to bless someone who just wanted to be a blessing to others.

Gifts that now serve as a special memory of a selfless, beautiful sister in Christ, that I never got to meet— but I will get to meet her, and rejoice with her, in Eternity one day.

This time I had no part in hunting for the “perfect” gift. This time I was just a messenger helping get the perfect gifts to another destination.

Funny how things impact us that we never expect will.

We cannot out-give God.

His purposes are as mysterious as they are fulfilling and more beautiful than simple words can ever describe.

“For I know the plans that I have for you,’ declares the LORD, ‘plans for prosperity and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope. Then you will call upon Me and come and pray to Me, and I will listen to you.” Jeremiah 29:11-12 NASB


False Encouragement

I think we all have well-meaning people in our lives. You know the ones that are quick to redirect our honest, heartfelt, deep moments of transparency, into something that makes them feel more comfortable.

The ones that think they know us well enough to correct us.

But reality is— they just don’t get us at all.

They don’t realize the wall they are putting up, or the signals they send.

Maybe this is why God is often the only One I feel comfort in, or safe confiding in.

God has never left me feeling like something is wrong with me.

He never leaves me feeling like I’m stupid, or over-sensitive, or misunderstanding His Word or calling on my life.

He never tells me to push myself farther than I know is too much for me.

He tells me to lean on Him, that He is my strength.

Not that I have to do things in my own strength or because it’s what people are expecting me to do or be like.

God has never made me feel like I don’t know what I’m talking about.

God never makes me feel like I’m a burden.

I am often confronted with things I see others have that I just don’t have.

Relationships I’ve just never had access to, for whatever reason.

I’ve spent my life working to be for others what I’ve wished I had.

Someone who hasn’t been in my shoes can’t understand my perspective.

That doesn’t mean my perspective is wrong.

That doesn’t make me a target for mocking and sarcastic opinions.

That makes me normal.

I have been broken.

God has chosen to repair some things, but He has also— for His reasons— chosen to not repair other things.


Giving my life to Christ has not fixed anything about me to perfection.

I have been conditioned to feel ashamed, to feel “less than” everyone else.

But Not by God.

God has been working deeply in me to re-condition me. To fix ungodly beliefs about me being deserving of nothing more than being under the feet of others. Ungodly beliefs that I deserve to be the scapegoat carrying the shame of others.

That is not what God has created me to be.

I have grown children, and I’m still struggling with a belief system imposed on me as a child— the belief that things would be better if I just weren’t born. Belief that I’m supposed to take the blame for things others have done.

Belief that my reputation, my feelings— my life— don’t matter like everyone else’s does.

Undeserving of the life God chose to give to me.

Those are lies of the enemy of God that people who claim to be Christians have imposed upon me.

It’s not often, anymore, that I reflect upon these things.

As I do now, I recognize God’s Hand upon my life.

God moved me away. He has provided for me and nurtured me.

As The Potter, He has been deep at work reshaping the ungodly beliefs others have bestowed upon me. People I have striven to impress, to gain the attention and affection of.

Even today, decades later, the striving is in vain.

It’s exhausting being the only one that cares about nurturing relationships I’ve wanted to desperately hang on to.

I am exhausted.

So— I am letting them go.

I’m not expecting the same effort I put in. In fact— I’ve already experienced the evidence that I can fade off into the distance, and just be gossip, but no relationship.

Experience has taught me I’m not someone others will put that effort into.

Emotionally it has always been a taxing thing for me. It has caused anxiety, stress— worry…

Physically I am just as weak as I am emotionally, now.

My reaction wants to be to just not care.

But that’s not how God made me.

God made me to not only care— He made me to empathize with others who have similar experiences.

There are those I’ve tried to share things with that will tell me to calm down, that I’m too sensitive, that what I’m feeling or understanding isn’t real.

Those people are wrong.

And I’m done hitting the walls they put up out of intolerance for what is just me.

God placed them in my life. I don’t believe they are fulfilling God’s calling for them in my life, and I do think God cares.

Often my spirit feels weighted down with a sense of grieving. That is just fact.

It’s not depression.

It’s not self-esteem issues.

It’s grief.

Grief over the ones who helped instill those ungodly beliefs God is working to fix my understanding of.

Grief as He calls attention to them, as He focuses on making sure I recognize each one of them, and He shows me what His Truth about each one is.

People are fallible.

I just want to be malleable under His Hand as He works out all of those mars and lumps.

NF – All I Have Lyrics excerpts “All I ever wanted was somebody to hear me
And all I ever wanted was somebody to feel me
And everybody wanna tell me that I’m out of my head…”
“And you better get ready cause you might find
I’m from a different place and my kind
It’s a little bit different than yours is…”
“I don’t live for the world
I live for the King, I live for the King, focus
Wrote this with emotion
You do what you wanted but you can’t contain me…”

Don’t tell me that this isn’t real, don’t tell me it’s not how I feel…”

“All I ever wanted was somebody to get this…”
I stand behind these words. I’m a Christian but I’m not perfect
Don’t tell me to calm down. I’m calm now,…”
“Yeah it might take a minute to get it but once you get it everything will be crystal clear
I don’t think they see my vision here. I don’t think they see my vision here!
Don’t tell me that this isn’t real
Don’t tell me this ain’t how I feel
This is all I have. All I have.”

NF – All I Have

The Past

Bearing False Witness

Exodus 20:2-17 NKJV)1“I am the Lord your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage. You shall have no other gods before Me. 2“You shall not make for yourself a carved image, or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth; you shall not bow down to them nor serve them. For I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers on the children to the third and fourth generations of those who hate Me, but showing mercy to thousands, to those who love Me and keep My Commandments. 3“You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain, for the Lord will not hold him guiltless who takes His name in vain. 4“Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy. Six days you shall labor and do all your work, but the seventh day is the Sabbath of the Lord your God. In it you shall do no work: you, nor your son, nor your daughter, nor your male servant, nor your female servant, nor your cattle, nor your stranger who is within your gates. For in six days the Lord made the heavens and the earth, the sea, and all that is in them, and rested the seventh day. Therefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath day and hallowed it. 5“Honor your father and your mother, that your days may be long upon the land which the Lord your God is giving you. 6“You shall not murder.7“You shall not commit adultery. 8“You shall not steal. 9“You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor. 10“You shall not covet your neighbor’s house; you shall not covet your neighbor’s wife, nor his male servant, nor his female servant, nor his ox, nor his donkey, nor anything that is your neighbor’s.”

God added this into His Commandments for us all to live by, for a reason.

When we ruin the credibility of another, for whatever reason, we crush that person’s potential.

I have lived under the crushing weight of this for much of my life. As soon as I think I’ve broken free from the stranglehold of someone else’s lie about me, it comes back to smack me in the face.

It not only limits what God is able to accomplish through my life, it grieves the Holy Spirit, because He can’t use my life fully and His calling in me has been stunted.

What is the one sin God’s Word tells us that God will not forgive?

Grieving His Holy Spirit.

I may live under that crushing weight— still to this day— but the ones that have done this to me will have to face God about it.

Don’t lie about others.

God is not pleased by it.

It is hateful, pure and simple.

As much as it has felt suffocating and impossible for me to escape from, I believe it angers God. He has plans for my life.

He will, one day (soon, I hope), break me free from that false prison my reputation and credibility have been entrapped in.

I reacted to something I feel very deeply troubled about. I confided in someone I thought I could trust, I mistakenly believed she was a safe source, my friend… What I shared was told to several others— including one of the people it was about.

I was accused of lying.

I didn’t lie.

Serious consequences happened to me, as a result.

Those who knew the truth abandoned me, just watched as so much was ripped out from under my feet.

I have patiently endured this, even thought it finally had vanished.

But— it’s back.

I pray God brings the ones who accused me falsely of lying— to repent.

Because my patience with this has reached its end.

This has made my relationships with people involved toxic.

Only God can repair things.

I pray that He will. Because I’m washing my hands of the entire thing.

Break-down/Break-through/Reaction, introspection, NF Lyrics, reality, The Past

Translucent— Paralyzed (Do You See Me Down Here, Oh Lord?)

Merriam-Webster defines translucent as:

permitting the passage of light:

: transmitting and diffusing light so that objects beyond cannot be seen clearly

Clear, transparent

translucent water

: free from disguise or falseness”

I guess if I had a “theme” for my blog posts, this might be a defining term I’m aiming for.

I’ve been working my way through more NF songs, lately. Today, I have two on my heart.

The first one, I think it’s a deeply important one to address— “Paralyzed”. The second is the chorus from “Oh Lord”. (I think both can be a great mash-up.)

As the “Paralyzed” lyrics flow, they hit sensitive areas in my past that I buried or forgot about.

Oh, my God, thank You— he has described this lack of just everything— that I could never put a name to!!

I still have moments of this numb feeling, in certain social situations, I get struck with this— paralysis— NF has given it a name! I can define it! You have no idea how impactful and healing that is for me. If the “spotlight” focus of attention is on me— I still sometimes freeze up! When I leave social meetings, I sometimes have this weird ache— almost like that feeling when the numbness wears off at the dentist— in my chest. I feel vulnerable,


I spent many of my youthful days going through the motions, disconnected from my emotions.

These lyrics transcend just words for me— they overwhelm my spirit with… I don’t really know what. Understanding, maybe? Relief?

I didn’t think anyone could ever understand. No one around me ever seemed to. But then— I was afraid to even ask, to talk about anything.

I just thought I was alone.

And then— I remember someone telling me they struggled with the same kind of eating issues that I did— and they gave it a name— Anorexia. I thought I had a friend I could identify with, that understood me. But— friendship with me wasn’t something she was interested in. In fact— she seemed annoyed that I had those problems too.

I was alone.

My whole life, all I ever wanted was to feel included, wanted, appreciated— valued.

Absorbing the lyrics from the NF song “Paralyzed”— they took me right back to those moments. Only, as I again felt them, I was also standing outside of it all, looking at it from a perspective of having been healed, or delivered, from the damage and circumstances that rendered me


I remember walking through my middle school hallways, realizing— I couldn’t feel anything.

I was emotionally numb.

I think that was when the self harm started for me.

I spent years hiding the scars on my arms and legs. They have faded, can’t be seen easily anymore, but I know exactly where they are.

When I wrote poems, I marveled over where the words even came from. I didn’t write thoughts I was meditating on, inspiration didn’t come from outer sources, dreams or conversations. I would wake up in the middle of the night, and I just had to write.

“Can You see us down here, Oh Lord?”

I wonder what I look like to God? I know all the encouraging words of Scripture— and I believe them.

I also know God sees what we can’t see or understand.

I think as the lyrics from “Paralyzed” grab my heart, make me catch my breath from overwhelming remembrance, understanding— and emotions I’m no longer detached from, flood all my senses— I see that God is outside of things, but He somehow still feels what we feel, He sees what we see— and so much more.

My world felt impossibly dark and devastating.

But God.

God’s Light has diffused the darkness my soul was held captive in. His Holy Light came into my life, and all that nasty darkness fled— Jesus set this captive free. He healed my heart and my life.

He restores my soul.


As much as we often believe our childhood shapes and defines us— it’s not permanent. I believe that.

The damning, torturous grip that once had its hold on me, has been released.

God broke the fingers of that stronghold over my perception, that affected my decisions.

There are some who are in a similar place to where I was.

It can get better. Most often, circumstances aren’t permanent. There is nothing God cannot change, heal, repair, restore or improve.

You are not alone.

Nothing is too difficult for God.

When did I become so numb?
When did I lose myself?
All the words that leave my tongue
Feel like they came from someone else

I’m paralyzed (Do You see me down here, oh Lord?) (Yeah, I’m just so paralyzed)
Where are my feelings? (Don’t You see me down here, oh Lord?) (Yeah, I’m just so paralyzed)
I no longer feel things (I have no feelings)
I know I should (Can You see me down here, oh Lord?) (Oh. How come I’m not moving? Why aren’t I moving? Ay yeah)
I’m paralyzed
Where is the real me? (Can’t You see me down here, oh Lord??) (Where is the real me?)
I’m lost and it kills me – inside (I’m paralyzed)

[Verse 1:]
When did I become so cold?
When did I become ashamed? (Ooh)
Where’s the person that I know?
They must have left
They must have left
With all my faith

[Verse 2:]
I’m paralyzed (Do You see me down here, oh Lord?)
I’m scared to live but I’m scared to die
And if life is pain then I buried mine a long time ago
But it’s still alive
And it’s taking over me – where am I? (Don’t You see me down here, oh Lord?)
I wanna feel something, I’m numb inside
But I feel nothing, I wonder why
And on the race of life time passes by
I sit back and I watch it, hands in my pockets
Waves come crashing over me but I just watch ’em (Can You see me down here, oh Lord?)
I just watch ’em
I’m under water but I feel like I’m on top of it
I’m at the bottom and I don’t know what the problem is
I’m in a box (Can’t You see me down here, oh Lord?)
But I’m the one who locked me in
Suffocating and I’m running out of oxygen

Do You see us down here? Oh Lord
Can You see us down here? Oh Lord
Oh Lord, oh Lord
Can You see us? Can’t You see us down here? Oh Lord
Oh Lord, oh Lord
Can You see us? Can’t You see us?”

Break-down/Break-through/Reaction, introspection, NF Lyrics

Keeping It 100– Real

My youngest has become a superfan of NF. My whole family, I think, is a fan at some level, but my youngest, who is 11, surprises us sometimes by his choice in ringtones (Leave Me Alone!— NF song 😅), and what he has stored on his flip phone— mostly NF songs. The other day, he chose Therapy Session to play through the car radio. I asked him if he related to the words and felt like he needed therapy because of me, lol. He said “No.”

As I absorbed the impact of the words in the song, once again I was drawn into just how much they reflect my own heart. One phrase is “I was talking to fans
And one of them pulled me aside and said
“We never met but I swear that you know who I am
I been through a lot
I don’t know how to express it to people, don’t think that I can…”

Well, that’s me, for sure. I could have been that fan!

Another phrase jumped out at me, and has been bouncing around in my thoughts. It’s actually the inspiration for this post.

“This music” (my blog) “is not just for people who sit in the pews and pray at the churches
I’ve been rejected
I don’t expect everyone to respect it
I don’t expect you to get my perspective
What you expect from a therapy session, huh?

“I mean, I think sometimes people they confuse what I’m doing
I write about life, I write about things that I’m actually dealing with
Something that I’m actually experiencing, this is real for me
Like this is something that personally helps me as well
I’m not confused about who gave me the gift
God gave me the gift, and he gave me the ability to do this…”

“And he also gave me this as an outlet…”

This is me here—

The experiences NF has shared in his music are NOT the same as mine— the reactions, emotions, and scarred-over-wounds— they often are the same.

You don’t walk away, sometimes run away, from the things I’ve lived through and some things I have done, without wounds— some very, very deep wounds. Most are now scars— but

even scars hurt sometimes.

While this is sometimes my type of therapy, I am open and honest in sharing here to possibly reach out to maybe even one person who needs soneone to step up along side them, and show someone really does understand.

That is always my intent here.


So, I am going to be misunderstood.

I am going to be “corrected”.

I am still going to be told I should write about “happy, positive things”.

I am going to be given advice I don’t need.

I am going to make some people uncomfortable.

I want to apologize, because that’s in my nature, but I won’t. Because this is how God made me.

I don’t need a therapist— I have God. God’s Holy Spirit is my counselor. His Word is my “self-help” book.

I have this blog to sort out things. To help me see things, to work through them.

I get it all out or my head and my heart, sometimes here, sometimes in prayer privately.

I have learned that how to let things go, to give them to God, is to NOT try to lock them in a dark closet, or sweep them under a rug.

To get them out into the open, to look at them fully, to examine the roots as much as possible, to confront them— to surrender them to Jesus.

And then I move on.

Sometimes I bring others into my process through my blog posts— but not always.

Sometimes it’s just between God and me.

But— you, whoever and wherever you are, are always welcome to look here to find understanding and hopefully some degree of God’s healing.

Everyone needs to be heard, to be understood— to be identified with.

That’s my intention— always.

I am not the perfect writer. I am not perfect in any way— ever.

I am just real.

Because that’s how God has made me to be.

“Yeah, I gotta say like a month ago
I was talking to fans
And one of them pulled me aside and said
“We never met but I swear that you know who I am
I been through a lot
I don’t know how to express it to people
Don’t think that I can but I got that mansion CD on rotation
That’s real for me Nate, you do not understand”
It’s crazy for me
Kids hit me up, say they slitting they wrists on the daily
This music is more than you think
Don’t book me for just entertainment, it’s entertaining
Hearing these parents, they telling their kids
My music is violent, you gotta be kidding me
I guess that your definition of violence and mine
Is something that we look at differently
How do you picture me ah?
Want me to smile, you want me to laugh
You want me to walk in the stage with a smile on my face
When I’m mad and put on a mask, for real though
I mean, what you expect from me?
I’m tryna do this respectfully
They say that life is a race
I know my problems’ll probably catch up eventually
I do my best to be calm
How you gon’ write me and tell me you slaughter my family?
That’s just a glimpse to the stuff that get sent to me
These the parts of my life that’ll never see, woo
I am aware it’s aggressive
I am not here for acceptance
I don’t know what you expect here
But what you expect when you walk in a therapy session?

Therapy, therapy session
Therapy, therapy session

This girl at the show looked me in the face
And told me her life’s full of drama
Said that her dad is abusive
Apparently he likes to beat on her mama
I got so angry inside
I wanted to tell her to give me his number
But what you gon’ do with it right?
You gon’ hit him up then he’ll start hitting her harder
That’s real
These kids, they come to my shows
With tears in they eyes
Imagine someone looking at you
And saying your music’s the reason that they are alive
Sometimes, I don’t know how to handle it
This type of life isn’t glamorous
This ain’t an act for the cameras
You see me walk on these stages but have no idea what I’m dealing with after it
I put it all in the open
This is the way that I cope with all my emotion
I’m taking pictures with thousands of people
But honestly, I feel like nobody knows me
I’m trying to deal with depression
I’m trying to deal with the pressure
How you gon’ tell me my music does not have a message
When I’m looking out at this crowd full of people I know I affected?
Ah, I got some things in my life, I know I should let ’em go
Let me jot it down, let me take a mental note
I put it all in this microphone, think about that for a minute
What is the point of this song, I’m just venting but what you expect from a therapy session?

Therapy, therapy session
Therapy, therapy session

What you think about me
That doesn’t worry me
I know I handle some things immaturely
I know that I need to grow in maturity
I ain’t gon’ walk on these stages in front of these people
And act like I live my life perfectly
That doesn’t work for me
Christian is not the definition of a perfect me, woo
I ain’t the type to be quiet
I ain’t gon’ sit here in silence
If I wouldn’t say what I say to your face
Then I promise you I wouldn’t say it in private
I am not lying
People go off on my page and I’m trying to quit the replying
But this is ridiculous
I’m passionate man, I really mean what I’m writing
You want me to keep it 100? Okay, I’ll keep it 100
I see a whole lot of talking on socials
But honestly, I don’t see nothing in public
I kinda love it, yeah
“Why don’t you write us some happy raps?
That would be awesome
All your music is moody and dark, Nate”
Don’t get me started
You wanna know what it’s like if you met me in person?
Listen to my verses
This music is not just for people
Who sit in the pews and pray at the churches
I won’t reject it
I don’t expect everyone to respect it
I don’t expect you to get my perspective
What you expect from a therapy session?

I mean, I think sometimes people they confuse what I’m doing
I write about life, I write about things that I’m actually dealing with
Something that I’m actually experiencing, this is real for me
Like this is something that personally helps me as well
I’m not confused about who gave me the gift
God gave me the gift and he gave me the ability to do this
And he also gave me this as an outlet
And that’s what music is for me
When I feel something, whether it’s anger
Um, it’s a passion about something, or frustration
Like this is where I go, this is, that’s the whole nfrealmusic thing man
This is real for me, I need this, this is a therapy for me”


Adopted As His, Restored For His Glory, Used For His Purpose— For Our Good

I struggle with something that has been medically defined as “body dysmorphia”, from an eating disorder I developed as a child. As a result— my view of myself and others physically is often pretty off.

Thankfully, God has been deeply at work healing me, in every way possible.

As God has been changing my perspective to match His, I have learned I just can’t rely on what I see, or what “feels” obvious.

I have traveled a long way from where I used to be. Physically in location, but also in many other ways. My reflex reactions to things, my understanding of what I see visually has been so skewed, I find I rely on other things to help me feel my way through life. I try to read people’s reactions, to gauge their acceptance of me through their words.

As a result, I don’t often see things the way others do and seem to expect me to.

It catches me off guard when others miss the heart of things I share, and get offended or misinterpret me.

I have always looked at myself as though something must be wrong with me.

God has been at work at how I see me. He has refined some things, He has changed how I focus, He has shown me that what I naturally am tempted to focus on doesn’t match up with what He accurately sees at all.

I have sensitivities others don’t seem to. The way many appear to respond or react has said to me that I am the problem.

Lately though, God has revealed to me that sometimes He’s highlighting what’s wrong with others.

He has fixed me not for the world’s acceptance, but for His purposes.

He reveals broken areas for me to be used to pray for them, to demonstrate His grace, His mercy, His kindness— His love.

His ways are, sadly, definitely not my own.

So He has been humbling me. Not to be mean or cruel, but so I will be of use to Him.

So I can join Him where He is at work.

My flesh still wants to resist, to be prideful, to reject what is uncomfortable.

But to reject that is to reject His purpose for what He’s changing in me.

If that makes me look peculiar— even to other Christians— I have to live with that.

He has been weeding out some very ugly things that have taken root and grown strongly in the garden of my understanding and my heart, that have become my focal points.

He has planted seeds that are just beginning to grow the fruit of His Holy Spirit that lives within very imperfect me. His fruit is becoming my offerings of sacrifice as I give up the old me and allow God to direct the new me He is still bringing about.

So many very ugly things are always being plucked out of me to make more room for the fruit God loves.

I have been adopted by Him, changed by Him, groomed for His purposes.

Nothing else matters.

My focal point has to be Jesus. Everything that blocks Jesus from my view has to be adjusted, fixed, or removed.


Who’s In Your Corner?

Lately I’ve been missing a family type of environment.

Having a group of people to laugh with, cry with, and have things in common with.

Where we have lived for many years is a fluid-like community— people always coming and going, no time to form long-lasting friendships that won’t become distant connections.

Don’t get me wrong— I love where we live. Location isn’t what needs to change for me.

As an introspective person, some of my first thoughts in most situations is to dig around in myself to look for root causes.

This is no different.

So— here I go.

A few years ago, during all the lockdowns and internationally persuaded isolation, I went through one of the most difficult times of my whole life.

I’m not new to difficult situations. My entire life has been wrapped with overly complicated things. Being a military spouse in itself is a level of difficult you can only fully understand after experiencing it.

But— a few years ago, a deeper level of difficult hit me hard, knocked the wind out of me and the foundation out from under me— destroyed important things that kept some sort of hope in me alive.

In that situation, I realized— my corner was empty. I had not one person I could go to, that I could bare my soul to.

Thankfully, I have learned that Jesus is the One I always have in my corner.

(Putting a “pin” in that— that’s the happy, perfect ending to this post.

I’m in the middle of it, though.)

Getting back to my thoughts— I had No person.

Then— one very unexpected family member reached out to me and told me if I ever need to talk, he is there to listen.

That is the first time anyone has ever offered that to me— and meant it. That gave me some of the hope back. I don’t know how I could ever talk with him about these things, but just knowing he was willing to reach out— that just made all the difference for me.

Most often, after I get through hard times, I do find people who I can share with to encourage them in their hard times. Sometimes they even let me encourage them. Sadly, some seem to react negatively. One person even told me I intimidated her because I’ve just been through so much, seen so much, experienced so much…

I can’t help that.

It’s just my life.

Because I’ve just gone through things, fought against them, pushed through so much, (usually alone), I have sincerely striven to be the type of person people can rely on to not have to go through things alone.

More than just about anything, I’ve wanted to be available— to be in the corner when someone who may not have anyone else, needs that.

Because I know what that feels like.

It makes the mountains seem impossible to get past.

But— with someone in our corner, we often move those mountains rather than try to overcome them. They are no longer intimidating.

My husband and I were talking recently about who we felt we could call at 4 am for urgent or emergency needs. What relationships have we formed that could hold up a need to lean on it?

Getting back to my “pin”…

I have learned through trial, error,—even personally devastating circumstances— that Jesus truly is always there.

I have learned that He is my Strength. He is my Fortress. He is my Provider. He is my Shelter in every storm. He is my Counselor.

He is my Savior— in every way, in every situation, in every relationship.

He IS.

He always provides the people who will be the ones for that 4 am call.

He will provide for this need I have for a family type group that I fit in with, that I have things in common with., that will listen and not be intimidated— or offended— when I share my life experiences and what God has done in them and through them.

He will provide a group that is family-like that won’t make fun of and mock the things that mean a great deal to me, to others when they talk about me. Those who won’t shut me out or argue because they don’t agree.

People who enjoy talking with me and listening to me.

People who sincerely value what I have to say.

Because He’s the One Who has made me realize just how much I need that.

Walking With God

Out Of Adversity A Victor Arises

Have you ever felt like your life was dealt a death blow?

Have you ever felt like you’re down for the count, so to speak, and everything in you screams to just give up, just give in to the pressure on you to stay down— make it stop!

Have you faced situations that made you want to just buckle under emotional stress and declare “Uncle!”

If so, what made you rise up and fight back?

Was it self pride? Tenacity? A hatred for losing?

What motivates you to stare into the tendrils of fear, and defy it’s pressure?

I am a fighter.

I will fight to survive.

I will fight against bad treatment of my children. I will fight for them to attain their dreams, as much as they will allow me to. I will fight for my relationships to be healthy and strong with each one of my children, because God lent them to me, entrusted me with them— and besides loving them, I sincerely like and enjoy each one of them.

Being a fighter is exhausting. It’s overwhelming.

When I’m fighting “battles” on several “fronts”— it takes everything I have in me.

The battle of health, home, relationships— sometimes mentally and emotionally, I am down for the count. Health alone is an enormous fight that most people never see, and nor would they understand.

The battle with my health is a constant undercurrent. Adding other battles to that is something I’ve grown used to, but in all of that, weakness wants to take over.

I’m not weak, though.

I’m actually stronger.

I’m stronger because I have help.

I don’t mean physically strengthened, but an inner resolve.

An unction.

Sometimes I forget that I don’t have to bear it all on my own. I have an inner, and outer strength that’s not my own.

Even when I forget, God remains faithful.

Even though I don’t deserve it— God sustains me.

Scripture has taught me that God works His purpose through people who have done some pretty bad things! Paul murdered people. King David almost killed his father-in-law, and he killed a giant, not to mention making sure a man died because he wanted his wife!

Yet God made sure their stories focused on what He accomplished through these imperfect humans.

While I tend to focus on all of the many, many ways I fall short and negatives that have hurt , God has been writing my story in His history books with Him and His grace at work both in me and through me, as the center focus.

Psalm 121:1-8 “A Song of Ascents. I lift up my eyes to the hills. From where does my help come? My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth. He will not let your foot be moved; he who keeps you will not slumber. Behold, he who keeps Israel will neither slumber nor sleep. The Lord is your keeper; the Lord is your shade on your right hand.

Romans 8:28 “And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.”

My inspiration comes from Jesus, Who did not just give up, but fought actual death— and won! He is my example, my inspiration my strength— my Help!

Every battle I struggle with, belongs to Him, and Him alone.

Walking With God

The Pre-Made Path Of Christianity

Something from a song I listened to today has gotten me thinking.

I believe most Christians are familiar with, or have at least heard of, the “Roman’s Road“ for simplifying the Gospel Truth.

That’s just one example of an effective way to help guide others through what can be an overwhelmingly large task in learning about Jesus and God’s plans for each of us.

That’s also one example of something we just do. We simplify, we go out of our way to find a way around difficult situations or long term plans.

Maybe you’ve heard the phrase “cookie cutter Christian”— the idea that we have to conform to some pre-made mold, to look like and act like everyone else in our “religion”.

I am a bad, bad cookie.

I just don’t fit into any of the pre-made molds I’m “supposed to” fill.

I never have.

Truth be told— I’ve never wanted to.

Even now, I’m struggling with a few things because I still have it in my belief-system that I have to be something God didn’t make me to be. For other things— there are reasons, experiences— even traumas— that have steered my reactions in a different way.

I know— I’m supposed to be conforming to Christ. And— I am. Just not in the way many in my life have tried to push me to do.

Their mold for me is not a good fit. The edges are too sharp, the design is too busy, the sizing is way off.

I don’t want to conform to what I should according to anyone’s opinion.

Their mold doesn’t look like the Jesus I adore.

Often, their mold is missing Grace.

It’s missing Peace.

It’s missing the Individualism God has specifically placed in each design of each person. Unique talents, gifts and interests.

It’s missing the Free Will God has gifted us all with— but far too many try to take that away from us.

The pre-made paths of doctrines, expectations, and behaviors don’t work well with everyone in the same way.

My path is continually being paved by God with kindness, graciousness, understanding, forgiveness, patience— yes, PATIENCE.

I’m so sad to say, I find these things to most often be lacking in any pre-made road anyone has ever tried to persuade me to walk down.

I need help to conform not to this world, but to Jesus.

How many times has humanity missed the mark because we are too distracted by someone else?

Time for us all to wake up. Before God has to cause a shake-up.

2 Timothy 3:5 holding to a form of godliness although they have denied its power; avoid such people as these.

My path is narrow, continually being laid before me, Thy Word Is A Lamp Unto My Feet, A Light Unto My Path.

Walking With God

Self Sabotage

Lately I have become aware of an enemy in my camp, so to speak.

I’d love to be able to point my finger, along with my focused outrage and frustration, at someone.

But, if I were to point any fingers at anyone at all— all of them would point at me.

I’m not sure why I work tirelessly to undermine myself or my confidence with myself, and others, in me.

Maybe it’s because I don’t believe I deserve it.

Maybe it’s because there are still old “tapes” running in the background of my thoughts— “You don’t deserve this.” “You are worthless.” “You don’t know what you are talking about.” “You are too emotional.” “Who do you think you’re fooling, anyway?”

Things I’ve heard others say to me, about me, over my life.

Things I’ve internalized, because certainly those people know me better than I know myself. Right?

I’ve put my confidence in how others see me, or how I think others see me— because I know I have blind spots. I can’t always see many things about me.

I have based so many things off of what it looks like other people’s reactions to me are.

I have plenty of things that are against me as I face the world, daily.

Overweight. Most people don’t even know I’ve lost a lot of weight. I still have a way to go before I’m satisfied with the outer me.

Physically I’m weak. I used to be strong. I used to be independent.

I used to value those things in myself, and even expected them from others.

God has allowed me to now be in a type of place filled with humility and self- disappointment. And— I’m sure that disappointment is universal.

I can’t do many things I used to be able to do.

So, the things I feel strongest in, I’m not confident in my ability to do them. I’m not confident I won’t just provoke further negative reactions to me.

Many years ago someone advised me that when I’m ministering to someone— praying for them, participating with praise and worship, speaking or teaching— don’t pay attention to people’s faces. Because you can’t tell what is happening inside their hearts. They can have a “look” on their faces or react/respond for an infinite amount of reasons. That can become a stumbling block for allowing God to just work through us.

As a violinist, that goes completely against my nature and teaching! I was taught to watch the conductor. Watch for the signals, the eye contact, the head nods, even verbal cues. While I wasn’t watching the crowds/audience per se, their reactions were always telling! Either they liked it, or they did not.

I just pay way more attention to those things, plus body language, than I probably should.

Because of words said to me, and reactions from people important to me over my life— I rarely trust when words don’t seem to match the rest of what I instinctively observe.

It gets confusing, trying to live up to expectations from signals and reactions others appear to have towards me.

Maybe that’s why I self-sabotage.

Who really expects I’ll ever amount to, or accomplish much of anything?

I mean— I’m too intense. I need to calm down. I’ve even been told someone wished I hadn’t been born… I’m just in the way. I talk too much. What I want to do, or how I feel is just stupid or embarrassing

I guess I’ve just unconsciously believed all of that. Even though, consciously I know it’s mostly not true or accurate.

I feel like I need to measure up to the expectations of others— and those unconscious thoughts have, in my past, been the expectations of others.

So— I self-sabotage.

Maybe that’s why I strive so much to always encourage others. I’ll be their cheerleader, because I have confidence in them. All of us need encouragers. I have them in my life now, I purposely surround myself with people who build up and encourage.

This world has too many ways we are constantly torn down. As Christians I believe God wants us to be builders— not destroyers.

Scripture has taught me that I need to place my confidence in Christ.

God made me with a purpose— His purpose for me.

Those things that have been said, those negative reactions to me, those expectations from others— they don’t match His view of me.

And— who knows me better than God?

Reality Check

My Complaining Heart

Yesterday was not my best “me” day.

Between Covid reactions and my own physical health issues with limited mobility, I am out of practice for busy-ness.

For years, I’ve maneuvered through the maze of living with an immune disorder. I’ve managed my time carefully when I can, because honestly being overwhelmed with just doing whatever and always being busy becomes a crushing weight— and then fatigue takes over everything.

I need peace of mind. I need intentionality in my daily, weekly and monthly schedules.

One day at a time.

One activity at a time.

Yesterday started out with a plan for me to not be busy.

Then, like life does— a wrench was thrown in.

Nothing about what I needed to do was tough, or a big deal.

Combined— more of the ugliness God has smoothed away, manifested.

The combined events— A/C in my car is busted, my window won’t easily roll down or back up, had to walk farther to my vehicle without my cane, had to also bring my dog, the back gate needed to be closed, then bad traffic…

Did I mention the A/C in my car is broken? (It’s so hot outside…)

Then— it rained. Of course it had to rain while my window was stuck open.

I got to my destination, got my cane and walked (hobbled) up to where I needed to pick up my son and his friend. In the rain. Then I had to wait in line. In the rain.

Some days I just don’t have much strength to stand very long.

I am so disappointed— heart broken really— that our culture does not even consider making things easier for those with physical disabilities. Like, I mean— sure there are handicap parking spots— but many times they are farther away than any other specified parking spot. It’s less about actually helping than it is about just making sure there is one.

Yesterday my disappointment nearly turned into disgust. Not even one person in line acknowledged my difficulty. No eye contact. No offers for me to go ahead of them. No offer for a chair folded up against the building.

I did what I needed to, and then I found the coordinator and asked for a way to make that situation manageable for me. Because if I don’t, no one even thinks to do that— or cares.

I got the boys, then took my son’s friend to where he stays while his parents work. The handicap parking space is at the farthest end of the parking lot. The easy access drop off route is blocked off by cones. I have to walk up hill, in the rain, step over high curbs… then back to my car.

My son’s friend held the door open for me and patiently waited for me to slowly walk (hobble) towards him.

Frustration had nearly overwhelmed me. His kindness washed the frustration away.

Such a sweet, dear boy.

Then I realized— it’s raining.

This weekend I nearly passed out (not exaggerating) from the heat in my car with busted A/C. The rain cooled down that heat and made the entire trip manageable.

God provided for me and I nearly missed it— because of my complaining heart and my ugly attitude.

I can look back and see miles and miles of things God has done.

Yesterday, I realized I can look forward and see miles and miles of what God will continue to do.

Yet— He walks with me through it all.

Yea, though I walk through the valley of fatigue and rain— He is always with me, providing for me, taking great care of me.

How many times have I missed that as I looked at what’s affecting me, instead?

A Mom's Perspective, An Honest Perspective, Walking With God

Parenthood: Common Threads

**Disclaimer— If reading this will offend you— then don’t read it. Offense is never my intention. Also— this is about no one. As I attempt to get my thoughts written out, I want to acknowledge I am only an “expert” in my own experiences. I don’t know anything about anyone else’s. I empathize and attempt to understand . I’m not here to correct , inform or instruct. I’m just talking. I pray that God provides us all with His view.**

We all have experiences, and, most certainly have opinions, concerning parenting.

No two parenting experiences can be exactly the same. In general, there are billions of similarities. But, at the very heart— every single one is unique and cannot be duplicated.

From within and without, throughout my own years, I can see so many common experiences. What we often refer to as “stages” and “phases” for children— all of us have or will go through them.

As much as we focus on children, parents— I believe— also go through stages and phases.

For those of us who have and are raising up children, there are so many common threads.

Fear with anticipation (or dread) are the first responses— generally. I’m sure there are a billion ways to describe billions of “first time” experiences. But, from my view over the years, I’m recognizing our focus is often not uncommon— infinite dreams and fears, worries and hopes…

Every child is a unique and beautiful experience.

Notice, I did not say easy and fun.

Not every part of parenting, in any stage, is easy or fun. In fact, I’m not sure worry ever completely dissipates. It’s always lingering, somehow, in some way, in the background, in decision making, interfering with the enjoyment of the evolving relationships with our children, as well as with others.

Fear of making wrong decisions.

Confidence of making right decisions.

Rigidness of how things “have” to be.

The “easily offended nature” of feeling criticized. Often when someone isn’t even doing so, our worry or fear of somehow doing it wrong, or someone thinking we’re not doing it “right”, can transform into our feeling criticism from others— even when it’s not present.

Don’t get me wrong— there is plenty of criticism to experience!! From every direction possible, we all experience some forms of criticism everyday, at every stage.

I believe— when we turn our focus away from what we believe others think, to our one-on-one relationship with each child, that becomes what is important. When we interact with each one as an individual and we drop the wall expectation often creates— the relationship thrives. This can nurture every relationship, in every situation, as well.

When we focus on things we have decided is are faults— blaming ourselves, worrying about the opinions of other people— that stirs up frustrations, disappointment— even anger. In my experience, if that’s what becomes “nurtured”— that can cause a dysfunctional edge to the relationship.

I don’t think we even realize what poison pills expectations and concerns about the opinions of others tend to be.

Of course there is always some level of expectation that we hold— with ourselves as well as with our spouse/partner/the other adult influences, and our children. Expectations are a part of our “make-up”, in every role we find ourselves filling.

Expectations can be crushing, though. If we allow those expectations to guide us through our decisions and become our view of how things “should be”— they will become like a bulldozer of destruction.

Who can possibly thrive under the weight of someone else’s expectations for them?

As a mom of 4, I am astounded by how much love my heart can hold. And— with that infinite amount of love is also plenty of fear, worry, doubts in my decisions…

We parents, we stumble through a lot more than we may let on. What we most often let the world see is confidence, security, resolution— but underneath it all, the stuff we often protect from detection is a jumbled mess of emotions— guilt often takes shape, and can form into our reactive outer shell.

Being responsible for the protection, the provision— the life— of another human being as it grows into it’s own ability to embrace the complicated depths of parenting— that is the weight of the common thread.

Those of us that have embraced our roles as parents, we want our children to be healthy, happy, safe, and provided for in every possible way.

For myself, I now recognize similarities I have in common with my own parents.

I didn’t even know the worry and fear that form a constant state of feeling guilt— even existed.

As a kid, I could only form my opinions by what I could see and match them up to what others seemed to have, or what Hollywood portrayed as “normal”.

As a parent, now I can “see”. It’s an open-ended experience!!

As an observer of human behaviors, I recognize so many common threads.

They may manifest in infinite ways— but their roots began from the same seeds.

Thank God He is the perfect parent.

As we grow in understanding of all the perfect, amazing characteristics of our Creator— we can find that rest we seek— at times desperately seek.

The more I learn about God, the more I want to be like God with my own children.

That is an unlimited objective— never fully attainable, but always continuing.

I’m not the same person I was when the birth of my oldest “crowned” me as “mom”. I won’t be exactly the same when Jesus returns, or when Father God takes me Home.

Thank God.

Walking With God

What If I Just Can’t Thank Him For The Trials?

I’ve heard many people, throughout my lifetime, tell me I should thank God for the difficult things.

This has never sat well with me.

Just like I’ve heard some say that everything that happens is because God wants it to happen.

The God I serve doesn’t make bad things happen.

The God I serve allows bad things to happen.

These are not one and the same.

The God I serve made sure His faithful servants, Shaddrach, Meshach and Abednego were protected in the fiery furnace.

God did not put them inside of the furnace. He did not light the fire.

God did not make Joseph’s brothers sell him into slavery, and make it appear to their dad that he was dead. God knew before it happened, He warned and encouraged Joseph. God then led Joseph, He protected Joseph, He raised Joseph up to a place where he demonstrated God’s mercy, His forgiveness and His provision for some of those people who made the bad things happen to Joseph.

God restored.

God tested Abraham’s faithfulness with his promised son’s life. God provided Abraham with another way— He gave him a ram to sacrifice, and through his obedience Abraham proved to God that He trusted Him, Isaac proved that he trusted God through his father. God proved He is trustworthy.

Paul was warned that bad things were going to happen to him by someone who worried for his safety. Bad things happened to him— but God did not make the bad things happen. God led Paul through every situation.

As I’m thinking about Paul, before God renamed him, I do remember God inflicting him with blindness. Why? Because He needed to get Paul’s (then Saul of Tarsus) attention. As Saul, he was persecuting severely—to the death— God’s chosen people doing God’s chosen work. Through the blindness Paul was inflicted with, God showed him that he was behaving as an enemy of God— no matter how “righteous” and pure-of-heart his intentions were. He humbled him, made sure he was able to hear, to see, the truth about Jesus and everyone preaching that Jesus was the promised Messiah.

I realize God can do whatever God wants, whenever God wants, and He doesn’t ever have to make sure any of us understand why.


I believe He has gone to great lengths to do just that.

Everything we ever need to understand God’s unchanging character is written for us to study.

Before I knew I needed to follow the example and words of Jesus, I did things and said things that most likely made me God’s enemy.

I can’t think of even one bad situation I believe God ever made happen in my life.

Even at my worst!

I will never believe God made people hurt me in the multiple ways I’ve been hurt.

Many of those situations I walked right into, eyes wide open, and it was people— not God— that hurt me.

But God was with me in every single situation.

He made sure the right things happened, the right people of His choice helped me.

He has been right there, protecting me— undeserving, frustrating, mis-guided me— every time.

All of the time.

There is not one bad thing in my life that I can ever thank God for.

I don’t believe Scripture teaches us to blame the bad things on God in order to then thank Him to glorify Him.

I just can’t do that.

My God is Good.

My God is kind.

My God is understanding.

My God is my comfort.

My God is my Healer.

My God protects me.

My God never forsakes me.

In every fire, every troubling situation— He is my Rock.

The Rock that those hard places try to crush me against— He shields me, never crushes me.

No matter how much I have deserved to be crushed.

I can always thank God for turning bad things around for my good, His Glory, because I love Him deeply and I am called according to His purpose.

He does not start the fires.

He makes sure they don’t burn me.

For that I will forever thank Him. Eternally.

An Honest Wife's Perspective, introspection, Reality Check

The Changing Status Of The Love Language

Love Language— the defined, intentional way we both experience and demonstrate the affection, respect, appreciation and value from/for others.

Years ago, I was “diagnosed” with my love language as being gift giving and acts of service, sprinkled with words of affirmation.

At the time, I was a new mother, in a fairly new marriage.

The thought of things defining something like quality of time seemed unnecessary, unneeded. I had a new baby at the time. Raising her as a home-educating, staying-home-with-her-mama meant she had all my time, attention, lots of hugs and kisses, and more than enough of my mental and emotional focus. My husband remembering to bring me something, or taking care of a responsibility that was weighing down on me— that spoke volumes to me of his love, appreciation, affection and value for me.

Fast forward 22 years later— something in me has changed.

Don’t get me wrong— bringing me something home (like an unsweet tea), and helping with some responsibilities I now just am not able to easily do for physical reasons, boy do I ever value those!

But I really believe my love language has changed, has adapted to changes in our family and my life.

Now— I value spending quality time with him. Going with him on errands, him sitting down to fix a puzzle with me, or watching a comedy we both laugh at together— that’s what I need. That “speaks” to me how he values me— wanting to do things with me.

Quality of time has become an obstacle-laden minefield with so many forms of technological interruptions and distractions. Always looking at some device, attention diverted by notifications— always something interrupting staring meaningfully into one another’s eyes (record scratching sound)— I mean, talking about his work or my day, or what we need to get at the grocery store…

When we first met then married, we actively sought to spend time together. As we got more used to our relationship dynamics, I busied myself with our children and trying to keep up with the housework. He worked crazy hours which forced us all to learn flexibility with plans and scheduling things. He also played video games (anyone married to a gamer can relate, I have no doubt). He served at our church on the worship team— which took so much of his time away from us. I served also, but just wasn’t able to as much as he did. Over time, the video games waned down while more work and church responsibilities now presently claim much of his time and attention.

I suppose I just got used to having very little time with him, and I tried to adapt to where I felt nurtured in our relationship. I jumped into his hobbies with him so we were doing things together, growing together with interests in common. There were days where we barely spoke or saw each other. Those were my hardest days.

Sharing life with my husband has often been him doing things away from, or without me. I think this might be typical of many marriages.

While my love language for others is finding ways to demonstrate that they are important, in my marriage— I believe quality of time has moved up to the top of what makes me feel loved. He knows this, I think, and he has been adjusting things so we are doing things together.

Learning to speak and interpret a love language takes time, effort and understanding.

I wonder if his love language has changed, as well? My own food for thought.

God's Heart, Walking With God, What life has taught me

Communication— Let’s Talk About It

1 Cor 13:11-13 “When I was a child, I used to speak like a child, think like a child, reason like a child; when I became a man, I did away with childish things. For now we see in a mirror dimly, but then face to face; now I know in part, but then I will know fully, just as I also have been fully known. But now faith, hope, and love remain, these three; but the greatest of these is love.”

The struggle is real.

Effective communication is a skill we Americans have lost.

This information age has severe relational consequences.

Personality clashes are enhanced by our lack in effective communication skills.

We are all at a disadvantage.

We all behave like children, at times, insisting on getting our own way while not hearing what others have to say.

And, we avoid. Unfortunately, avoiding dealing with things — that never resolves anything.

But, head-on resolution isn’t what most feel comfortable with.

Where is that middle ground?

Many years ago, I was included in an uncomfortable confrontation about me. God’s Spirit spoke to my spirit, and told me to not let myself get pulled into it. My character was attacked, and what did I do? I let myself get pulled into it, which backed me into a corner of having to defend myself.

It was ugly.

Over the years I’ve heard God’s Spirit tell me to not get pulled into the middle of situations where I’m left having to defend myself. Situations where I instinctively want to fight back, to attack. I’ve learned to remove myself from the “line of fire”. Sonetimes I have to ask Him—How??

How do I stop myself from being dragged in?

I’ve found directly confronting issues is the most effective way to resolve conflicts.

Sadly, in some situations, no matter how I try to confront issues, the people involved react as though I’m attacking them. There seems to be no separation of issue vs personal attack, no matter how I try to explain things. And I’ll find myself, again, backed into that corner of having to defend myself.

I don’t attack people.

I confront issues.

I wish communication was this easy thing.

When I was newly married, pregnant with my first child, I was given some wonderful, Godly advice I still strive very hard to stick to.

When in the tug-of-war of an argument, lay down my end.

As soon as I feel defensive, I know— I need to stop tugging. God never intended us to exert our own strength against one another in our relationships. Jesus should be our strength.

Sometimes laying down my end includes walking away. Sonetimes it means just waitng for the dust to settle so calm, rational resolution can happen.

Sometimes it means I don’t return fire with an argument— instead I tell my husband I love him, and I kiss him. (True story.)

Sometimes it means I have to pray through the uncomfortable inability to get resolution.

In the end, when I stand before Jesus, I want so much to be able to say I valued the relationships—the people— He has given me more than I valued appearances of being “right”.

I’d like for others to value me the same! Not to be directed by opinions of me or past mistakes, or infused by reactions to things misunderstood— with no option or ability for my clarification.

Situations throughout my life have evolved instead because the focused value was placed more on a mistake or failure than on me as a person! I have a failed first marriage that exhibits that! I’ve had to block people, or shut them out of my life, because where I failed or misstepped is their valued focus. I am not. How I feel or what I am going through is not.

That weight can be crushing.

I think that’s what makes my road with Jesus so very narrow— maneuvering the snares and pitfalls Satan loads into situations where God’s instructions for us through His Word and His Spirit (as well as Jesus’ example for us) aren’t closely adhered to.

Unfortunate things happen all the time. Misunderstandings happen all the time.

Confronting issues should be the focus, I believe.

Attacking one another should not.

What would Jesus do?

How would Jesus respond?

Would He allow Himself to be backed into a corner, and just be attacked?

He removed Himself, went off by Himself. Except when it was time for Him to pay the world’s sin’s cost.

Jesus valued the relationships He built up with His disciples— His family, His friends.

He valued people.

I’ve never seen in Scripture where Jesus quickly jumped to conclusions. I’ve never seen Him react, close off listening, and just do whatever was easiest and quickest.

Oh— but I sure do that!

I am woefully deficient in behaving like Jesus. Thankfully I can talk with Him— about everything (no matter how difficult, embarrassing, self-loathing, or angering it is!!). I can resolve things, and I can walk steadier— in His strength— on my narrow road.

God’s Will is the goal— live as peacefully as possible with others.

Ultimately peace through God’s grace and Jesus’ strength, is my goal.

That peace that surpasses all of my understanding.

God turns everything around for the good of those who love Him and are called according to His purpose.

The stuff that He turns around shouldn’t be the focus, it’s what trips me up every time.

Jesus should always, at all times, be my focus.

Treating others the way Jesus treats me should always, at all times, be the focus of my intentions, at the center of my heart.

People are so important to Jesus that He died for us all!

People need to be that important to us, as well.


What’s My Purpose?

Purpose is an interesting word.



Intentionally doing something, on purpose, has consequences. Often, lasting consequences.

I write on my blog, on purpose, with purpose.

What is my intention, intentionally?

Well, for starters, it helps me organize my thoughts. I have found, if I just leave them all jumbled up, they tend to drag my emotions into a big, complicated, tangle of a mess.

I guess, it helps keep all of that in check.

The second reason is to work through stuff. It’s, I guess, a form of “self-help” therapy.

But why do I do it online, where pretty much anyone could stumble upon it or be directed to it, and may actually read it?

My answer to that is— because others are also going through “stuff”. Maybe my processing through my own issues could encourage someone else going through something similar.

I have learned, and I believe sincerely it was God’s Spirit Who has been teaching me this, that whatever I hide in the darkness of my fears, my pride, my heart— will just pop out in some other ways.





Obsession for control.

All symptoms of holding stuff in, not finding a way to address things.

The Devil wreaks havoc wherever things are hidden.

God shines His Light on everything we surrender to Him. The enemy of our soul finds plenty of ways to get footholds into hidden situations, emotions, decisions, thoughts, fears, relationships— every aspect of our lives.

It’s so important to allow God to shine His Light into everything in my life!!

While I blog to accomplish all of these purposes, I also believe this is one of God’s intentional purposes for me.

My struggles are real. I’m learning how to surrender them to God, so they don’t consume me.

Maybe someone else can find encouragement in that. Maybe someone feels alone in their own struggles, and these posts help them know— they are not alone. There are others going through similar things.

It expresses understanding.

Something in my own past I’ve wished I could find.

It’s not for everyone.

In fact, it’s not what many are interested in— at all.

That’s ok. It’s not the quantity, it’s the connection. It’s the chance to share my process in surrendering all to Jesus.

Sometimes, that can be helpful.

And, if not— I still work through my own things in a healthy way, for myself.

With purpose.



“That’s their problem, not mine.”

How many times have we both said, and heard, this phrase?

How many times do we see this in Scripture? Food for thought!

It is far too easy to dismiss the struggles and frustrations of others because it’s inconvenient, or a lot more effort than we want.

Why am I thinking about this now? Because my husband and I are caught right in the middle of red-taped bureaucratic change.

The process is not at all considerate of ways, means, or the amount of time wasted.

Typical government garbage.

The only way compassion can be infused is if the people making the decisions had to actually deal with the process they are inflicting on others.

I’m not going to get into the logistics of it all, this ranty post is not about the details.

It’s more about this process that seems to expect us to all run like programmed computer software.

Forget the physical exertion needed. Shutdown the emotional and mental reactions— no one cares, so just suck it up and press on! So what if it costs you way more money than it should?

What if someone did care?

What if, when decisions that affect the lives of others were made with the consideration, cushioning, for the reality that people are not like computer software programs, at all?

For the last 2+ decades, my family has lived in situations where someone is always changing something that directly affects us, and we just have to roll with their punches.

So, I can’t help but wonder— what if the politicians and bigwigs making all these spur-of-the-moment changes, had to actually live through the process and the consequences of those decisions?

Well— things would sure be more people-friendly then, wouldn’t they?

I find the lack of compassion in so many systems, disturbing.

Thank God we have Jesus and The Holy Spirit to help us through all the cold-shouldered processes that seem to be increasing at an alarming speed, with every vote, every signature from those who think they rule, rather than govern with compassion and understanding.

The government is upon His shoulders, and the weight never crushes Him.

So even with all these added, burdensome care’s inflicted on us— my soul can still sing— Thank You, Jesus. Especially when my emotions want to lash out, my body wants to collapse in exhaustion, and my heart wants to mirror cold-shouldered, cold-hearted responses to the inflictors.

Today, will be worked out.

Complications tomorrow will be worked out.

Jesus will always be my Rock in times of struggle.

Always, in all ways.


The Price You Paid

As a bargain hunter, I am always looking for the best price, comparing, finding the best discounts, rarely just settling to pay more than I think something is worth.

So, just now as I hear a song phrase about the price Jesus paid, I am once again stunned by His sacrifice.

He did not get a bargain in what He paid for me.

I know my flaws, and I’m certain there are many flaws I’m not even aware of.

The things He seems to place value on in me, I see as having little or no value.

The things I see as having value in me, often have no eternal Kingdom value at all.

God’s Grace is a mystery. It is the only force that is truly life affirming.

Jesus paid with His life. God paid with the death of His only beloved Son.

When it comes right down to it, the only thing that matters is the value God has placed on me.

And as I think about it, it starts becoming clear. He purchased me because of the potential, the reshaping through His Precious blood.

It’s about magnifying Jesus. it’s about what God wants to use my life for.

So— it’s about me, without being about me.

Lately I find myself nearly tripped-up by what I imagine the opinions of others are of me.

This has been a solid brick in my path for many years, but I’m learning how to side-step it, to keep my fixed gaze on Jesus. I can’t redirect opinions, I can only keep walking in the direction God turns me to.

Ultimately, it’s just going to be me standing before God. Opinions will not influence God in how I’ve walked my narrow path, as I stand before Him to give account —whether it be of the closest family member, trusted spiritual leaders, or strangers.

For that reason, I’m shoring up my resolve. No longer will I fall for the tricks and traps of the enemy of my soul, to walk the wrong road, or have the wrong focus.

My son and I watched I Can Only Imagine today. I forget so easily the power of those lyrics…

“Standing in Your Glory, what will my heart feel? Will I dance for You, Jesus? Or in awe of You, be still” “Standing in Your Presence, to my knees will I fall? Will I sing ‘HALLELUJAH’? Will I be able to speak at all?”

I can only imagine.

Will I be able to rejoice with Him in how He has transformed my life, and worship Him with understanding that everything about my life has always been for His purpose—His calling —to meet the needs of others on His behalf?

My heart continues to be refined, and I continue to feel that fiery passion to serve portions of His Grace, His Mercy and His kindness, to others.

A big plate of Holy Spirit fruit.

I’ve noticed at times when I rely on my own strength and understanding, I can put rotten fruit on that plate instead.

Becoming more and more aware of that, all I can do is give it all to God, and trust He will work through me and show the world Jesus —in His own ways.


My “spirit” Animal

Recently I went to a parent’s meeting with our beloved youth group. The leader had us all do this exercise, so we could gain some insight into why people react to moving away or to here, the way we all do. We are involved with the military community, and where we are located, people are always moving to and fro.

Without getting into the list, I’ll tell you- none of them felt like they fit me.

The back of my mind has been working, trying to figure out which animal could possibly be my alter-ego.

I’m pretty used to people moving, by now. It’s just part of this life. I think I build in that partition, so to speak, when I meet people. And some— any partition just melts, we are such kindred spirits! (If you’re reading this, you know who you are!! 💕)

Anyway— getting back to my personal animal, I think I have it narrowed down.

With people moving on, I think I’m mostly a dolphin. Happy for them, happy I met them, happy I can stay in touch through technology.

With hard situations? I am no dolphin!

Kind of a hermit crab, maybe.

I have a safe place to retreat into— my house, prayer, my music, my sitcoms…. Safe to recover from fallout of bad reactions to and from uncomfortable situations.

A snapping claw to defend myself— unfortunately it also sometimes draws blood— usually unintentionally, but on occasion… I’m better than I used to be, I’ll just say that.

This week my inner hermit crab is making full appearances.

Stress has hit me hard. The heaviness weighs down on my heart., as well as my physical health.

I don’t often see things the same as others, and sometimes that seems to invoke strong reactions from others, which then makes me want to defend myself as a reflex action. (God help me if any of them happen to read this. Sigh.)

We all have some animal we identify with.

I think the more I remember to look for that in others, the better I will be at not retreating into hermit crab mode.

Maybe, anyway.


Over Here, Over There— Far Removed

These trees look like they want to be somewhere else, but their roots are planted too deep for them to leave.

If I could see my heart right now, I think it might somehow resemble this!

My roots are planted deeply, firmly into the ground here.

But my heart— my heart wants to go. It wants to take me back to family.

I got a call today, letting me know my oldest cousin passed away a few hours ago.

I am so far from my family. I won’t be able to attend the funeral.

No one expects me to, I’ve not been able to for any, except my dad’s a few years ago.

There are things, situations and people my heart is trying so hard to pull my body in the physical direction of.

Too many obstacles. Too many things and reasons not to.

Now I have to just not allow guilt to set itself on me.

Sometimes I wish God would transport me like He did to Phillip (Acts 8:39-40). Of course, my reasons are selfish. No matter how well intentioned my heart seems— it’s all just selfish.

On the surface, it may not look like much is going on with me. But deep in the heart of me, a tug of war pulses on, as the events of life ebb and flow.


Heart of Mary, Mind of Martha

This week I’ve been preparing for a special worship service we have scheduled for tonight.

Sitting here now, attempting to build a difficult puzzle, I’m realizing my thoughts and my heart are kind of all over the place, like my puzzle pieces.

Absolutely not the “attitude of worship” I feel I need to be in for tonight.

Besides changes to the service due a main member being placed into quarantine, there has been extra busy-ness for me this week.

I’m finding it difficult to just rest my mind that is cluttered on so many unimportant things, just on Jesus.

The picture I chose at the beginning shows so much how I’d define me at this moment.

The setting reminds me of being in the high places. It seems so peaceful. Yet instead of soaking it in, I’m striving at something unnecessary, not interacting with the environment around me at all. I’m making things harder, not appreciating God’s Spirit within me.

My mind is working so hard, exhausting the rest of me. It isn’t listening when I tell it to quiet itself— to be still and know…

In my heart, I know I need to set everything aside and just focus my attention onto Jesus— Who He is, how He is, why He’s so necessary to me.

To just worship Him in spirit and in truth.

My mind is scattered in many directions, like the puzzle in front of me now.

In the end, each piece forms a complete picture.

Each of my thoughts, with their jags of emotions, depth of colors and partial images should form the complete picture of Jesus in me— if I reign them in and put them together correctly, as I grab hold of the heart and mind of Christ.

While the chaos of thoughts, concerns and mental “todo’s” get under control, I’ve started to feel that peace. It’s not swirling around me— it just is.

It is always there.

I just get lost in the unimportant things that need to be taken captive unto Christ Jesus.

He is worthy of my purposeful, intentionally focused attention. Everything else is not.


Be Anxious For Nothing— But How??

I feel stressed.

While this isn’t a new thing, the intensity of this feeling is more than usual.

So, while I know the Bible instructs me to “Be anxious for nothing…” I am struggling right now with that very issue.

Circumstances far beyond my control.

Worry over family and friends.

Plowing a new course for my future career.

Weight loss and emotional healing bringing old buried memories and reactions to the overly-sensitive surface…

Anxiety hasn’t been an obstacle to me in decades. But there it is, staring me down.

Deep breath in, let it out slowwwww…

God is already there, plowing my path for me.

He’s got me.

He’s always got me.

I can do this.

One step at a time.

Breathing through the waves of panic that threaten to soak through my resolve.

Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.” Philippians 4:6-7 NKJ

Instead of giving in to anxiety, frustration or fear, I will pray. I will thank God for everything, because without Him, I couldn’t appreciate the good that comes from painful, hard times.

God has a purpose, God has a plan— for me. He will never fail me, He will never abandon me.

My first prayer is for God to help me surrender all that anxiety and everything tangled up in it, to Him.

All of it.

There is no sense holding on to that. It does not contribute anything beneficial to my life or my emotions.

Time to step away from the anxiety, and let God’s peace flood my mind, my heart, my body and my spirit.

🎵 “All to Jesus, I surrender all to Him I freely give;
I will ever love and trust him,
in his presence daily live.
I surrender all, I surrender all,
all to thee, my blessed Savior,
I surrender all.“🎵

Walking With God

My Testimony

I’m stepping out of my comfort zone to share my story of what God has done, and is still accomplishing in me. I’ll be honest— I’m recognizing a deep, breath-constricting anxiety as I set out to share this here. I have family that won’t want me to talk about it, some who still don’t even believe what I experienced. Fear or worry about what they think or feeling like I have to defend myself, have been my boundaries in the past. Being called a liar, or treated like a liar has been an anxiety-riddled prison. So much so, that just speaking in normal settings about everyday things triggers an anxiety that I “talked too much”.

If you’ve read any of my previous posts here, or if you know me personally, you may already know bits and pieces— or large chunks— of the circumstances that started out as my mold. The mold that God broke when I surrendered it all to Him as I finally hit my rock bottom, and circumstances, mistakes, and unGodly beliefs tried to crush me.

The picture I chose above is significant to me. So many things I can glean from it that describe my personal experiences. The water can represent so many things, but I see it as God wearing through the hard places to forge a path forward for me to follow. My path has been rocky, twists and turns threatening to cause me to get lost or stuck, or even follow a wrong path. Before God— it was just rock. No path. No safe place for me to set my feet, no clear guidance. No water.

My story starts with me as a child. Let me preface this with— this is not in anyway a “bash” attempt. Things happened that were out of my control— like everyone has had happen to some degree. For me, mine were devastating. Through them God made me a strong person, deep rooted in Him. He has proven Himself to me over and over, so many times.

He is trustworthy.

He is Worthy to take the reigns of my life and be in control.

As a child, I don’t remember much. There are so many “holes” in my memory.

My dad struggled with mental illness, sometimes mis-diagnosed or misunderstood as he was a guinea pig of the VA. Had they understood more and accurately diagnosed him, maybe things wouldn’t have been as bad as they were.

Parts of my childhood are like memories of terrifying nightmares. Not all of it. We had fun family times, with lots of laughing and fun family vacation times.

Over the years I have gotten to where the nightmare things are being forgotten. I find myself wanting to cling to the good things.

I’m not going to get into the ptsd-invoking events, except to say I was in an abusive environment. My dad was a bit of a Jekyll-Hyde type— either angry/enraged, or joking and fun. He had bouts of depression, in there as well.

I never felt that security of stability with him. I was terrified of making him angry, or being spanked by him. I never felt loving type of discipline from him— he beat me.

At some point the sexual abuse started, but I can’t remember much about when. There are things he told me, and things he never told me. The most recent time he addressed it, about 15 years ago, he told not me, but everyone else in a mental hospital community room. Things I did not know. My husband heard it.

I was beyond devastated. Embarrassed and humiliated.

My mom tried to say what he said probably wasn’t true— but no way either of us could know for sure. That feeling of not even knowing what happened to me, or for how many years, is crushing. My dad saying those things about me— proudly— to strangers and my husband isn’t something she could even begin to understand.

That night I went back to my parent’s house and at the prompting of The Holy Spirit, I wrote my dad a letter, telling him that I forgave him.

When I think back, age 10 is where most of the memories start.

That’s when the eating disorder began.

We started spending summers living with my mom’s parents. My grandma poured her love into everything meal or dessert she made.

I needed love.

I ate so much “love”, I gained a bunch of weight the summer before. My dad made fun of me. We already had a dysfunctional relationship— making fun of me was salt in my deep emotional and mental wounds.

He was so vocal about women.

So, determined to not be made fun of or noticed, really, food became a type of poison, and my RN grandma had a poster on her bathroom door for what to do if I ate something poisonous— throw it up.

It started out once or twice a day. Then turned into food avoidance.

Over the next 10 years it developed into all-consuming rituals, every meal, every time I ate.

I am not going to regress back into describing in detail those rituals.

God has delivered me from those rituals, and from that “poisoned” mentality.

After a couple of years, it developed into more of a Bulimia, as God brought someone into my life that helped encourage me to eat.

By the time I turned 20, I was purging so much I started throwing up significant amounts of blood.

One particularly bad time, I called the ER and told the nurse I threw up blood. In the discussion, I mentioned making myself do that, and she said to me, “ Stop doing that!”

Let me tell you— that was so powerful!

In all those years, I never considered I could just choose to stop.

So, I stopped.

I never did it again.

In that time-frame, I was assaulted. Then I married someone who abused me, neglected me then raped me in my sleep.

And so, while the purging and rituals had stopped, my binging habits had not. Reaction to trauma made that all worse.

I gained weight.

Most would view that as bad. But here’s where I believe God’s deliverance began—

Fat did not kill me!

It was not the worst thing that could happen to me.

In fact, I began to find a comfort in men not paying attention to me.

My husband didn’t like that I gained weight. He was mean. He made humiliating jokes about me to our families. He did things that threatened my life. Then, he divorced me.

Devastated as I was— God saved my life, and then my soul through that divorce.

I turned to God.

I had missteps. My mind was still very much in the world, I didn’t understand God’s ways being different, or transforming.

Eventually I walked away from everything and every person I knew. After seeking God for His direction for my life, for weeks, I became convinced He was making a way for me by joining the military.

I enlisted, I traded my first military assignment to move overseas.

I completely left everything, and put my trust in God.

That was 28 years ago.

He provided me with a new husband. He promised and provided me with a beautiful daughter. He gave me 3 sons.

I never returned to the rituals of eating disorders.

I did however become a food and sugar addict.

God is in the process of both delivering and healing me from this, while raising me up to help others walk in His freedom.

It’s been a long time since I’ve felt hope or excitement.

I have all hope, and I am so excited for the future path God is continuously carving out for me now.

My feet are on The Rock. (public domain image)
Walking With God

Change— What’s In My “Pocket” Of Life

If you could see my spirit, it might very well look a lot like this.

I think mostly scars now, not so many cracks.

So many scars are evidence of where God has healed me throughout my lifetime. Wounds that used to fester have been healed by His Word, His kept promises, His love.

My view has been changing over my life. I used to wish for things during the painful times. I couldn’t see any sort of horizon, or even light at the end of a tunnel. I was crushed down, my spirit and mind beaten down with words of hatefulness and destruction.

My mirror was the opinions, the words, the treatment of those I loved and trusted.

That taught me I should hate myself. I was less than nothing.

Less than nothing.

All throughout my life, God has whispered into my spirit that He loves me.

That became my strength, my grounding.

God created me. He loves me!

He helped me find my pathway forward, walking with Him.

He has never left me, never forsaken me, never turned His back on me.

No matter how much I thought, or actually may have, deserved it.

One careful step at a time. Each step slowly gaining confidence— not in myself, but that I can fully trust Him.

No person on this earth can compare to what God has done.

He provides through people, more now than ever in my past.

But He provides. He is my source.

Looking at the picture above, it’s easy to think I’m weak and about to fall apart.

Those scars where God has healed me— those strengthen the cracks.

I have physical scars, some have faded, some have not.

In my weakness, often caused at the hands/mouths/actions of those I’ve loved and trusted, Jesus has become my strength.

Each time He begins leading me down a new narrow path, I start out cautiously, and then my confidence in Him grows stronger as I continue on the path with Him.

God used this song so many years ago, the words wrapped so perfectly around my life and my heart. He used this to breathe life into me where fear would try to suffocate me.

Even when I feel alone, or I actually am physically alone dealing with awful things— I know I am never alone. He never lacks understanding, compassion, gentleness, patience— never.

He is all I need! He chooses where He provides through, He picks the people in my life, He has never let me down.

Because I understand His ways are higher and better than any other way— I can always be at peace in my heart. I can demonstrate compassion, even when my humanness tries to get in the way. I can demonstrate patience, because I understand just how freeing that is as He has continuously covered me with His patience.

I can stand strong in Him, even when the world only sees my weaknesses and failings.

I am walking a newer path with him. I have demons to face down, and fear that will again try to suffocate me. But He is my Rock. He is my Confidante— sometimes my only confidante.

Things are looking up as I continue to look up.

An Honest Perspective

How God Changed Paul


Paul— then called Saul— was convinced. He was right. He was righteous.

I can’t help but notice the word “con” in “convinced”.

It took God setting then Saul aside, taking him away from his circle of influence, blinding him, opening his true sight— and then He reopened his physical eyes.

Paul was conned by the religious system of that time into believing He was doing God’s Will, and he was justified in his actions.

Paul was wrong.

Paul was teachable by God, receptive to His corrections, as well as repentant.

Are we teachable by God? Are we receptive to His correction, His admonishment— His discipline?

Looking around today, I am concerned that more are convinced they are right, while also believing we are submissive to God.

Are we?

Or are we being conned by some system that has us convinced, manipulated or intimidated into following it?

Just some food for thought.

Walking With God

My Year Evaluation

Happy New Year— 2022!!!

This past year has been a year of lots of t-words for me— transcendence, transition, transformation, timing, and now here is my testimony.

There were so many difficulties last year, and I had moments of overwhelming stress.

There are things I and others have been seeking God for, on my behalf, for more than a decade!

Things in my own personal world seemed upside down, far from where I believe God wants them to be.

My oldest son moved far away, I don’t think I have even fully processed that yet.

Then all of a sudden God provided the exact help I needed when I had nearly given up hope.

The heaviest burdens, after a time of working through them, were fully lifted off of me!!

I had seriously all but given up that God would ever help me with what felt like a crushing weight on my mind, my heart, my body and my strength.

I am now in the middle of a transformation that I do believe happened transcendentally, in God’s perfect transitional timing.

It is not completed— yet.

Stages are complete.

Step by step, in increments some may not even recognize as “progress”— I am continuously moving forward.

I am never, ever going back.


My mind is made up.

My heart knows what it wants.

God’s Spirit is leading me.

I have packed up my baggage and donated or thrown it out.

I am embracing the newness God has flung the door open wide to.

There is no walking back— there is only moving ahead— sometimes at my own pace, sometimes with a gentle nudge from God that encourages me out of my comfort zone.

I thank God. Without Him, I’d still be where I was this time last year— or worse.


Transcendence (Full Version)

Chapter 1

Alejia Hope Rockefeller had had enough. Practicing strict self-control as she drove, she kept her car within the speed limit range, even though her rage tempted her to floor it. “All I need is a speeding ticket right now!” she thought wryly. ” That would just give him more reason to belittle me and harass me about how much money I cause us to spend. I do NOT need that!”

She fidgeted as angry thoughts poked at her emotions, attempting to get them to rise into waves of tears, with possible bouts of random swearing. She pushed the radio power button, and chose her favorite Contemporary Christian station, even though Metallica was her go-to music when upset. Ironically, the song “Oceans” streamed around her, instantly stifling those emotion-manipulating thoughts. She felt peace as the music reached into her soul, soothing her raw, wounded heart. Now she could focus on the road and enjoy her short drive to what she called her secret refuge. The only people who knew it’s location were herself, her mom, and her most trusted friend, Osa. The sudden realization over-whelmed her: she did not trust this precious secret to Jacob. She needed this just for her self, a place she could go where the conflict could never reach her.

She forced her thoughts back on to the road, as she looked for the land mark near her turn. Her heart flipped with excitement as she found it. She eased her teal and pearl Celica down the narrow lane. It was nearly over-grown by tree branches and tall milk-weeds. Ahead of her the lake came into view, and she breathed a deep sigh of relief. “Peace and quiet, just what my spirit needs!” she thought with strong conviction.

Ten minutes later, she parked. The woods swallowed the sound of her car door alarm as she climbed out and stretched. This place was even more transcendent than she had remembered. As she walked, her eyes took in the view as her lungs would take a deep breath. She immediately felt refreshed. Why had she not come here sooner? Why did she wait until her life felt so out of control, almost hopeless?

She felt as though she had come home, after a very long journey into strange lands. The earth seemed to embrace her, the trees were like family her heart had ached to be reunited with for so long. Finding her favorite path, she neared the lake’s edge. Next to the rock jutting up that she had often in the past used for leverage in standing after just sitting and letting the water wash over her, she sank to her knees. A cry escaped her throat that startled her.

Once again, angry thoughts began provoking tender emotions, prodding, stabbing….

“Lord. I can not do this any more. I cannot stand up under the weight of all Jacob puts on me. The accusations, the insults, that horrible jealousy! I have never given him any reason to make him worry! Have I? Pleased help me. Please!”

Silence enveloped her as she felt herself immersed by her emotions, thoughts and unvoiced prayers.

In the distance a woman walking with a lion stopped just out of Alejia’s view. She spoke with quiet intrigue to the lion, as though the lion were instructing her. “Is it time”? The lion growled slightly, with a gentle-quietness– an affectionate sound. As Alejia remained focused in-ward, eyes closed, the woman and the lion walked to her, surrounding Alejia with the cloak the woman wore.

Chapter 2

Alejia opened her eyes, feeling a gentle breeze, like a familiar comforting shroud around her. In the lake just in front of Alejia’s bent knees, she noticed a deep blue stone with a white star in it. Her eyes focused on the stone curiously, the star standing out against the blue back ground as though it were above the stone, yet some how also with in it.

Alejia began looking around at what seemed like new, yet familiar, surroundings. Her beloved trees seemed to have faded into a back ground of vivid colors. Every where she looked were gems in all shapes and sizes. Even the clouds had a pearlescent hue, the sun a blindingly gold glow, almost like an unfaceted or cabachoned Topaz or Amber.  Her consciousness became aware of musical whispers– not quite songs, not really chords, more like a gentle, melodic sounding breeze that reached into the depth of her being.

Was she hearing with her ears, or her spirit?

Words echoed in her thoughts, with a quiet yet authoritative female voice– The gems represent the fulfilled promises of Providence.

Realizing she was still on her knees, she carefully stood up, balancing against the familiar old rock, that now looked a lot like Jasper.

Surprised, Alejia ran her hand over the water smoothed surface, and felt a calm wash over her. She thought, “I don’t know what is going on. But, I don’t feel afraid. Maybe that is stupid of me. I guess I will be finding out soon!”

She continued to take in her surroundings, both by sight, and touching every thing around her with her hands. “This place is so pretty! I don’t remember all these colors, or walls made of precious stone before! Maybe I have fallen asleep.” Slipping off a sandal, she inched her toes toward a crab sidling off down the beach. As she nudged it, the crab suddenly grabbed her baby toe. Startled, a spontaneous complaint of pain spilled off her tongue, “Ouch! Hey!

So. She is awake. Wait… Do crabs even live here?

She cautiously investigated the area, seeing everthing as though with new, clearer eyesight. “It looks like my secret refuge, and yet… “Hey, is that a golden road?!” The tune from a song she’d sung years before at her church popped into her memory, “We will dance on the streets that are golden…”

Whoa! This had to be a dream, or a daydream.

Her eyes were teased by a sparkle on the lake. “It looks like crystal! Like a giant, perfectly clear diamond,” she thought animatedly. In the bottom of the lake, she saw what looked like fire– no, that can’t be! She closed her eyes, then opened them– closed them, then opened them– yes, that was fire! Like from a diamond! She walked to the lake, expecting the surface to be hard, but it was not. It was liquid but it had a near ground corn silk-like feel to it. She then experienced what she could only describe as being a scented musical sound, like aromatic, melodic waves tantalizing her senses… an incense, maybe Frankincense, mixed with melodic wind chimes, perhaps? She lowered her hand into the bottom, trying to touch the nearest glimmer of fire she could reach. As soon as she moved the water, the fire was chased off, much like a rainbow after a storm.

Chapter 3

“This is seriously cool!”, Alejia thought about the water. Then she glanced up and saw a woman standing  a few feet away, with the most gorgeous lion she could have ever hoped to see in person.  She stood cautiously and started to back away into the liquid crystal, forgetting about chasing after the fires within it.

Something about that lion… was… familiar. She had never even been to a zoo, so how could that be possible? Her attention was brought to the lion’s mane, which seemed to be dancing with the slight breeze (there’s that melodic comfort-filled, spirit-cooling sensation again! Almost like the lightest, most refreshing waves washing over, cleansing, invigorating her).

Her awareness opened up even further as her eyes noticed another road, (again golden), behind the woman with the lion.

“What is this place? Where even is it, and how did I get here? How long have I been here? How can it feel familiar?”, Alejia thought the questions without speaking, not daring to make a sound… scarcely daring to breath.

The woman with the lion beckoned to Alejia to come up out of the water. She seemed gentle, trustworthy, and yet… she has a lion with her!

Alejia studied the woman, then again her attention rested on the lion. There was something…. so…. majestic. So… nonthreatening, yeah, that is the word. Nonthreatening. About a lion. Standing 3 feet in front of her. Unrestrained…

“Why am I walking towards the lion?? Have I lost control of my common sense??”, she thought to herself. “So, what? I’m distracted by this amazing, beautiful world, but have I been brought here to be fed to this lion…?” That seemed dumb, but not completely unrealistic in that moment as Alejia walked steadily towards the woman (and the lion!). Her eyes stuck to watching for sudden movements, trying to ready her senses to run if she felt endangered. But the music… “That is music I’m hearing, I’m feeling! Like a gentle mist, going, no flowing,  through… through… me. How can that even be?”

The lion’s eyes peered deeply into her own, beyond her eyes, deep into her soul. Vulnerability over took her. One might think the lion would lick its chops, roar with intimidation, then lunge as it began devouring her, delving its teeth deeply through her flesh into her marrow. Instead, its gaze pushed through her, causing her to feel exposed. As though her soul were naked. She fought the unsettling urge to cover herself as she realized, nothing about her appearance has changed. Her body was still fully clothed, though somehow her spirit had become uncovered, unhidden, no longer shrouded by her human flesh. It was as though her body, like the trees, had faded into the background of magnificence. Every thought seemed captured by the lion’s awareness, every choice laid out bare before it, it seemed to be reading her entire life, her spirit, as though it were a book.

She felt a strong under current of regret, a remorse, as memories of choices she made guided by emotional reactions, surged to the fore front of her exposure. Her earlier question in her prayer, had she done something to provoke jealousy within her husband, was being shown to her. It was as though her memories and motives were a movie her understanding was watching. She’d done things, said things that she had convinced herself were innocent. Even at the time, deep down she knew they weren’t innocent. The flirting with her co-worker Josh, joking around, seeking him out when Jacob had made her angry or hurt her feelings,  that was all intentional. Confiding in him, talking or thinking about if she had never married Jacob how she and Josh might…

Ok, that needed to stop. Those thoughts, they needed to go away. She had married Jacob, knowing he was not maybe her best option as a husband, knowing he did not believe as she did. But, she loved him, and at the time, that seemed to be the most important thing, that loyalty to her heart, to her feelings.

Marrying Jacob, she realized suddenly– that was a regret. A huge regret.

But she made a commitment to Jacob, and to God. Her growing feelings were turning into longings for a different life with Josh… No, that had to stop.

Faced with herself, she chose to turn away from what she knew was wrong. She vowed to close the connection that she had attached herself to Josh through. She had begun thinking of her time with him as interludes of being rescued from the negativity of her marriage with Jacob. That could not happen anymore.

Her heart of hearts began to swell with the desire to confess all of this to Providence. Then she realized: she already had! “I am so sorry Lord! I’ve blown it, have I not? I let my emotions carry me into a situation where my own heart has been adulterous. I allowed my emotions to be wooed by the comfort and attention of a man other than my husband.”

Her face in her hands, she sobbed quietly as her heart broke with this new realization as she sunk down into the brilliantly multi-colored sand. How had she allowed herself to be caught up in such a dangerous situation?

She became aware of a warmth over her, through her– a comfort. At first it was faint, but as she focused on the sensation, it grew stronger. It consumed her, she felt safe– emotionally warm. Deep within her, she heard…? Felt? Was it a thought? She became aware of the words, “Forgive yourself”. In her spirit, she asked, “How? How can I just let that go? I’m supposed to be better than that, smarter. I messed up! How can I be a good example for Jacob as a Christian, if I’m so weak and naive?”

She was aware of the words again, stronger this time, “Forgive yourself.”

She made a conscious effort to just let it all go– the claiming of responsibility, the guilt, and the remorse at messing up. She caught herself opening her hands, as if actually releasing something she was holding in them.

Opening her eyes, she shielded them from a blazing light coming from some where behind the girl and the lion.

As she peered into the bright light she began to see the out line of what looked like a city on a hill. It was massive. And shiny! The more she peered into the light, the more she realized it was the city that created the light. Not like electric lighting. At first she thought the city was some how reflecting the blinding light, but now she began understanding that the light wove through it all, emanating, illuminating a pure brilliance she could almost feel, almost hear… Her senses reaching out to taste it.

That light felt more real, more alive than any thing she had ever experienced or interacted with.

She felt compelled to walk towards it, to experience being part of that amazing, comforting, familiar-feeling light. She stood, preparing herself physically and mentally to walk forward.

The quiet, gentle roar of the lion pulled her attention away from the city. Then the woman with the lion began to speak, as though interpreting what the lion wanted to communicate clearly.

“It’s beautiful. It’s power draws you in to become part of it. But, you mustn’t go any closer, it’s not time for you to enter that city, yet. Providence has plans to use your life to make a mansion for another. ”

Before Alejia could even form her questions in her mind, never mind actually speak them out, the woman answered them. “He has prepared a house for you, here. This city is full of mansions, all personally prepared for each person, by Providence. Yours is ready for you, but you’re not ready for it. Not even to visit it. For, if you visit, you will never want to leave. You must leave to complete the destiny that awaits your return.”

Alejia felt emotionally torn. Every cell of her being wanted to walk forward, to ignore this woman. But, what the woman said intrigued Alejia. She made herself heed the woman’s words. The word “destiny” stuck in her thoughts like a kitten’s claws playfully clinging to a ball of yarn, teasing at her curiosity.

The woman continued.

“Humility has become a strength for you. Forgiveness a type of fortress. Your insight has deepened giving clearer sight to the eyes of your understanding. That is how you can see through the Light of Glory in our city.”

Alejia’s hair stirred by a breeze, seemed to begin a slight dancing motion. A deep brown strand fluttered past her eye, the slight mahogany hue glowed. It tickled her cheek. The silvery musical breeze swirled around her, inviting her skin to goose-bump in response, chills surging through her spirit.

The lion’s mane appeared incandescent, each feather-like fiber in a dance-like motion as it interacted with the melodic phrased breeze. She absorbed the picture into her memory as she became aware of words again resonating with in her spirit.

“Jacob’s going to need you. He’s going to need your patient love, and understanding. I have tools for you. You will not understand them, until the time when you need them, but that is ok. Know that I am going to guide your steps, and I will be a light for your path. Turn and look in to the pond.”

Alejia turned towards the pond, and stole a glance at her reflection on the fiery water’s surface.

Startled by her appearance which seemed to be glowing, not unlike the city behind the woman and lion, she was suddenly aware she was wearing a white robe.

It was so white, it was almost as if it were made out of light.

Her eyes settled on something she noticed in her hair. It was a tiara, modestly jeweled with 5 of the most beautiful gems she had ever laid eyes on. Each stone appeared to be one color, until the light danced off another facet, then it seemed to change to an iridescence. Then her eyes were directed to her neck, where a necklace rested that also contained 5 of those same type of stones. As she moved her hand up to touch the necklace, she then became aware of a bracelet. 5 stones shimmered through a design imprinted on it that reminded her of a fiery blaze. Then, a ring, also embedded with 5 of those beautifully unique stones, each stone helped form the letter P, for Providence, she thought. Around her waist, an elegant chain containing those same 5 stones, loosely hung from her form. Her attention rested on her feet. In her reflection she saw sandals with the 5 stones scattered across the top of her feet. Looking at her actual feet, she noticed she still had on her actual shoes: practical, bright-colored with a low heel.

I wonder why my reflection is so different than my actual appearance?

Again aware of words that encompassed a depth no way she could describe or understand– “I’ve given you the tools you’ll need in the future. You won’t always be aware you have them, they have become a part of who you are and how you will interact with others. It’s not necessary for you to see them, or acknowledge them. They’re part of your design. They can’t be taken from you, and you can’t give them away. This is important for you to know. There will come a time when one will attempt to trick you into thinking they are gone. But they are always with you, just as I am always with you.”

Unsure if she could approach the woman with the lion, she carefully took several steps towards them. They both watched her, yet the lion seemed to have a look of casual amusement on its face. She felt herself growing fonder of this lion. She felt a sudden urge to hug it, but did not dare! She smiled at the woman, and thought of extending her hand, but suddenly felt shy and reserved. The woman’s expression had not changed at all from Alejia’s first sight of her, open yet somehow reserved.

Then the woman and the lion faded from her view.

“Maybe I was dreaming…”

Somewhere in the distance she heard the faint gentle roar of the lion.

“Or, not…”

Chapter 5

Alejia stood tall, and decided it was time she explore more of this sparkling land of treasures while she still had the opportunity.

She moved away from the crystal waters of the lake, and the scent-filled melody faded into quietness. Soon she found her self on a familiar, favorite trail she had walked a multitude of times before. Birds sang quietly, crickets chirped with a joyfulness that quickened Alejia’s spirit. She felt lighter after forgiving herself. The sky had taken on a clear, deep sapphiric blue hue, the trees emerald tones against it. Alejia wished she had brought her camera! She had been too angry with Jacob, had rushed out without thinking of grabbing it. She made a mental note to do her best to describe it to Osa when she returned. If anyone could draw, give it justice, Osa could and would.

Alejia heard a bird calling, and looked up to watch it fly over head. It was the color of a pearl! This place gave a whole new meaning to the word “bedazzled!”

Chapter 6

Jacob paced in front of the living room window, anxiously staring into the street. Where could she be? Thoughts and worries pounded against his conscience. He was too hard on her. He went too far. Maybe she wasn’t coming back this time…

He picked up his phone for the 15th time, started to tell Siri to call Alejia, but shut it off and set it back on the coffee table he was pacing next to. “No way she’ll talk with me. She’s not going to answer for me, she probably has me blocked. I deserve that!”, he lamented, though he wouldn’t have admitted that to her.

She just made him so crazy! His jealousy was out of control, and he knew it. But deep inside, he was terrified he would lose her. He knew he wasn’t good enough for her. He couldn’t keep up with her energy, her creativity, or her popularity with everyone she met. She was like a rare jewel. Everyone noticed her, was drawn to her warmth and this light that seemed to emanate from within her. She had a beauty that could compare to no one else. Everyone saw that, wanted to know her. He was particularly sensitive to the way Rine looked at her, how he seemed to seek her out for her opinion about every thing. Her friendship with Josh made his heart feel threatened, afraid even. Jacob knew if he lost Alejia, it’d be Josh she’d go to.

Jacob had tried to connect with her, to take an interest in what she seemed interested in. He even went to church with her once. But, that just was not his “thing”. His understanding of her Providence was of cruelty, unfairness, and  destruction. Not unlike the men in his own family. Like his own dad had been. Any thing good in his life had been taken from him, destroyed or he was discouraged away from it by his dad.

Until he met Alejia. Her smile had melted all the walls around his heart. She brought brightness, happiness… a comfort he hadn’t realized he would even lacked.

He needed her.

But, he had screwed things up so badly. He didn’t know how to fix this.

Alejia was the best thing that had ever happened to him, and he had screwed it up with her. He was going to lose her.

His grease stained hand reached for his phone, and his body flinched with surprise as his Old Phone ringtone reverberated in the quiet house. His heart quickened with hope. If he were a praying man, he would have prayed that it was Alejia calling.

It was his dad. He pushed the “decline” option. He was not in the best frame of mind to deal with him right now. No way he could tell his dad about the fight with Alejia. He’d just blame Jacob. He’d be right, but Jacob did not want that opportunity for his dad to gloat over his misfortune.

Again Jacob became aware of the lack of comfort or support he craved from his family.

Jacob grabbed his phone and hit the option to call Osa, Alejia’s closest friend. He held his breath, again reaching for hope that Alejia was with her.

“Hello Jacob, what do you want?”, Osa’s impatient sarcastic tone hit his nerves like a slap in the face.

“Hey. Ummm… Hi. By chance, is Alejia there with you?”

Osa sounded surprised, but answered with vague amusement in her tone, “Nope. Haven’t heard from her today. Has she run away from home? Lol.”

Jacob didn’t know how to answer. He decided not to let her bait him this time. “Thanks.” he pushed the “end call” button, and took a deep breath in, letting it out slow.

His ring tone interrupted his controlled breathing exercise. It was Osa calling back. “Great” , he thought with annoyance, putting his defensive guard back up.

“Hey”, he spoke into the speaker.

“Hey”, Osa responded. “Is Alejia ok? It’s not like you to call me. Josh called about an hour ago, saying she didn’t show for a meeting they had planned for a client.”

Jacob snarled, then smiled slightly as he felt a wave of relief. So she wasn’t with him! Good to know. Relief washed over him.

Jacob spoke carefully in response, “She’s probably fine. Just went for a drive, or shopping. Errands, I guess. She has been gone awhile, I was just starting to worry.”

“You need to give that girl her space, Jake. Seriously!”

“Yeah, yeah. Mind your business, we are all good here,” he said, knowing full well she was right. No way he would let her know that, though. Nosy wench!

” Ok, well, some day you are going to hear me say, ‘I told you so!’ I have no doubt. You have no idea what you are doing, and it is a sad shame. You treat her horribly, Jacob, and I will tell you right now: Josh will not. He loves her, you know, and he has every intention of waiting until you finally screw things up enough to make Alejia mad enough to finally leave you. Why are you such a jerk to her, any way? You have no idea how much she must love you to put up with you! Maybe this time is the final straw. What did you do or say, anyway? She’ll tell me what happened, you know.”

Jacob ended the call, wishing he could slam a receiver down in her ear for effect.

Looking around, he sighed deeply, as guilt crept into his thoughts and emotions. She’d have to come back at some point, at the very least to get her possessions. He hoped she would soon, anyway. He would be more ready to talk with her then. He had to talk with her, to tell her how sorry he is.

Or, maybe he would go stay at a hotel. Make her wonder where he was for a change.

I wish she would just call…

Chapter 7

Osa grimaced as Jake hung up on her.  He was such a  child! If he was not careful, by the time he grew up and handled things maturely, Alejia would grow tired of him and actually leave him, for good. If she had not left him already. It certainly was not like her to not call while running errands, or avoiding Jacob out of irritation.

Maybe she had finally just grown tired of all the drama, and left him for good. Except Osa was sure Alejia would tell her all about it.

Osa and Alejia had been friends since they were children. Alejia was the only one who talked with Osa,when they first met. Osa was shy, and timid, coming from a large family that was largely dysfunctional. She seemed to get lost in all the chaos, forgotten easily. Alejia reached out to her, smiled at her, always made sure Osa was included. She was so thankful to Providence for Alejia. Osa had no doubt Alejia was put into Osa’s life for a purpose, on purpose. Osa tried to always show her appreciation for her friend who had become closer than any of her sisters and brothers had ever been.

She was so glad she finally got to tell Jacob how things are. Enough was enough! He was about to push Alejia right into the waiting arms of another man, who would treat her so much better than Jacob ever had. Well, better than he had since the incident. Alejia had referred to it as the incident the rare times she mentioned it. But she never did tell Osa exactly what it was that had happened. All Osa knew was that they had separated for a few weeks, and some thing had happened to completely change the dynamic of their marriage. Osa figured it must have been an affair, and Jacob must have been the one guilty of having it. But Alejia never mentioned another woman, nor did she ever act jealous of anyone Jacob knew. In fact, Jacob was the one demonstrating the jealousy. And, Alejia had been spending a lot of time with Josh lately. Maybe there had been another guy back then… No, Osa would have known about it.

She walked briskly through the parking lot to her car. A breeze picked up, pushing through her mid-length strawberry curls playfully. She decided not to call Alejia. Not just yet. She probably needed time to her self. If she didn’t hear from her by this time tomorrow, she’d set out to looking for her.

She said a quick prayer of safety for her friend. “Dear Providence, I do not know where Alejia is, or if she is going through a tough time. She must be really upset, it is not like her to just take off! Please keep her safe, bring her back safely. Please help her marriage, open Jacob’s eyes to the truth. He just needs you. I wish he would realize that!”


Jacob knew Osa was right. He had treated Alejia really rotten. No way Alejia ever deserved that. He just felt this perpetual anger that would not go away. He saw Alejia’s eyes light up when she and Josh discussed things about their work, or church. He felt he needed to compete, but he had no idea how to compete with this Josh guy, who seemed to be everything Alejia might need or want. Their friendship worried Jacob deeply, he just did not know what to do about it. He saw the attraction between then, his anger set off at times by the sparks between them. Alejia didn’t get it. She didn’t get that her interactions with Josh made Jacob worry he was losing her. Maybe it was too late maybe he had already lost her heart.

Jacob tried to pinpoint in his memory when things had changed in their marriage. What had happened. They had had the one super rocky point, but she seemed to have moved right past that. They never spoke of it, he refused to let himself think about it… Thinking about it made him feel ashamed. That was when things drastically changed. That was the point things started to deteriorate, when he started to lose her. He knew now, that he had been in the wrong. But, he had no idea how to bring it up. They fought all the time now, he did not want to add another topic to be a catalyst for fights. Maybe somewhere deep in his conscience he knew that what had happened was actually the invisible cause of their fights. It was the open door to their marriage troubles. No way he could ever talk with Alejia about it, though. He was too worried he’d make things worse and cause her to leave for good.

So, instead, he yelled at her every time she met with Josh. He did all he could to make her feel guilty, in hopes she would end that friendship with Josh. He made her feel bad about herself. He called her names… He was suddenly overwhelmed with shame. Why had he done all of that? How could he possibly think insulting and hurting his wife’s feelings could fix anything?

So far, no luck.

He suddenly saw things from a new perspective for him, and he hated it! How had he deceived himself so badly?  This time when he pushed those buttons, he realized that was probably one of the worst things he could do. Watching her walk out the door, driving angrily away, he finally got it: he had to stop being such a jerk to her. He was not causing her to want to end the friendship with Josh. Instead, he was pushing her away from himself, making her want to leave their marriage.

Osa was right, he really was a selfish idiot! He hoped it wasn’t too late to fix things. He hoped he could figure out how to fix things. If he didn’t figure it out soon, he would lose everything that meant anything to him. He could not let that happen. He did not pray to Providence. But he did resolve to treat Alejia as she deserved to be treated: with appreciation, trust and love!

Chapter 8

Alejia climbed into her Celica, tearing herself away from her safe haven, while marveling at what she had just experienced.  She was vaguely aware of an ache on her toe from the crab claw.

That had happened. It had actually happened!

Her mind was in excited shock.  She let her thoughts run wild. There was no way to explain what had just happened. Who could she even tell? No one! Not even Osa. Especially not Jacob, no way he would ever believe any of this.

Her mind wrestled with each thought, each memory, trying to make sense of it all tried to remember what she had been told about her future destiny.

There was an anxiousness in her heart to rush back there and stay. She knew she had to return to Jacob, but she felt so safe there.

Jacob would be worried. He had probably called every one she knew.

Probably even Josh…

She did not, at all, anticipate the inquiry she knew she would experience when she returned. She could not even clear her mind enough to plan her way through the interrogation ahead of time. She felt this unexplainable under current of elation and excitement, much like the first time she fell in love. As if she were glowing.

Like when she had married Jacob.

She glanced at her reflection in her rear  view mirror. Nope. Not glowing. It must be be a left over feeling from her experience.

When had this special feeling faded from her marriage? What caused it to subside? Somehow they had lost their way. Could they find their way back to this feeling, again? She was not ready to give up. Not yet. She had some corrections to make with in her self. She hoped miracles would happen and Jacob would make corrections as well. There was still an ember of love in her heart for him. She desperately needed to fan that. She did not want to remain married out of duty or obligation. Neither of them would be happy if it came down to that. If at all possible, she hoped for them both to be happy.

It had been tough for her to leave the pond. But, night did not make the place inviting and warm. Quite the opposite, in fact. Not in a physically dangerous sense. Just a bit spooky, causing heightened awareness in her that warned her to “Get out!”, so, she did.

She could spend hours remembering that amazing breeze that tickled her senses in a pleasing way, with its melodic hushes and its playful, teasing displays of making the lion’s mane dance as it brushed through each strand. And those deep eyes. It was more than the golden brown color that drew her into them. Her thoughts pirouetted around the picture her memory held. Such a magnanimous creature, if she could refer to it as a creature without offense of sacrilege. She could now picture that same lion as being the very Providence her faith had woven her life’s choices through. Most of her choices, anyway. That picture seemed accurate, though she could not dare even try to explain why. Her thoughts moved to the gorgeous array of colors and precious stones that made up the scenery. Never had she imagined such a perfect place, much less actually been to one! She felt honored and humbled at the same time– a feeling she had never before experienced by any one in her life.

Trees rushed by as she continued down the high way (add name later**). On the radio, Inspirational music stopped as the testimony programming time began. Alejia was not sure if she was in the mindset to listen, she really wanted to ponder more over what she had just been through. Her attention was suddenly grabbed by the voice of a man beginning to share, excitedly, about what Providence had recently done in his life. She was surprised as he began to talk about his marriage,  and how he had treated his wife. How she had been patient, and bold in telling him she was praying for him, continuously, even though she knew he hated everything about her religion. He stated bluntly– he never believed that prayers did anything but make the person saying and believing them look foolish. He talked about how he hated when people who prayed out loud, and specifically one woman who would stop every thing, in public no less, and just pray, out loud. He said it angered him, because she was  telling every one around them his private business, and that was what had really pushed him away from pursuing his wife’s faith. Until Providence answered his wife’s prayers, that is. He was driving home from work, late, in the rain. Tired–exhausted, the rain was unusually heavy that night. He had a tough time seeing past blinding vehicle lights coming at him from oncoming traffic, and missed the road curving to the right. Heading straight, he nearly hit the guard rail, but he became aware of words that seemed loud, a warning: Stop Now! So, with quick reflexes, he stopped. He made a quick call home to his wife, to let her know he would be home a little later than planned, and she told him then that Providence had just impressed her to urgently pray for his safety. That got his attention, and for the first time ever, he thanked her for praying. He hung up his phone, and climbed out of his car. Making his way, nearly wading through deep puddles in worn through, pot-holed asphalt, he saw the guard rail ahead of him with the flash light of his cell phone. On the guard rail, the sign said, “Scenic Over watch’. He walked over to investigate, and just behind the guard rail, was the drop off of a very deep valley. He took a picture of both the sign and the drop off, to both remember and show it to his wife when he told her how Providence answered her prayers. For him. He did not deserve that, he knew. He had been so ugly to her, so mean. She had had every right to hate him, to give up on him, but she never did. He dropped to his knees, under the weight of realization, and prayed to Providence, thanking Him and surrendering to Him.

The man’s voice sounded so much like Jacob’s. That was unnerving, and suddenly her heart was flooded with divine hope. Maybe, if she didn’t give up on Jacob, maybe Providence would reach his heart, too. She began to cry. Please, she cried out in her heart, please use me like You used that man’s wife. Help me to bring him to You. Help him to trust You. Please don’t give up on him, and please help me to not give up on him, or give in to anger and frustration.

Alejia thanked Providence for saving the man on the radio, and thanked Providence for restoring her hope for Jacob.

Music flooded through the car as she continued on towards her home. She would get back late. She doubted Jacob would be awake, but who knew? He might be super angry. Was she ready for that? She did not feel ready. Maybe she should stop for the night at a hotel, then continue home fresh and rested. She had no peace in her heart about stopping, though. So, she drove on, ignoring her tired body begging for sleep. It is just another hour, I can do this, she encouraged herself.

The next hour, her mind was filled with every thing from prayers, to the music on the radio, and then to planning how to respond to every scenario she could think of for interacting with Jacob.

No matter how much she planned, though, she was not prepared for what actually happened after she arrived home.

Chapter 9

Jacob heard the gravel under Alejia’s tires as she pulled up, and his heart flooded with relief. For the first time in as long as he could remember, he had to fight back tears. What in the world is going on with me? he scolded himself. No way he was crying in front of his wife. No way!

He felt unsure of where to be when she walked in, or even what to say. He was at a total loss for words. He had not expected her to come back tonight. He had not been sure he could ever expect her to come back to him. Maybe she had decided to leave him. Maybe she was just returning to get her things, and she would be leaving again. He could not bear the thought of her leaving again. He needed her. Could he tell her that? Could he open up to her and be vulnerable with her like that? Did he trust her? You just do not tell women those kinds of things, or any one. Ever!

He felt a fight with in him, trying to convince him to either open up completely, or clam up and shut up. He did not know what to do. He decided to gauge her reaction as she came inside before he even said a word.

He heard her foot steps on the front step, and his heart rushed with excitement. How could he not open up to her and show her the depth of his appreciation for coming back to him? He caught a glimpse of her face through the window as she reached towards the front door. She looked radiant… What did that mean? She had met some one else? She was happy to return?

The door creaked low as Alejia turned the knob and opened it. She was caught off-guard with surprise that Jacob was awake. Suddenly an awkward silence stood between them. What could she say to him that she had not already said? Should she apologize? Tell him where she had been? Could she tell him what she had experienced? He would think her insane!

She stepped inside the house, and attempted to prepare herself to face him. She was not prepared, though. Was that tears she saw? Was he crying? Smiling? He looked relieved!

She started to speak, to apologize for being away so long, but his words stopped her.

“I am sorry I made you want to leave.”

Flabbergasted, she tried to find words to respond. He is apologizing to me? Have I entered the Twilight Zone?

“I called Osa, and she told me what an idiot I have been being.” He left out the part about knowing how Alejia had missed an appointment with Josh. He was not ready to talk about Josh. He did not think he could keep his jealousy under control yet.

Alejia walked over to him, wrapped her arms around him and drew him close. She did not know what to say. She dared not speak, dared not ruin this important moment. He had never spoken to her so honestly about being wrong before. A tiny part of her wanted to gloat, as he had at times when she admitted to being wrong. She squelched that,and instead hugged him closer. Her heart felt an overwhelming love, a gratefulness for him. It had been such a long time since she’d felt that with him. It felt strange, almost new with a touch of melancholy. Had she fallen out of love with him? How did she get the love back in her heart for him, to stay?

All of a sudden,she was no longer sure she could work things out with him. This feeling, it should not be a strange, new or nearly forgotten feeling. Things between them had become more distant than she had even realized.

Her memory tugged at her thoughts. She remembered her reflection on the pond’s surface, with these words penetrating through her consciousness: “Jacob is going to need you. He’s going to need your patient love, and understanding. I have tools for you. You won’t understand them, until the time when you need them, but that’s ok. Know that I’m going to guide your steps, and I’ll be a light for your path.” She took a deep, concentrated breath. She had no doubt Providence’s plan was for her to stay with Jacob.

Jacob’s emotions had taken over. He stopped trying to fight them. He needed Alejia. There was no reason to not show her that. All his fears that made up his “tough guy” thick outer skin evaporated as he saw her walk back into his life. He did not want to go back to how things were. He had no idea how to hold on to her, he had always known she was out of is league. But, he was not giving her up without a fight. He just had to learn a new way to fight– with out his fists, with out his anger, with out raising his voice. He felt a new desperation with in his heart to change. He fought the urge to examine that and talk himself out of it. This mattered, Alejia mattered.

His marriage was suddenly the most important thing in his life.

Alejia pulled back a little, and looked into his eyes. What she saw melted her last bit of defensiveness. There was that same tenderness she had craved for so long, the same tenderness that had been there in the beginning of their marriage.

Before the incident.

She had to look away, could not bear to show him what was in her heart right now.

She fought against the hardening of her heart as she remembered that pain, the situation and then the tragedy that had caused the cold change. She remembered what she had forced herself to forget. Pain flooded her heart, and she struggled to hold back tears of anger and pain. Why was this happening now? How could this be the best time for this?

She looked away as she regained control of her near emotional out-burst. She prayed silently, “Help me. Please. I can not do this alone.”

Jacob felt her stiffen, and anxiousness swept over him. He clung to her tighter, held her as close as absolutely possible. The words, “I love you” escaped his throat, softly, with no way for him to stop them. She let him hold her, but her body felt limp, the feeling pouring out of her limbs as the familiar numbness tried to creep over, tried to take over again.

No! I can not let that happen! Not this time.

She took another deep breath, stirred up her courage and her resolve, looked Jacob in the eyes, and said, “I love you too.”

Chapter 10

The incident.

Alejia’s thoughts spun around in her head, leaving her heart reeling in painful regrets and tormenting memories.

She and Jacob had talked a bit more, holding each other, then they reconnected physically. Jacob laid next to her, lightly snoring, a look of peace and relief still covering his face.

Alejia had no doubt he was sorry, and he planned to change. She did begin to doubt that she would be able to change, as well. To forgive.

They had been married close to 10 years, the incident happening in the third year of their marriage.

When they married, they both had been in agreement they did not want children. They took every precaution, out side of altering their bodies with surgery, to be sure no children would forever change their happy, simple, agreeable marriage.

Then it happened. Alejia got pregnant. She was afraid to tell Jacob, but bravely stepped forward and shared the news. Though she wasn’t sure what to expect, she had no idea anger, and then his nearly walking out on their marriage would be the end result. He told her to get an abortion, or he would not come back. Alejia stood her ground. Abortion was not some thing she could ever willingly bring herself to do. She planned to carry the baby full term, to have the baby, and if it were a girl, she would name her Sarah. Stress and the hard work of her job as a home decorator made the decision for her. She lost the baby at around 7 weeks. She took her time grieving and healing before she told Jacob 2 weeks later. The look of almost elation on his face when she told him she was no longer carrying their child made her sick. Kids were not part of their life-sharing plans, but to purposely terminate a life growing within her, that was the most cruel hatred for new, innocent, vulnerable life she ever believed she could experience.

She never told Jacob what happened. Only that she was no longer carrying his child. They never spoke of that again.

She resolved to forgive him. She didn’t now why he was so opposed to having children. Maybe she could ask him… did she dare? Would that upset the new balance in their relationship?

She was tired of feeling afraid to talk with him about anything. That fear had to go away. How could she make it go away? maybe now wasn’t the time to discuss that.

She watched him sleep, her thoughts whirling about. She knew she was not going to sleep tonight. Not even a wink. She pulled her Bible out of her bedside table drawer, and opened it randomly to Isaiah 54. She cried, nearly cried out, as she read, ” (New International Version)
“Sing, barren woman, you who never bore a child; burst into song, shout for joy, you who were never in labor; because more are the children of the desolate woman than of her who has a husband,” says the LORD.

Her mind worked its way through that verse, thinking, contemplating each word, each idea.

Then she thought about what could possibly make her burst into a song of joy.

I have a husband, she thought. But, would he ever step up to be a dad? Even if it meant her happiness? She doubted it.

Yet, she felt this strong, almost burning urge to wake Jacob up and talk with him. Apprehension took over, and she felt frozen… numb.

No! No more numbness! I am talking to him!

“Jacob. Jacob, can you wake up? Can we talk? Please?”

Jacob stirred, mumbled something, rolled over, and began snoring again.

Great. I can not sleep, and he will not wake up.

Alejia sat up, and gingerly got up off the bed. If we can’t talk, I am going for a drive to clear my thoughts. As she started dressing, Jacob stirred once again, opened his eyes, and saw her putting her clothes on.

“Good morning! Is it time for you to go to work already?”

Holding her breath, she thought her way through her response.

“No. I can not sleep. I tried to wake you, to talk with you, but you would not wake.” She sat back down on the bed. “Do you think we could talk now?”

Jacob sat up, feeling fear rise up within him, and swallowed a reactive response from the defensiveness moving to shield his heart.


Alejia caught a glimpse of the old Jacob, and she knew in her heart, this was not going to go well. She swallowed hard, trying to keep the anxiety level from clinging to her vocal cords.

“Is this not a good time?” she asked, cautiously.

“It is probably a better time than any.” He braced himself for a fight. She was going to walk out on him, he just knew it! He never should have opened up to her and shown that vulnerable part of himself. She was going to trample over it!

Alejia scratched nervously at the back of her hand, and she mustered the courage to speak.

“Do you remember when we had our first major fight? Do you remember what that was about?”

Jacob hesitated, thinking back, remembering with regret what had happened. “Yeah. I remember.”

She looked into his eyes, seeming to try to read what was in them. “Jacob, how do you feel about all of that, now?”

Jacob looked away. He felt shame. Anger at his own actions and reactions. Could he admit that to her?

He chose the simplest answer, hoping it would be enough. “Not good.”

“Not good like it was my fault? Not good like kids are not good? Can you tell me what you mean by ‘Not good’?”

Jacob hated blunt confrontation. He hated feeling backed into a corner to talk about feeling and deeply personal things. But, Alejia was more important to him than how he felt about talking this through. He braved his way through his response.

“Not good like I was a stupid, idiotic, selfish jerk. I never should have reacted like that. I shouldn’t have treated you so harshly or awful.”

Whoa! Alejia had not expected that! Her eyes could no longer hold back her tears. Was this real? Had he really said that? Surely she was dreaming!

Jacob saw the tears burst from Alejia’s eyes, and he swallowed hard to fight back his own tears. Is this what I have done to her? To us?

“Alejia. Honey. I’m so sorry. I had no idea I had hurt you so much. You never said any thing. I thought you had moved on, that it had not affected you.” Jacob grabbed a tissue and tenderly blotted at the tears around her eyes.

“I never told you what happened. I couldn’t… I could not talk about it. I was so angry with you, and then I was so sure you would never want to hear it, to now about it. So I never explained.”

Jacob cupped her face in his hands.”You can tell me. It will be ok. I don’t know if I want to know, but I will listen. I do not want to keep you from telling me what ever you need to tell me.”

“I lost the baby, Jacob. I lost our baby. I could not bring my self to get that abortion. I know you wanted me to, but I was carrying a life you and I had created, together, and I could not be a part of destroying it. But, I lost the baby, any way.” Alejia broke down into deep sobs of distress and pain. Jacob’s heart ached. I caused this. I caused her to feel this pain. This is my fault.

“What have I done? It’s my fault you lost the baby! And you have carried this all these years while I’ve barely thought anything about it. What kind of a man am I?”

Alejia became aware of the words rebounding in her thoughts, Tell him you forgive him.

“Jacob,” Alejia spoke quietly, just above a whisper, “I forgive you.”

“You forgive me. How can you forgive me? I was so horrible! I’ve been so selfish!”

Alejia reached over and hugged him close to her. “I forgive you because I love you.” It seemed so simple to say, to practice.

It was Jacob’s turn to break down. He was crying. Openly. Begging Alejia to know how sorry he was.

As she held him and comforted him, letting him know it is all ok, she couldn’t help but think, I have stepped into the Twilight Zone!

Chapter 11

Alejia woke to the distant sounds of birds flying over head. Squinting she looked at the alarm clock on her night stand. 7:oo a.m. It was Sunday morning, she realized. There would be a church service today. She felt an  excited stir in her heart. She loved her church services!

She and Jacob had fallen asleep in each others arms. He had been wonderful! She fought had fought the urge to pinch herself as they talked. Maybe that really had been a dream, maybe all of it had been. She searched Jacob’s face for some hint, some clue of reality. She saw that same peace. There was definitely a difference! She wondered if she should try to wake him and ask him to go to her service with her. She decided not to. He never seemed comfortable there, and she realized it would be the perfect time to talk with Ryne, quietly, and get things set straight again. Plus, she needed prayer today for the strength to be the wife Providence was calling upon her to be for Jacob.

Alejia’s phone, set to vibrate, buzzed, and startled her. She felt her body flinch with surprise. Jacob stirred. It would be nice to let him sleep in today, Alejia thought. Rest would do him some good!

She picked up her phone to see it was Osa. Alejia climbed out of bed, and headed into the kitchen to get a cup of tea, answering as she walked.

“Hey!” Alejia whispered.

“Hey your self. Are you going to the service today?”

“I am planning to go today. I just woke up, but I need prayer today, and Pastor Paul always has the perfect message. I’m excited to hear what Providence will have him speak about today.”

“What happened to you yesterday? Where were you? You had both those men in your life worried sick yesterday! ” Osa chastised her. “Even I was starting to feel concerned!”

“You know how it is. I got upset, and went for a drive. I just needed to clear my thoughts, gain some perspective. Then, when I got home, Jacob and I talked. I feel a lot better about things today.” Alejia realized she had a peace in her heart that she had not felt since the beginning of their marriage.

“You know, Jacob was really worried. I can not think of any other time he has called me.”

“He called you? I thought, for some reason, that you had called him. What did he say?”

“He was worried, Jia. I do not think I have ever heard him worried. And, like I said, he never, ever calls me, for any reason. I did give him what for, though. I told him he had better stop treating you bad. And I told him how Josh feels about you. I also told him he needs to wake up because he is going to push you away if he does not knock it off.”

“You told him all of that? Wow,” Alejia soaked in all Osa said. “I went to my place. I needed to take a time out, to get away and think. I needed to pray. I am glad I went. I think it was good for both of us. Things are better, Osa. So much better. I think we are going to be ok.”

Alejia could hear Jacob walking around at the other end of the house. “He’s awake now. I need to get going. Thank for the update, and for praying.”

Alejia barely heard Osa’s “You are welcome!” before she ended the call and set her phone down.


Jacob woke to the sound of Alejia whispering into her phone as she walked out of their room. He could feel that fear and jealousy starting to rise up. He wanted to ask her who she was talking with, but he held back. She would tell him, more than likely. He had to start trusting her. Last night, they had talked about so many things, personal things they never spoke of. Things they needed to get out in the open. Jacob has let his guard down, had shown Alejia his feelings. Should he not have done that? Was that a mistake? He hoped things would change, for the better. It was time for him to begin trusting Alejia again he knew. He had to, he didn’t want to lose her. He got up and walked to the window, the floor boards creaking under his feet. He gazed out into the bright morning sky, and pondered this new feeling he was experiencing. Surprised, he realized what he was feeling was hope. When had he started feeling hopeless? His mind wandered over the memories of their history together. Walking hand-in-hand, talking about everything. They had been so happy! They had so many things in common. What had changed? Why had he become such a horrible jerk to her, so worried she’d cheat on him or leave him. Or both.

He thought about all they had been through together, and then he realized: all of the negative had been caused by him. It was his fault. He had made her feel bad about wanting their baby. He had tried to make her get rid of it, like it was a pest or something that could just be thrown out. Over the years he had felt his heart soften and he had changed his mind about what he thought and felt concerning abortion. He no longer saw it as an easy “fix” to a problem that needed fixing. He understood more now what it was, how it was a love baby being tortured to its death. That made him feel a sadness deep in his heart. He had tried to make Alejia kill their baby in her womb. What kind of horrible person was he? He felt a darkness overwhelm his thoughts. Distraught, he turned, walked back over to the bed, and laid back down. It’d been years since he experienced this crippling frustration. There was no way he could ever be everything Alejia needed him to be. He might as well just give up. Just give in to the despair… He wasn’t good enough for her, and he never would be. No matter what he said or did. He might as well face the facts– she was going to leave him for this other guy. That is probably who she was on the phone with, the reason she was whispering to begin with.

Jacob would never stand a chance.

He could hear her walking back towards him, no longer whispering in to her phone. He decided to pretend to be asleep, in order to give himself time to process all these thoughts. They were so heavy, he did not want to bother his wife with them. That’s all she needed from him, yet another reason to leave him for good. He realized: he had no idea how to make her want to stay.

He felt lost and unsure of what to do next.

Alejia walked into their room, and saw him laying in bed, in what looked like the same position he had been in before she went to the kitchen. She was so sure she had heard him walking around back here. Was he pretending? Why would he do that? She looked at his face and with sadness realized the peace was no longer there. Something had happened, but she had no idea what, or what to do about it.

She walked over to him, and tenderly kissed his fore head, something she realized she had not done in quite some time. She whispered “I love you, Jacob”, then walked over to her bureau. She dressed and got ready for her church service. She needed the service today. She needed to pray and focus once again on Providence. Perhaps He would, once again, give her some helpful direction.

Jacob tried to lie still and waited for Alejia to leave the room. It was an effort to hold back tears of relief as she kissed his fore head and told him she loved him. It had bee such a long time since she had done that. He hadn’t even realized that he missed it! He needed to get his act together, and quick!

He wondered where Alejia was getting ready to go, and then he remembered. It was Sunday. She would be headed to church. He felt sad at the realization that she had not asked him to go with her. Of course she did not ask him to go. He had thrown a fit and been such a jerk to her in the past about it, no way she would ask him to go, today. He felt that twinge of regret again, and his stomach knotted at the thought that Ryne would be there. He wanted to get up and go after her, to stop her, or offer to go with her today. But, instead, he lay there, frozen in place, as he let worry over took his thoughts and actions.

This is stupid, he thought as he made himself get up out of bed. He was going to her church service today. He hoped she wouldn’t be upset, that it would be a good surprise for Alejia for him to walk in, even though he would be late by this time. He didn’t much like the music, anyway.

He felt a nervous flutter in his heart as he stumbled over to the closet to find a suit. This was such a rare occasion, he sarcastically thought about putting on his tux. Now, that would be a sight! He chuckled to him self quietly.

He went over the route to the church in his mind, hoped he could remember where it was. When was the last time, the actual only time he had gone with her to her church service? It’d been Christmas, maybe 8 years ago. Wow. All these years and he really knew nothing about this part of her life. It was a pretty big part, too. She was involved in the community through different programs and charities. He had always admired her cheerful attitude as she helped widows and children who had lost their dad or mom, though he often told her it was just a waste of her time. He missed her when she was at the homeless shelter, feeding them over the holidays, or reaching out to them in various ways throughout the year. He realized, he had been missing out on the things that mattered to her. He had been stubborn, refused to take an interest, or volunteer his own precious time with her.

The actions of a full-fledged jerk, he thought to him self.

He pulled a shirt off of a hangar, unbuttoned it, and slid the sleeves over his arms. It was Alejia’s favorite of his. He hoped this would help her see how important she was to him.

He felt like a schoolboy, nervous about his first date to the prom. His fingers clumsy as he buttoned the deep, emerald green shirt. I wonder if I should wear a tie? Maybe that would be too much. Or just enough? He pulled a silvery-grey colored tie from the door of the closet. Alejia had kept things so organized. He had taken that for granted, often getting annoyed when she moved things around, or tried out her home decorating and organizational ideas here before she presented them to her clients.

She was a brilliant designer, creative and clever. Why had he never told her that? He thought it often.

I have got to start telling her these things! Ryne probably told her those things all the time. In his stubbornness, he had practically handed his wife over to this man to be flattered and wooed. I am such an idiot, he thought. Such a freaking idiot!

He hoped he wasn’t too late, or that he would not be pushing her away by going to the church service today. What if he made a mistake by going? If he did nothing at all, he would lose her. Going today was a chance he would have to take. He just hoped he would not lose his temper if he saw Alejia with Ryne. That wouldn’t be a good thing at all!

He finished the elaborate tie knot, straightened his tie, ran a comb through his hair, and slipped his wing-tips over his socked feet, tying them quickly, then he rushed out the door.

Just as he reached the front door, his phone vibrated annoyingly. He reached into his pocket to get it, and looked at the screen. It was his dad. He chose “decline”, and put the phone back into his pocket. No way he would get into it with his dad right now. He would freak out if Jacob told him he was on his way to church. He would never hear the end of it! It was best if he just did not talk with his dad right now.

He locked the door behind him, got into his vintage black Trans Am, and tore off down the road, rushing to get to the church before he was too late to make any of the service at all.

Chapter 12

Alejia pulled  into the church parking lot, feeling a bit flustered. She knew the first thing she had to do was find Ryne and talk with him. She needed to apologize to him for leading him on. She felt certain Providence was impressing on her the importance of making this a priority today, as soon as possible.

Realization hit hard as she thought about all the times in recent months she had come here with the intention of seeking Josh out to talk with him, or ask his advice as an architect about one of her decorating or organizational ideas. He had always been so easy to talk with, and he definitely was easy on the eyes! A recent divorce had made him popularly sought after by the single and divorced or widowed women in the congregation. Alejia realized how selfish she was being by seeking his attention and time for her self. She had not been able to help her self, though. They seemed to have so much in common, and he was easy to laugh with. He gave her the attention, and the respect, even appreciation, that Jacob did not. Josh had only witnessed Alejia with Jacob one time, when Jacob showed up unexpectedly as Alejia was having a business lunch with Josh and a client. That was before Alejia and Josh had even started getting to know one another. Jacob had acted like a jealous jerk, accusing Alejia of cheating on him. She still had no idea how Jacob had come to that conclusion. Maybe there were sparks between Alejia and Josh back then that she had been unaware of. She doubted it, though. They were going over design plans, complimenting each other on their ideas and creativity, building up one another in front of the client, so as to encourage a friendly environment. The client, a member of their congregation, had hired them separately. Alejia and Josh had not even met before this. The client had actually been surprised that Alejia was married to Jacob. Maybe there had been another intention behind the business lunch on the client’s part. This left Alejia’s curiosity flitting about, trying to make sense of it all, looking for clues she had missed.

Alejia dismissed that all from her thoughts as she caught sight of Josh walking into the building. She took a deep breath, said a quick prayer to Providence, and rushed up to the front door.

As she stepped through the door way, she was reminded of that familiar feeling she got every time she came here. The feeling of comfort, of safety. This was her sanctuary away from all of the troubles within her marriage. She would never tell this to Jacob, or anyone else, not even Osa, but she was secretly relieved that Jacob did not want to come to church with her some days. This was her place, away from the troubles, away from his mean spiritedness and jealousy.

She smiled at a few familiar faces that walked past her as she walked briskly towards Josh. He turned and watched closely as she walked closer to him.

“Josh, hi. Can we talk for a minute?” she asked in a rush.

“Hi there. Sure!” His face brightened, as he gestured towards an open table in the coffee house a few feet away. “Can I get you some coffee this morning? You look gorgeous today, by the way.”

Alejia’s heart threatened to melt at his words, but she forced it to remain strong and resolute. This had to be addressed. “Sure, I would love a cup of coffee. You know how I like it.” She smiled at him casually, trying to be more reserved than she had been in the past. He did not seem to notice.

Josh could not help but hope she wanted to let him know she was done with her marriage. He would never encourage divorce, but if Jacob was stupid enough to let her go, well, Josh would be right there to snatch her up before some one else realized how amazing she was. He walked up to the coffee counter, and gave the attendee his order for himself and Alejia. He had taken to drinking what Alejia ordered, an iced Americano with no sweetener or cream.

He walked back over to the table with their coffees, as Alejia was checking over her appearance in the small compact she kept with her, making sure there were no shiny spots on her face.

“See? I am not lying. You look gorgeous, just as I told you!” Josh spoke with a gentle teasing voice, warm with affection.

“You are too kind! And, you are making what I need to say difficult.” Alejia swallowed hard, trying to get the lump out of her throat.

“Yesterday was a difficult day for me”, Alejia started out.

Josh covered her hand, resting on the table, with his own, in an attempt to comfort her. She gently pulled her hand away, not wanting to upset him, but knowing she could not encourage him to think they could ever be more than good friends and colleagues.

“Oh”, he reacted with disappointed surprise as she pulled her hand away. “Does this have to do with the reason you missed our meeting yesterday?”

Alejia couldn’t quite get a read on him. For the first time since she had met him, he seemed closed off from her. She felt surprised by the cold, distant attitude that had suddenly presented itself through him. Oh no, she thought. She was about to hurt him. How could she have missed how much he had grown to care for her? This was completely unfair to him. She felt horrible.

“Oh, Josh. How could I be so ignorant? I am so sorry. Yesterday Jacob and I had this terrible argument. Worse than we have had in years! I went for a drive, and while I was out, I prayed. Providence impressed upon my heart, deeply, that I needed to apologize to you. I have never meant to lead you on! I care for you, more than I have the right to, and this is one of the hardest things I have ever had to do. But, I have to work things out with Jacob. I hope you won’t hate me. I won’t put any obligation on you to remain my friend, though I hope you will be. You have grown to be so important to me.” Alejia brushed the tears from her eyes, impatiently. The last thing she wanted to do was tempt the gossips to pay attention to them.

Josh took a deep breath, then let it out slowly. Alejia was surprised by the amount of emotions she was able to read as he struggled to regain his composure. Was that anger she was detecting? Anger, really? It was not as though she never told him about her husband. He knew she was married, even if it was not a happy, fairy tale marriage. Surely Josh could not expect her to walk away from her marriage. What kind of a woman would she be, if she walked away from her life long committed with so much ease?

Josh smiled at her, a sadness in his eyes she had never seen. Was he in love with her? He spoke in a calm, quiet tone, his voice masking his true emotions. “You are an amazing woman, Alejia. I would be lying if I told you I don’t have feelings for you, and had hoped that some how you and I could end up together. Of course, that would be wrong. Certainly Providence would never bless such a union. I should have distanced myself a long time ago, but I fell for the hope that maybe it could some how, some day, become a reality for you and I to be together. Of course, we can still work together, and hopefully we can be friends.”

Relieved by his words and how well he seemed to be taking things, Alejia glanced around, nervously, hoping no one was paying attention, or even close enough to hear them. She could hear the music from the auditorium, and realized the service had already begun. No one was around them. She smiled at Josh, and thanked him for listening to her, and for being such a great friend. “Friends have never been an easy thing for me to come by”, Alejia told him.”I hope you realize that friendship, to me, is more valuable than maybe it is to most people.”

Josh nodded, but could not stop the disappointment from stabbing at his heart.

He stood and helped her out of her chair. He was always such a gentleman!  Alejia stepped away from the table, suddenly overwhelmed with awkwardness. Do I hug him now? Shake his hand? She stuck her hand out in a businesslike fashion, and shook his hand. “Thank you. You are an amazing man, Josh, and I don’t want to stand in the way of who ever Providence wants to bring into your life. I hope you will trust Him to guide you.”

Josh tried to hide his skepticism from her,”Yeah, ok. Sure,” he said, unconvincingly.

“I mean it.”

“I know you do. You better get into the service. I am going to go grab some fresh air.” And with that, Josh walked over to the front door, and left the building.

Chapter 14

Alejia took a deep breath and entered the auditorium quietly. She instantly surrendered her thoughts over and let the music from the song, “Oh How He Loves” fill her head.

She had not known what to expect as she talked with Josh, but she was thankful it was past her now. He seemed to handle things maturely. She would feel a hole at the loss of their close friendship, but she knew she did what had to be done. Plus, she was not giving up on her marriage.

The music began dying down, as the pastor stood up and began to speak. Alejia found her seat as the pastor started reading from Scripture:

Matthew 18, verses 21 and 22, in the New American Standard Version say,

“Then Peter came and said to Him, “Lord, how often shall my brother sin against me and I forgive him? Up to seven times?” Jesus said to him, “I do not say to you, up to seven times, but up to seventy times seven...”

Alejia hoped Josh would be able to forgive her. But, she just was not sure.


Jacob swore under his breath as he turned down the wrong road. Where was this church? He decided to try one more road before calling and finding out the directions. He wanted to surprise Alejia. He fought the urge to think, and surprise Alejia and catch her with Josh.

Jacob expertly turned his car around, and went back out onto the main road. He turned down the street marked as Road 100. He was not as familiar with this rural area as he was with the city they lived in.

In the distance, he made out the out line of a building that looked like it could be Alejia’s church. Good! he thought strongly. I made it in time for some of the service! Hopefully Alejia would be happy to see him. No doubt she would be surprised!

Jacob continued down the gravelly road, hating that little rocks were bouncing off of his paint, probably putting chips in it. This was one of the deterrents that kept him from coming here, actually. She would have to know how important she is to him, just from this fact alone.

He hoped he was not too late to make changes. He was not looking forward to the actual church service, but he really wanted to be with Alejia. He needed to be with her. He had been such a fool. He needed to make things right, make sure things were still better since last night.

He hated how insecure this was all making him feel, but he could not help that.

He pulled into the parking lot, and began looking for a place to park his precious car.

He noticed a man sitting outside by him self. As he walked nearer, the man waved politely towards him. Was that Josh? And he was waving towards Jacob? What in the world could that even mean?

Jacob looked around, but did not see Alejia any where. Jacob’s heart flooded with relief.


Josh sat down outside of the church, on one of the low concrete tiers. His mind, maybe his heart, reeling from all Alejia had just said. How could he be angry with her? This was not her fault. He had sought her out more often than she sought him. He had done every thing he could to try to be for her what he saw her husband had been lacking in. He had hoped to draw her away from a negative marriage where Providence seemed forbidden by Jacob to work. As if that could actually keep Providence out. Josh felt a chuckle leave his throat, despite the pain he was feeling. He had lost. He knew, he had lost out on the woman his heart desired more than any woman he had ever met. Including his ex-wife.

Josh’s attention was drawn to a car pulling into the parking lot. He knew that black Trans Am from some where. Where had he seen it before? He stared at it, trying to make out the person driving it. As the car parked, a man stepped out, his green shirt glowing with the sun light shining through it. That was Jacob! Wow! Maybe this was evidence that Providence was at work in Alejia’s marriage.

Jacob walked smoothly up to the front of the church, and then Josh caught his eye. Jacob was surprised, as well as relieved to see him outside, and not inside sitting some where near Alejia. Should he go talk with him? He really did not want to. Ryne stood and waved politely to Jacob. Keeping his composure, Jacob walked over to Josh, and shook his hand in greeting. Should he tell him he knew all about him? Jacob thought, as he felt Josh’s firm grip meet his own.

Josh spoke first, and said, “Alejia is inside the auditorium. Would you like help finding where she is?” Jacob shook his head, slightly. “No, that’s ok. I think I can figure it out.”

Ryne decided to take that opportunity to tell Jacob, “Alejia is a very special lady. Of course, I am sure that you are aware of that, being as you are her husband. She is valued here, treasured by those she interacts with. I’m not sure you know how much she is appreciated and loved here.”

Jacob looked intently into Josh’s face, and he realized the meaning behind his words. “I can imagine”, Jacob said evenly. “She’s a very busy lady, full of love and concern for others. I may not be involved with all she does, or even aware of everything she does, but I definitely appreciate who she is.”

Josh looked away, unable to hide his emotion. “You are a lucky man, Jacob. A very lucky man. Hang on to her tight. Someone will be waiting to catch her, if you do not.”

Jacob caught a hint of sadness as well as resolved promise to Josh’s tone, and his words hit him with surprise. Was this a surrender, or maybe a warning? Had Alejia said some thing to Josh that caused that sadness?

Jacob struggled to control his jealousy at the thought of Alejia meeting with Josh without Jacob’s knowledge.

Jacob politely agreed, and excused himself to go find Alejia. No way he was letting Alejia go to be caught by a waiting in the wings, Josh, poised ready for him fail. He had to get things right, and keep them right. He knew what he would be losing if he did not.

Chapter 15

Alejia meditated on the words the pastor spoke as he read the Scriptures.

Matthew 18, verses 21 and 22, in the New American Standard Version,

“Then Peter came and said to Him, “Lord, how often shall my brother sin against me and I forgive him? Up to seven times?” Jesus said to him, “I do not say to you, up to seven times, but up to seventy times seven...”

Alejia felt a freedom from the burden of unforgiveness, for the first time in a very long time. She opened her own Bible to turn to the Scripture her pastor was speaking about, and as she opened it, she read,

Romans 8:28 (NASV)
“And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose.

Alejia could not help but wonder if that meant for her marriage, as well. She hoped it did.

As she found the Scriptures in Matthew, she became aware of some one sitting next to her, quietly, accidentally bumping her leg. She looked up, half expecting to see Osa, or maybe even Josh, and was stunned. It was Jacob! Wearing her favorite shirt and tie combination! She never, in a million years, would have expected Jacob to join her at her church service. She barely dared to even ask Providence for such a request.

Yet, there he sat! Without her even having asked! She smiled at him, tears welling in her green eyes, and she smiled at him as she took his hand.

“Hi.” She whispered to him, leaning in close to his ear.

“Hi.” he whispered back.

She moved her Bible over to share with him. He looked down, and appeared to be reading as the pastor continued.

Oh, what am I doing? Why am I here? This is not my kind of thing. I have to make myself behave, now. I should have thought this through more. I don’t fit in here. All these thoughts assaulted him, as he sat stiffly, trying to make himself focus on what the man in the front was saying. He expected the leader to be dressed different, in robes or some thing, with a white wig thingy…  This man was wearing a shirt and tie, similar to what Jacob wore, and of all things, cowboy boots! He spoke with a slight Texan accent,  like John Wayne, Jacob’s favorite actor. Jacob was surprised to note his voice wasn’t making him want to sleep. There was an edge to it, of excitement, or some thing, that made Jacob want to hear what he said. The man told a few jokes, and even made light fun of some of his wife’s habits. His wife, sitting in the front row laughed, and her face turned pinkish,but she never seemed to get upset. Only nodded in agreement, that what he was saying was true.

Jacob finally understood what that interaction was all about– the man was talking about the things he had to forgive his wife for, and some things he had to ask her forgiveness about as well.

One thing stuck out to him– an instance where he had to seek her forgiveness, had to forgive her, and he had to forgive himself. The man talked about how there had been a time, when they first married. He had recently finished his Seminary classes, and he was gung-ho to jump right in to work for Providence. In his zeal, he began to neglect his wife. he left her home alone, or even volunteered her for things she despised doing, thinking since it was in service to Him, she would be fine with it. But, not only had that led to their first major fight, and them nearly splitting apart, the loneliness of neglect left an opening for another man to try to steal her away from him.

Jacob breathed evenly to fight the back tears threatening to burst forth. Is that what he had done to Alejia? Had he neglected her by not taking an interest in the things she was interested in doing and volunteered to do? He stole a side glance at Alejia. She looked so beautiful. When was the last time he had told her that? Sure, she had put on a few pounds over the years, who did not after nearly 10 years of marriage?

Jacob watched the man speaking, half expecting him to point at Jacob and say some thing like, “This message is for you. I know every thing. Change your ways.” But, the man did not single him out. He made eye contact the same as he did with every one. No, Jacob was convinced this story was a coincidence that just happened to told while he was there, after Alejia and he had had some troubles…

Jacob turned to study Alejia’s face, to see if there were some hint of some kind of coded, pre-planned set-up. But, what he saw, was a vulnerable sadness he’d never before seen on her face. Had he caused that?

He’d so much to make up for!

Normally Jacob felt uncomfortable, antsy, like a boy wanting to rush back out to play. He always had some kind of work he was doing on his car-baby. Today, though, some thing was different. Today he wanted to stay. He wanted to hear the end of the story. He wanted to talk with the man speaking. He hoped the man speaking would talk with him.

Music began, and Jacob recognized the words to “It Is Well”. His grandma used too sing that as she worked around the house. Jacob never realized it as a church song. He liked this song. As the people in the front with microphones began too sing, and the instruments played the music quietly while the man spoke, Jacob thought about the words. He might actually be able to sing this. Maybe.

“It is well. (It is well.) In my soul. In my soul.) It is well. It is well, in my soul.”

Alejia thought she heard Jacob singing quietly, under his breath. She stopped and listened closely. Had today been set aside for miracles? Jacob was singing! How could he possibly know this song? She tried very hard to contain her elation. She didn’t want to startle him, or cause him to back away. She was thrilled!! She told herself not to make a big deal about this all.

Pastor Paul gave his usual invitation for anyone who wanted prayer, or to talk with him or someone on the staff, to come forward.

Jacob stepped to the side, and Alejia thought he might think she wanted to go forward. While often times she did, today, she was content to wait for later today. She was excited to talk with Jacob.

Instead, Jacob continued to step side-ways until he reached the aisle, and then Jacob did the most out of character thing she had ever seen him do– he walked to the front of the church and began talking with Pastor Paul. He let him pray for him! Alejia caught herself blinking a few times to make  sure  she wasn’t just seeing things.

Nope. There was Jacob, right there. With her Pastor. Getting prayed for. Talking.

Apparently she had once again stumbled in to the Twilight Zone.

Chapter 16

Jacob stood, his legs shaking with nerves, and he slowly moved sideways down the aisle. He saw Alejia look in his direction, her face alight with surprise. He thought about changing his mind, that maybe she would be embarrassed for him to go forward. But, he kept making his legs carry him to the front. This was his chance to talk with the man who was speaking, it felt like speaking directly to him.

Jacob walked to the middle of the front, where the man was standing, speaking and praying. There were several other people coming forward now. Some praying on their own, some looking for some one to talk with, and then Jacob noticed there were a few that were praying for others.

The man spoke to Jacob, asking him what he needed today. Jacob stammered, suddenly his mouth was dry, nearly numb, as though he had never spoken out loud before.

“I’m new here. I mean, I’ve been to this church once, but I’ve never been here.” Jacob pointed down to his feet, trying to figure out how to explain he had no idea what to do, he’d never been at the altar of a church in his life, had barely ever been in any church in his life.

The man put his hand on Jacob’s shoulder, and with his other hand, shook Jacob’s hand, and introduced himself. “I am Pastor Paul Larson, but you can call me Paul. What is your name?”

Jacob leaned in, and told him his name. “Jacob Rockefeller.”

“Jacob, we have all been where you are standing now, for the very first time. I promise there is nothing to be afraid of. What can I do for you today?” His smile seemed relaxed, and real. Nothing like those weirdo’s on the cable channels.

Jacob started to tell him how the story of his neglecting his wife had been close to his own experience. I can’t believe I’m telling this to a stranger! He gave a brief description of his experience, and the remorse that was revealing itself more and more as of late.

Pastor Paul asked, “Jacob, do you know Jesus as your Lord and Savior?” Jacob felt confused. What did that have to do with all of this?

Jacob took a step back, ready to walk away if he needed to, and he said, “No. That’s not why I’m here. That has nothing to do with why I walked up here. I just want to talk with you, because you seem to understand. And, I don’t know who else I could talk to. Can we just talk?”

Pastor Paul hesitated, and seemed deep in thought for just a moment, almost as though he were listening, or trying to find an answer within himself. “Absolutely! Come, sit down over here, away from everyone else, and we can talk.”


Alejia watched as Jacob and her Pastor stepped away, and went behind the stage to the Pastor’s office. She wasn’t sure what was happening, but she didn’t want to interfere. She said a quick prayer for her husband, “Please help him. Please show Him Your truth, and help him to accept it. Thank You, in Jesus Name, amen.”


Jacob cautiously followed Paul. He was not sure where they were going, but privacy would be a good thing. They walked back behind the stage area, into a short hall way that had 4 or 5 doors with name plates on them.

“Here we are”, Paul said as he unlocked the door, and opened it to reveal a small room with a desk. Paul turned on the light. Even though the curtains were drawn open, the room was pretty dark.

“So, Jacob, what brings you here today?”

Jacob fidgeted. Suddenly he was no longer sure about any of this. “Maybe it’s a dumb idea, my being here.”

“Why would you say that?

“I don’t know. Ok, well, my wife comes here. And, well, I don’t. Because I don’t like this religion stuff. But, what you said today, it got me thinking. Because what you said is so close to what I’ve done and has happened to me, I thought maybe I could talk with you. But I don’t want you to tell my wife. You  have to promise you won’t say anything, or I’m just going to leave now.”

“I won’t say a word to her. Or anyone else. I promise. You mentioned the neglect of your wife. Can you tell me more? Is this a recent experience, or something that happened awhile ago? Can I ask who your wife is?

“Yeah, I guess. My wife is Alejia Rockefeller.”

“Oh! Ok. She’s quite a reliable volunteer for our community out reach programs! I’m sorry, I didn’t put your last name with her face.”

“That’s ok. I haven’t been the best, or even the nicest and attentive husband. I want to change. I’m hoping it’s not too late for me to fix what I have done. I think things are starting to get better, but I don’t want to mess it all up again.”

“Can I  pray for you, Jacob?”

Jacob looked confused. “No. Why? Can you not just talk to me, maybe give me some tips that can help me not mess it all up again?”

“Sure. I asked about praying for you, because in my experience, Providence helps us make better decisions.”

“Oh, well I guess if I believed all of that, I might agree. I just want to talk. Is that ok?”

“That’s perfectly ok. You want tips on how to not mess things up… The first thing I would say is, always be honest, in a non-confrontational, non-insulting way. If you open up to her, talk with her about what’s going on, just be real– she’ll respond the same way.”

Jacob took a moment to absorb what the pastor was saying. Then he pulled out his phone, opened his note pad and jotted down some notes.

Pastor Paul continued.

“The second tip would be to take notice of her, and tell her you are noticing. Compliment her. Take a real interest in what she’s doing. Flirt with her. Take her on dates. Be romantic. Our women, they need that special attention from us. Chances are, if they don’t get that kind of attention from us, some one else will be more than happy to step up and give it to them. This is why so many marriages end up in divorce. Husbands drop the ball, stop appreciating and start taking wives for granted.”

Jacob wrote this all down. It seemed like such an easy thing to do. He didn’t know why he had been such a jerk about all of this before.

“The last tip I will give you right now, because I think this is a lot to both absorb today and start putting into practice– Listen to her. Just listen. Do not try to fix things. Do not give her help or advice. Do not roll your eyes when she comes home in a bad mood upset at how some one treated he wrong, or cut her off on the high way. Do not give her partial attention while you are distracted with your phone or hobbies. Stop what you are doing, whenever possible, and give her your complete attention. If that’s not possible, make an appointment with her so you can give her your full attention. But, don’t make a habit of that. Our women need to know they’re our priority.”

Jacob let out a low whistle. “This all seems so easy to do, so practical. Why didn’t anyone ever tell me this before we got married? Why hasn’t told me herself?”

“Not everyone realizes this kind of stuff. Even the women in our lives do not. Or they do not know how to explain it.”

Jacob stood up, getting ready to leave.

“Thank you. Thank you. I feel like maybe you’ve helped, and given me some great advice!”

Pastor Paul stood and walked Jacob to the door. “You are welcome. I am often here, if you’d like to talk again. You can call ahead, or just stop by.”

“Thank you. I can at least let you know how this is helping. If you are interested.”

Pastor Paul extended his hand to give Jacob a fare well hand shake. “Absolutely! I would love to hear how it all works out! It was nice to meet you, Jacob.”

“Like wise! Thanks again.” Jacob hurried down the hall,  wondering if Alejia has waited around. Maybe she was irritated and went home ahead of him. He’d certainly done that enough times to her, he deserved that.


Alejia picked up her things and walked out to the foyer. She saw Osa, and waved. Osa, talking with a parent of a problem child in her nursery, finished her conversation quickly, and rushed over to Alejia.

“Was that Jacob sitting next to you today? And, weren’t you just talking with Josh earlier? Did he leave?” Osa asked the questions quickly.

Alejia shifted uncomfortably. She really didn’t want to get into everything here. The walls had ears, and the ears had mouths that enjoyed talking a little too much, to too many people.

She answered slowly, carefully. “Yeah, that was Jacob. He surprised me! And, I’ll talk to you later about every thing. Ok?”

Osa nodded, understanding the need for caution. “Sure. Maybe we could meet for lunch tomorrow?”

Alejia looked at her calendar on her phone, and said, “Sure. Sounds great! How about 12:30 at our hang out?”

“See you then. Do not forget!!”

“I won’t. Promise!”

Osa rushed off to close up the nursery, and make sure no child was left behind.

Alejia sat at a table, and nursed her Americano slowly, and waited for Jacob.

Chapter 17

Jacob left Pastor Paul’s office feeling better than he had in years. He felt as though there was hope for him. This week end he had woken up as if he had been in a deep drugged sleep, unaware of what he was causing.

He walked out into the foyer, and he couldn’t believe Alejia was sitting there. Was she waiting for him? Or for some one else? Maybe she was avoiding going home. He walked over to the table she sat at, hands deep in his pockets, trying desperately to appear casual. Inside he felt anxious and worried. He had so much at stake.

Alejia smiled warmly, and his heart melted.

“Hey you! Wow! Today is awesome! Did you like the service?” Her words tumbled out too fast. She made her self stop talking, then made the conscious effort to slow down. One question at a time!

Jacob nodded, unsure where to start. It was as if they had not seen each other in a long time. When did things become so awkward between us? “The service was nice, I guess. I mean, I don’t really know what to expect, and it’s not really my kind of thing. But I guess as for as this kind of thing goes, it was pretty nice.” Stop rambling, dang it!

“Pastor Paul seems pretty down to earth. He’s been here maybe 2 years now, and I don’t think I’ve ever heard anyone complain about him or his preaching.” She hesitated before asking, “Did you guys have a nice chat?”

Jacob dug his hands deeper into his pockets. Could he tell her now, or should he wait? He decided to tell her a little, and see how things went from there. “I think it went pretty well. He gave me some good advice. He seems like a nice enough guy.”

Alejia wanted to ask what kind of advice, but she decided to hold back. Maybe he did not want to talk about it right now, in such a public setting.

It struck Alejia, suddenly, that they were like two polite strangers trying to say every thing carefully, to not upset one another. Is this really the way marriage is supposed to be?

As if she had spoken aloud, Jacob offered, “Your pastor, Paul, he offered to pray for me. I didn’t think that was really necessary. I mean, I do not believe the same thing as you, so what would praying for me actually accomplish, any way? It just seemed like a wasted action. He also asked me something about if I met Jesus or some thing like that… How can I meet someone who died a long time ago? Doesn’t that seem like an odd question to you? Or, is it code for some thing?”

Alejia’s heart deflated. Oh. So, that hadn’t changed. Why is he here then?

“No not code. It is how we describe when our relationship with Jesus begins. He died, yes, but Providence brought Him back to life and then took Him in to Heaven alive. Because Jesus never belonged here on earth. Providence sent Him to us in human form to reach out to mankind and help us find the better way He has for us. Then when Jesus was taken up into Heaven to sit at His right hand, the Spirit of Providence was loosed on earth to help us learn more about Providence, and to help us do the right things. To help us find our way to the relationship with Him that He created us to have.”

Alejia stopped at this point. Jacob seemed to be staring right through her, but she wasn’t sure if he’d even heard a word she’d just spoken.

Jacob was looking at her, with a strange, curious look on his face. He said, “You glow when you talk about your Providence. Did you know that you glow? You’re the most beautiful woman I have ever laid eyes on.”

Alejia was stunned silent. What was he saying? Had he been listening to her? Was Providence using her to help reach out to him, to help him under stand the truth? She was seeing and hearing so many miracles today! Maybe she was dreaming of the perfect day and the perfect conversation with Jacob. She dug her nails into her hand. Nope, that was painful! Definitely awake.

She felt her cheeks get warm with a flattered embarrassment. “Thank you. I’m not sure what to say.”

Now it was Jacob’s turn to blush. “Oh, I embarrassed you. I did not mean to do that.”

“No, no. It is all good. I like it when you compliment me.” She flashed him a huge, appreciative grin. “No need to stop,” she giggled.

“Are you hungry? Would you like to go get some lunch with me?” Jacob asked, wistfully.

“Yes!” Alejia replied, maybe a little too quickly.”I’m so hungry! Where would you like to go”

He thought for a second, “How about some place we have not been in a long time. Maybe that Mexican food restaurant we used to go to? With the tasty margarita’s?”

“That sounds amazing! Let’s go!” Alejia smacked her lips loudly.

“Should we take both cars and meet there, or drive together?

“I’ll drive,” Jacob said. He never wanted anyone, not even Alejia, in his car-baby!

“How can I say no to that offer! Let’s go!”


Around the corner, Josh had stood, hoping for a moment alone with Alejia. When he saw Jacob approach her, he hung back, staying just out of sight. He could hear them talking, quietly. It sounded like they were happy again, making small talk, then making plans to go to lunch.

He realized it was too late. He would not get the chance with Alejia that he had hoped for. The last few months had been a waste of his time.

Angry disappointment filled his thoughts. If only Jacob were no longer in the picture, then he could some how get Alejia back with him. He couldn’t just let her go, not without some kind of  fight to try to win her back.

He needed a plan.

Chapter 18

Alejia felt like she was dancing on the clouds. It was as if she had her old Jacob back, the man she fell in love with. He was attentive, nice, and even a bit silly. As they sat together, and ate their favorite menu items, Alejia could feel the awkwardness melting away from their conversation. It became easier to talk. Had it really been such a long time since they just sat down together at a restaurant and talked while enjoying food and each others company?

Alejia thought hard, but she couldn’t remember the last time they had gone anywhere, together, just for fun. Sure, they went to visit family together, that had become an expected thing. They visited his dad on occasion, but they was so much arguing between them, no one enjoyed those visits. So, they happened less, and less. Visiting her family was always a stiff, proper, boring time. They got a long alright, but it wasn’t much fun. Not enough laughter, for either side. They both needed more laughter. I guess at some point, that stopped. because they both got too busy to remember to make it a priority. Things got serious, feelings got hurt, schedules got full– awkwardness crept in and took over.

Alejia’s eyes moved to the window when she thought, for just a split second, she saw Josh peering in at them. She had to be imagining things. What was she even doing thinking about Josh, anyway? She wanted to put all of her attention and focus on to Jacob, on to repairing their marriage.

She needed her marriage to work.

She concentrated on listening to Jacob as he told her about a vacation he’d like to take with her. Just like they used to talk about back before all their troubles began. She moved closer to him, and snuggled close, pulling his arm over her shoulder, grabbing hold of his fingers. She closed her eyes, and tried to imagine Ireland as he described it. He knew that was her soft spot, as well as one of his own. Both had direct ancestors from Ireland. Alejia had seen the most in depth, beautiful picture of the green lands, the trees, the water… she held her breath as she imagined flying over head and getting a bird’s eye view of what had to be the most beautiful country Providence had ever created. The color of Jacob’s shirt…

She lightly touched the soft, almost flannel-like material. Oh how she adored him in this shirt!

“Thank you for wearing this shirt, Jacob. It still looks just as amazing on you as ever.” She tried to keep herself from gushing, the margarita was starting to go to her head.

Jacob smiled at her with that boyish charm that had stolen her heart when they first met. He purposely did a bad John Wayne impression, “Now, see here, Little Missy– Life is tough, even tougher if I am stupid enough not to wear your favorite shirt.”

“Wow. A new achievement for you. That was both a really bad impression, and pretty good.” Alejia leaned forward and kissed him. She could not help herself. She was just so… happy. Yes, this was what happy felt like.

Once again, Alejia’s attention was drawn to the window out by the street. She was positive that was Josh she had seen, again. Was he spying on them? She never would have pegged him as a stalker. This was creepy.

She ignored her suspicions, and turned her attention back to Jacob. But he was looking down at his phone, seeming to not notice her attention was drawn away for a short time. His dad was calling him. Again. He wanted to choose the decline option, again, but realized it was odd for his dad to try to call him in the first place. He hated cell phones, or any phones for that matter. Jacob apologized to Alejia, and answered the call.

“Hey dad, what’s up?” Jacob didn’t try to hide the annoyance in his tone. “Wait. What? Why are you calling me from dad’s phone? What’s going on?

Alejia waited patiently, noticing a concerned look shadow over Jacob’s face. “Yeah. Ok. I’ll get there as soon as I can. Stay with him until I get there, please?” Jacob hung up, and looked around for the waitress to bring him their check.

“Leej, Honey, I have to go. I’m sorry.” Alejia hadn’t heard him use that nick-name in such along time, it almost sounded strange.

“Did you forget you drove me here? Let me go with you. Please.” Jacob stared at her, contemplating the possibility of taking her with him. “No, I’m sorry. I can’t take you with me. Dad’s in bad shape, drank hisself into another pass out. Devlin is there with him now. I can’t bring you into the middle of all of that. Not while we’re just getting you and I back to being right. I’m sorry.”

Alejia kissed him gently, and told him it was fine. She would grab a cab home, or call Osa to pick her up.

“Thank you Darlin’. I will call you soon as things get back to normal. I promise.”

Alejia watched him rush out to his car. He climbed in, and started to drive away. But, something wasn’t right. As Jacob started to rush out of the restaurant’s parking lot, his rear tire exploded. Panic struck Alejia as a startled Jacob lost control, and began fish-tailing out into traffic. No time to react, an oncoming car slammed into the passenger side with tremendous force. Alejia watch, horrified, as Jacob’s head bounced from the driver side window, to the headrest, and into the steering wheel. Alejia had nagged him for months to get an airbag installed, but Jacob insisted on keeping his car in mint, vintage condition. No one expected something like this to happen.

Suddenly, Alejia remembered thinking she had seen Ryne. Surely he wouldn’t have done some thing to Jacob’s car? Especially know Alejia would also be in it.

Or, had he?

Chapter 19

Alejia rushed over to Jacob’s car, screaming his name.

Oh please, oh please, let him be ok. Please! She prayed over and over in her mind. Please, don’t take him from me now, we’re just getting back what we lost!

Alejia noticed someone on the phone, talking with 911, explaining what they had just witnessed.

Alejia glanced around, full of suspicion, looking for evidence of Josh having been there. That seems so crazy! Josh would never… could never… could he?

Alejia pushed that far out of her mind as she remembered the call that had caused Jacob to try to leave so suddenly.

She searched through their shared contacts, and found his dad’s phone number. Taking a deep breath, hoping Jacob wouldn’t be mad at her for calling them, she pushed the call button.

After 3 rings, Devlin answered. “Hello? Who is calling?

Alejia spoke calmly, trying to keep the panic and fear out of her voice. “Hi Devlin, this is Alejia, Jacob’s wife.” Silence met her. Did Devlin even know Jacob had married? “Are you there?” Alejia heard a sharp breath, and then a near whisper response of, “Yes. Why are you calling, please?”

“Devlin, listen to me carefully. There’s been an accident. Jacob was leaving to go see his dad, and something happened to his tire. He lost control, and another car ran into him. I don’t know if he’s ok, I’m waiting for the 911 response team now. Are you ok if I don’t make it there for awhile? I just want to make sure Jacob is going to be ok…” a sob escaped, as Alejia broke down, trying to keep Devlin from hearing her over the phone.

“Devlin, can you get a neighbor to help you? Should I send a friend over?”

Alejia could hear Devlin beginning to shake. “Please send a friend, and please come if you can.” And with that, Devlin hung up.

Alejia banged on Jacob’s window, trying to get him to wake up. He had locked his doors, so she couldn’t reach in to touch him. She wanted to stroke his face, to feel the warmth of his skin, to let him know she was right there. She didn’t have a key for his car, he would not give her one. At that moment, she realized how strained things had become for them, and how much they were starting to get back again.

She heard the wail of the ambulance and police, and she set her phone in her purse. Devlin would just have to be ok for a few minutes. She needed to know how Jacob was, she couldn’t think about anything else right now.

As the ambulance pulled up, she rushed over to talk with the paramedics, trying to stay out of the way so they could safely pull Jacob out of the car. She felt a rush of panic as they tried to pry open his door. He’d done a good job with the anti-theft stuff– nearly too good. They finally managed to get the door open, and they pulled him carefully out after checking his wounds. On the exterior, he seemed ok. Not too much damage, nothing appeared to be broken, but they couldn’t get him to wake up. His breathing was stable. They put him on the stretcher, and she asked if she could go with him. They let her into the back, and she rode with him, holding his hand, praying the entire time for Providence to intervene and heal him, to bring him back to her.

She thought about calling Osa, but realized her phone probably would not work on the ambulance, so she waited until she got to the hospital, when he was whisked away into surgery.


Across the street, hidden from view, Josh stood by, helplessly watching what he had caused. He hadn’t meant to hurt Jacob, just wanted to annoy him. He thought, maybe, if he annoyed him enough, Jacob would turn back into that jerk he was, and push Alejia away once and for all. This was not supposed to happen. What could he do? Now he was the jerk. He was positive Alejia had seen him,What if she told someone he was there? What if someone else had seen him? He needed to get away for awhile, play it safe, just until Jacob was better. Then, he would start his plan back up. Alejia would fall for him again, would trust him. She’d turn to him.

Yeah. That was what he needed to do. Stay out of sight, out of mind, and wait for the right opportunity to strike again, this time with much more safety precautions.


Osa was quiet. “Let me get this straight– Jacob was rushing home to help to help his dad, and Devlin is there with him now? So, now you need me to go to his dad’s house to help Devlin deal with the drunk, passed out old punk of a man… Is that what you’re saying?”

Alejia knew she was asking too much, but she didn’t know who else to turn to. “Please? Jacob wouldn’t wake up, Osa, he was just limp, on the stretcher, hooked up to all these machines and tubes… He didn’t even want me to go to his dad’s with him. Which is why I wasn’t in that accident. Jacob may have saved my life by being so freaking stubborn.”

“Oh, Jia, of course I’ll go. I’m sorry for giving you a hard time. I didn’t realize Jacob had been hurt so badly. Give me the address, and I  will go right now.”

Alejia gave her the address, and Jacob’s dad’s phone number, then hung up.

She would owe Osa big time. She prayed for peace between Osa and Devlin, remembering they had a pretty wicked and violent history of hating one another.

That is all any one needed right now, those two going at it again. It’d taken years to get some semblance of peace between them. Let’s just hope this will not rip those efforts all to shreds!

Chapter 20

Osa swore under her breath. Why me? Why now? Why this? Osa was not in the mood to deal Devlin. If it were for any one else but Jia, no way I’d be be helping with this. Osa forced her way out to her car. For one fleeting moment, she felt the temptation to call Josh. Oh no. No way I’m getting into the middle of all of that!

She started to back out of her driveway, only to be cut short by a car stopping at edge of the drive. Who the h-e-double-hockey-sticks was that? She started to yell out her window in her best Eliza Doolittle Cockney accent, while banging on her horn “Move yer bloomin’ arse!”

She stopped hitting the horn, suddenly, as she recognized the person who was now getting out of the car.


What the he– “Hey there Josh, what in the world are you doing here, blocking my car? Is everything ok?”

He rushed to her driver’s side door. “I’m fine, but I’m worried about Alejia. Her vehicle is still at church, but I didn’t see her anywhere. Do you think she’s in some kind of trouble?’

Osa thought it odd that he hadn’t just called Alejia. “Why are you here, though? How do you even know where I live?”

“Oh, Alejia and I drove near here once, when we met with a client. She told me where you live, and I recognize your car from church. I hope it’s ok that I stopped by instead of calling. I just want to be sure Alejia is ok. I thought, maybe, she might be with you, then I could see her for myself.”

Wow. This guy was as smooth a talker as they come. “No, she isn’t with me. She’s actually at the hospital. Jacob was in a terrible car accident.” What was that look she saw on his face, for a brief moment. Was that guilt? Fear? Maybe worry for Alejia… Weird. She made a mental not to mention it to Alejia later when she called to berate her about this whole helping Devlin business.

“Oh. Are you on the way to the hospital now? I could go with you.”

That was a very interesting offer.

“No, actually, I’m on my way to help out anther fr– someone I know. Sorry. Why don’t you just call her? She’s waiting for the doctors to let her know how Jacob is, now. Maybe you can help get her mind off of her worries about him.” There, now she felt like she and Alejia were even.

“I just may do that. Thanks Osa.” Josh walked quickly back to his car, and sped away.

Osa could not help thinking he had acted odd. She turned her thoughts back to preparing to  deal with Devlin.

Yuck. Not at all what I wanted to be doing today. I guess when Providence calls, it’s not always at the times, or in the way, you want to answer!


Josh tried to get his fear controlled thoughts back under his own control. He’d had to talk with Osa, to see what, if anything, she knew. Alejia hadn’t said anything to her, it seemed. Maybe Alejia had no suspicions, maybe he was in he clear, and he wouldn’t need to go anywhere for awhile.

At any rate, he needed to relax. Even he thought he was acting suspiciously! Maybe he would get a plane ticket and go to his vacationing home on the east coast. He needed to get away,to clear his head. Alejia was making him crazy with heart sickness.

Maybe he would stop by the hospital, and just check on her. Maybe she would talk with him and he could comfort her.


Alejia couldn’t take it anymore. Why had no one told her anything yet? She walked over to the nurses station, and asked, again, how Jacob was doing. The nurse held her finger up, signaling she needed a moment to deal with some one over the phone. As she hung up, she responded, “I’m so sorry, Mrs Rockefeller, there is still no news. The doctor has him in surgery, they’re trying to figure out why that stubborn man of yours still is not waking up. Please have a  seat, try to get comfortable. Can I get you something from the cafeteria? I promise it won’t be pureed.” Alejia smiled at the nurse in appreciation. It was nice of her to try to help Alejia relax, maybe even smile, but Alejia felt she had no right to be smiling right now. Some how this had been her fault, Maybe Josh had done some thing petty out of jealousy, though she never would have believed he would be capable of such juvenile behaviors.

She drew in a deep breath, afraid to let it out as the doctor approached her carefully, but quickly.

“Mrs. Rockefeller, we have discovered the problem. Jacob has suffered from a severe concussion from more than one bump on the head. His brain is swollen, and we discovered a tiny hemorrhage that we were able to successfully repair. I’m afraid it will just take time now for the anti-inflammatory meds to kick in, and that should wake him up. You’re welcome to wait here. It’ll be a few hours before he will be allowed to have visitors. We want to keep him in the critical care unit for close observation, to watch for any signs of seizures or other dangerous symptoms.”

Alejia decided she was not staying there.It would drive her crazy with worry. She was going for a drive.

“Thank you Dr. Allang. I’ll leave my number here for you, will you call me if there is any change?”

“Of course Mrs. Rockefeller. For now all we can do is watch him closely, and wait.”

Alejia jotted don her number, and left it with the nurse in charge. She went to the elevator, and pushed the lobby button. In the door reflection, she thought she saw Ryne’s face. She quickly turned, but no one was there.

So odd! She must just be exhausted, feeling some guilt about telling Josh things had to be stopped.

She climbed into the elevator as the door opened, and made plans to drive to her special place.

While down in the lobby, she didn’t notice Josh peek his head out of the stair well door. He thought about following her, or “accidentally” bumping in to her. but thought better of it.

Off to get my plane ticket and disappear from here for awhile…

Chapter 21

Osa followed the road into their old stompin’ grounds. Alejia had given her the address, and must have forgotten Osa knew it well. She grew up in the area. She probably still knew most of the people living their, too. This was not an easy area to escape from.Osa was fortunate her family moved away when she was a sophomore.

She pulled her car her the trailer park where Jacob’s dad still lived. Once upon a time, Osa was friends with the whole Rockefeller family. Her whole family and their family spent a lot of time together as she grew up. She and Devlin were once best friends.

A lot had happened since then. They’d fought over a boy, one Osa was dating but had cheated with Devlin. Devlin knew how much she loved Toby. That’d been the end of their friendship. Osa’s heart was broken by both of them. She never talked to either of them again. Well, until she had to, today.

I just want to get this over with.

Osa tapped lightly on the door, halfway hoping it wouldn’t be heard, so she could say she showed up but she could just leave.

No such luck.

Osa heard steps coming to the door. And, here we go…

Devlin answered the door. Osa tried not to stare as she noticed the scar over Devlin’s right cheek down to her nose. She managed a smile.

“Hi, I am the help Alejia sent.” At first, Devlin stared, as if she thought Osa looked familiar. Then, as recognition hit her, she tried to shut the door, but Osa was too quick. She wedged her body through the door, and insisted Devlin let her in.

“Look. I know we have some bad blood, but that was years ago. Let me in, Alejia said you need help. I can help.”

Devlin hesitated, then flung the door open. “Fine! He’s back here. He’s a stinkin’ mess. Don’t say I didn’t warn you!”

Osa gagged as she tried to make her way through the crowded, filthy trailer. Beer cans, cigarette butts and trash covered every surface, piles of things were everywhere.

What happened here? Osa wanted to ask the question out loud, but Devlin appeared to be in no mood to talk.

“He hasn’t been the same since mom left.”

“Oh,” was all the response Osa could muster.

“Yeah. It’s a sad, cryin’ shame. Wah wah wah.” No sympathy coming from Devlin, that was for certain.

Osa made her way back to the bed room where Jacob’s dad had passed out. She checked his wrist and throat, to feel for his pulse. It seemed pretty weak, even for drunken stupor. “How long has he been passed out?” Osa counted to ten, and heard no response from Devlin. “Devlin! How long has he been out?” Osa asked in an urgent tone.

“I’m not sure. He was like that when I came in about 3 hours ago, or so.”

Osa was put off by her seeming lack of any caring or emotion.

“Aren’t you worried about him? Devlin? Why didn’t you call for an ambulance”

“He does this all the time. It’s just how it is, just what he does. Do you think he needs to go to the hospital? It’s up to you. Go ahead and call if you think they need to help. But, no one is going to want to come into this junkyard garbage dump. You know that, right?

“Yeah, you are right. Ok. Help me get him outside. I’ll figure out what to do next, then.”

They worked together to carry Devlin’s dad out to the front yard, and Osa called the ambulance. “What do you mean it will take an hour or more to get here?! You do understand that this is an emergency, right? Fine! I will drive him there my self!”

“I guess I just got volunteered to be an ambulance, minus everything ambulances have on them. Will you ride with him in the back of my car?”

Devlin thought for a moment, then answered with a curt, “Sure. Why not?”

Again, they worked together to get Jacob’s dad into Osa’s back seat. “Can you run in and find him a clean pillow to rest his head back on?”

Devlin seemed to want to resist, but instead she went in, found a decent pillow, locked up the trailer, and climbed into the back seat next to her dad.

As she put the pillow behind his head, she quietly said, “Thank you for helping us.”

Osa, caught her eye in the rear-view mirror,and nodded. She couldn’t believe how bad things had gotten for these people. She wanted to ask about the scar on Devlin’s face, but she knew now was not the time. Maybe there would be a chance another time. Maybe amends could be made, and they could become friends once again. That didn’t seem beyond the range of hope.

Osa drove in silence, a million thoughts flitting around in her head. Too much is going on today. Way too much. I need to take a step back. I think it is time I start praying again. I never should have stopped!

Devlin watched her dad carefully, making sure his head was propped up by the pillow. The stench of his house followed them into Osa’s car. Osa gagged, then opened her window and Devlin’s window. That should help, some. Maybe… The air was not much better out side of the car. They were driving through the industrial area.

Soon they would be at the hospital, where Osa would drop them off and go home to a nice, hot, quiet, relaxing bath.

She just wanted this day to be done.

She drove her car to the emergency entrance, and an EMT rushed out to tell her she had to move her car. Stubbornly, she stopped, threw her car into ‘park’, got out, grabbed the ENT’s hand, and dragged the poor guy over to where Devlin’s dad was still out cold.

“Look. I called an ambulance, and they gave me some song and dance about how it would be an hour or more wait. So, here we are, here I am, with this man who probably has alcohol poisoning. This here is his daughter. His name is Mr. Rockefeller. Not the Mr. Rockefeller, as I guess you could gather just by looking at him. He needs emergency attention, and admittance into this hospital. Capiche?”

The EMT ran inside and grabbed a stretcher and some help, and took Jacob’s dad inside.

Devlin looked lost, a little frightened. “Umm would you mind staying here with me? I don’t know what to do, and I hate hospitals. Please?”

Osa sighed. So much for that amazing bath she’d been day dreaming about all day long.

“Ok, Sure.”

Chapter 22

Alejia focused on the road ahead, trying to see the lines on the high way. The lights from on coming traffic were blinding. I can not believe how many people there are out driving tonight! Her mind worked hard trying to make sense of the events from the past 2 days, as her car sped towards her place of refuge. She held tightly to the steering wheel as she passed a semi truck, then another. Maybe this was the wrong time. But, she needed to get away, and she hoped she could see the lady and the lion again. She was not exactly sure how it worked, how she was able to see them the last time. Things were falling a part in her world right now. She could not go through all of this on her own, alone.

She watched the tree line on her right, looking for the land marks to help her find her refuge place. There! She found the sign, then the turn. She slowed her car as she flipped on her blinker, and jumped as a semi blew past, blaring its air horn in her ears. She fought the urge to flip him off, he or she could not see her gestures, anyway. Plus, well, that just was not something she would do. That was some thing Jacob would do… Tears pushed at her ducts, causing a throbbing ache around her eyes. I am not going to cry any more! Enough tears already!

She steered her car down the newly familiar road, surprised by how dark it had gotten. This place looks so much creepier at night, she thought warily. Maybe I should have waited until tomorrow to come. But, I need to get back to the hospital. I hope the doctor calls me soon with good news. She remembered her phone was set to silent, but she decided to leave it on the setting. She didn’t want her prayer time, or her time in the beautiful city, if she were able to return there, to be limited or interrupted.

She decided not to get out of her Celica, yet. She was not quite that brave. If there was a lion here before, who knew what lurked in the dark shadows now? Alejia turned on the interior light, and she opened her glove box, and pulled her Bible out. Her mind started reciting Psalm 23:

The LORD is my shepherd,
            I shall not want.

Her mind thought about all the things she wanted. She wanted Jacob to be ok. She wanted him to share her understanding of Providence, and her faith in His ability to hear and answer their prayers. She wanted them to be happy again. She wanted a baby….

Right there, it was out. She never let that thought make its way into her conscious awareness. But, there it was. She refused to examine that rabbit trail right now. She continued thinking about the words in the Psalm:

      He makes me lie down in green pastures;
            He leads me beside quiet waters.

He certainly does this! Here she was in her refuge, her favorite place, and it was full of green with the most beautiful still waters she believed even the earth had ever seen! More beautiful than even her fantasies of visiting Ireland and how she imagined it would be.

      He restores my soul;
            He guides me in the paths of righteousness
            For His name’s sake.

Oh, how she needed her soul to be restored right now. She needed Providence to restore Jacob’s soul, to heal his body. To wake him back up. She needed His guidance to help her be what Jacob needed her to be. Was that considered the path of righteousness, she wondered? Her thoughts rested on that for a moment, thinking about what a path of righteousness would look like, or sound like, or even feel like. For Providence’s name’s sake, for the sake of Jesus. She thought of the lion, and remembered how Jesus is often referred to as the Lamb of God, then she remembered Scripture about the lion and the lamb laying down together. Oh, that must be about Providence and Jesus, what a peaceful, beautiful picture she had in her mind.

      Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death,
            I fear no evil, for You are with me;
            Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me.

She tried to picture what the valley of the shadow of death could look like, but her mind cringed at the idea, and refused to work on imagining it. That sounds like a dreadfully, horrible place, she thought. She thought about how Providence is always there, with her, beside her, before her, even watching her back. She rarely ever felt afraid, not since she gave her life over to His protective watch. She thought about the things that brought her comfort in her relationship and trust of Providence; Prayer was definitely one of the main comforts. No matter what, she could always pray. In her thoughts, in her heart, in her spirit, even out loud. She could even pray in song. All of those belonged to Providence. His answers gave her comfort, as did feeling His presence with her. Knowing she could always prayer, always ask for help, that was her comfort.

      You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies;
            You have anointed my head with oil;
            My cup overflows.

This made her think of her last moments with Jacob today. They were laughing! It had been such a long time since they had laughed together! They ate their favorite foods, and enjoyed each others company. Suddenly the memory of catching a glimpse of Josh looking in at them from the front window, his face contorted in an angry, or was it jealous, grimace as he rushed away. She had seen him there! What had he been doing there?

Her thoughts went back to Jacob, and his silly behavior, and how he pretended to dump the left over carne asada grease over her head. She had feigned anger and punched his shoulder when a drop accidentally landed in the middle of her scalp. She reached up and touched the place it had landed. It was still greasy. She had forgotten about it in all the traumatic events. We were so happy, my cup of happiness was over flowing this afternoon. Will it ever feel that way again? Would she lose Jacob?

      Surely goodness and lovingkindness will follow me all the days of my life,
            And I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.

She prayed silently, asking Providence to please make this true for her. That the goodness of her and Jacob will follow her all the days of her life, that Jacob will become healthy, strong once again, and that He would save him– both his life, and his soul. Oh, I just want him to know, to know he can trust You, too. Please Save him, please help him. She thought about how she longed to go to church with him, to serve in the community, bringing the light of Providence, and the healing and happiness of a relationship with Him, to others– with Jacob. She wanted that more than anything else she could think of. Her heart hurt, she wanted that so desperately.

She opened her eyes, wasn’t sure exactly when she had closed them, and saw some thing in the distance. Was it the lady with the lion? Her heart jumped in excitement at that thought. Would she be able to go back, to see them, to ask them questions– to dare to touch the mane of  the lion, as it danced in the light of the melodic breeze?

She squinted her eyes, and looked carefully into the darkening thicket. What had she seen, what was out there? Was she in danger? was it a wold animal? She felt a panic try to paralyze her, but she dismissed it, Providence would protect her, she suddenly thought. I don’t need to be afraid.

She looked into the growing darkness, and saw what looked like a soft glowing light, a white glow. Then she realized, she was looking at a lamb! A lamb, out here, at night?

She felt a surge of energy burst through her, an adrenaline rush, as she realized, she needed to try to catch that lamb, to try to save it from any unknown dangers out there.

She opened her car door, shutting off the interior light as she rushed out into the near-night, rushing out to get the lamb.

Chapter 23

Osa reluctantly walked to the elevators with Devlin. She had no idea what they could talk about. She wanted to help, but she still hated Devlin for stealing Toby away from her in high school. That had been the final straw for Osa’s parents, the reason they decided to move away during Osa’s sophomore year of high school.

What had she been thinking by agreeing to come here with Devlin? As the memories forced their way back into Osa’s thoughts, she excused her self to go to the rest room. No way she was showing any emotion to Devlin, no way she’d give her the satisfaction of seeing her cry, if that is what it came down to.

Osa took a few minutes, composed herself, straightened her clothing, and took deep breaths, letting them out slowly. She had to put on her big girl britches, and go back out there to face Devlin again. Her nerves calm again, her head cool, thoughts collected, she reached for the door knob to open it, and was startled as it was pushed towards her. It was Devlin. Osa struggled to keep her newly gained composure, hoping hey eyes were no red and puffy. I forgot to touch them up with powder, she thought, annoyed with herself. She did not usually forget such important details!

Devlin stepped back in surprise, as she realized Osa was there. “Oh! I was worried maybe you had decided to leave, and just did not want to say any thing! I  am glad you are still here.” Devlin smiled with a knowing appreciation. Now, why had Osa not thought of that?! She could have just snuck out, and could be well on her way to getting that hot bath she really, really wanted.

She must realize this is not easy for me, Osa thought. Well, at least she understands that!

Osa forced a smile on her face. “I am fine, really. This is no problem at all.” Osa’s mind scolded her thoughts for calling her a liar. “I will just be out here”, she said as she went through the door and out into the lobby.

As she walked to the nearest set of chairs, a doctor came out with a clipboard. “Ms. Rockefeller?” he asked, looking in her direction. Had Devlin never married, Osa wondered?

Osa walked over to the doctor, and said, “She is in the ladies room. I am the one who drove them here, can you talk with me?”

The doctor looked at her closely, then said, “I can not give you much information, but I can tell you he is in stable condition. I will wait here a few moments until she returns, to give her his updated news. Do you happen to know Mr. Rockefeller’s full name, by any chance?”

Osa thought back to when they were younger, and his wife would call out for him to come in to dinner. He was always tinkering with his cars, rebuilding engine blocks, restoring the bodies… always had filthy hands.

“Desmond. Desmond Jacob Rockefeller”, Osa was surprised she could remember his full name.

The doctor wrote down his name. “Thank you, his files will be updated into our system”.

Just then, Devlin came out of the rest room. She saw the doctor, but made no effort to hurry, or approach him. Osa waved her over, surprised by the look of annoyed resistance she saw cross Devlin’s face. What is going on with that girl?

Devlin walked slow, but finally stood in front of the doctor, but avoided eye contact with either of them.

The doctor spoke softly, “Ms. Rockefeller, your dad is going to be ok. You both got him here just in time. His heart was close to failing. Right now he has alcohol poisoning. We have him hooked up to IV’s to flush the alcohol toxins out of his blood. As soon as his system is flushed out, we will need to operate. He needs open heart surgery. I need you to sign these release forms, stating if any thing happens, such as him dying during surgery, you won’t hold us libel.” Devlin looked up, startled.

“What do you mean he has to get open heart surgery? He is an alcoholic, Should he not just be left alone to die?”

Osa could not believe what she was hearing! How could Devlin speak about her own father in such an awful way? What had happened in this family that caused so much hatred, so much animosity? What has Osa missed by moving away?

The doctor recovered from his own shock at her blunt words, and said, “It’s our job to do everything for our patients possible to ensure they have quality of life. Once they are brought to us, they are left up to our care.”

“What if I don’t sign your forms? What then? Will you have to forget about the surgery? I won’t sign them.” Devlin crossed her arms in front of her chest, like a defiant rebellious child telling their parents no!

“Well, we will have to try to find another family member to sign them, then.” The doctor sighed, a deep perplexed shadow crossing his facial expression. “I have to say, I have never experienced this reaction before. Let me have our hospital chaplain come and talk with you. Would you agree to that?”

“No. No thank you. Good luck finding some one else to sign them. My brother is here, in some type of coma. My mom disappeared. I suppose my brother’s wife might be talked in to it, if she happens to be around some where…”

Osa had forgotten in all this excitement, that Jacob was also here. She decided to go look for Alejia.

Osa grabbed her phone from her bra-strap, and pushed the home button. “Siri, call Jia!” she barked into her phone.

Siri repeated, “Calling Jia now.” She listened to the ringing, and then heard the voicemail message, “You have reached Alejia Rockefeller, home designer at large. I am with a client, or I am screening your calls. Please call back or leave a message with your phone number information, and I will probably call you back. Unless I don’t.” Osa cracked a smile, she had forgotten about that message.

“Jia, I need to see you. Are you still here at the hospital? I am coming to find you, girl, no way you can avoid me! Oh, and you know my number better than I do!”

Osa went to the front desk and asked about where Jacob Rockefeller would be. “He is still in critical condition, I am afraid,” a stout, happy faced nurse informed her. “They’re keeping him in the Critical Care Unit for now. I’m afraid he is not allowed to have any visitors at this time.”

Osa swore under her breath. Fiddle sticks!

What was she going to do now? She decided to call Pastor Paul and ask for his advice. She wondered if in all the chaos, anyone else had thought to call him?

She scrolled through her contact list, and found his home, “emergencies only please“, number. He pulse quickened as he answered, “Hello? is everything ok?”

“Pastor Paul, this is Osa. I am afraid every thing is not ok. I need your help at the hospital. Do you have time to come over here? Alejia’s husband is in the critical care unit, her father-in-law was just admitted as well, and I am not sure where she is at the moment. This is all too much for me to handle alone right now. Would you be willing to come down here?”

“I’m on my way. Just give me a few minutes to get myself all sorted out.”

“Thank you, Sir. Thank you so much!”

Osa walked over to the critical care unit and looked around for Alejia. She was nowhere to be seen. Osa walked over to the nurses station and asked the nurse sitting behind the desk, “I’m looking for Jacob Rockerfeller’s wife. Have you seen her, did she tell you if she was going somewhere?”

The nurse looked up at Osa and smiled with a calm reassurance at Osa.”She left her number here for the doctor to call as needed. Maybe she went to the cafeteria? Or she could be waiting at home? Sometimes people just do not feel comfortable waiting here for news of their loved ones.”

Osa thanked the nurse, and walked over to the seating. It certainly looked comfortable enough. Suddenly Osa realized, she hadn’t told Devlin where she was going. She walked back over to the emergency room area, and sat next to Devlin.

“Listen. Your brother is in the critical care unit. I just called my Pastor, and he is coming here to meet me, to wait. Come with me. You should be there when there is news about his condition.”

Devlin looked into Osa’s eyes, and tears spilled out. “I don’t know if I can handle this. But, Ok. I’ll go over with you.”

They walked together, and sat on the comfortable chairs. Almost immediately Devlin’s eyes closed, and she fell asleep, her head resting on the back of her chair, feet on the chair in front of her.

Osa sighed, again just longing for that nice, hot bubbly bath.  It was going to be a very long night.

Chapter 24

Paul Larson ran a comb through his hair and grabbed his coat, scarf and hat. He did not want to think about the fact that he had let some one leave his office, his church building, with out making sure they knew all they needed to know about the importance of Salvation, Jesus, the cross and eternity with or with out God.

What had he done? Left a man to seal his own fate because of stubbornness? No matter how many times some one throws out a life line, if the drowning person will not take hold of it, they will continue the process of drowning. Sometimes, it would be nice if we could just grab that life line on their behalf, and put it around them to bring them on to the shore of safety. He wished he could have helped him more. He did not know how to get someone to experience a deep hunger for the things of Providence. That was one of the great mysteries of the Almighty. Only He could draw a soul out from the muck and the mire into His amazing Light to receive, accept, take hold of completely, all of His wonder-filled promises.

He rushed out the door, steeling himself against the brisk cold. Thankful he had a car, knowing full well he did not deserve such luxuries, he climbed into his front seat, started the engine and let it warm for a few minutes. As he pulled out of his garage, he blinked in response as car head lights reflected off of the snow.

He needed to hurry. But he needed to get there safe.

He eased to a stop as the corner light turned red, testing his tires. Black ice was always a danger this time of year.

His thoughts returned to his conversation with Jacob earlier. He wondered what he could have done in a different way, said that would have had a different impact and out come. He began praying, hoping Providence had forgiven him for his missing the mark with Jacob. He knew people had a choice, of course. But, he also knew that when the Message was presented just right, that people responded to it, they did not reject it or push it away. Jacob had walked a way from it. Some how Jacob had never heard the Message in the way that was just right for him to have the eyes of his understanding opened up. Some how it had not grasped even a tiny bit of Jacobs heart or understanding.

Well, he thought, that just won’t do. I have to go and keep trying to get the message through to him.


Osa sat quietly as Devlin snored softly. What had this girl been through, Osa wondered? Osa grabbed her phone and told Siri to call Jia again, for maybe the tenth time. The phone rang several times, then went again to her voice mail. I know she has been through H.E.double hockey sticks today, but surely she knew people, like the doctor, needed to be able to get a hold of her.

Osa was deep in thought when Pastor Paul walked in. She glanced up, catching his form out of the corner of her eye as he walked towards her away from the elevators.

“Pastor Paul! Thank you so much  for coming!”

He walked over and shook her hand in greeting. “You’re welcome. Is his wife here? I’d like to talk with her.”

“Oh, no. I can’t find her. I have tried calling her, and left her multiple messages, but she has not gotten back to me yet. I am starting to worry.” Osa covered her face in her hands, suddenly overwhelmed with worry for her friend.

“Don’t let worry take over. Providence will help. He knows exactly where she is. We just need to pray for her safety, and that she will return here soon. Or, at the very least, return your call.” The Pastor put a comforting hand on Osa’s shoulder.

Devlin stirred next to Osa. Pastor Paul gestured towards her. “Is this a friend of yours? A friend of Alejia’s or Jacob’s?” Osa started to respond, then stopped for a moment and thought her answer through. “This is Jacob’s sister, and the daughter of the other man, Jacob’s father, who is in the emergency section here.”

“Oh, right. You mentioned that. Ok, tell me what happened.” Paul realized he had not heard any of the details, had no idea what the condition was of either man, or the causes of the conditions.

Osa looked up as she tried to recall the details of Jacob’s accident. “Alejia and Jacob were at lunch, which was a miracle in and of itself. They have been having some troubles, Jacob was so horrible to her– anyway. They were at their favorite restaurant having lunch, and I guess Jacob got a call from his sister, Devlin– right next to me here. She told him she’d found their dad was passed out from drinking when she stopped by to check in on him, and could he, Jacob, please come by and help her deal with it all? So, he was on his way there, and something happened to his car… something about his back tire exploding, or something. He lost control of it, and someone rammed into him. So, Alejia called me and asked me to go to his dad’s and try to help. But, when I got there, his dad’s pulse was really weak. I called the ambulance, but they would take forever to get there, so I had Devlin help me get him in to the car, and I drove him here myself. Now he is needing open heart surgery, but Devlin refuses to sign the paper work releasing the hospital in case something happens. I need Alejia to sign the paperwork. But, I can’t get a hold of her…” Osa’s voice trailed off. She was exhausted. She couldn’t take much more of all of this. Not today, not right now..

Pastor Paul nodded his understanding, compassion covering his face.

“Bitch! What are you telling this man about me and my family?!” Oh good, Devlin was awake…

Chapter 25

Devlin heard Osa talking through the deep fog of sleep. Talking a lot. Who was she talking to? Then she heard a man’s voice. Devlin sat there and listened, trying to make out the words, the subject. Oh, she was talking about me! About my family!

She snapped at Osa, and Osa, shocked, and stopped talking, glaring at Devlin but apologized to Pastor Paul.

Pastor Paul stood up and walked over in front of Devlin. “My name is Paul, Paul Larson. I’m the lead Pastor for Osa and Alejia’s church.” He extended a hand, hoping to shake her hand in greeting. She gave his hand an angry look, and ignored his polite gesture of introduction.

“Yeah, yeah. Ain’t no Pastor gonna help us. You might as well go back to the hole you crawled out of!”

Osa could not believe what Devlin had said! What had made her such an angry, ugly person, especially towards a man of the Clergy?

“Devlin! You have no business talking to Pastor Paul in such an ugly way. He has not done any thing but come here at my request to be here for all of us! Please, apologize to him.”

Paul stood tall and said, “No no, it is ok. She does not owe me any thing. Whatever I can do to help, that is helpful, please just let me know.” He expected Devlin to take a step back and regroup her attitude, but instead she became even more angry.

“You want to do some thing to help? Really! Where were you when my mother walked out on us? Or when this one’s,” (she pointed sharply at Osa), “boyfriend raped me and got me pregnant?” Osa gasped sharply, painfully. “How about when my dad beat me when he found out about the baby? Or when I lost the baby because of the beatings? Where were you then?!” She was screaming angrily, her eyes full of rage, face as red as blood. Then, she turned white as a sheet, took a step back, and fell into a chair sobbing hysterically. She’d gone too far, she knew. She just couldn’t take anymore. No more.

Pastor Paul sat down quietly on the seat in front of Devlin, and watched as the pain from with in her clawed it’s way out in to the open. This was a family full of scars and open wounds. He was needed here, he just did not know how to begin.

So, he prayed. Please provide me with guidance, and an opening to work in here, so You can begin healing this family torn apart because of a terrible act of selfishness.

Pastor Paul spoke quietly. “Devlin. I know you do not know me. And, you are right, I was not there when all of those horrible things happened to you and to your family. But, Devlin, I am here now. And you can talk to me. I will help in every way I know how to help. I promise. If you will let me”

Devlin looked up at his face, and in to his deep blue eyes, and for the first time in her life, she saw, and felt, what compassion looked like when it looked at her. She wanted to tell him off, to swear loudly to offend him, but– then that compassion would be gone too. She needed that compassion. So, she just said, “Ok.”

Osa felt the full impact of Devlin’s words. Toby had done– what? Her Toby? No. No! There had to be some mistake! Maybe Devlin had gotten drunk and just thought it was Toby. Surely Toby would never do any thing like that? He’d always been so nice to Osa, never pushed her in to any thing. There had to be a mistake! Osa stayed silent, trying desperately to process all she had just heard. Why would Toby do some thing like that, any way?

Osa swallowed hard. She couldn’t speak. She stood and rushed to the rest room. She needed to be alone. Once in the rest room, Osa leaned against the door, and let the emotions of what had just happened, what she had just heard, wrack through her body. Thank goodness there was not many people around here tonight. Devlin was like a ticking time bomb with sensitive information, it seemed.

Suddenly, Osa felt horrible. Maybe all of that did actually happen. Poor Devlin. So many terrible things to deal with, and every thing spilling out today when so many other horrible things were going on.

Today felt like a night mare that just will not end.

Osa managed to hold her self together as she walked back out of the rest room. Devlin did not look at her, not even in her direction. Osas did not know what to say, or do. So, she sat down, grabbed a magazine off of the table in front of her, and began flipping through the pages, thankful she had some thing to use as a distraction.

They all sat in silence, listening to the busy hospital sounds around them. Finally a doctor came out, and called for “Mrs. Rockefeller”.  Devlin looked over at Osa with a panicked expression, Osa nodded towards the doctor. Devlin stood up and walked over to where he stood, writing some thing on his clip board.

The doctor extended his hand as Devlin walked up, “Hi, I’m Dr. Walker. I am one who has been attending to Mr. Rockefeller. And you are…?”

Devlin hesitated, then reached out and gingerly shook the doctor’s hand. “I am Devlin Rockefeller, Jacob’s sister.”

“Ok, well, Jacob still has not woken up as of yet. We are monitoring his vitals closely, and we have run multiple tests. Everything seems good. The bumps on his head have caused a severe concussion, his brain is swollen. We think it will respond to the anti-inflammatory drugs we put in his IV. He just needs time. We want to keep him in the critical care unit until he wakes up, and we can run a few other tests on him.”

Devlin seemed unsure of how to react. She stood there, frozen. The doctor asked, “Ms. Rockefeller, are you ok? Can I get you something?” Osa walked over to Devlin, and put her arm around her to comfort her. “Come sit down, Hon. Thank you doctor, she has us here to help her.”

Dr. Walker said, “Ok, well, we’ll let you know as soon as anything changes.”

“Thank you. Come on Devlin, back over this way.”

Devlin sat down. Pastor Paul stood and stretched. Suddenly, Devlin got tears in her eyes and said quietly, “Paul. Please stay with me.”

Chapter 26

Pastor Paul Stood and paced. He had promised to stay for Devlin, but he knew he needed to try to go back and pray with Jacob.

He walked over to the nurses station and spoke with the nurse there. “I was wondering if it would be possible for me to go and sit with Jacob for a few minutes? I am the pastor of the church he was visiting today, his wife’s pastor.”

The nurse said, “I will go ask the doctor, and let you know.”

Paul nodded, then walked back over to the chairs to try to relax.

The nurse came back out a few minutes later, and called over to him. As he walked to the nurses station, the nurse said, “The doctor said you can come back. But, you have to wash up and wear scrubs with a mask and gloves.”

“No problem!” Pastor Paul walked back with the nurse, gesturing to both Osa and Devlin that he would be right back.

The nurse took him to the sink area, and handed him the scrubs, gloves and mask.  He put on the scrubs and mask, then the gloves. She walked back with him, showing him the room where Jacob lay quietly.

Pastor Paul sat carefully in the chair that had been placed next to the head of Jacob’s bed, on the right hand side. He asked the nurse if it would be ok for him to hold Jacob’s hand. “Yes, just watch out for the IV.”

He took hold of Jacob’s hand, and he held it loosely. He began to pray quietly.


Alejia had rushed out of the car to try to catch the lamb before it was hurt somehow. In her hurry, she forgot her phone. Dang it! How can any one get a hold of me now? Hopefully this will be quick!

She walked towards where she had last seen the lamb, but it was no no where in sight. She started to turn and go back towards her car, but a noise caught her attention. Was that the lion?

Curious, forgetting every thing, she walked towards the sound, hoping to see the lion. She suddenly remembered the verse, 1 Peter 5:8 that said:

Be of sober spirit, be on the alert. Your adversary, the devil, prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour.

Alejia felt unprepared. But, she suddenly realized, not afraid.

She continued forward.

At once she noticed it looked different, again. The trees faded in to the back ground, and she realized she was walking in some thing like a desert land, or dry valley.

Huh, she thought.

She continued walking, even though she felt like turning around and going back to her car. Then, she became aware of words again: Jacob needs your help. Here.

Wait, what? What does that mean?

She walked over to the water’s edge, hoping to see the fiery water. Instead she saw what looked like a dried out lake, with a few puddles in it. She could make out her reflection in one of the puddles– It was just her. No jewelry.

Had she lost it? Had it been taken from her? She began to feel a panic, she was not prepared to be here! Where was this place?

Then Alejia remembered– she had been warned something like this would happen. The words she heard from the last time she was here resounded in her heart:

“I have given you the tools you will need in the future. You will not always be aware you have them, they have become a part of who you are and how you will interact with others. It is not necessary for you to see them, or acknowledge them. They simply just are part of your design. They can not be taken from you, and you can not give them away. This is important for you to know. There will come a time when one will attempt to trick you into thinking they are gone. But they are always with you, just as I am always with you.”

She knew– she was ready because Providence had made her ready.

She stepped forward again, unafraid. She looked around, cautiously, again wondering where she was this time. Some thing startled her as it whizzed past her. What in the world was that? Again, some thing else whizzed past her head. Her eye caught sight of a flame as another flew by her. Another one hit her, square in the chest. Instead of going in to her, it bounced off of her.

As another one came at her, she caught a faint glimpse of what looked like a breast plate. Then, she barely made out a shield as her arm rose up in reflex to shield her face form another flaming arrow...? One bounced off of her waist, and she notice a faint out line of a belt.

She began to pray for Jacob, that Providence would move on his behalf, would heal his mind and his body, and most of all would draw him in to the light of His Salvation. She felt a dart hit near her head, but bounce off, and in the reflection of a puddle, she saw the glimmer of a helmet on her head.

As she prayed, the arrows stopped farther away from her. She continued praying, thanking Providence for Jacob. Thanking Providence for the gift of Salvation through Jesus. She could feel a heavy weight, some thing invisible, trying to force her to stop moving forward. She fought back, praying, thanking Providence for the strength to fight, and win, this battle. She didn’t understand, at this point, the significance of what was happening. But, she knew she needed to continue.

She walked forward, a strong wind pushing against her, trying to force her back. She looked down, and noticed the dirt was not touching her feet. She could barely make out a pair of sandals over her feet.  She prayed, “I thank you for Your still small voice in the strongest of storms. I thank you that through Jesus I can do any thing, because He is my strength. You are the rock of my Salvation, because of You I can stand strong. You lead my by still waters, and by Your stripes we are healed. Please heal Jacob from his injuries. Please heal Jacob from all of his hurts. Please heal our marriage. Please, Save his soul.”

The wind died down, and she could hear birds singing happily. As she began to relax, she became aware of a dark presence. Common sense told her she should run, but she stood her ground, and looked around. she felt an impulse to hold her hands together, and swing at some thing she sensed was coming at her. She swung her arms with all of her might, and caught sight of the flash of what appeared to be a sword.

Alejia began to speak out God’s Word:

For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the powers, against the world forces of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places. For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.

She saw a bolt of lightning flash against the sky.

He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will abide in the shadow of the Almighty. I will say to the Lord, “My refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust.” “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved through him.

Alejia felt the rain begin to lightly bounce on her head. She looked up, and wondered if her battle had ended. She stood to her feet and asked Providence to guide her, to help her know what she needed to do next.

In her  spirit, she became aware of words once again, “Go back to the hospital. Jacob needs you.”

Chapter 27

Pastor Paul sat with Jacob for a few minutes after he finished praying. He thought he felt a muscle twitch in Jacob’s hand. He waited, then thought, maybe I just imagined it. Wait. Was that– another twitch! Yes!

He began to to talk to Jacob excitedly. “Jacob, can you hear me? Jacob! I am right here, are you awake?”

Jacob’s toes and feet began to move slowly. He opened his eyes, and blinked as the light blinded him.

“Nurse!! Hey! Some one come quick! Jacob is waking up!!”

Jacob cringed at all the yelling. Pastor Paul ran out into the hall way, down to the nurses station. “Hey, he woke up!!”

He followed the nurse back to Jacob’s room, as she rushed down the hall way. She walked over to Jacob, and smiled cheerfully.

“So. Mr. Rockefeller, you’re awake! You gave us all quite a scare!”

Jacob slurred his careful words, “Whrris Leej?” he asked weakly.

Pastor Paul assumed he was asking for his wife, so he responded quickly with, “She will be here soon.”

The nurse began to check Jacob’s vitals. “You are lookin’ pretty good, for having been in a car accident. You’re a very lucky man, Mr. Rockefeller. A lucky man indeed!”

“Whrrris Leej?” he asked again. The nurse responded with, “On her way. She will be here very soon, just lie back and relax. Let us get all your tests finished so you can enjoy your visit when she is able to come back here.

The nurse looked at Pastor Paul and said, “He seems a bit confused, but that’s normal, given his type of injuries. I think he will be fine, but let’s hear what the doctor has to say. I think maybe it would be best for you to wait with the ladies in the waiting room, until the doctor has the chance to give him the full examination.”

“Sure. I understand.” As he turned to leave, Jacob noticed him. “Hey, you are the Jesus guy!”

Pastor Paul nodded and smiled at him. Maybe some thing he had said or done will plant a seed of faith or understanding. He hoped. “It’s good to see you awake, Jacob. You and I will talk again later, ok?”


Paul left the room, and began praying again. “Oh Lord, please don’t let this one go.”

As he walked into the lobby, Osa and Devlin looked up with surprise. They had heard some sort of hubbub, but they didn’t yet know Jacob had woken up.

“Jacob is awake now. He’s a little confused, and I think he is asking for his wife. They want to check him over and run some tests, and then we can go back and see him.”

“Oh, thank Providence!” Osa exclaimed! Devlin gave her a funny look, but said, “Oh good!” with relief.


Alejia tried not to speed, and had to squint her eyes against the blinding lights of the traffic. Maybe Jacob had woken up by now. Oh, she so hoped he had! In her rush to come back, she had forgotten to look at her phone.

The trip going back seemed to take forever! Usually she was able to relax, and just enjoy the view and the fresh air. But, not tonight. She needed to get back to that hospital and see her husband, to make sure he was ok.

Her thoughts wen over her recent experience. She had no idea what had happened, but it left her feeling stronger– empowered. Confident. She hoped her prayers for Jacob would be answered quickly by Providence.

The trip back so far was uneventful, almost boring, except for the excitement she had left behind, and the excitement of Jacob getting well again.

It seemed like hours, but she finally pulled into the hospital parking lot. She parked inside the parking garage, hoping her car would not be too clod when she came back out again. Hoping she would come out with Jacob, so she could take him home with her!

She walked across the parking garage into the overly warm hospital, and pushed the button for the critical care unit floor level. It had been such a long day. She was supposed to meet with a client tomorrow morning. She wondered if she would be able to reschedule that? She hoped so.

She stepped out of the elevator, and was shocked to see Devlin there. Talking calmly with Osa and Pastor Paul, no less! Wow, Providence is at work all over the place tonight, she realized!

As she walked over to her friends, the nurse grabbed her attention, and waved her over.

“Oh, Mrs. Rockefeller, there you are! We need you to sign the release forms for your father-in-law to have his opene heart surgery, right away. Please come with me.

“What? Oh! He needs surgery? Why did his daughter not sign them?”

The nurse sighed heavily. “I’m sorry, Ma’am, I am not going to get in to that, or in the middle of it.”

What has happened while I have been gone, Alejia wondered, wildly.

She walked over the the emergency wing, and signed the paperwork. “Your father-in-law will be in surgery in a matter of minutes, We have everything prepped, just needed your signature to get it going!”

Chapter 28

Alejia walked back over to the Critical care Unit lobby. She felt exhausted, but she was eager to hear good news about Jacob’s condition.

She sat down next to Osa, and gently rubbed her shoulder.

“Oh! Hey! Where have you been? Did you get any of my messages?”

Alejia reached in to her purse, and pulled out her phone. “Oh no! I’m so sorry! I was distracted, I completely forgot to check my messages!”

“Where were you, Jia?” Osa asked her again.

“I took a drive out to my place, to pray. I shut the sound off so I could concentrate. I forgot to turn it back on again.” Alejia closed her eyes, and braced herself for Osa’s sarcastic comments.

“That is alright. You have had an impossibly difficult day. You had to handle it your own way. Things have been fine here, and you came back just in time.” Alejia was waiting for more. She knew that couldn’t be all Osa had to say to her. Maybe the other people here helped Osa hold back.

“What have you heard about Jacob? The doctor never called, I left him my number.”

“Oh yeah! While Pastor Paul was back with him, praying for him I think, Jacob woke up! He has been asking for you. The nurse said they have to check him over, and run some tests, but after that we can all go back and see him. You should go first, we can all wait.”Osa said politely. Oh man, she’s really pissed off at me. I am going to hear it later, for sure!

“Thanks.” Alejia reached over to give Osa a hug but Osa shrugged her away. “Thank you for every thing you have done to help today. I can never repay you.” Alejia said, as tears sprang to her eyes. Osa looked at her friend square in the eyes and said evenly, “You got that right. But I will think of some way you can.”

Yikes! Ouch! Alejia had never seen Osa so angry with her. Some thing pretty major must have happened.

But Alejia could not think about all of that right now. She needed to keep her head clear. She had no idea what to expect from Jacob when she saw him. She looked Pastor Paul in the eyes and said, “Thank you for being here.”

Pastor Paul had a guarded look on his face when he responded, “I am glad I could be. It is good that Osa called me and asked me to come and sit with her. And, it has been good to get to know Devlin.”

Alejia had been so caught up in trying to read Osa’s mood she had forgotten to talk with Devlin. She does not like me, any way. It will not even matter to her.

“How are you holding up, Devlin? It’s been such a long time since I’ve seen you.”

Devlin shrugged nonchalantly, and said, “I’m fine. Better since they told us that Jacob is doing better, and since Paul showed up to help us through this.” Alejia raised her eyebrows in surprise. “Really! That is wonderful! Thank you, Pastor Paul. I’m so glad you are here!”

Pastor Paul smiled graciously, but he was masking something. Was that annoyance? Oh no, what had Devlin done? She wasn’t at all looking forward to finding out, but she had no doubt Osa would tell her everything!

Alejia stood and walked to the nurses station. “Excuse me. Do you know how long it will be until I can see my husband? Do I have time to go check on my father-in-law, by any chance?”

The nurse looked up and said, “Let me go check for you. I’ll be right back, Hon.”

As the nurse went through the door behind here, Alejia could hear Jacob saying loudly, “I need to see my wife. Leej! Where are you? Please, just let me see my…” the doors swung shut, and Alejia couldn’t hear Jacob anymore.

She tried to wait patiently, fought the urge to walk back there without permission.

The nurse came back, looking flustered. “Go ahead and come with me. That man of yours isn’t going to give us a moment’s peace until he sees you!”

“Thank you”, Alejia said courteously. She followed the nurse. As she walked in to the room where Jacob was being taken care of, Alejia thought she could sense a darkness. Quietly, she began to recite the Lord’s Prayer:

Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name.
Thy kingdom come,
Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread.
And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors.
And lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from evil: For thine is the kingdom,
and the power, and the glory, for ever.

She finished before she walked into Jacob’s room. The presence seemed to be gone.

Jacob’s face lit up as he saw Alejia walk into the room. Alejia felt distraught by all the tubes  and needles stuck in Jacob. He was pretty banged up. His face was bruised, with a few cuts stitched as glass had split his skin.

Alejia walked over to his bed side, leaned over and gave him a careful hug. “I’m so glad you are ok! I was so afraid!:

Jacob stared at her curiously and said,”You are glowing again. Leej I saw you in a dream. I saw you. You were being shot at with flames, and a huge wind storm tried to push you away. I saw you fight back, you had armor on, really bright armor, and she used a huge sword to fight of something really horrible. It was black, ugly, and huge! But you fought it with the amazing sword, and you made it run away! And, I heard you praying for me. Leej, you were a total badass! It was a great dream! But, it seemed so real, it felt like I was right there, watching, while standing right where you were. Isn’t that insane?!”

Chapter 29

Alejia was at a loss for words. Jacob had seen what I just went through? Providence was up to something pretty amazing here!

Alejia prayed for wisdom in how to respond. She did not want to discourage Jacob from reaching out to Providence. Should she tell Jacob all of that actually happened? Should she lead him to believe it was all just a dream?

She decided not to address it at all yet. She smiled at him, reached a hand to his hair to smooth it away from his eyes.

“I was so worried, Jacob. I am so thankful you are ok!.”

Alejia noticed the nurse was watching them, curiosity in her eyes. No way this was the time for Aejia to get in to all Providence had been showing her. Or was it?

She asked Providence to please help her find her way through this. She had no idea how to respond, how to acknowledge what had happened. She smiled inwardly. She knew she had to tread carefully. She did not want to mess this up, more than any thing she wanted Jacob to share her faith, and her growing understand of the things of Providence.

She made eye contact with Jacob, and she winked at him. Maybe that would be enough for now to keep him believing what he had seen in his dream.

The nurse walked over to Alejia and gently took her arm, directing Alejia off to the side, out of Jacob’s hearing, and whispered, “Your father-in-law is out of surgery now. In a little while, you can go see him. He is still knocked-out from the anesthetic.” The nurse left the room, and Alejia’s heart quickened. Should she tell Jacob about his father now? Or, should she wait?

She decided now would be the right time.

“Listen Jacob, I need to tell you something.”

“What is it, Leej? Leej… Leeeeej… Leejjjjj… That sounds funny!”

Alejia laughed, and tried again. “Jacob, Honey, your dad is here.”

“Oh. Wait. Here? At this hospital? Is he here to see me?” Jacob’s face brightened. Alejia’s heart broke. He looked so happy! She wished his dad could see this, would understand what he had done to his family. She wished she could tell Jacob, that yes, his dad had rushed over as soon as he heard about Jacob’s accident and condition. How am I going to tell him this?

“Jacob, I wish I could tell you he is here just to see you. Honey, he just had surgery. He has been in the emergency ward.”

Jacob got quiet, his face losing his happy smile, as tears formed behind his eye lids. “Is he ok? What kind of surgery did he need?”

Alejia took a deep breath and replied, “He needed open-heart surgery. He just got out. The nurse says he is still knocked-out from the anesthetic. I am planning to go see him when he wakes. Is that ok with you?”

Jacob looked deep in to Alejia’s eyes. “Yeah. Thank you, Leej. I do not know what I would do with out you. Providence has given me a great gift in you.” Tears spilled out from Jacob’s eyes. How could I have not understood this all before? Your Providence is real. All this time I have thought you were being silly, Leej. But you never stopped believing. And then I had that dream. You were this amazing warrior. I could see Providence, hear Him telling you to come back here, that I needed you. I know now, Providence is real!”

Alejia choked back tears of joy. Jacob had seen, had heard… how? Even Alejia had found it all hard to believe, and she actually experienced it! But Providence had allowed Jacob to see it, too.

Alejia suddenly became aware that they were not alone. A doctor had come in to the room, one she had not met yet. He introduced him self to her,”Hi, I’m Dr. Walker. You must be Mrs. Rockefeller. It is good to finally get to meet you. This guy over here gave us all quite a scare!”

Jacob shook his hand, carefully, and tried to smile. “I feel ok, doc, but how is my dad?”

Doctor Walker held up his hand and said, “Sorry, one patient at a time. I don’t have any information about your dad, but if I get any,I will let you know immediately. Right now, you really just need to focus on getting better,and going home with your beautiful wife.”

Jacob’s attention was drawn back to Alejia, “You are still glowing, Leej. You are beautiful, and you were amazing before.I can’t stop thinking about that!” Jacob’s words slowed down, and he dozed off.

Doctor Walker apologized. “I’m sorry. He needs to rest, I had to give him a sedative. Your father-in-law is waking up now, if you would like to go see him.”

Alejia thought about it for a moment, but felt strongly that Jacob should not be left alone right now. “Would you ask my Pastor to stop in here for a moment?” Alejia needed to talk with him about everything she had been experiencing, and learning. But, not now. Now, she just needed to ask him to please come and stay with Jacob until she got back.

Doctor Walker said, “Sure.” though he didn’t have a smile on his face anymore. He seemed annoyed. Well, that’s odd. He must be bothered by some thing else.

A few minutes later Pastor Paul poked his head through the door. “Did someone request my presence?”

Alejia smiled, jumping up from the seat she had taken. “Pastor Paul! Thank you so much for being here! Would you be willing to sit with Jacob, just until I can come back from checking on my father-in-law?”

Pastor Paul smiled. “Of course! It will be my pleasure!”

Alejia took advantage of the doctor being out of the room to tell Pastor Paul. She pulled him off to the side and whispered excitedly, “Jacob believes in Providence now! He had a dream while he was unconscious, and he woke up believing! I have a strong feeling Jacob needs to not be left alone right now, though. The doctor kind of gave me the creeps after Jacob told me what he believes now.”

Chapter 30

Alejia rushed over to where her father-in-law was. She hadn’t talked with him in years. He was not a very friendly person, definitely not approachable, like her own father was at times.

She found a nurse who quickly found his room number, and she led Alejia to his room. Alejia walked up slowly to his door, and knocked quietly. Inside she heard a weak, “Come in”, so she hesitantly pushed the door open and stepped inside the darkened room.

“Mr. Rockefeller? It is Alejia. Do you mind if I come in for a short visit?” She heard a “grunt”, then some grumbling under his breath, but he said, “Come on in if you must!”

Alejia walked over to where he lie on the hospital bed, and she handed him a paper cup of ice chips the nurse had given her to give to him.

“How are you, sir? You look pretty good.” Alejia tried to be cheerful, while hiding her dislike for Jacob’s dad.

“How am I, you ask? How do I look? Really? I am stuck in this godforsaken bed, in this hellhole, and I just want to go have a drink with my buddies. But no, the doctor says I have to make “life changes”, that my liver might be bad, and I won’t be able to have my drink any more! I would rather have been left for dead. Thank that no good friend of yours and my daughter for me, will ya? The doc told me it was their fault I am here. Oh, and thank you, too, for signing those damned papers! You should have just left well enough alone! Why did you sign them anyway? Why not Jacob, or that idiot sister of his?”

Alejia paled. She knew this was going to more than likely be an unpleasant, maybe even uncomfortable conversation, but she was in no way prepared for this. How should she respond to him? He had so much anger built up in him! He was destroying his life! For what reason? What had happened to him to make him such an ugly behaving man?

Alejia bit her tongue, literally, choosing to hold back the harsh angry words that were eager to spill off of her tongue. Oh, I could slice that man up with my words! He needs him self a good old fashioned tongue lashing, he did! She breathed deeply, and let it our slow, feeling her pulse throb. I am not going to let this man get the best of my temper! Not again.

Forcing her words to stay calm, her voice to be even, she carefully said his name, praying to Providence as she spoke, for the strength and the guidance to handle this delicately. Please, help me, I can’t do this if You don’t help me, Alejia begged.

“Mr. Rockefeller. I have some thing I need to tell you. I need you to, please, calm down and listen.”

Jacob’s dad looked up at her, for the first time since she walked into his room. His expression softened, and he seemed startled as he looked at her, listening carefully to what she was saying.

“You. I saw you. In my dream. I saw you! You were all a-light, with these things– these bits of fire and arrows, and stones even, they were all coming near you, but bouncing away, not even touching you. You fought a monster off, large as Nessie, with a sword and with your tongue! You spoke these words, and fire came out, burning the monster, scaring it away. It fled from you! How did you do that? Even now, you’re all a-light with that same fire in you. How do you do that? Are you some kind of a witch?”

Alejia blanched. He had seen her, too? How would she respond?

“Mr. Rockefeller, you could only know those things because Providence has revealed them to you.”

“Providence?” He started to spat out His name, but suddenly stopped.”Providence, huh? What would Providence want by showing an old drunk man living a hopeless life something like that?”

“Sir, Providence wants to heal  you, and  to help you. Will you let Him?”

He stared quietly out the window, with out actually seeing any thing. “I don’t think I really have much choice. I certainly have made a mess of things with out Him, haven’t I?”

“Mr. Rockefeller, I need to tell you some thing.” He closed his eyes and nodded. “Go ahead.”

“Sir, Jacob, well, he has been in an accident. He’s better now, they’ve run tests on him, and they’ll be moving him out of the critical care unit soon.”

Jacob’s dad lay there, silent.”Mr. Rockefeller? Are you ok?”

“Yeah”, he said weakly. “How do you talk to Providence?” he asked, almost shyly.

“Would you like me to pray with you, sir?”

He nodded slightly, looking suddenly vulnerable, small and elderly. “I think so. Yes. Please pray with me.”

Alejia went over to his bedside and took hold of his hand, gently. “Is this ok?”, she asked quietly. “Yes, yes. It is fine,” he said.

“Lord, I thank You for Jacob’s father. I thank You that You were with him through his surgery, and that You have been intertwined in all of the events of today. I ask that You would bring full health back to both Jacob and his father, Lord. That You would heal them both in their bodies, in their minds, and in their spirits. I thank You for these strong men You have placed in my life. Give them both Your comfort and Your strength. Draw them nearer to You, and please continue to open up the eyes of their under standing. Give them physical strength as they recover. Please help Jacob’s father to see that You have a better way for him, and help him to not even like his drink any longer. Thank You, In Jesus Name. Amen.”

Jacob’s dad reached over and gently touched Alejia’s cheek. With great effort he said, “That glow you have. It makes you even more beautiful. Jacob sure picked a good one in you, young lady!”

Alejia smiled sincerely, and thanked him. “I think I need to go and let you get your rest, sir. But, before I do, would you like to take a moment, and pray on your own, asking Providence to come in to your heart?

“Yes, I think I would. Thank you.”

“Umm Providence, um, this is new to me. I do not know why You would show any thing to this old man. I have wasted many years of good life. But, well, would you come in to my life and change this stubborn old fool? I like my drink, but I believe You could help me to not like it any longer. I don’t think I could be worth Your time. But, if by some small chance I am, well, I would appreciate anything You would want to help me with. I remember being told about Your Son, Jesus. I haven’t been very nice in the things I’ve said about Him, or my attitude in hearing about Him. But, I believe You. I believe what the Bible has written in it about Him dying and You bringing Him back to life, and all that. Would You Save this old stubborn man, too? I’m sorry I have been such a negative person, an old coot. Thank You for listening to me. Amen.”

Alejia smiled, tried to hold back the shocked surprise of his prayer from covering her face.

“That was a very nice prayer, sir. I’m sure Providence has heard you, and will surprise you in good ways as He answers you. Would you like to talk with my Pastor? He’s sitting with Jacob right now. He came to the hospital to just sit with us all. I can go get him, if you like?”

“Sure, That would be ok. I will just be here, doing nothing, trapped in this awful bed.”

Alejia smiled at him, “I will be right back.”

A nurse came in just as Alejia was leaving. “I just need to check his vitals and our equipment, make sure every thing is still running smoothly.” Alejia nodded. “I’ll be back to talk with him again, soon.”

Chapter 31

Alejia walked across the hospital again, trying to not run. She had an excitement bubbling up with in her. As she approached the nurses station for the critical unit, the nurse began talking to her.

“Oh, Mrs. Rockefeller, I’m so glad you are here! We are ready to move that husband of yours to a recovery room! We thought, since both father and son are needing recovery, we might be able to put them in to the same room. But, before we do, we wanted to ask you if you think that would be the best course for their speedy recovery?”

Surprised by both the news and the question, Alejia took her time answering.” I think that would be ok. It might actually be good for them. If it’s possible, I mean.”

“I’ll go tell the doctor, and let their doctors work out the details. You can go back and see your husband, in the mean time.” The nurse smiled, seeming sincerely happy that Jacob was doing better.

“Thank you.”

Alejia waved over to Osa and Devlin, and walked over to let them know the news.

“Jacob is doing better! They want to move him to a recovery room!”

Osa hugged her friend, and Devlin smiled, relief flooding her face. Alejia said, “I am going back to let him know. Are you guys doing ok?” Osa nodded, and Devlin shrugged and said, “yeah, we are good I think.”

Alejia turned and walked back over to the door behind the nurses station. She walked back down the hall towards Jacob’s room, where you could hear the two men talking quietly.

“I just do not know,” Jacob was saying. “I feel different now. But can she forgive me for everything? Can we have a a strong marriage,like you and your wife have?”

Pastor Paul spoke confidently and saying, “All things are possible with God.”

“Even for me, Paul? Even despite my stubbornness, and being blind to how I have been treating her?”

Paul spoke firmly, “Yes. Despite the worst thing any of us could ever do. Providence can make those changes in our hearts, even in our habits. And Providence can help our wives to forgive, just as He can help us realize we need to ask for forgiveness.”

“Ok. I feel much better now. Thank you for talking with me.”

“Any time, Jacob. And, I do mean any time.”

Alejia counted to 20 under her breath, and then entered the room, not wanting them to know she had been listening outside of the door.

Jacob’s face lit up with what seemed like a happy excitement, as she walked in. “Hey there! So glad you’re back! How’s my dad?”

Alejia walked over to him, and gave him a gentle kiss on his fore head. “He seems to be doing well. I think the surgery went well, and he just needs time to get stronger.” She looked over at Pastor Paul and said, “He would actually like for you to go and sit with him. Would you mind? I know you have been here a long time. It’s kind of a big deal that he wants you to.”

Pastor Paul stood up and stretched. “I don’t mind at all, if Jacob is ok with me going.”

Jacob raised his eyebrows in surprise, “Sure. I’m as surprised as any one that he would want you to. Go ahead, if you do not mind.”

Pastor Paul strode across the room, and Alejia thought, Boy, Providence was sure keeping us busy!

Alejia sat in the chair Pastor Paul had just vacated.”How are you doing? How are you feeling? Do you hurt any where?”

“I feel pretty good! Maybe it is pain killers, but having you here sure does help a lot, too!” Alejia smiled.

“Did you guys have a good talk?”

“Sure! We talked more about things that have been on my mind, and I learned some about this Providence you have believed so strongly in, that I am learning now how to believe in for my self. He seems kind of unreal. But, what I saw, I can not get that out of my mind. You were so amazing! And, I could see it was because you were relying on His help. I don’t understand how to get His help, but I want to.”

Alejia’s heart quickened: she could feel an excitement over take her entire being. This is what she had most wanted!

The nurse knocked and walked in, interrupting Alejia’s thoughts. We can talk about this later, she thought happily satisfied.

The nurse took Jacob’s temperature, noting it was a little high, “Hmm, 100.3.” She went out to alert the doctor.

Alejia felt a bit of alarm, trying not to show that to Jacob. She prayed, Please heal him. Please help the doctors to find every thing that is wrong, and help them fix it, heal it, or remove it. Please take care of Jacob, Lord.

Jacob coughed into his hand, spitting blood out onto his palm. “Oh. That can not be normal,” he tried to joke.

Alejia stood, and went out to find the nurse. “Jacob is coughing up blood”, she said, worry beginning to cloud her thoughts. The nurse looked concerned, but patted Alejia’s arm. “I’m sure he’ll be fine. I’ll get the doctor now.”

The doctor walked towards her, hurriedly. “Mrs. Rockefeller, I understand Jacob coughed up some blood? It is probably just from a minor irritation. We had him hooked up to a breathing tube for a little while after he arrived. That intubator tube can cause irritation or even tiny tears in the Trachea. The elevated temperature could just be his body fighting a bit of infection because of the irritation. There is no reason to worry. I would like to ask you to please stay out here while we check him over, though, please.”

“Of course. Thank you, Doctor Walker.”

Alejia walked slowly out to the lobby. Osa looked up and smiled, a concerned worry clouding her eyes. “Is every thing ok, Jia?

“Probably. Jacob has a slight fever, and he is coughing up blood. The doctor and nurse both said it is probably nothing to worry about. I can not help but worry though.”

Osa put the magazine she had been looking at to help pass the time on to the table beside her. “Jia, you need to sit down and just relax. You’ve been like Florence Nightingale, flitting back and forth between the two. Take a time out, breath, EAT some thing. Can I get you something from the vending machine to drink? When was the last time you had any thing too eat, or to drink?”

“I haven’t had time to even think about that, “Alejia admitted. “I’d love a bottle of water, if you won’t mind. Do you think someone would deliver pizza here?” She chuckled.

Osa laughed. “At least you still have your sense of humor now. You need to hang on to that, for sure!”

Alejia turned her attention to Devlin. “How are you holding up?”

Devlin looked at her carefully, almost shyly. “Ok. I am kind of tired. Glad they both seem to be doing ok.”

Alejia nodded in agreement. “They both gave us quite a scare today, for sure!” She wanted to ask Devlin about the papers, about why she would not sign them, but she stopped her self. That could be asked at another more appropriate time.

“I haven’t seen you, or gotten to talk to you in such a long time. You look good! How have you been?” Alejia hoped for polite small talk, hoped for a chance to actually connect with Devlin.

“You don’t have to do this, Alejia. Really. You don’t have to pretend to take an interest in me or my life, just because we’re both here. I know. Just because it is expected, or whatever. We can just not do this.”

Alejia sat back, concentrating on her hands, then looked Devlin in the eye. “Look. I know I haven’t been a very good sister in law. I haven’t tried very hard to connect with you, for many reasons. But, we are both here. We have to wait for a bit longer. We might as well take advantage of this time, and talk. Maybe even talk some things out. I’m not sure how you ever got the impression that I would pretend to want to get to know you, or pretend to take an interest in you and your life. I’m not sure how you got the impression that I don’t want to take an interest in you or your life. But, I can tell you, you have gotten the wrong impression. I do care, I am interested. So, will you talk with me  now? Or, should we just sit here in silence, twiddling our thumbs, wondering why the other does not like us?”

Devlin smiled sarcastically.”Fine. You want to talk? We should chat.”

Chapter 32

Alejia knew she would regret it, but she did not want Devlin to feel like she was being left out. What she had not expected was Devlin’s hostility. What exactly had Alejia done to deserve that?

“Wow Devlin. Why are you so angry? What have I ever done to you to deserve such a response?” Alejia struggled… fought against her desire to react in kind. That would not solve or resolve any thing. Alejia needed to keep her cool. Hopefully Devlin would cool off and become civil.

“You think you’re so perfect, with your perfect car, your perfect life, and your perfect job. You have no idea of what things have been like for me. I was perfectly fine with letting my old man just die from his own undoing. But, no. You had to be all perfect, and sign those damned papers. You didn’t even talk to me first! And, your “friend” that you sent over to help me? You just had to take the opportunity to rub the past right in my face! You should have told me who you were sending over so I could not answer the door. then we would not even be here, and dad would not have gotten that surgery. You are so perfect, such a do-good-er. I hate you! I hate every thing about you! I just want you, yes you, Alejia, Ms. Perfect, to leave me the hell alone!”

Alejia felt her checks burn, as if Devlin had slapped her with more than her words. “Well. Ok. I am not sure why Osa going over would make you so angry. I knew you had past troubles, but that was 13 years ago, Devlin. Most people, well, they get over things.” “Alejia stopped short as she noticed Osa shaking her head in warning. “Fine. I will leave you alone, because that is what you want. I have never know how to talk to you, Devlin. No matter what I say, or do, or what I do not say or do not do, you hate me. I guess you have just decided to hate me, for whatever reason, and there is nothing I can do about that. I am not happy with that. I sure do not hate you. But, I guess, maybe that does not matter to you. Or, you do not care how I feel about you. Consider your self left alone by me, now.”

Alejia, shaking with frustration, anger and hurt, sat down, trying not to cry. Osa sat next to her, and whispered, “It will be ok. I will try to talk with her. Jia, she has every right to be upset, angry, furious even. You missed so much earlier, but I will fill you in when I am able to talk with you alone.” Alejia could not believe what she was hearing! What could possibly make this out burst acceptable to Osa? It must be some thing pretty huge!

Alejia walked over to the nurses station to see if Jacob could be moved soon.


Paul Larson wasn’t sure what to expect as he walked to Jacob’s dad’s hospital room. He rapped his knuckles quietly on the door, hoping his knock would not wake the man if he were sleeping. “You can come in, I’m decent.” he heard, and he chuckled.

Peeking his head in, he introduced him self. “Hello there. My name is Paul Larson, and I am the Pastor of Alejia’s church.  She mentioned to me that you might welcome a short visit from me?”

“Oh! Hello! Sure, come on in! I am Desmond Rockefeller. You can call me Des, that is what all my friends call me. Well, the friends I still have, which isn’t very many, I ‘ afraid. Alejia told me you were a nice fellow, and that you could answer my questions about Providence.”

Paul raised his eye brows with surprise. “Sure! Ask away!”

“I had this dream while they was fixing my heart, about that daughter in law of mine. She was fighting a huge monster, as big as Nessie! I saw arrows with fire being shot at her, but they all fell away before they hit her. It was like she had an invisible shield around  her, or some thing! Any ways, she swung some huge sword above her head, and I saw fire come out of her mouth, and that scared the monster away. I could hear her, in this dream, talking to Providence, and it sure seemed like she could some how hear Him answer her. She knew exactly what to do, what to say, when to move– it was the most amazing thing I have ever seen. I know it was a dream, but it sure did seem to be real! Then she comes in her all shiny, with a glow to her. I can see that her Providence is real! I prayed with her, and asked Him to help me, like He helps her. But, I do not know any thing about how to know what Providence wants me to do. How can I hear Him, or see Him, or what ever it is that happens for Alejia? How can I know what things I need to read in that Bible of His?”

Pastor Paul spoke slowly, taking his time to answer while he processed every thing this man just told him. “You say you saw Alejia in a dream? What you have told me is pretty amazing! I want to make sure I answer all of your questions as carefully as possible. Can we start from where you asked Providence to lead your life?”

“Of course! Alejia asked me if I would like to pray with her, so I did. I did n’t know what words to say, so I just told Him I am an old fool, and I asked Him to come in to my life and change me. Do you think that was ok to ask Him to do?

“Absolutely! The Lord will never turn away any one who sincerely asks Him for help. I can help you find and learn some verses in the Bible that will help you to learn more about Providence and how He works, and wants to work, in all of our lives. Des, the Bible tells us that no one is perfect, every person has and does fall short of the glory of God. But, because Jesus died on the cross, in our place, even though He never did even one thing wrong because He actually came to earth as a human, but He’s also God, we can be cleaned up from all of our wrong doings. Jesus has made that way for us, but with out Jesus, there is no way to have a relationship with God. It’s like with you and your son, Jacob. Alejia has a relationship with you because she has a relationship with Jacob, as his wife. Her friend Osa doesn’tt have that same relationship, because she and Jacob don’t have the same kind of relationship that Jacob and Alejia have. Does that make sense?”

“That does make sense! I understand it so much better Please, tell me more!”

Paul settled in to the chair next to the bed, and prepared to just talk as Providence led the conversation.

Thank you, Lord. This is wonderful to be a part of!

Chapter 33

Alejia was back in Jacob’s hospital  room. It is now or never! Osa took a deep breath and mentally pulled up her big girl britches. It was time to talk with Devlin. She had to talk with her now, because who knew when she would have another opportunity like right now? She may never see her again. Devlin sure would not open any doors she knocked on, this Osa was positive of.

“Devlin. Look. We need to get every thing out in the open. I did not know what Toby did to you. I did not know about the baby, or how both of your parents reacted to the baby. Did they know what he had done to you?

“Seriously? You really want to do this? Right now?” Devlin glared at Osa. “My brother and my dad are both in this place, and it has been one hell of a day. And, now I am stuck here with you, because, well, you drove me to this hospital! It is not like I am rich and can afford a taxi, and I am certainly not stupid enough to try to get on a bus. So, what? I have to talk, too? About things I do not even let my self think about? I’m sorry I ruined your perfect memory of that jerk boy friend of yours. I am sorry I embarrassed you in front of your pastor Paul Larson and who ever else happened to be here when I lost it.”

“Devlin, stop. Do you want me to take you home now?”

“No. Actually, this place is more comfortable than where I am living right now. If you want to go now, I’m fine with that. I will sleep here in these chairs. They can not kick me out when I have some one in here that I know, right?” She shrugged, defiantly.

Osa had no idea how to talk with this person any more. She struggled to remember what things had been like, before Toby had ruined them. “I had no idea, Devlin. No idea what horrible thing Toby had done to  you. I am so sorry I was not there for you to talk to. I wish I could say I would have listened, would have been the friend you needed me to be, but I am afraid I would not have been. I was a stupid girl with no idea about how horrible people could be. I am sorry, Devlin. I hope you can believe me.”

Devlin just stared at her. Didn’t say a word. Osa couldn’t read er expression. At least she does not seem so angry with me any more! Osa thought.

“I thought I could trust him. Toby, I mean. My car broke down, and Toby happened to drive by. He stopped and asked me if he could help me. I was on my way to work, and I was running really late so I was in a rush. Toby offered me a ride in his car. Instead of taking me to my job, he took me to the over look. I thought maybe he needed to talk or something, but then… He forced me to… ” Devlin broke down. “I never had any interest in him. I never even liked him. I do not know why he did that. He made me promise to never say a word to any one, especially to you, or he would tell the school that I put out for him. No matter what, I was trapped in his lie. I did not know how to tell you. And, when he told you that we slept together… I knew I had lost you as my friend, that you’d never believe that he had made me do all those horrible things. A few weeks later, my mom found my pregnancy test.  She told my dad. No one expected him to flip out the way he did. But, he lost it. He beat me, gave me this scar. Made me lose the baby. He said he hated me, that I had brought shame on to our family. He never let me tell him what had actually happened to me. He hit my mom that night, too. She packed her bags and left us. Never even told me good bye. I’ve never heard from her since then. I never under tood what I did to make Toby think I was interested in him like that, or interested in any of all of that. I hated my self, and I hate him. I never got to tell you I was sorry, but, Osa, I am. I never wanted to ruin your relationship with Toby. Honest.” Devlin stopped talking, her emotions too strong to form any more words.

Tears streamed freely down Osa’s face. She thought this was her fault? Devlin had done nothing wrong. She had only trusted some one she should have been able, by all rights, to trust.

Osa wanted to find Toby and knock his block off, to show him what he had caused by his selfish, horrible actions!

“Devlin, listen to me, ok? This was never your fault. You were caught in the middle of something so awful, and it was handled so badly. By all of us. I’m so sorry I wasn’t there for you, that I didn’t ask you what actually happened. I’m sorry. Will you forgive me, Devlin, for not being a better friend? For blaming you, and listening to Toby and not listening to you?”

“What? You are asking me to forgive you? Why do you not hate me? I do not understand!”

“Because it was not your fault, Devlin. He trapped you, and he made you do that. He did not give you a choice, and he did not stop when you told him to stop. This was all his fault.It is not your fault, not at all.”

Devlin sat back and put her hands over her face. “This is really this easy to work through? You’re not going to punch me, or drop me off some where unsafe?You really don’t hate me anymore?”

“No, Devlin, I definitely don’t hate you. I don’t think I ever really hated you. I was angry for awhile, but I got over it. The years helped me forget how much it all hurt. Now, it hurts, but that isn’t because of you. It’s because now I know the truth. And, I needed to be told what the truth is. This is important.”

I’m going to find that jerk and punch his lights out, Osa vowed under her breath.

Chapter 34

Alejia helped Jacob and his dad both get settled in their new room together.

“This’ll be good for you both! It has been such a long time since you have both had time to talk to each other.” Alejia felt cheerful, despite the reasons they both were in the hospital to begin with.

“Leej, would you mind getting me some water? I am so thirsty!” Jacob asked, flashing his boyishly charming smile at her.

“Well, how can I resist that amazing smile? Mr. Rockefeller, would you like me to get you some water, as well?”

Jacob’s dad fidgeted in his bed, trying to get him self comfortable. “Sure! And, can you ask a nurse to help me get this blasted bed adjusted?” Alejia nodded at him. “Yeah. I will be right back. Now, you two boys behave in here, do you hear me?” She pretended to scold them, winking as she turned to walk out of the room. “Jacob threw a pillow in her direction, but hit the door after it closed. “Great! Now I have thrown away my pillow!” he chuckled.

Jacob’s dad studied his son. He had grown in to quite a young man! Handsome, hard working, successful marriage… How had Jacob even managed all of that? No way he got any of that from him. “She is quite a special young lady! You are one of the lucky ones, Jace.”

Jace. Now, if that was not a blast from the past! When was the last time his dad had called him any thing, besides, “hey, you there!”?

“I know I am. I have no idea what she sees in me, or why she has even stayed with me. But, I sure am glad that she has!.” Jacob answered more candidly than he had intended. Must be the meds, he thought wryly.

“I know I’ve been a terrible father. After your mother left… ” his dad took a deep breath and steadied his emotions to keep his voice from shaking, his eyes from allowing the tears to break forth. “After your mother left, “he started again, “I lost my way. She was my world, your mom was. She was the bright spot in my darkness. She helped me keep my head a-float. Your girl, Alejia, she reminds me so much of your mother when she was younger. Hang on to her, Jace, don’t screw things up  with her like I did with your mother.”

Jacob bit back an angry, sarcastic response, and instead said, “yeah dad, I know. Thanks.”


“Hello?” Alejia answered her phone, the ringtone sounded shrill in the quiet hospital hallway.

“Mrs. Rockefeller? This is Sergeant Gonzales from the WSP. I need you to come to the station and give your statement, Ma’am. Do you have time today to do that? We can send an officer over to where you are, if needed.”

“Oh. No, I can come in there. I’ll be there in a little while.”

“Thank you Ma’am. Have a nice day.” The officer hung up abruptly.

Alejia realized it had been some time since she had eaten or slept.

Walking back in to the room, she handed both Jacob and his dad their ice waters, and told his dad, “The nurse will be right back in here to help you adjust that bed of yours. Will you boys be ok if I go home and get a little sleep? I won’t be away too long, I promise.”

Jacob said, “Oh Honey, you’ve probably been awake since this all first happened, have you not? Please, go home. Get some sleep. We’ll still be here when you return. Scouts honor,” he said in a mocking tone.

“You can’t fool me, mister. I know full well that you were never actually a boyscout!” Alejia stuck her tongue out at Jacob.

“Yeah, yeah, ok, You caught me! Go home and get some good sleep.We have a whole hospital full of nurses and doctors to bother.”

Alejia kissed Jacob and left the room, saying a quick good bye to Jacob’s dad.

“See you boys later, hopefully feeling a lot better!”

Alejia stopped and grabbed a coffee out of the vending machine, and said a quick good bye to Osa and Devlin. She was shocked to see the two of them talking, and was Devlin actually smiling and laughing? “Well, you two are certainly getting a long well now! Good, I am so glad! The boys are all settled in to their new room, you should go ahead and go back there. At least tell them hi,” Alejia encouraged Devlin.

Devlin surprised her. “Yeah, I just might do that. Where are you off to right now?”

“I’m going home to get a little bit of sleep, maybe grab a couple of bites to eat. I’ll be back in a little while, I promise. Do you need, or have a ride home, Devlin?”

Osa surprised Alejia by answering for her. “She’s going to come and stay with me for a few days.”

Whoa! Alejia could not keep up with anything going on with her friends and family these days!

“Great! I guess I’ll talk with you soon, right? You’ll call me?” Alejia made a phone shape with her fingers, and put them up to her ear.

“Oh, I do not know. Are you actually going to answer if I do call?”

“Yes! I promise! I’ll even take my phone off of igno– um, I mean silent, just so I won’t miss your call.” Osa stuck her tongue out at Alejia. “See? I always knew you were just ignoring my calls on purpose! The truth finally comes out! You should actually listen to my voice mails! You never know, I may have said something of actual importance! I bet you have not even listened to them in over six months, hve you!”

“I might have, you do not know. I will check them when I get out to my car, Hopefully I won’t fall asleep before I even start driving, or while I am driving. I have coffee to my rescue!”

“Be safe, Jia. If you are too tired to drive, please, get a cab. Ok? Promise me?”

“I promise! See you later! Bye Devlin, talk to you both soon!” and wit that she left the hospital to go to the WSP Department to give her statement.

She had a lot of thinking to do before giving that statement, though. maybe she would go home and take a nap before she gave the statement. That might be the wisest thing to do.

Chapter 35

Alejia sat in her car, listening to all of her voice mail messages.

“Jia, Osa here. Devlin and I have been talking! Can you believe that? I invited her to come and stay with me for a  couple of days so we can hopefully repair some of what has been so messed up for so long. Call me when you get this!”

“Jia, Osa Here. Um, where are you? Devlin and I had to bring Jacob’s dad in to the hospital. I expected to find you here, too. He’s bad, Jia. Hi heart beat is so weak, and Devlin has no idea how long he has been passed out here. His place is so filthy… what happened to this family Jia? Do you have any idea? Call me!”

“Jia, Osa here. How could you do this to me? Help Devlin, of all people?! Have you forgotten that we hate each other? Call me when you get this so I can chew you out! Bye!”

“Alejia, this is Josh. I just wanted to let you know I have no hard feelings about our talk today. Of course we can still be friends. I hope you’ll call me when you get this. Um… bye.”

Josh. How was she going to handle all of this now? She was positive she had seen Josh at the restaurant. It was hard to believe that was pure coincidence! The way Jacob’s tire had just exploded… some one had to have done something to it to make that happen. Jacob checked his tire pressure constantly, no way he would have missed that normally, when he was not in a rush. He would have seen something was wrong with it.But, would Josh really do some thing like that? Was he capable of some thing so immature and foolishly dangerous.

Alejia remembered that he had been recently divorced. She tried to recall the details of the divorce. Had he acted in a creepy, stalker-ish way towards his ex-wife? Should Alejia get a restraining order against him?

She struggled to recall any thing that had stood out as odd, or caused a red flag, but she could not think of any thing at all. She definitely needed to get some rest. She decided to go home before going to give her statement. Maybe she would call and ask them to come to her house to get the statement. She would see how she was feeling in a couple of hours.


Josh sat at the airport, trying to make up his mind about going. Maybe it would be unnecessary. Alejia had not called him back, that could be a good sign. Or, it could be a very bad sign. She could be very angry with him, not wanting to talk with him at all.

He didn’t know what he should do.

He thought about admitting to her what he had done. It was just an accident, but he had gotten careless. He had no idea he could cause an accident, it seemed like such a harmless prank of annoyance.

Whatever he decided to do, he needed to hurry up and make up his mind. Unless he wanted to sleep in the air port while he tried to make up his mind, the last plane of the day going to where he needed to go, if he went, was leaving in an hour. He had to make up his mind quickly!


Alejia slept peacefully, her alarm clock set for a two hour long nap. Josh sat across from her, admiring her beauty while she slept. He knew he shouldn’t have let himself in, but he just had to see her again. Maybe she would be happy to see him. Maybe she had changed her mind about him.

He knew he was acting crazy. He decided to leave. He stood up to go, and accidentally knocked her Bible she had set on her night stand, on to the floor, with a loud, echoing thump! Alejia stirred, Josh froze in fear. She soon settled back in to a restful sleep, and Josh stealthily slipped back out. He was being such an idiot! What was he even thinking? Obviously he wasn’t thinking. He pulled his car away from the curb, finally letting his breath fully out of his lungs.

He hoped Alejia would not realize what he had done, or that he’d even been there. He had to stop this crazy behavior! He was not thinking clearly, or acting right.

Maybe tomorrow he would call Alejia and see if she would meet with him, so he could tell her the truth. The whole truth. Including how he had convinced their first client to hire Alejia,so he could meet her. He had seen her at church, and he just had to meet her, but he lacked the confidence to do that. So, he found a mutual friend who would be willing to go along with a charade, in order for them to meet. Josh was not actually an architect. He worked for a local contractor as a carpenter. But, he could not have introduced himself as a carpenter. Surely she had no interest in an average, everyday unimportant person. He’d told her he was divorced recently, but in fact, he’d never married. He had never found the right person. Until he met Alejia. He thought she was also unmarried, because her husband was never at church with her. Jacob showing up at that first luncheon had thrown him way off of his guard! He decided to try to win Alejia’s heart by being her friend, listening to her frustrations about Jacob being such a jerk. Except she never told him any thing about Jacob. He’d tried to get her to talk about him, about their marriage, but all she talked with him about were her design ideas, which were always really good. He was even more impressed by her as he got to know her. Which made him feel horrible, because she did not really know any thing about him. He lied about every detail of his life. Because his life was so boring. Now he wished he had been honest, because at least he wouldn’t have to tell her about all of his lies.

What a freaking mess he had made of every thing! There was no way–NO WAY– she would ever forgive him, and certainly no way he could ever forgive him self for being such an awful, deceptive person.

He had never hated himself more than right now.

I have to make this right. Somehow.


Alejia woke up before her alarm went off. She suddenly had the feeling she hadn’t been alone. She caught a faint scent of men’s cologne and deodorant mixed. She bolted upright in shock. Josh had been here! Inside of her home. In her bedroom, while she was asleep! She couldn’t help but feel creeped out. He Bible lay on the floor, opened to the page Pastor Paul had just preached about. The words fro Matthew 18: 21-22 jumped out at her:

“Lord, how often shall my brother sin against me and I forgive him? Up to seven times?” Jesus said to him, “I do not say to you, up to seven times, but up to seventy times seven...”

She had to forgive him. Would Providence protect her from him, though? Because the thought of being around Josh,or him being around with her not realizing it, didn’t make her feel safe at all.

She decided she needed to talk with the police about Josh. It was time for her to go and give her statement. She hadn’t quite made up her mind, but she thought she’d better go ahead and look in to getting a restraining order against Josh. She might need that right now. At least until he got over her. Why was he acting so crazy, any way?

She reached down to pick up her Bible, and she noticed a business card that had fallen out from some where, under the chair by her night stand. It was a business card from the restaurant she had first met Josh at. Can this get any creepier? she wondered.

She fixed her hair, freshened up  her make-up, and started to head out the front door. Thinking twice, she went back over to her bed room window to make sure it was locked closed tightly. How had Josh gotten in here, she wondered. Then she remembered the extra key. She had mentioned it to him, offhandedly, during one of their meetings. Can I be anymore dumb than that?

She walked through the house, checking each window and door. Everything seemed securely locked. She punched in her security code for her house alarm, just in case. She hadn’t turned that on in several months. Now, she was thankful she still had it.

Walking out the front door, she walked over to where she kept the spare key. It was missing! Panic settled over her.

Restraining order, it is!

Chapter 36

Alejia walked in to the busy police station, and found the front desk. The man behind it was talking on the phone. He glanced up as she approached the desk, gesturing to her to have a seat and wait, he would be with her in a moment.

I shouldn’t have slept longer, she yawned, stretching, her watery eyes threatening to make her mascara run. Then she remembered how Josh had been inside of her house while she was asleep, and she cringed. That was just so creepy. She realized, she really knew nothing about him. She didn’t know any of his family or his friends out side of their church. Looking at things in this new, creepier light, she realized that was a bit odd.

She glanced up at the officer behind the desk. He was still on the phone, writing down some information. She decided to make a quick call to Jacob’s room, to see how her man and his dad were doing.

Dialing the number of the phone in side of the room closest to Jacob, she felt a rush of excitement as Jacob answered “Rockefeller’s Pub, we got what ale’s ya!” It had been so long since he had answered the phone like that, Alejia’s eyes shone with happy tears. “Hey there! How are you boys doing? Are you behaving nice for the nurses?” Alejia teased in to the phone.

Jacob laughed, and said, “Leej! There is my  bright gal! Did you get some rest and some food?”

Alejia realized she still needed to eat. “I’m about to eat in a bit, maybe I can smuggle a little food in to you, but you can’t tell that dad of yours, because he has to watch what he eats right now. And no, I don’t mean watch it go in to his mouth.” Jacob laughed, and whispered in to the phone, “I need a bacon burger. My lack of bacon is making me a weak and cranky old man.”

“Oh, I think I can get that for you, Mr. Rockefeller. One bacon, cheese with mushroom burger on its way!”

“Ew! Don’t even think about putting those evil slimy things on my burger.”

Alejia laughed, “Fine, no cheese then.”

Jacob laughed and said, “You know very well I mean those nasty mushrooms. Keep them away from my perfect burger, do you hear me?”

“Aye aye, Capitone! Seriously, I need to get going.  I will see you in a bit, burger in hand, ok?” Alejia noticed the desk sergeant waving towards her.

“Bye Leej. Um… I love you. Hurry please, I am wasting away here.”

“Bye, I love you too. Oh no, we can’t have that! One rush order coming up! Bye!” Alejia pushed the end call button, and walked over to the desk. “I was called a little while ago to come in and fill out a statement for an accident that happened yesterday afternoon. I’m Alejia Rockefeller.”

The desk sergeant looked at her face and smiled. Follow me, and I’ll get you all set up. Alejia started to ask about what she needed to do  to get a restraining order put against some one, but decided to wait until after she filled out her statement. She still hadn’t decided whether she would mention the suspicion of Josh, or not.

She stepped in side of a small room with a desk and a chair in the middle of it. The window glass was frosted for privacy, she guessed. There was a fan above the desk moving the papers corners and the blades of the fan sped around quickly. “Can the fan be turned down a bit? I’m chilly.”

“Sure, sure, what ever you need. Can I get you a glass of water or a pop from the vending machine down the hall?

Alejia thought, then asked for the water. “Thank you,” she said.

She sat in the chair, thinking about what she would say. She decided to ask what information they already had, before she began filling out her set of forms.

As the officer came back in and handed her the water, she asked, “Is there any official word on what happened with my husband’s accident?”

The officer looked at her curiously. “I can’t really say at this time. Once we get your statement we can get more of a determination for what actually happened. It does seem a  little fishy that his tire would blow up like that, especially on the type of car he was driving, it’s obviously well taken care of. Is that your husband’s main car?” Alejia nodded, and said, “He loves that car. I can barely get him away from it for meal times.”

“Yeah. So, we’re looking in to that. Your statement will help us make a more detailed determination. Be sure you don’t leave out any details, Mrs. Rockefeller. Even the smallest detail, the ones that seem unimportant could turn out to be important. I can’t give you any more information at this time, we need your statement to be clear, and not tainted by our own thoughts, suspicions or conclusions. Ok? Do you need anything else?”

“No. I am good. I am ready to write it all down, as I remember it.”

“Ok, if you are ready, I need you to write this in pen, with this pen here. Write here in this space. If you make a mistake, draw one line through the mistake, no scribbling out, please, it can cause ink smudges and mess up other parts of the report. Initial your mistakes after you put one line through them. When you’re finished, initial after the last word, and before the first word. Write your words fairly close together, so there is no way your statement can be added to or tampered with. I know, this seems strict, but it has to be this way. You would be surprised at the amount of times some one has tried to make changes, or remove important information to hamper our investigations in to the matter the statement is about.”

“I can imagine! Ok. I think I got all of that. Thank you, Sir.”

“Oh, you don’t need to call me Sir. My name is Sergeant Wheeler.” He smiled at Alejia, and she said, “Thank you, Sergeant Wheeler.”

“I’ll be in to check on you in a little bit, and to collect the statement once you’re finished writing it all out.”

“Ok, thank you.”

Alejia started writing.

A.H.R I saw Jacob Rockefeller, my husband, drive towards the exit of the parking lot. He was on the way to help his dad, so he was driving a little urgently but not wrecklessly A.H.R recklessly at all. He’s always careful with his car, he calls it his car-baby, and he never wants rocks to bounce off of the paint and chip it from loose gravel, like in the parking lot at the Mexican Restaurant on 5th street. Jacob stopped at the end of the parking lot. His rear driver’s side tire exploded out of the blue after he began driving forward on to Oak Drive. The explosion was loud, I thought a small bomb had gone off, and was worried the car itself had exploded. His car fish-tailed, and he started to get it back under control when an oncoming vehicle slammed in to the passenger side. I could see Jacob’s head bounce from he driver’s side window, to the head rest, and hit his steering wheel. Jacob checks his tires every time he drives any where, normally, but this time he was trying to hurry to go help his dad who was sick, so he didn’t. He is meticulous about the amount of air, and wear and tear on his tires, and he’s obsessive about his car being in mint condition. While Jacob and I were eating, I thought I saw a man who has feelings for me, out side the front window of the Mexican Restaurant, looking in at us through the window, twice. I only thought I caught a glimpse, so I’m not positive. His name is Josh Reardon, he is a member of my Church, The First Assemblies of God on 4th street. He’s an architect that works for him self at the Skyler building on West 24th Avenue down town.

Alejia waved to the officer as he walked in to check on her progress. “I think I am finished”, she said to him. He walked over to her, and looked over her statement. If you are finished writing, please initial the end of your statement, here. She did. He drew a diagonal line across the empty space of the paperwork, “Is there any thing else I can help you with today, Mrs. Rockefeller?”

“Actually, yes, I think you can. I hope you can. The man I mentioned in my statement, he broke in to my house earlier today. He was there while I was taking a nap. I want to get a restraining order put on him. He took my extra house key.”

The officer looked over her statement, and said, “Do you mean this Ryne Reardon you mentioned here?” He pointed to the name in her statement he was now holding in his hands. “I can have an officer look into this matter for you. To get a restraining order, I’ll need you to fill out a separate report, and again tell us everything you can, every single detail, no matter how unimportant it might seem to be. Please use the same format: initials before, one line for mistakes, initial after each and every mistake, initials at the end after I look it over, before you give it to me. Does that all makes sense?”

Alejia nodded, bracing herself for what she was about to do.


At the airport, Josh stepped up to the ticket counter, and prepared to buy his one way plane ticket to Nantucket. As he pulled out his driver’s license and handed it to the ticket agent, he felt a flutter of excitement about returning to his parent’s summer home. He was sure they wouldn’t mind at all if he stayed there for a few days, maybe a couple of weeks. The ticket agent took the driver’s license he offered, and punched in his name into their system. She typed his name in again, and then held up a finger, gesturing that she would be just a moment. Josh felt a panicky feeling start to tighten in his chest. The ticket agent walked to another desk, picked up a phone and made a call, looking in Josh’s direction as if to make sure he did not go any where.

“Crap!” Josh swore under his breath. What could this all be about? Maybe his driver’s license had expired. He made a mental note to be sure to check the date when it was handed back over to him. He tapped the toe of his shoe against the bottom of the ticket counter, attempting to wait patiently. This was taking a lot longer than he has anticipated. No one had been at the counter when he walked over to it, he was sure this would be a quick process. Now, he might have to miss his flight if she did not hurry up. His thoughts turned to Nantucket, and the beach house his parents had gotten when he was a young boy. He had loved going their for family vacations, getting away from the snow some times.

A man stepped up to the counter, and stood close to really him, almost too close. Josh started to step away from him, to give himself more space, and the man held up a security badge. “Mr. Josh Reardon? Please come with me, I have some questions I need to ask you.”

Chapter 37

Alejia carefully wrote out her statement about Ryne, her hand shaking. She could not believe it had come down to this. 2 days ago she was feeling guilty because she had feelings for him, and now, she was afraid of him. She focused her thoughts back to the statement she was writing.

A.H.R .I went home around 11:30 a.m to garb a short nap. after being at the hospital over night with my husband Jacob Rockefeller, and his father Desmond Rockefeller, who were both in need of care. I woke up feeling like someone had been in the room with me, but I didn’t see any one there. I did, however, smell the scent of the cologne and deodorant combination Mr. Josh Alexander Reardon often wears, it’s a unique scent of Old Spice deodorant with Clairborne cologne. I got out of bed to find my Bible had been dropped onto my floor, and I found a business card from a restaurant Mr. Josh Alexander Reardon and I had once met a mutual client at. I don’t have one of their business cards, there is no reason it should have been on the floor under the chair next to my nightstand. I checked all of my windows and doors, and realized he must have used my hidden key. I set my house alarm as I left. I checked where I keep it hidden, intending to remove it, and it wasn’t there. Mr. Josh Alexander Reardon has stolen my house key. I want to get a restraining order against himA.H.R.

Alejia looked over her statement, making sure she had not left any thing out, or forgotten something important. She waved over to the police officer to come over and check her statement over before she initialed it at the end. He looked  it over, and nodded. “I think we can get that restraining order issued right now against Mr. Ryne Alexander Reardon. Do you happen to have that business card on you? We could dust it for his prints, to be sure it came from him.”

Alejia reached into her coat pocket and pulled out the card. She hoped they could get his finger prints. But, even if they couldn’t, just knowing he could not come near her made a huge difference.

Alejia breathed a sigh of relief as the police officer told her he had just entered all of Josh’s information in to their system. “It seems he may have just been picked up at the airport. Security was flagged after we put in a BOLO report after you gave us your statement about your husband’s accident. He’s being detained right now for questioning.”

“Wow! You guys really move fast!”

“Well Ma’am, we’ve learned the hard way that we need to take these kinds of situations serious.”


Josh tried to hold his temper back. He was in hand cuffs, being dragged through the airport to some back room. What was going on? Surely Alejia would not have reported him? he was so careful, he doubted she could even know he had been in her bed room watching her sleep, or that he had been to the restaurant today while Alejia and Jacob were there eating lunch.

He tried to ask what was going on, but the security guard just pushed him ahead, and in to a room he opened the door for.

“Mr. Josh Alexander Reardon, if you will please just have a seat. This shouldn’t take much time. We just have some questions we need to ask you.”

“What questions could you possibly have for me? I have done nothing wrong. I was just going to visit friends on the East Coast, and take a short vacation. Do I need to tell some one before I buy plane tickets, or something?”

“Sir, Mr. Reardon sir, we have a flag in our system that has you placed on our “no fly” list. You are not allowed to fly, at this point, until we can figure out how to get your name cleared. I am sorry, Sir. But you have to stay here. We have some detectives on their way over here to ask you some questions. I suggest you take this time to get your thoughts straightened out, so you can give us the clearest answers possible.”

“Great!” Josh was in no mood to deal with this malarkey. “Do I get to make my one phone call? I would like to make a phone call, please.To my Pastor. He can help get all of this all cleared up.

“Just sit still, there, Mr.Reardon. You are not under arrest. You’re just being detained for questioning at time.”

“Well, this should be interesting, seeing as I have done absolutely nothing wrong!”

“Sir, that’s what they all say. Just wait here. I promise you we’ll have this done in no time. We just need your cooperation and patience. And, of course, we’ll need you to answer every question honestly and forthrightly.”

“Of course I’ll answer every question honestly.”

Josh caught his breath as he caught sight of the detective walking towards the security room he was in. A tall man, with an impatiently angry look on his face stomped in to the room. “Who’s interrupting my dinner break, now?! Let us make this quick, my wife is here to eat dinner with me. Who do we have here? He grabbed the file, roughly, out of the hands of the started security guard.

“Well, Agent Oliver, it seems this man has just acquired a restraining order against him. He was on our “no fly” list, and this restraining order with a BOLO report was added about 5 minutes ago.

“Well now. This is an interesting turn of events. What are you running away from, Mr. “I’m Innocent”?” he asked, sarcastically.

Chapter 38

Josh could not believe it. How had she known? She was too smart for his own good, he thought to himself. He was so sure he had been undetected. How had she known? He was starting to believe Providence was working against him.

The Security guard had made him dump out his pockets, and give every thing to him before he put the hand cuffs on his wrists. He wondered where all of his stuff had gone? He had Alejia’s phone number in his favorite contacts list. Maybe even a voice mail from her from last week. He wished he had thought to delete all of that earlier, before coming to the air port. He should’ve just flown out yesterday. Why had he been so stupid? He always made lousy decisions!

“So, Mr. Reardon. We have a report of a stolen key that was reported to us as possibly being in your possession. We have that key, from your own pocket. We had one of our officers take it to the home it was reported as being taken from, and it unlocks the front and back door. We have a witness verifying that a Mrs. Alejia Rockefeller was seen, upset, out side looking for what the witness believed would be the extra key that the witness knew about having been at the location Mrs. Rockefeller specified it is missing from. What do you have to say in response to all of this? We have a report of you entering the home without the permission of the owner, also witnessed by a nearby neighbor who happened to have called it in at the time of the occurrence. We also have a report of a witness having seen you at the scene of an accident yesterday afternoon.”

Josh clamped his mouth shut. “Am I being charged with something? I want a lawyer.”

“Are you saying, sir, that you want me to read you your rights? To arrest you and keep you in custody? Just answer our questions, and if we can verify them and you are innocent, then you will be free to go.”

Josh sat back, his arms crossed tightly across his chest. He clenched his mouth, annoyed– no, angry. Irate! It was a very good thing Alejia was not there right now. Not only did he not want her to see him angry, he did not want to lose control. He would only say things he would later regret– do things he would regret.. No, it was definitely best that she was no where near him at this time.

He took his time answering, thinking about what he could say. How could he throw the suspicion off of him, and on to some one, or some where else…

Suddenly he had an idea. His mind turned over the thoughts that were speeding through his mind, trying to filter out the ones that seemed most helpful for him to hopefully get out of this.

“Fine! I was at Mrs. Rockefeller’s home, yes. She had asked me to stop by. I knew about the key, because she told me about it. I don’t know why she appeared to be upset looking for it. She must have forgotten that she had told me about it. She must have forgotten that she asked me to come by and check on her home while she was out. I did happen to be at a restaurant yesterday where I noticed she was, as well. I saw an accident, but not enough to give any details about it. Was that accident significant? Was someone killed?” He tried hard to keep calm, and not break out in to a nervous sweat.

“I can’t give you that information at this time. So, you claim she gave you permission to go in to her house, while she was taking a nap? Are you saying that she knew you were in her home, she had invited you to enter her home, and she even gave you the key, or the information of the whereabouts of the key, to get inside of her home, while she was there, sleeping, while her husband was in the hospital in the Critical Care Unit?” The officer peered deeply in to his face, watching his reaction closely.

“Well, yes. She and I have been kind of seeing each other. But, she didn’t want her husband to know.” The officer raised his eye brows in surprise.

“Really! So, while her husband, who we’ve been told, was near death, she invited you into her home, where a neighbor could see you enter? And that does not at all seem to be odd to you?”

“No. Because it’s what happened. She was upset, and said she wanted company.”

“We’ll check in to this matter. In the meantime, we’ll need to bring you down to the station, and keep you there until further investigating can be finalized. “Oh, by the way, Mr. Reardon, you should know– we looked in to your current employment status. It seems you have been a bit deceptive. We could find no evidence of your as an architect working out of the Skyler building. So, we did a little more digging. Turns out you work as a carpenter for B&B construction. One lie equals one strike against you. You do realize that makes it pretty close to impossible to believe even one word of what you say from now on, right? I have zero, Z E R O, patience for any person that lies to me, or a woman, trying to make it seem like he is some thing or some one he is not! Oh, and we also looked in your vehicle. We found an interesting item in the floor of your back seat: a tire pump. The accident in question, the man nearly died,also just happens to  be Mrs. Rockefeller’s husband. The rear tire on his carefully maintained vehicle exploded. Care to explain any of that to us?”

Great. Wonderful. Just what he needed! A nosy detective getting in to his business.

Ok, Josh, how are you going to get yourself out of this one, old boy?


Detective Oliver Knocked on Osa Mathiason’s door. A petite, mahogany haired woman answered, shielding her eyes from the glaring sun light behind the detective.

Ms. Mathiason? My name is Detective Oliver, and I need to ask you some questions.”

“Umm, sure. Do you want to come in side? This sun set is bright!”

“Sure, thank you.” He ducked his head down to fit in side the door way, his 6’5″ frame squeezing through the door way in to Osa’s small, vintage home.

“Sorry about that, it seems like these homes were built for short people,” she laughed, nervously. Why was a detective needing to question her?

Detective Oliver chuckled, then pulled out his notepad. They still used paper, with two pieces of carbon paper to make 2 extra copies.

“What can you tell me about a Mr. Josh Alexander Reardon? Are you acquainted with him, or an Mrs. Alejia Hope Rockefeller?”

Osa gasped sharply, “What? Why do you need to ask me questions about them?”

“Ma’am, I can’t give you the details of our investigation. Please, I just need you to tell me what you know about them, and specifically about the type of relationship they have or have had together.”

“Well, they have been friends. Mrs. Rockefeller is my best friend. She and her husband were having some problems, but they have been working through them, things are better. Mr Reardon, Josh, he had stronger feelings for her than she had for him. Yesterday morning, Mrs. Rockefeller made it clear to him that she only thought of him as a friend.”

“Can you tell me any more information and Mr. Reardon? What is his current employment? Any known family or friends in the area we could check in with?”

“Well, he goes to our church. You might talk with Pastor Paul Larson. I think if anyone might have those answers, it could be him.”

“Have you ever witnessed any strange behavior from Mr. Reardon? Anything resembling how a stalker might behave? Anything that made you feel uncomfortable, or like your friend could have been in any kind of danger from or with him?”

“No. None of that kind of thing.” Osa wondered what in the world had happened, and why Alejia had not told her anything about any of it, at all!

“Last question, Ma’am: Have you ever known your friend to lie about the character of another person, or claim they have behaved in a harmful way, inaccurately?”

“Do you mean lie about some one else, just to get them in to some kind of trouble? No. No way. Alejia is about the most honest person I’ve ever known. Are you sure you can’t tell me what any of this is about?”

“Sorry Ma’am. You can find out after the investigation. Or, talk with your friend to have her fill you in on all the details. Thank you for your time.” Detective Oliver turned to the door, ducked his head down again, and pushed his way out into the bright sunlight again.

“If we need any thing else, we’ll be in touch. Do you have a phone number we can reach you easily at?”

“Sure.” Osa scribbled down her number oh his carbon copy pad, muttering under her breath, Alejia Hope Rockefeller, what have you gotten yourself into, this time?!


Alejia breathed a sigh of relief as she ended the call form the police officer who had taken both of her statements. “Mrs. Rockefeller, I just wanted to let you know, we picked up Mr. Ryne Alexander Reardon at the airport about 20 minutes ago. We have him locked down for questioning. So, you will not have to worry, for now. We have him in questioning, and right now we are working too validate both of your stories. We’ll let you know the final out come as soon as possible,” he had just informed her. She thanked him, and put her phone away.

As she climbed in to her car, she remembered the burger she had promised Jacob. “Oooh,  better not show up empty handed!”

She hurried down the road to the nearest fast food drive-thru. She was running so late, she did not want to cause her Jacob to worry, or get upset with her. Things were still very delicate. She wanted to be extra careful, to not upset what they were just getting back again.

Alejia pulled up to the drive-thru menu, and ordered Jacob’s food, choosing a chicken salad for her self. She asked for bleu cheese dressing, but was informed they did not have any “Make it honey mustard, then.” She sighed. They never had what she wanted here. Why did she keep coming to this one, anyway?

She glanced up at the beginning to set sun, and remembered the brilliant, almost blinding, topaz looking sun. “Goodness! That had just been a few nights ago! She could not believe how much time seemed to have passed, and yet, it was not much time at all. So many things have been happening, too many things. She hoped things were beginning to settle down and find a new, relaxed, peaceful normal.


Jacob looked at the clock over the door to the room he was sharing with his dad while his dad recovered from open heart surgery. Where could she be? With all the recent events, surprises and turning of events, Jacob could not help but feel worried. He took that opportunity to try out his new relationship with Providence.”Um, well, please keep my wife safe. Thank you,” he prayed, quietly, hoping not to wake his dad from his needed rest. He hoped he had prayed the right way. He still had so much to learn!

His heart skipped a beat as he heard a quite knock on the door to the room. “Come in, and hurry with my burger, I am starv…” he stopped short, blinking his eyes several times in disbelief.

In the doorway stood his mom.

Chapter 39

Arlene Fran Rockefeller was working at getting one of her tables bused, when she glanced up at the tv. Not thinking any thing of it, she stood up to go into the back of the restaurant to get the new table  settings and cover. Some thing about the accident they were reporting on caught her attention. She looked closely at the car. That looked like it could be her son’s old car, but no way he could possibly still have that after all of these years, right? The reporter gave the details of the accident, and then the name of the driver that had been injured and taken to the hospital by ambulance, reported as being in critical condition: Jacob Rockefeller.

Arlene paled, and had to sit down. Across the restaurant, she could hear her boss starting to get agitated that she was sitting and not working, but she did not care.

Jacob was hurt, in critical condition. She needed to go to him, to see him. She stood up, fighting back tears, and walked carefully over to where her boss stood, arms folded crossly across his chest.

“Mr. Simone, that accident that is being reported, that is my son, Jacob. I need to go to the hospital.”

“You can go. But do not expect to be paid for it. I do not pay people to not work. I hope your son is ok.”

“Thank you sir, I understand,” Arlene said in appreciation. He seemed like a cross man, but he was really a teddy bear.

Arlene took off her apron, washed her hands at her waitress station, and rushed out the door, hoping to be able to catch a taxi. It would take her whole week’s tips to pay for the cab ride, but she had to go see her son. She had to see if he was ok.

She easily caught a cab, not many people were out right now.

She would have a long ride ahead to think about things. What would she say, if he were able to talk? What would he look like? She knew he had gotten married years ago. Was he still married? To the same girl? Maybe they had children. She could be a grandmother, and not even know it.

No matter what, she just wanted to see that he was ok, and then not intrude in his life. She had chosen to walk away.It had gotten too complicated, she could not be the mom they had needed. Desmond would not let her. He had gotten in to a drinking rage, and hit her.She threatened to leave, and he promised to take their children away from her, and have her declared as unfit to be their mom. She could not handle that. She could not handle being hit again, either. So, she just left. She wouldn’t stay where she wasn’t wanted. The kids had their own lives, and didn’t value her thoughts or knowledge about things, any  way. She wasn’t necessary. She had hoped to have a good relationship with Devlin, her daughter. But, she was so closed off. Arlene had not known how to break through and have a happy, fun relationship with her. It didn’t seem to matter any way. Devlin had stayed holed up in her room while Jacob was always working on that car, trying to make it “perfect”. She doubted they missed her at all.

Her thoughts stopped as she noticed they were nearing the hospital. Time had sure flown by fast on this trip, she thought.

She had the cab driver drop her off at the front door. She hoped she could find another way home, but if not, there was always the bus.

She climbed out of the cab, handing the cabby all of her tip money to cover the ride, plus a decent tip.

“Thanks! Have a good evening!”

“You’re welcome. Have a good evening, too.”

She walked over to the information desk to ask about her son, and if she could see him. “He’s in room 147, on the second floor. Would you like someone to help you find it?”

“Oh no, I think I’ll be able to figure it out. Thank you very much, though.”

She walked to the elevator, and pushed the up button. It opened quick, and then she stepped in to the plush elevator car, and chose the second floor.

As she stepped out on to the second floor, she realized her heart was pounding so loudly, she could hear it. She hesitated, and then stepped over to the nurses station, to get directions to the room.

Here I go, she thought. This is either the stupidest thing I have ever done, or it’ll be a good thing. Only one way to find out!

She followed the on duty nurse, and stopped outside of the door to catch her breath. Here goes nothing!


Jacob closed his eyes, then opened them, as if to clear his vision. This couldn’t actually be happening. His mom, here? Now?

She cleared her throat nervously. “Hi Jacob. I’m so glad to see you are ok! I saw on the news how you  were in a car accident, and I… I had to come see for myself if you were ok. I will not stay long, I know I probably am not very welcome here.”

“Mom? You’re here? Mom. I’ve missed  you so much!” Jacob could not believe his eyes and ears. His mother was standing right there, in front of him, in his hospital room! This wasn’t a dream he would wake up from, crying. Not like in the past. Tears flew out of Jacob’s eyes, as he said again, “Mom, you are here? You are really here!”

Arlene sobbed in to her hands. She had not dared to expect this, knew she didn’t deserve it.

“Sit down mom. Stay. Talk to me. How have you been? What have you been up to? Are you a waitress?” Jacob asked, indicating the uniform she had not taken the time to change out of.

“Ok. If you are sure you do not mind my staying. I am a  waitress. I live near Moses Lake. It is quiet, and a nice area. The people are friendly. And, it’s not too far away from you.”

“Oh.” Jacob’s heart felt like it was in his throat. “I am glad you live not too far away. Alejia’s on her way here. You can meet her. You will like her, mom. She is amazing!”

As if on cue, Alejia rushed in to the room, a greasy bag in her hand. “Oh Jacob, I am so sor.. Oh, you have company! Who’s this?” She handed him the burger bag, a look of curiosity covering her face.

“Leej, this is my mom, Arlene. Mom, this is the amazing Leej,” Jacob had the biggest smile on his face Alejia had ever seen on him!

“Oh! Mrs. Rockefeller! It is so nice to finally get to meet you!” Alejia stuck out a greasy hand, then wiped it on her jeans, and stuck it out again to shake Arlene’s hand.

Arlene grabbed it firmly. “I could say the same thing to you, Mrs. Rockefeller!” Arlene beamed with delight. She could not believe they actually seemed happy to see her!

“Tell me about your life together. I want to know every thing!”

Alejia and Jacob suddenly felt a bit shy. They hadn’t had much time together lately.

“Oh, there’s not too much to tell, right now. We should save that for when we can be at our home, eating pie.” Alejia said with a smile. Alejia caught Jacob’s eyes, and he smiled at her.

“Leej’s right. we will have plenty of time to talk about everything later.”

A groan from the next bed startled Alejia and Jacob in to silence. Desmond was starting to wake up. They started to feel awkward, suddenly unsure of what to expect next.

“Hey Jace,” Desmond called from his bed, his eyes not yet fully opened, “You’ll never guess what I was just dreaming about. I dreamed your mom came here to see us.”

Chapter 40

Alejia and Jacob looked at each other carefully: what should they do?

Jacob spoke, trying to disguise the smile in his voice: “Hey dad. Glad you are awake. Hey, guess who stopped by to say him? Mom!”

Desmond squinted in Arlen’s direction, his eyes adjusting to the light in the room.

Arelene? My Arlene? Have you come back to me?” Desmond could not hide the thick emotion in his voice. His heart monitor started beeping angrily, and Jacob pushed the call button on his bed side. A nurse burst in to the room, rushing over to Desmond’s bed side.

“Mr. Rockefeller, can you hear me?”

Desmond answered with a faint, “Yes,” the closed his eyes.

Jacob asked, “Is he going to be ok?

The nurse said, calmly, “I think so. It seems like one of his tubes has worked itself loose from his IV. Let me fix this, and see if that resolves this.”

Arlene moved closer to the door, as if she were thinking about sneaking away.

“Mom. Stay. Please.”

“I’m not sure it it is best for me to stay. But, I’ll wait a few more minutes. What happened to your father? Was he in the accident with you? I had no idea he was in here with you. The tv only mentioned you as being in that horrible accident!”

“Mom, it’s such a long story. I’ll tell you later. But, dad had heart surgery. He needs you, mom.”


Osa closed the door, after saying good by to the detective.

She had been unaware of Devlin listening from the next room.

“So, Jacob and Miss Perfect have been having problems, huh? Serves them right! Was she cheating on him? I ca not imagine her staying faithful to Jacob, she has always been so out of his league!”

Osa fought, hard, the urge to smack Devlin across her scarred cheek.

“Why do you say such ugly things like that? What has Alejia ever done to you, Devlin? Huh? Answer me.”

“Well, to start with, she did not invite me to their wedding.”

“You were not even in town for that. She tried to invite you and you blew her off. Do you even realize how much you push people away from you, Devlin? People who really want to be closer to you, who care about you. You should stop doing that.”

“Maybe so, but there is no way Alejia would ever be my friend like she is your friend. Like you used to be my friend.”

“You have never given her the chance. And besides, you sound jealous. Are you jealous? because you don’t have any reason to be.” Osa started to walk in to the kitchen when her phone rang. It was Pastor Paul.

“Hi Pastor, what’s up?”

“Osa! Hey! There was just a detective asking questions about the Rockefellers and Mr. Reardon. Can you tell me what in the world is going on? Have they arrested Mr. Reardon for stalking Mrs. Rockefeller?

“Oh my! Well, I don’t know. He didn’t say anything to me about arresting any one. He asked me about his character, and about if Alejia is honest. I thought you might know more about his background and family or friends than I know, so I mentioned you. I hope that’s ok.” Osa frowned.

“It’s fine. Of course I want to keep up with my congregants. This has just been a very full weekend of keeping up!”

Osa sighed. “I know just what you mean, sir. I hope you have a relaxing night at home tonight.”

“Thank you. I hope you do, as well!

Devlin walked across the living room. “Was that your Pastor Paul?” Osa nodded her response. “Hmm. Maybe I’ll visit that church of yours some time. He seems like a nice man. Maybe it won’t suck there.”

Osa blinked in surprise. “Sure! It’s a pretty nice church.”

“So, what’s up with Alejia and that guy the detective was asking about, anyway?”

Osa flinched, then sighed. “I honestly am not sure. But, if anything, it’s more about what’s up with him, than what’s up with Alejia. She loves your brother. And, I will tell you: he’s been horrible to her at times, mean as all get out, but she’s never wavered. She’s stuck by him and remained true to her promises to him. So, whatever’s going on, I have no doubt it’s Mr. Reardon’s fault.”

Devlin wasn’t sure she believed Osa, but she decided to change the subject. “Thank you for letting me stay here and get my head together.”

Osa smiled warmly, “It’s no problem at all!”


Devlin walked down the hallway to where Osa’s computer was. She sat at the desk, and turned on the computer. Thankful it wasn’t locked, she opened the browser, and began to do a search for Toby Farnsworth. It was time she found him and made him pay for what he’d done.

She was so engrossed in her search, she didn’t notice Osa peek in and watch her with a troubled look on her face. What could that girl possibly be looking for right now? Somehow she sensed it wasn’t a good thing. The look on Devlin’s face seemed to be pure hatred, mixed with anger. Maybe she was trying to find Toby. Osa thought she had better call him and warn him.

Or, maybe she should just let Devlin handle things. After all, Toby did deserve a lot more than he had gotten. His selfishness had ruined a whole family’s lives!  He needed to be held accountable. Osa said a quick prayer:

Thank You for Your protection over me. I ask that You would protect Devlin. Help her to make wise decisions, and not decisions out of anger or hatred. Help her to find Your better way. In Jesus Name. Amen.

Chapter 41

Arlene wasn’t sure if she should stay, but she didn’t want to disappoint Jacob. She barely dared to breath as she waited to hear the verdict on Desmond’s condition.

Every one relaxed noticeably as the heart monitor fell silent, and then went back to a normal rhythm.

Arlene fidgeted with her scarf, nervously, pulling at the knots, picking off the pills and dropping them in the waste basket near her.

What was she doing here? She should go while every one is distracted. She felt so small.

Desmond opened his eyes, and coughed. “Arlene. Are you still here? Will you come over to me, please?”

Arlene stood and walked slowly over to Desmond, nervous. She stood next to him, and he grabbed her arm, searching for her hand.

“Arlene, I am sorry. I was such a stupid, foolish, stubborn man. Can you ever forgive me?”

Arlene looked at his aged face, and felt like she was looking at a stranger. Taking a deep breath to muster every bit of courage she could find, she said, “I think I can. But, that doesn’t mean I’m coming back to you, Desmond. Too much time has passed, too many hurting memories. I can forgive past wrongs, but I won’t put myself in place for new ones to have to forgive and heal from. Do you understand?”

Desmond’s eyes clouded up, and tears fell, unhindered. “I could never expect you to come back. I messed things up too badly. You forgiving me, that’s more than I deserve. I know that I understand that. I’m sorry I hurt you so badly, Arlene. I hope you can somehow feel how very, very sorry I am.”

Arlene smiled at him. “I can. Thank you, Desmond.”


Osa walked silently to the living room, and gave Devlin a few minutes to finish up what she was doing. This is none of my business, Osa thought. Devlin is a big girl, and Toby made his own bed. It might be appropriate if it was Devlin that made him lie in it, the lying jerk.

Osa was still getting over the shock of what Toby had done, at every thing that had happened to Devlin and her whole family. Toby was such a jerk!

Osa thought back to when they were younger. She had felt so flattered that Toby Farnsworth had even noticed her.She swooned when ever he called her, or walked her to her classes. I was so naive back then. I had no idea of the horrible things that could happen… that did happen.

She started to feel sick to her stomach at the thought of how she was back then. She forced the memories to the back of her thoughts, and realized it was starting to get pretty late.

Osa called from the living room, “Hey Devlin, we should make a stop by the hospital. Want to go now?”

“Sure, I will be right there.” Devlin found the address and phone number, and wrote them out on a gum wrapper. She folded it carefully and put it in her pocket. Now, I will get you! she thought with satisfaction.


Osa and Devlin rode in silence to the hospital. Suddenly Osa blurted out, “You know! I’ve been thinking I need a roommate. You said you want to make some changes in your own life. Maybe you could room with me, temporarily, until you can get a new place of your own. Would you want to do that?”

Devlin felt apprehension. She had not told Osa that, at the moment, she was actually homeless. She had not been able to find a job where she had been living, and her room mate kicked her out as soon as she could not afford to pay her share of the rent.

“I’m not sure. You’ll get tired of me staying with you. I’ll think about it, though, ok?”

“Sure.” Osa could not figure her out. Just when she felt they might be getting closer, Devlin shut down.

“Just give it some thought, ok? I doubt I’ll get tired of you. The change of environment might be good for you, and maybe a change of job would be, too.”

Yeah, from jobless to working would be an enormous change, Devlin thought sarcastically. “You don’t owe me anything, you know. I hope you aren’t feeling like you have to repay me or some thing. I also hope you don’t see me as some sort of a charity case. I’m not.”

Osa chose her words carefully, “No. Not charity. As my friend. My friend I’m getting a new chance with. I can’t change the past, Devlin, but we can try to make a better future, you know?”

Yeah, well, ok. I’ll think about it, and I’ll let you know. Ok?”

Osa had her suspicions about Devlin being on the streets. Unless she was staying at her dad’s place, which was highly unlikely.

Osa turned in to the parking lot, her car lights reflecting off the newly formed ice on the pavement. She parked the car as close as possible to the front doors, so they would not have to walk as far in the cold.

“Man it got cold out here!” Osa exclaimed.

They both climbed out of the car in silence, each one remember the last time they had come here.

It was freezing out there, and both girls shivered as they hurried to the front door, Devlin slipping, nearly loosing her balance, but catching herself before she fell on her behind

“Nice save!” Osa cheered. Devlin laughed, for the first time.

They rushed over to the elevator, thankful for the warmth displacing the cold that had covered them.

Osa pushed the button for the second floor, and they stepped off, eager to get this visit over with.

Devlin walked in first,and Osa was caught off guard as she heard Devlin’s gasp in surprise.


Chapter 42

Devlin could not believe her mom was there. Overwhelmed, she stepped back out of the room. Osa saw the shocked look on her face,and tied to ask her what was wrong, but Devlin could not speak. Arlene followed Devlin out of the room, and attempted to reach out and comfort her daughter, but Devlin shrunk back from her touch.”Where have you been hiding all of these years, mom? While we have been falling a part? Are you happy with your life? Because none of us are happy with our lives since you walked away from us. You disappeared! I needed you, mom, and you left me!” Devlin went from shocked surprise to flat out anger.

Arlene was not planning to try to explain. “I deserve that. I was wrong to walk away. I just… you all seemed… to not need me. And your dad was so angry with me, all of the time. I couldn’t take the hitting any more. I’m sorry. I was too weak, and I wasn’t what you needed. I saw you graduate. But, I thought you’d be too angry with me, so I didn’t let you know I was there. I’m so sorry, Devlin, you deserve so much better than me. I should go, I’m causing more problems than I’m helping any thing. I’m sorry. I just saw Jacob’s accident on the news and…” her voice trailed off. “Well, I’ll go.” She started to walk away, and Devlin stopped her.

“You’d better not walk away from me again! Yes, I’m angry! So Very Angry! But, I need you mom. You. Not someone else. Not dad instead. Not no one. No one can replace you. We probably did a lousy job of letting you know how much we needed you, how much we loved you. But, mom– not one of us expected you to just walk away from us. How could you even do that?!”

Arlene stood in front of Devlin, and cried. Nothing she could say would make any thing better.

“You know what, mom? You owe me. You owe me time with you. Don’t you dare walk away from me again! Don’t you dare!”

Arlene looked up at Devlin’s face, and she nodded. “I will not go any where. Ok? I will stay. Can I stay with you?”

Osa answered, “Devlin is staying with me. You are welcome to stay with me, too.”

After a few more minutes of crying and outbursts, they walked back in to the hospital room.

Whew! Providence had His work cut out for Him!


Devlin and her mom had so many things to talk through. Osa felt like she was living in a battle zone some days, and other days were blissfully peace-filled. Once Devlin revealed what had happened with Toby, Arlene seemed to find her natural skills nurturing again.She wished she could just remove all that pain, and that loss… She wished she hadn’t been part of the cause and loss. She wished a lot of things, truth be told.

Devlin and her dad were a different story. She had a hard time forgiving and forgetting what he’d done to her, and how horrible he’d made her feel about herself. In time, she was able to move past all that had happened, but there was always a lingering grief, a sadness so deep, it felt like nothing could heal it. Desmond deeply regretted his actions. He stopped drinking completely, and he began to work on getting his life, his home, and his family in order. He had so much to make up for. But, he was confident that with Providence’s help, he’d be able to move some of those mountains he him self had built up. Devlin wasn’t so confident, but she often went to his AA meetings with him, and even attended some ALANON meetings on her own. Alejia could see that she was growing in to a new maturity.

Arlene and Desmond didn’t work things out with in their marriage. Arlene wasn’t ready to trust him again, not yet any way. They did begin a friendship, and they began to work together on being parents to their grown children, while learning how to be a grandparent for their soon to be arriving grand child.

Arlene and Alejia began to build a special mother in law and daughter in law relationship, while taking great care to make sure Devlin did not feel left out or jealous. Both women were greatly concerned for Devlin’s emotional state, and worked hard to build a close relationship with her as individuals as well.

Jacob and his mom kind of just picked up where they had left off. It was almost as if no time had even passed, and nothing had come between them. They joked with each other lightly.

Osa and Devlin had some major things to work out. Devlin finally admitted that she did not have a job, and her mom helped her get a job as a waitress at a nearby restaurant, just down the street from were Arlene was now the manager of a restaurant. Osa was not upset, and tried to be as patient, and prayerful, as possible.  It helped when Devlin started coming to church, and actually learned helpful things from the sermons. Osa could tell Providence was working deep with in Devlin’s heart, and she was more than thankful to be a part of that.

Devlin and Jacob still had some distance between them. Some of the old family wounds were so deep, some scars so stiff, it was difficult for them to look past them, and in to the future. Devlin was not ready to trust Jacob yet. She felt let down by him, because when everything fell apart after what Toby did to her, Jacob distanced him self and stopped being a confident for her. She never under stood why, until one conversation revealed a vulnerable secret Jacob had been holding on to: he blamed him self for not protecting Devlin. Devlin never knew it, but Jacob tracked Toby down and took out his own form of vengeance on Toby’s face.


Alejia reached in to her oven, and pulled out the pot roast, the steam from the pot roast causing her bangs to curl. “Oh my goodness,that smells so amazing!” Jacob yelled from the back yard. “I bet the neighbors will start coming by, drooling, begging for some of that, any time now,” he said with a smile. Alejia smiled to her self. It felt pretty good to be appreciated!

It had been six months since the accident. Providence had been rearranging lives, and fixing all sorts of hurts and problems. Alejia could not believe it had been six months already, or that it had only been six months because so much had changed! Alejia touched her belly and felt the baby kick, smiling with anticipation. “Jacob, come here! Come feel Jacob Jr. kicking his mommy again!”

Jacob walked in to the kitchen, and strode over to Alejia, putting his strong hand on her tummy. “My baby-baby is kicking strong as he can, for sure, while my car-baby is not kicking so well at all.”

Alejia laughed. “Yeah, not so much. But, knowing you, Jacob, you’ll have that all fixed up, back in mint condition, in no time! You know you can’t stay away from that car any longer than you absolutely have to.” Alejia teased him.

“Yeah, well. You know me. What can I do? My special talent is working on my car!” Alejia’s laugh brought joy to his heart. This is what happy feels like, he thought to himself.

Jacob’s dad walked in from the back yard. “Hey, how’s that dinner coming a long? Need some help tasting it? I am an expert!” Jacob patted him on the back and said, “Nice try. No way, I’m the official taste tester around here, of all things delicious. You should go back to your grill-manning.”

“Oh yeah, I need the barbecue sauce, and the butter. Where might I find those things?”

Jacob grabbed them both off of the counter, and pushed them in to his dad’s hands. “Right there, in your hands!” Jacob’s dad laughed, a deeply joy-filled sound.

Devlin and Arlene sat in beach chairs, relaxing and enjoying the sun, discussing the church service earlier that day. “Pastor Paul’s wife looked so uncomfortable today. The baby must be due any day now. She looks like she is carrying triplets!”

Devlin laughed, “Yeah, she sure does! I guess I will have some baby sitting work a head of me soon, yeah?”

“The sermon today was really good. I loved the blooper reel movie clip they put together for today. It was so perfect! And hilarious.”

Alejia marveled at all of the changes Providence had orchestrated within their family.

Sitting in his jail cell, Josh began plotting his revenge…

Walking With God

Confidence in Christ

In America, our culture is saturated in self-confidence. It’s embedded in every aspect of our society, to have faith in our own abilities, to live with a measure of success because of some wisdom, knowledge or ability we possess.

I have slowly begun to realize that this whole doctrine for American life is contrary to God’s Word.

We are instructed in Scripture to be in the world, and yet not of the world.

What a balancing act that becomes! There are so many human obstacles to trip us up as we learn how to walk God’s narrow-ing path.

The closer we follow after Jesus, the more narrow our walkway in this life becomes.

With God’s Spirit as our Guide and God’s Word as our compass, we can constantly learn new ways— His ways.

The “don’ts” become more clearly recognized as some of the wisest bits of protected information we should be clinging to as we work out our salvation with fear and trembling.

This is where I’ve been learning in recent years that confidence in myself gets in the way.

When I trust in my own abilities, I stop relying on God.

When I lean on, or into, my own understanding, I stop leaning on God.

When I seek inside of myself for answers, I stop trusting God for answers.

It cannot be both ways.

Recently my self confidence has been deeply shaken. It’s not a new thing for me to go through stuff that I can only talk with God about. He’s the Only One Who knows me from the inside out. He knows where I have come from, and the direction He wants me to go in.

He doesn’t force me to go any specific direction, I have freedom to decide.

The thing is, I’ve learned that when I don’t seek Him for the direction He would prefer I go in— wow do I end up in some crazy places or circumstances!!

Even when we are following Jesus, we can make missteps. It’s when we lean on our own abilities, wisdom, knowledge or understanding that we fall. When we misstep while leaning on Jesus as completely as we can, we don’t fall.

My walk with God throughout my life has been my lifeline.

Where people have failed me— and they always do— Jesus never fails. God’s love for me never fails.

My path has been uncluttered with human interaction at various times throughout my history. That used to make me feel lonely and unsure.

Now I can look back as see how God has always filled those gaps.

In the last 2 years my personal confidence has been going through a type of threshing. This may seem horrific, but it’s actually become comforting to know that God has been deeply at work separating that chaff from the wheat of everything I have known.

He has been refining my faith and my confidence in Him in every way.

My confidence does not lie in what the world teaches me. It does not rest in people. It does not reside within me, is not something I can ever possess.

My confidence thrives in Jesus, the perfecter of my faith.

My purpose here on earth is to learn about His ways, to empty myself so I can be the vessel He pours out into the world at His will, in His way— not mine.

🎶”In Christ alone, I place my trust…”🎶 In Christ Alone

I have full confidence in Him. In my weakness, He is strong within me. Where others see the outward and what they would opine as laziness or failures, God is patient with me. He allows me to take my time, He never rushes me or pushes me into accomplishing anything. He works through this unattractive, plain vessel humanity disregards. His expectations never weigh me down, I am not a disappointment to Him. He doesn’t place value on the things this world does.

I think Mary understood this as she sat with Jesus while He was with her, even with the pressure of Martha trying to pull her away to do what the world expected of her.

The world will always be pulling, tugging, expecting…

Thankfully when I turn my eyes toward Jesus, all that’s in this world fades away, and I can be in it while not being of it.

Walking With God

The Difference

There was a time when fear ruled my heart.

Long ago, I worried about the reactions and opinions of the people in my world. If I stumbled, they were right there to let me know, to make it clear their disapproval and disappointment were always in front of my sight, as motivation to be more cautious to not stumble in front of them again.

As a result, I allowed fear of failing to be the guide I followed after, oh so closely.

That fear compelled me to try to look and act— to be— as perfect as possible.

Perfection is a cruel master. Enslaved by this idea that anything less than perfection was reject-able, I exhausted myself, working to live up to what in reality is really just a set-up-to-fail mirage.

Perfection is unattainable. It’s unsustainable.

And yet— I wanted the positive attentions it promised to provide.

The times when I felt maybe I was close to achieving that sought-after reward, the let-down was tremendously impactful.

Loneliness, emptiness, exhaustive self-focus and introspection made me so weary.

Whatever I accomplished was just never enough.

Whether real or imagined, the opinions that seemed to come from others haunted my continuously futile efforts.

I let my thoughts beat me down.

Looking back on the miserable life I gained from living under that pointless cycle, I can see the difference.

Being set free from that enslavement of exhaustive pursuits for an elusive, ever-changing standard has given my heart a lightness that I can feel this amazing relief, in comparison to my life before.

As I was set free from that heavy, ugly yoke of pleasing others, I felt a new freedom to stumble without fear of being beaten down. Years later, looking back, I can see how I was crushed under the weight of that entrapment.

My new Master lavishes me with grace and blessings,. He lifts my head, rather than casting me out, encumbered with shame and self-loathing.

He helps me to my feet, does not leave me to be mauled by my heartbreak and thoughts of inadequacy or failure.

So many wonderful, positive things encompass this freedom to just seek after Him. Seeking after Him removed my focus from both the world around me and my own short falls.

The world is a cruel taskmaster.

Jesus is freedom, peace of mind and heart, and an unspeakable beauty that comes from within, where His Spirit resides.

As Christians there is no greater achievement than full surrender to the possession of God’s Spirit within us.

I have not achieved that yet. I fall short too many times a day to even count. I stumble often and it’s actually ok. My soul finds rest and peace, as I am encompassed now within the grace and mercy God pours into me.

The difference is grace.

The difference is Jesus.

Purpose of Church, Walking With God

Grace and Forgiveness— My Expectations of ALL Christians

Have you ever dealt with a Christian who refuses to demonstrate Grace, refuses to extend forgiveness?

I have.

That sting is worse than the death of a loved one.

Jesus was so clear when He told the Disciples that if we don’t forgive others, Father God will not forgive us.

This is such a big deal for our Salvation.


Eternal Life altering.

I believe this is the main obstacle causing the need for us to walk in fear and trembling down our narrow road towards our Salvation.

The two defining trademarks of Christianity are Grace and Forgiveness.

Grace and Forgiveness are the refreshing water our spirits thirst for. They cut through the hardest of hearts like water cuts through and wears down the hardest, sharpest of rocks.

No other religion practices those two things. When practiced carefully, they create this amazing domino effect of all the other attributes of Christ becoming part of our spiritual growth to become more like Him.

For ALL have fallen short— God forgives everyone who becomes appreciative and accepting of His forgiveness through the death, resurrection, and then Ascendance of Jesus.

God Forgives.

God demonstrates Grace.

Who are we that we would refuse to do the same?

I will not remain where Grace and Forgiveness are not freely demonstrated towards me from anyone claiming to be Saved.


Because that is so toxic, that puts my own Salvation at risk. That affects my relationship with God— because in my anger I may fall into that same sin of unforgiveness.

I choose to walk in Grace.

I choose to walk in Forgiveness.

I know my true brothers and sisters by their own fruit of Grace and Forgiveness.

Not vindictiveness.

Not hardness of heart.

Not mean spiritedness.



There is a sin that grieves the Holy Spirit.

I believe that sin is Unforgiveness.

It sure grieves my own spirit.

As much as someone has hurt me, and i have had many, many opportunities to practice forgiveness to unforgiving, ungracious Nonbelievers— but lack of Grace and Forgiveness from a Believer is what I willfully choose to walk away from.

When Grace and Forgiveness are extended to me in a Christlike manner, I will return. Until then— I have to protect my own Salvation with fear and trembling to keep myself from my own heart hardening in Unforgiveness.

Then that peace that passes by all earthly understanding of how peace is even possible, will flood my soul.

I pray that same peace will flood their soul, cut through hardness of heart, wash away jealousy and disappointment— and heal what I believe God wants to make beautiful.

🎵”I walk Salvation’s road, with fear and trembling Your way borne as my own As Christ is formed in me If ever I should lose my way If ever I deny Your grace Remind me of the price You paid Hallelujah I’ll live in remembrance…”🎵 Remembrance— Hillsong

introspection, Reality Check

The Hoarding Church

How many Bibles do you own?

How many Bible apps do you have?

How much Scripture do we have on the walls of our homes, on the wallpapers of our devices, or set aside on our note apps?

How much Scripture do we have written on the tablet of our heart?

God’s Gospel of Salvation, Grace, Mercy and Forgiveness has been collecting around our homes and churches for generations— sometimes even covered in dust, cobwebs, or buried under stuff.

There are so many focal points we have picked and chosen from Scripture— and from the store.

It all becomes blurry clutter.

Meanwhile— there is Jesus— forgotten as we look into our giant mirror of how spiritual we are. Binding this, loosing that, tattling to God about faults we’ve assessed in other ministries and people— misjudging, condemning, looking down on others while we pat ourselves on the back for how good, “spiritual” we obviously are, elevating ourselves in our own eyes.

“At least I’m not falling into that sin…“ “Thank God I’ve never done that, or I don’t do it anymore…”

Clanging gongs of obnoxious noise.

Maybe we need to become minimalists with our Christian possessions.

We have so much “merch” (😣cringe😖) for God.

Every bit of it is going to burn away.

Every possession we hold dear to our heart is going to turn to dust.

Every opinion we hold in our high (or low) world-treasured “self-esteem” is going to be dissolved.

Maybe God is disciplining Believers right now so we will get back to simple and humble.

Jesus left everything to provide the only way for an ungrateful creation, trapped in a deadly game of sin.

There is one letter difference between sin and Son.

We need God’s Son, who crushed sin because it had us trapped.

Now— we can be trapped by too much “good”, I think.

How can we find a direction when we are surrounded by so many good things?

How can we focus on accurately, adequately using the tools God has provided through His Spirit, when we are sifting through all of our manmade “Roman’s Road” and doctrinal tools?

How can we clearly hear God’s Spirit speak to our spirit when we have so many commentators, opinions, translations and versions to sort through?

We rely on our t-shirts to let people know our opinions, our beliefs— show that we are Christians.

The bumper sticker on our speeding van, as we rush to the next event.

We’ve resigned ourselves often to ask for prayers of healing and protection— but how much of that is because we are about the Lord’s work, and how much is us simply pushing through our daily life of chores and schedules?

Where is Jesus in all of the Church business and doings?

Do you see/hear/feel Him, in any of it? A little? A lot? An overwhelming amount?


Have you heard of Smith Wigglesworth? I am struck by the difference in how he was just reading a newspaper on a bus, and God’s Spirit began working deeply in every person there, and how we now wear a hat that asks something like “Got Jesus”?

He had Jesus, and everyone around him was affected by Jesus in Him.

Every finger and both thumbs stick into my ribs— I am so guilty.

How much Christian clutter is holding our heart captive, squeezing out Jesus?

What do we really value?

If what we value will burn away, dissolve, or involves I, me, or them— I think maybe it’s time for a deep, strong purge.

It sure is for me, anyway.

Purpose of Church

Believers Meetings

What is the purpose of “church”?

I’ve heard church described as a group of sinners. Saved by grace, yes, but emphasis on sinners.

If we are people who claim to follow after Jesus, shouldn’t we instead refer to ourselves as repentant sinners saved by grace?


Having turned away from the sin that has affected every person ever on earth— except for Jesus— God in the flesh.

This is why someone still blinded and bound by sin shouldn’t be a role model in a Believers Meeting. Because it’s meant to be for repentant followers of Jesus. That’s not to say everyone shouldn’t be welcomed. But, there has to be an open repentance standard for role models and leadership.

We may not like it, but God’s House needs to have strong Believers who choose Him and turn away from the sin that caused Him so much pain and anguish in our place.

He died the death we deserved, and then He provided the way to turn away from that sin, and is offering each one of us Eternal Llfe— with Him.

We lack God’s love.

We lack compassion.

We lack surrendering to accountability to one another.

We lack so many Godly things explained to us in Scripture.

Every person falls short, and messes up. But— isn’t the entire point that we are repentant, and we turn away from the sin that plagues us?

If we embrace the actual sin, what is the purpose?

Loving individuals who are still bound up by sin **should be** the natural actions of repentant Believers.

But— loving them doesn’t mean we should embrace and cater to the sinfulness.

It also doesn’t mean we exact judgement against anyone. If anything, true repentance should humble us, while reminding us of the sinful muck and mire God dragged us out of.

God’s Word specifically tells us Jesus came to set the captives— those held captive by sin— free. He came to seek and to Save the lost.

He did not come to condemn the world, but to Save it.

God so loved the world that He gave us His one and only Son…

Harsh judgment is going to come at us from people who don’t agree, but it’s not our place to reflect judgment in return.

We won’t win souls for Jesus if we don’t treat others as God expects.

The first step is humbling ourselves in repentance and acknowledging that there is nothing new under the sun.

God is not surprised by anything.

Nor is He ashamed of the lost.

Neither should we be ashamed.

Here’s the thing— since Jesus died on the cross, was buried, and rose again— conquering both sin and death— why do we focus so much on sin?

Kindness, compassion, gentleness— praying for someone bound in sin is the fruit of a repentant heart.

Our focal point needs to be Jesus.

Not any specific sin.

By the same token, anyone who calls themself a Believer and Saved, needs to repent of everything Jesus conquered through His death on the cross.

For the Believer, church is about becoming more like Jesus— sinless. The only way to achieve that is by rejecting the sin that we sometimes try or want to justify.

There is a difference in the life and heart of someone who **turns sin away**, and tells it “No! Jesus has a better way for me, better plans for my life! I can do ALL things through Christ Jesus, Who is my strength.”

Believers Meetings are for empowering us to do that.

God's Heart, introspection

Simple Gospel VS Layered Expectations

God made Salvation as easy as possible for us. Mankind adds twists, turns and an abundance of complicated expectations.

“For God so loved the world that He gave His one, and only, Son that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.” John 3:16 NIV

Then mankind adds their own “twist”— you’re Saved if you demonstrate the gift of speaking in tongues. You have to prophesy. You need to speak things that are not into being as if they were. You must demonstrate unspeakable joy as though it’s continuous happiness… and on, and on, and on…

I personally believe there are people who are as clanging gongs to God, that believe they are pleasing Him.

Maturity is important in our relationship with God. I do believe we grow in maturity as we get into the meat of Scripture.

I also believe we tend to move away from the Gospel’s simplicity as we “grow up” in Christ.

Here’s the simplicity— am I included in whoever believes?

What should the evidence of that be?

Galatians 22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23 gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law. NIV

I wonder if ministries today are how God wants them to function. It seems as though very few get right to the heart of the simplicity of God’s Gospel message.

1Peter 1:3 “Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! According to his great mercy, he has caused us to be born again to a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, 4 to an inheritance that is imperishable, undefiled, and unfading, kept in heaven for you, 5 who by God’s power are being guarded through faith for a salvation ready to be revealed in the last time.”

Romans 10:9 “Because, if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.”

Romans 8:11 “If the Spirit of him who raised Jesus from the dead dwells in you, he who raised Christ Jesus from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies through his Spirit who dwells in you.”

Acts 17:31 “Because he has fixed a day on which he will judge the world in righteousness by a man whom he has appointed; and of this he has given assurance to all by raising him from the dead.”

That seems pretty simple to me.

I am reminded of Mary, who sat at Jesus’ feet and hung on every word He spoke.


And yet, Martha complicated it. She tried to pull Mary away from giving her full attention and focus to Jesus. I think, even though Martha’s service was what she believed was necessary and needed— she missed the mark that day. She stepped into a performance role, whereas Mary stepped into a relationship role.

I see these two roles as often being almost in a type of war with one another.

The road is narrow for the simplicity of God’s Gospel. We seem to lose our footing the more we focus on what everyone shouts at us along the way. “You need to do this, be this way, demonstrate that, bind and loose these things…”

I simply need to believe in my heart and confess with my mouth.

Sometimes it’s wise to just drop everything we “know”, and go back to sitting at His feet, absorbing every word He has spoken.

An Honest Perspective

The Blood of Jesus

Geoffrey Holt, Station of the Cross No. 12: “Jesus Dies Upon the Cross”, American, active c. 1935, c. 1936, watercolor, colored pencil, and graphite on paper, Index of American Design

Who can understand how the blood of Jesus can wipe away the sins of the world?

Only God.

The same God Who created time itself, created a way where He could come onto Earth, and prepare the only way to eternal Salvation for a fallen, disgraced, despicable humanity.

The only way.

Blood is not a pleasant thing to discuss or think about.

Many faint at the sight of it.

How many fainted at the sight of God’s Blood dripping down, spilling out of the body of God in human form?

No one talks about that.

I believe humanity has become desensitized to the Blood of Jesus.

We pray— “I plead the Blood of Jesus” almost casually, giving little time of thought to what that actually means.

At least— that has been me.

I plead the Blood of Jesus…

I plead the Blood of Jesus.

Pleading— to me that’s almost like begging, not casually “applying” it over our lives, our loved ones, our situations.

To me plead has a sound of near desperation— as we remind ourselves when attacked by the enemy of our soul, of our God— Jesus died to cover that sin, and that sin, and every sin of the world. And then we remind ourselves what Jesus did to rescue us— I plead: the Blood of Jesus Christ, my Lord and Savior.

Only God can apply the Blood of Jesus.

We can allow Him to, we can accept that from Him.

I have fallen into that trap of praying pre-made prayers that sound “spiritual”.

We paint very liberally with such a precious gift, maybe giving a quick thought to what Jesus endured and became the Victor of.

We say He did that on our behalf. He did. Because only He was qualified.

Not because we are qualified to be given such an unselfish gift.

“Behold! I stand at the door and knock…”

He applies the Blood over the door posts of our soul.

We walk by faith— not by sight.

By faith, I believe the Blood of Jesus is already applied over my life.

I always need to be reminded of how humbling that is. But, I don’t need to apply it to myself in a ritual.

Jesus has done that.

It’s done. One drop is way more powerful than I could even grab hold of!

After all— it has already washed me white as snow.

So much of our focus becomes what we need to do as rituals.

But Jesus said to follow Him. I don’t recall ever seeing Him demonstrate any of the rituals we hold so strongly to today.

Is the power of God held within rituals? Or is it held within faith?

When we walk in the knowledge of what Jesus has already done— I believe then we walk in the strength and the power of His might.

What life has taught me

God’s Will?? I Think Not!

Apparently there is this school of thought, some believe supported by Scripture, that being the unfortunate victim of abuse is “God’s Will”.

Obviously they don’t understand how wrong of a conclusion they have come to. Nor do they get the depth abuse reaches into the spirit, the soul and the foundation of someone deeply traumatized by abuse.

Never once was I drawn to God because of a comparison between my earthly abuser and my Creator.


No, it was not God’s Will for my dad to psychologically abuse me! I am, to this very day, still dealing with the affects of him telling me he hated me and wished I’d never been born, coupled with how I was just always in the way.

No, it was not God’s Will for my dad to physically, sexually abuse me. I despise what he did, so much, I developed eating disorders to try to purge it out of my system! He violated my trust, my innocence— my body!

No, it was not God’s Will to witness his guinea-pigged drugged-up confused mindset that had him convinced he was like God, and loved my mom so much he had to kill her— tried to kill her.


My God does not Will sin’s ugliness into anyone’s life.

God does not willfully direct sin to deeply traumatize people.

God allows many things, but He does not Will them to happen.

I have never had a healthy relationship with my dad, or any kind of redeeming father-like relationship with anyone.

In my life I have felt a desperate need for someone to accept me and just be part of my life as a mom, dad or sibling type.

That hasn’t been something anyone has been willing to do.

That has been what has driven me closer to God.

Not the abuse, not a comparison.

The lack of those relationships.

I have given up on anyone within the church stepping into that kind of role in my life.

I have never given up knowing God will fill that lack with His love, His acceptance, His delight in me.

His Character is defined all throughout Scripture. And, while He has directed harsh judgement against some by directing those obedient to Him to carry out that judgement in Old Testament times—

Never once do I see Him telling a father to molest his daughter.

Never once do I see Him telling a father to tell his children how much he hates them and wishes God never created them.

Never once.


Packs On The Narrow Road

There is so much noise and bright lights, all around me. So many waving me over because they want my attention, my agreement, my subscription.

Everything is “good”, “on point”, “trending” within the circles of information, trying to swallow me up and pull me down into some new rabbit trail, some “key” “cutting edge” direction or ministry.

That’s not how God made me.

I can’t be anything but real.

Honestly, I don’t fully believe God is in all of that.

I know— “don’t worry, be happy.”

That might as well be the trending Christian mantra.

What I have learned in my lifetime experiences is— joy does not equal happiness.

Joy is released by God’s Spirit. Happiness is conditioned by human situations.

Happy just isn’t my season right now.

That doesn’t mean I don’t have happy moments, or that I don’t laugh.

I always have joy, because I always have Jesus.

I don’t buy into the whole positive happiness doctrine.

Perhaps if people looking into my life from the outside walked in my shoes while I was living through the various tough times, perhaps they would get it.

Maybe my circumstances helped form me differently.

Maybe some see me as deformed, or missing out on what they believe God has for me.

Maybe that isn’t really what God has for me.

I don’t view my world with rose-tinted glasses. I view my world through my eyes and my experiences.

I view my world through God’s corrective lenses— at least what He’s allowed me to look through.

When I was learning to drive, I was told to avoid the packs of cars.

I walk through life in much the same way.

Packs of people tend to be swayed in one direction or the other.

People are fallible.

God is not.

In order to stay the course He has me on, I need to stay on that narrow road, and not join in with the packs.

I hear God the clearest standing back away from all the noise and the bright lights.

Staying in contact, but keeping myself at a distance, so I don’t get sucked into wanting all those loud, fancy bells and whistles. Sometimes I will travel through a pack, sometimes I will touch base with them.

If God chooses to use His gifts through me, I surrender to Him.

But that might look much different to me than it may to others.

The weight of our world is tempting to try to lift as I pray, but only One has the government upon His shoulders— Jesus.

All I can do is pray, ask Him to help me know how to pray.

I love it when I pray, and then God confirms to me through others, or circumstances that I am following His Spirit’s lead.

That is humbling for me, and exciting.

If I’m standing in the noise, blinded by the bright lights— how can I ever really hear Him speak into my spirit? How can I recognize Him and see where He is at work?

Reality Check, Strong Woman


My eyes are opening.

At least, they are trying to open.

They’ve started to open before, but then I shut them. Again.

Everything on the surface looks fine, looks good even.

But then something happens, and they start to open again.

In the past, just as they are beginning to focus, to recognize…

I am lulled back to sleep.

This time, I’m staying awake. I’m rubbing my blurry eyes so I can focus more clearly.

I’m making out a shape with some color..

I see…

I see control.

I am recognizing when I make any kind of decision without it being discussed and approved, I provoke the frustration and anger that guard control.

When I start to walk in my own decision making, and I begin to feel like my “old” self again, it creates an unbalance in the control system.

As soon as I begin to relax, to just enjoy, being refreshed and confident naturally— the beast begins to wake up, cranky from lack of control.

I see it now. Clearly. With eyes that are awake.

I recognize it.

I see the prison it has created.

It’s not unpleasant.

I’m not unprovided for.

But I’m not free.

My confidence is challenged.

I’m not encouraged to be at my best.

In fact, I recognize I am actually encouraged to not be my best.

I am often alone.

I am often drained of “will” power, exhausted, by reactions.

This is my own doing, for allowing this to overcome me.

The things that energize me are discouraged— subtly, yet effectively.

Being able to just relax and be myself is subverted by the lag of distraction, and the oh so subtle injection of unresponsive disapproval .

A hesitancy to respond.

An obvious attempt to squelch anticipation or even excitement.

Like a bug being squished as it’s headed in a specific direction with an intended purpose.

That’s my ability to make plans without lengthy discussion, or simply do something spontaneously and un-dissected.

My abilities are bogged down by lack of attention or acknowledgement.

My accomplishments are overlooked, or even torn down.

I have taken the path with the least friction, and just laid everything down— because— what’s the point?

But now I have my focus on it.

I see it.

The beast of control will be challenged, openly.

I want my “me” back.

I want my confidence back.

I want all of the appreciation, encouragement, and full support I’ve poured in to now be reciprocated.

I’m not ok with being managed.

Not anymore.

Ephesians 5:13-14 “But all things become visible when they are exposed by the light, for everything that becomes visible is light. For this reason it says, “Awake, sleeper, And arise from the dead, And Christ will shine on you.”

God's Heart, The Past

You Saw Me First

If I could describe my life as a mash-up with how God has always been there, it would go something like the following:

Accidents, mishaps and hospital ER trips— Your protective Hand was covering me, keeping me safe from far worse.

Deepest loneliness, hurts and deep-seated rejections— You’ve always accepted me, held me close to Your heart of hearts.

You are the only One Who has truly loved me. The only One Who has consistently been there through everything.

There in my happiest times, rejoicing with me.

With me in the sad times— comforting me in Your arms of perfect Love.

My northern star, the compass of my heart…. You are the voice that calms the storm inside me
Castle walls that stand around me
All this time, my guardian was You
It’s Always Been You Phil Wickham Who stood with me in the fire?
It was You, it was always You
Who pulled me out of the water?
It was You, it was always You
And who carried me on their shoulders?
It was You, I know it’s You, You

You have never born false witness against me, have always encouraged me through Your Word and that still small voice speaking to my heart of hearts.

You have lifted me up, You have had my back. You have been my Guide to get out of the muck and the mire threatening to suffocate the life out of me, draining me of the will to fight, the will to live.

It’s Always Been You.

It’s only been You.

So Will I Hillsong United. You chased down my heart
Through all of my failure and pride
On a hill You created
The light of the world
Abandoned in darkness to die.

If the stars were made to worship so will I
If the mountains bow in reverence so will I
If the oceans roar Your greatness so will I
For if everything exists to lift You high so will I
If the wind goes where You send it so will I
If the rocks cry out in silence so will I
If the sum of all our praises still falls shy
Then we’ll sing again a hundred billion times

The sum of my life is simply— You’re the One who never leaves the one behind.

4 Luke 15:4-7 “What man among you, if he has a hundred sheep and has lost one of them, does not leave the other ninety-nine in the open pasture and go after the one that is lost, until he finds it?5 And when he has found it, he puts it on his shoulders, rejoicing. 6 And when he comes home, he calls together his friends and his neighbors, saying to them, ‘Rejoice with me, because I have found my sheep that was lost!’ 7 I tell you that in the same way, there will be more joy in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous people who have no need of repentance.

I am that one.

Reality Check, Strong Woman

MIA— Compassion and Respect

I, (NAME), do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God.

I am an Air Force Veteran. I am a woman. These two things should not be opposite sides of the time-in-voluntary-service, but unfortunately they are.

There are so many variants that shaped my personal military adventure. No two experiences are alike, but if I were standing next to my also Veteran, retired, husband— he is the one attention would shift to in interest.

I know this, because I have experienced this 99% of the time. We both can mention our enlistments, and mine is treated like it’s no biggie, but my husband— “Really! Thank you for your service!” with maybe a nod in my direction.

It’s like people don’t know how to process my being a woman in the military.

The military began “shaping” me to live in a man-shaped perspective, from day one.

I was 15 pounds under the expected weight-lifting limit to apply for a job I really wanted to do. You and I know it wouldn’t have been difficult for me to build up to that limit— I was determined and in shape to do that— but that was not an option. I believe this was an across-the-board decision, but I also believe that could, and maybe should, be changed.

The mindset of the military is always “military needs”, and volunteers are “property”.

The process for making me a military-minded person began by breaking me down, separating me into a group of 49 other women, limiting things like time to shower, privacy, time to eat, getting mail or calls from home, and dictating every moment of everyday.

Don’t get me wrong, it was an amazing experience, and I am proud of myself for success in making it through that.

But, for me— coming from an abusive past, it was also an emotionally difficult experience.

Additionally, it was a lonely experience— but that wasn’t a new thing for me. I have almost never had someone to talk to, or go through things with me.

That brings me to my point in writing this.

The military comes at everything from a man’s perspective. It just does. Sure there are videos, and training once a year to learn about being professional and demonstrating polite courtesy to not offend women, or make them feel threatened.

I think that is kind of a good thing, but it’s also kind of condescending.

It also does not work. I mean, just look at scandals way at the top concerning sexual harassment towards women.

Here is another perspective:

My personal experiences of working in a man’s career field as a plumber (my 10th flowery-worded choice— Utilities System Specialist), in a man’s-perspective-d world are unique and don’t necessarily reflect or match another woman’s.

I get that.

But, men, and even some high-ranking women, certainly have a long way to go towards mutual respect and fair, rational, understanding and compassionate treatment of women— as individuals that are completely unique and separate from the way men are built.

With all the money poured into “research”, you’d think by now things would have naturally “evolved” from arrogant, chauvinistic, neanderthal-like behavior.

Recently, women have finally been provided with something many have needed all along! It took decades for that to happen! Why?

Because it’s a world based on men’s perspective that women are “allowed” to become part of.

Things are getting better, and yet, the latest response/reaction by civilian men to the mere mention of the newly available maternity flight suit just proves— men have a long way to go.

In the famous words of our current President— “Come on, man!”

You can, and should, do better.

Christian Thoughts, Walking With God

He’s With Me Through It All

Imagine this is a picture of God’s hand— catching all of our tears (Psalm 56:8), Holding our hand (Isaiah 41:13), pouring His grace, His mercy out over us (1 Timothy 1:12-17)— within our reach, in His grasp (Acts 17:27).

Imagine His hand designing every part of us, every cell’s information center, every detail from the tiniest strands of Laminin to the color of our hair and eyes. (Jeremiah 18:6), (Isaiah 64:8) (Isaiah 66:2)

His hand— that shelters us (Ezra 8:21-23), heals us as He applies His perfect Heavenly healing balm upon our hearts (2 Chronicles 30:12), our eyes (Matthew 26:64), our wounds… (Revelation 1:17) (Exodus 15:26) (Psalm 107:20) (Jeremiah 30:17) (Jeremiah 17:14)

His hand places us (Ezekiel 37:1), directs us ( (139:10), supports us (Psalm 18:35), it beckons us towards Him (John 14:6) fulfilling His purpose for us (Psalm 138:8) (Jeremiah 29:11), warns us to stop what we are doing and turn back to Him. (Psalm 31:15) (1Chronicles 4:10) (Daniel 9:15)

It’s His hand that holds us (Isaiah 41:13-14) (Ecclesiastes 9:1) and keeps us safe (Isaiah 41:13) and keeps us from being snatched from Him. (John 10:28-29)

His hand gives us the opportunity to humble ourselves so in His timing He might exalt us. (1Peter 5:6-7)

It’s His hand that upholds us. (Isaiah 41:10) (Psalms 63:8)

His hand delivers us. (Psalm 138:7)

He has us inscribed on the palms of His hands! (Isaiah 49:16) Regardless of where you stand in the tattoo debate— think about this culture of tattoos, all the pretty (or not so pretty), creative designs humans come up with and want to display on their bodies— for all the world to see. God— Who created everything— has us inscribed on His hands!

All throughout Scripture we read about His hand executing justice on the behalf of very imperfect people. (Ezra 8:21-23)

And that’s just His hand(s)!

Along with His hand, is His attention. His focus. His love.

We have the attention of The Creator of every universe, every planet, every living being!

The imagination of our loving God is on full manifested display for us to witness, across the sky, and across our world!

The One Who’s thoughts are so much higher than we can ever reach or attain, has His thoughts on us, even shares them with us.

Being reminded of these things is humbling.

How is it possible to forget He’s holding me in the shadow of His hand? When I’m overwhelmed by the enormity of circumstances affecting, over-shadowing my life, there is something that is far greater in size and strength.

God’s hand.

He is with me through it all.

Even when I am aware of my unworthiness. Even when I think what I’ve said or done— or not done— makes me unqualified for His protective, loving hand.

All of us have experienced the same things, in differing degrees, the past year. Add to that individual, unique experiences— it’s overwhelming when our focus rests on that.

Much like those pictures with a hidden picture we can only see when we let go of focusing on what we recognize— God’s hand comes into focus when we stop looking at everything else.

God's Heart, Walking With God

I Remember Who I Was

Have you ever watched someone restore a damaged painting? I find it fascinating, the level of dedication, determination and affection the one restoring it demonstrates. The knowledge of every painted stroke, the understanding of what and how— tedious work, for sure.

Have you ever heard a song that grabs your soul’s focus almost immediately?

This song, Thank You Jesus For The Blood , has done that to me, from the very first line.

I was a wretch. I remember who I was. I was lost, I was blind, I was running out of time.”

I instantly remembered.

In the midst of everything I have going on in my life, everything I am struggling with, all I am endeavoring to push through and overcome, I was instantly transferred right back to that moment my soul heard Him call my name and tell me to turn and follow Him.

My life was the messiest of messes. I was being crushed against my rock-bottom.

He saw me. He reached into my soul, He called my name. My name. He knew my name.

He gently helped me to my feet. He patiently cleaned off all the smudges, He worked out all the mars in the clay of my foundation. He tended carefully, lovingly to the tears, the worn spots from the misuse, the abuse, of others who didn’t know how to properly care for me.

He looked into the depth of my soul, found all that is of value to my Creator. He applied the Blood to every detail.

He Saved me for Eternity, He rescued me with the redemptive relationship no one on earth deserves.

I haven’t deserved such Divine, Perfect attention.

He gave it to me freely, liberally— permanently.

I never have to go back. I have continuously walked forward. Sometimes I’ve crawled, and at times I have danced with Him.

My beautiful Savior.

It’s beyond just His love for me.

He sees me— all of me. He knows me better than anyone ever can.

Christian Thoughts

Paul Versus Hollywood

I enjoy watching classics. In many ways, tv, movies— Hollywood really— played a role in “raising” me.

I learned more from seeing actors pretend in relationships than I did from my own day-to-day experiences. I assumed I was watching how people actually interacted in their own families.

I’ve learned since that I wasn’t. The reason those become so popular is they are “selling” ideas that deep inside people think they need.

It’s an illusion.

As I have been watching some older things, ranging from black and white classics to 90’s favorites, I noticed something— in older things, one main common thread was how men talked about and treated women. And women believed it was justified, normal, ok treatment!

There have been judgments made against the Bible, but what I read in Scripture does not verify them at all.

I’ll start with “In the beginning…”

God made women, from man’s rib, to help him suitably. The very first humbling of “manhood”— men need helpers that are suitable.

God provides our needs.

Too many husbands reject the suitable help of their wives.

Why? Well— first because of ego and pride. I mean— how many men will admit they need help? Scripture never says man asked God for someone to help him. God just saw it was necessary— and He took part of the man He created from the dust— and made another being suitable for help, companionship, love, conversation… All things men’s nature seem to reject.

Looking to things our culture tends to put on a pedestal— the “stars”— there is an obvious disdain, maybe even hatred, for wives. Wives are to be insulted, ignored, talked down to, brushed aside, be unfaithful to, etc. The way men talked about and treated the wives in the “classics” is now a disgusting thing for me to see.

It’s no small wonder women rebelled in various ways, and took over the culture, where male “bashing” became a defensive popular theme. Pretend-wives treating pretend-husbands like they are stupid, idiotic, lazy, untrustworthy— etc., etc., etc.

One thing that is never a Hollywood marital theme is— Mutual. Mutual respect, mutual love, mutual consideration…

I’m not sure I would say that’s a focused perspective in Scripture, but I think when Scripture is carefully studied and practiced, the result becomes a natural mutual practice.

Hollywood has taught husbands to hate their wives, to be abusive, intolerant and unfaithful. Whereas Scripture consistently teaches husbands to love their wives as Christ loves the Church— and what I sincerely believe to be the key— as husbands love their own bodies (flesh).

Hollywood has taught women first, that they aren’t valuable, capable, intelligent, and only outer appearance is worth valuing. Then, Hollywood in more recent years has taught wives to be disrespectful, unhelpful, even hateful to husbands. Scripture on the other hand has taught all women that our value lives in Christ, that God defines us, has created us with priceless value and beauty as we grow closer to God through Jesus. Scripture has taught wives to respect husbands — treat them with respect.

I believe Scripture has put the greater burden on husbands— because they are to love their wife— helpmate suitable— as Christ loves the Church. They are to mirror Jesus!

How did Jesus treat women Believers? Never objectified them! He was not rude, did not talk down to them, always listened carefully and considered what they had to say. He never treated them as though they were unimportant, or had nothing of value to contribute.

Husbands— who are you following the example of? Pretenders following someone else’s scripts, or Jesus and admonishment from Paul?

Ephesians 5:25 Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ also loved the church and gave Himself up for her, 26 so that He might sanctify her, having cleansed her by the washing of water with the word, 27 that He might present to Himself the church in all her glory, having no spot or wrinkle or any such thing; but that she would be holy and blameless. 28 So husbands ought also to love their own wives as their own bodies. He who loves his own wife loves himself; 29 for no one ever hated his own flesh, but nourishes and cherishes it, just as Christ also does the church, 30 because we are members of His body. 31 FOR THIS REASON A MAN SHALL LEAVE HIS FATHER AND MOTHER AND SHALL BE JOINED TO HIS WIFE, AND THE TWO SHALL BECOME ONE FLESH. 32 This mystery is great; but I am speaking with reference to Christ and the church. 33 Nevertheless, each individual among you also is to love his own wife even as himself, and the wife must see to it that she respects her husband. Nasb

A Mom's Perspective

Repost— Mom 139: New Parent’s Translation

I wrote this in 2014 while my husband was deployed. I think all of us parents could use a little creative humor to help us get through some of the roughest times.

Am I right?

Mom 139: New Parent’s Translation


They have searched for me, my kids,

they know me well.

They know when I sit down, and when I get up to clean;

They perceive my need for time alone from afar.

They discern my going shopping and my lying down for a catnap;

They are familiar with all my habits.

Before a word is on my tongue,

they interrupt and make me forget what I was going to say.

They pull at my hem from in front and behind me,

Their hands are always on me.

Such attention is overwhelming for me,

Too much for me to process all at once.

Where can I go from my children?

Where can I go to flee from the kids?

If I go in the bathroom, they are there, 

In the middle of the night when everyone should be sleeping, they are there. 

If I get up early, they are there,

Try to sneakily eat chocolate behind closed doors, there! 

Even there, they beg!

Their hands trying to take it from me, making me feel guilty.

If I say, “Surely I can have privacy in the darkness

and the quiet becomes peace around me,”

the night will be full of interruptions;

because the darkness means it’s time to play.

They were created in my inmost being;

I am the mother in whose womb they were knit.

I praise God because they were fearfully and wonderfully made,

His works are wonderful!

My frame was not hidden from their kicks

when they were made in the secret place,

when they were woven in the depths of my girth.

Their eyes saw as their hands punched me;

all their days were written in their baby book

hopes and promises before they came to be.

How precious are their words, and their silence!

How vast is the sum of their joyful noise!

Were I to count them, it would require I could concentrate…

I’m sure their questions have outnumbered the grains of sand–

when I’m awake, they are always with me.

In game and play, they slay the zombies.

They pretend to kill the monsters and vampires.

While at church they sing Jesus Loves Me;

they are learning of His precious Name.

Do I not get angry with those who are mean to them,

and abhor those who bully or reject them?

I have nothing but disdain for adults who dismiss them;

I count them as missing out on great opportunities.

My kids have searched through my stuff, and they know what I love;

they test me and cause anxious thoughts.

They push buttons of offensiveness,

but I love them, that’s my way, and it’s everlasting.

Mom 139: New Parent’s Translation


The End Of The World

Chaos. This is the idea being pushed all around us. Urgency. Fear. We are surrounded by this, wherever we look. The news. Family and friends. The medical community.

We can’t escape the chaos.

Or— can we?

There’s a newer song with a verse that says, “The atmosphere is all around. The Spirit of The Lord is here. The atmosphere is changing now. For the Spirit of The Lord is here” Here as in Heaven

While everything around us wants to immerse us in chaos— God remains outside of it all.

How can we get outside of it, as well?

When we pray, when we commune with Almighty God, we turn our backs to it all. Much like Jesus who was so outside of the chaos, He slept on the boat. Fear did not touch Him or cause Him to react. But those He loved panicked, and woke Him to change the atmosphere. He was outside of that fear, but He changed it— told that storm— “Peace. Be still.”

And the atmosphere obeyed.

When I read and remember Scripture— Jesus will be returning once again, to rule and reign for 1000 years. Will every person be dead? Will only His haters survive?


So, that means all the chaos caused by fear pushed by media, by political viewpoints, by climate change purveyors— none of that will affect the second coming of Christ.

So why get caught up in it all?

Why let the media convince us to be afraid, worried, to hate people who aren’t persuaded by their narratives?


We can turn our backs to it all.

We can trust Jesus. We can lean on Jesus.

We can rest in Him.

If God is not moved by it all, why should we be?

We can throw our hands up in surrender to Him, release it all, and confess to Him we have allowed our emotions, words and actions to be manipulated by the pushed chaotic ideas of the day, and release it all to Him.

Because He holds our entire world inside of His hands.

He does not cause the chaos.

He does not get involved in the chaos.

He remains outside of the chaos.

I’m trying to kneel there at His feet, and stay outside of it with Him.

It’s so peaceful and clear outside of the storm.

Or, should we also panic and beg Him to calm this storm?

I personally believe there is a reason— this is the season— for this storm.

I’d rather wait it out while spending the time with Him in His Presence— under the shelter of His wing. I can breath here. I can rest. I can rejoice in Him.

Outside of the chaos, with Jesus— that’s the very best place to be.


Our Changing Worldview

1 Cor 13:11a “When I was a child, I used to speak like a child, think like a child, reason like a child;

When I was a child, my whole entire view was about me. My immediate surroundings, how big everything seemed, my interactions with family members, wanting to be liked and approved-of by everyone I interacted with. There was always some level of security I sought through confidence in what I knew, routines, and things being consistent.

As I grew older, my view started to include people I cared about, and people I looked up to— outside of my immediate family. Friends, friends’ parents, neighbors, my parents friends, kids at school, teachers, and pastors.

I learned about the world around me and what I could trust through how my parents reacted to things and interactions with me.

As I continued to grow and mature, the response or reaction from others became my “thermometer”. I developed a sense of right and wrong, and learned how to take up the offense of others as though it were also my own. And— sometimes it became my own. Sometimes I saw past it and looked at it in a different perspective.

I began to develop discernment.

As I grew into an adult, my experiences, surroundings and environment changed— several times. I left home under stressful circumstances— independent and determined to make my way, in my way, alone.

Thankfully God placed people in my life to help me propel through all those twists and turns in my personal life story.

I learned from a pretty young age who was in my “corner”— and who was not.

As I ventured into my adulthood story, I learned some really tough lessons in humility and that few people would have my back as I tried to have theirs.

Trust had been a recurring theme in my life— or most often— lack of trust. It’s been an uphill battle to find trustworthy people who support the extremely imperfect me. Letting my guard down has burned me more tines than not.

Now, as I look back through so many years past, the second half of 1 Cor 13:11 makes so much more sense: “when I became a man, I did away with childish things.” Ok— I’m not a man per se, but as a human I now understand I don’t have the full picture.

I also recognize that for some parts of the picture, I have a clearer understanding than some others. And, for some parts, I do not.

Now my worldview has changed into a much wider view. It’s no longer about me— it’s about my children, and as they grow up and venture into their own lives outside of my parental decisions, my worldview includes those who are important to them. Oh, we disagree on various viewpoints and opinions, but the heart connection moves us far beyond that.

At least for myself it does.

I have learned that God’s view is complete and perfect, and I can always trust Him with what I don’t see, or know. He knows all , sees all— is everywhere, at all times. Nothing is hidden from Him or outside if His reach.

That brings me great comfort and security. That’s where my peace of mind lives.

He also has given me a deeper discernment, and with that a confidence that He is helping me see and know things not for the sake of my having knowledge— but so I can pray and I can recognize where He is at work. That is the entire purpose of discernment— to differentiate between where He is, what He is doing, and the absence of His involvement. It’s not to focus on where and what the enemy are up to— it helps us to be aware, yes. But our focus should always be on our Creator and our Savior. This is what His Spirit has taught me over the years.

Now I’m finding that God has completely changed my heart, mind and worldview focus. It’s no longer a tiny area just involving how things affect me. It’s about so many other things, and how those things affect other people and situations. It’s now an earth-wide view. It’s an Eternity view.

I want to see through God’s eyes, not my own opinions and misunderstandings. I want to care through God’s heart, because mine gets tempted to wax cold.

I want to pray for what’s on God’s heart, I want to be aware of what’s on God’s mind.

So much has been centered around our individual selves within our church environments.

There really is so much more.

There will always be “For now we see in a mirror dimly, but then face to face; now I know in part, but then I will know fully just as I also have been fully known.” 1 Cor 13:12

There are new things illuminated as we seek God for what He wants us to see, know and pray about. I want to participate with Him in what He’s accomplishing— through praying and through recognition.

introspection, Reality Check, Walking With God

Puppet Strings— Opinions Of Others

We all have some point where we worry about the opinion of someone else— to some degree.

The affects of that worry can be debilitating! How do we react to negative comments from those we value the opinion of?

Because of our documented-through-the-ages reactions to opinions— the enemy of our soul uses this to create stumbling blocks in our intended path. When I intentionally go in a specific direction, especially if it’s to bring honor to God, there is sometimes a stumbling block that causes me to trip, lose my balance, stub my toe, stumble, and sometimes, to fall.

Often we are so caught up in appearances, as well as our reactions of embarrassment, shock, and/or anger, we miss that this is a device and tactic employed by God’s enemy, the same enemy of humanity. We all know who that is. The serpent, and all the names attached throughout history to identify this evil entity.

What we don’t often understand is, we can be set free from the manipulation. We can cut the puppet strings. We don’t have to live in the tangled web of fear of opinions of others.

When something happens that causes fear to rise up— say this with me— “So What?” “Who Cares?” “Why Should I Let This Stop Me?” “God, Show Me The Truth.”

This is how we stand back up, brush the dust off of ourselves— those tiny, weightless particles of the opinions of others, with the chameleon affect of feeling heavy—brush that dust off, and start walking again. With purpose. With intention. Letting the fiery darts meant to burn us up and out, bounce off instead.

Because the only opinion that actually matters is God’s. In fact— His opinion is just that— fact. Truth. With no distortions. Since He fearfully and wonderfully formed us within our mothers, in secret, then we are His garden of fearfully, wonderfully made blooms.

This is why the enemy of our souls, the enemy of God, tries desperately to plant seeds of doubt, skepticism, fear, concern, worry, hatred— everything contrary to the fruit and nature of our loving Gardener, into the soil of our paths and the garden of our life. Because God tends to us and we bloom into beauty and life only He can create— empowered with His Spirit, nurtured and cleansed by the very, Holy blood of His one and only Son— Jesus. Our enemy wants to crowd that out, to infest us with doubts, skepticism and fear.

We are all His creation, made carefully, delicately, lovingly— by His hand, nurtured and protected by His hand, watered by His Spirit, cleansed by the blood of Jesus that sin can never corrupt. Ever. It is forever, eternally, so powerfully clean of sin— it actually washes sin away into nonexistence because of forgiveness and grace.

So— we can walk— puppet string free— from everything contrary to God’s Word. His Word is alive, His Word lives within us and has always dwelt amongst us. Always.

Isaiah 40:30-31 Though youths grow weary and tired, And vigorous young men stumble badly, Yet those who wait for the LORD Will gain new strength; They will mount up with wings like eagles, They will run and not get tired, They will walk and not become weary. NASB

This blog post was inspired by parts 1,2 and 3.

Strong Woman, Walking With God

Cycle of Frustration

The human ability to adapt to most situations and changes, is astounding. Even more-so is the ability to overcome— to beat, win, conquer overwhelming circumstances.

There are an infinite number of human-interest stories about people who beat the odds— and often God is credited for a person’s ability to do what our minds consider to be impossible.

I personally believe God should always be credited. God created every individual with the ability to focus with determination. God often allows us to be in situations where that is necessary. He put within every form of His creation the instinct to survive— to fight to live.

We see that all throughout nature. Butterflies struggle to be released from their chrysalis womb. It’s often been noted that if a human feels compassion and tries to help them get out, they can get damaged and even die. Human compassion most often lacks understanding of the necessary process for their survival.

Birds push their young from their nests to activate their instinct to fly.

Humans often feel the same sort of desire towards our offspring, but the difference lies in the dynamic of personal relationship between adult and young adult, as well as extenuating circumstances. Every situation is unique within the human relationship system. Background extending through generations, environments, financial situations, educational opportunities, personal experiences, directional purpose… an endless number of variables and belief systems.

The enemy to personal achievement is getting ourselves stuck in a perpetual cycle of frustration. Once we get into that, it can seem impossible to get out. Sometimes we stumble into that, sometimes we’re born into or placed into it, completely outside of our control. So, we adapt. We do what we believe becomes necessary for our survival.

Fight, or flight.

Sometimes the hard decision is to stand our ground and fight.

Sometimes we “feel” the need to fight, but we’re misdirecting our energy towards what looks very much like it should be our target focus. But, like trying to box against our own shadow, it ends up exhausting and depleting us of necessary energy, even robbing us of relationships.

Many marriages break apart in divorce because one or both individuals feel directed towards fighting against one another. Many marriages could be salvaged if only each person realized their spouse is not their enemy. Many marriages could become stronger, if instead all that energy being used in fighting each other could instead be directed towards fighting the invisible enemy breaking them apart.

The definition of invisible enemy is unique to every marriage (though I believe the exact same force is behind it)— but the result is often the same thing— trying to inflict as much pain through anger and disappointment as possible.

Marriages become blurred “friendly fire” zones, convincing spouses each other has become the enemy. Fight or flight is often activated. Instead of fighting to protect the union of two individual souls— nasty destructive anger becomes a sharpened arrow that penetrates the bone and marrow of the marriage.

It’s not only marriages where this happens. Families step into this quicksand-type trap. Brothers and sisters, parents and children, cousins against cousins. Family is messy. It’s a solid ground for forgiveness to be planted and nurtured. Unfortunately the personal nature instead often turns it into a battleground.

I’ve found myself stuck in an awful, exhausting cycle of frustration. There have been occasional outside distractions of conflict— especially lately. There has been the threat of my own marriage becoming a battleground of destructive distractions and fiery darts.

It’s not been easy to lay down my own types of weapons, and surrender everything to God to “please help.” I’m not the same person, deep within my core, that I used to be. My instinct used to be to fight against anything that threatened to hurt me, and not flee from it, but to turn my back and walk away.

God has changed me. He’s opened up my understanding that His way has not been my way. His way is forgiveness, surrendering the hard stuff to Him, and allowing Him to bring the healing.

His way is far better than my way.

At the beginning of my year, on my birthday, I felt God speak into my spirit that He will strengthen me this year. If anyone reading this knows the history of me at all, you could understand that I believed He meant with my physical health. Since the birth of our last child, I’ve dealt with a weakness in my legs, I believe came about because in a moment of personal weakness I chose to have an epidural. Since the birth of my first child, 21 years ago, I’ve fought an increasingly tough battle against other health issues that doctors haven’t found a solid, treatable cause for.

Imagine my surprise that instead of my physical health being strengthened, the very foundation of my life nearly crumbled apart. Many things I had believed turned out to be far different.

God is strengthening me in ways I was so clueless about. But first— I had to ask Him to be my strength, to help me walk because my path was all but gone. Life blinded me, I needed Him to be my sight. I’m still trying to adjust my sight to what feels at times like this blinding darkness— you know, like when you’re eyes are used to some kind of lighting, and then suddenly it all gets shut down— and there is only an absence of light.

My understanding has a new grasp of Jesus being the Light of the world. I now better understand what it feels like to need Jesus to be my Strength. He’s taken my arm and is guiding me through, safely. He is my Shield. God’s Spirit gives me a comfort no other source ever could.

Now I am enabled to walk in a forgiveness that comes from outside of myself. A complete, and all-encompassing forgiveness that spreads a healing balm in every direction that it walks.

Love covers a multitude of sins.

Not covers-up. Not pretending the offense hasn’t been real or caused damage.

Covers. With a healing balm.

Throughout my lifetime, so far, I’ve been given ample opportunities to forgive some very deep-seated wounds.

I have been sinned-against, many times, in personally physical and emotional ways. Others I care deeply about have been sinned-against, and it’s been in my “nature” to want to pick up their offense.

Again I get to practice walking in forgiveness that the world tells me I shouldn’t extend.

I don’t belong to the world any longer.

I belong to Jesus.

His ways are far above what the world would have me practice.

People fail me. I thank God that He continues to never fail me.

1Cor 13:12– “For now we see in a mirror dimly, but then face to face; now I know in part, but then I will know fully just as I also have been fully known.”

Walking With God


Scripture tells us, several times, to love one another. Forgive one another. Be gracious and kind to one another.

In this current American political climate, that seems to be farthest from anyone’s mind.

But, this blog isn’t about politics. It’s not about America.

It’s about our heart conditions.

Are we allowing an environment for our hearts to even want to one-another one another?

What does that look like?

Does Scripture give us any idea of how to accomplish this mountain of a task?

I think it does.

It seems like maybe the very first step is to set ourselves apart from whatever keeps us from one-anothering.

Then maybe the second step is to forgive-one another.

Maybe as we do these things, we are loving one-another. Just like Jesus told us to do.

I started writing this with a different direction and purpose in mind.

Seems like, just maybe, all fingers point back at me to do these things.

I try to. Sometimes I fail to.

Sometimes I fail to try to.

Sometimes, while I am struggling with my own stuff, God calls upon me to demonstrate to someone else what I am needing.

Often times, I don’t get what I’ve tried to be faithful and obedient to give.

And— sometimes ministering to someone else with a need, ends up ministering to myself.

God always provides.

Even when I feel a lack from others. Even when I don’t see who I can possibly turn to, to talk with or understand, or give me a helping hand.

God makes sure that I have exactly what I need, when I need it.

I want to feel pity for myself that in my toughest times I’ve been alone.

But— when The Creator takes such wonderful and loving care— how can I complain?

While I am trying to one-another someone else, He is one-anothering me.

Christian Thoughts, God's Heart, Walking With God

In The Way

I was often told I was “in the way” by people who’s opinion mattered deeply to me, for a significant portion of my life. I had no reason to not believe them. So, I did all I could to move out of the way, whether physically or otherwise.

I assumed everyone thought this about me. I have lived most of my life trying to not be in anyone’s way.

My foundational understanding of myself has been flawed by believing that I’m just always in the way.

I was once told by one of my pastor’s that I was in God’s way and I needed to move out of it. You have no idea how that affected how I saw God at that point.

I still don’t trust anyone to “pastor” me.

Over the years I’ve thought about this phrase, and with God’s help, I’ve begun to turn it around into a positive.

The Way is what Believers in the past have called their group. Jesus is the way, the truth and the life. Jesus lives in me. I am in the way. But– I am not in the way, as being an obstacle.

The pastor who said that to me did not see me in my time alone with God, often prone before God, surrendering my life and my choices to Him.

That pastor was wrong.

In all those years before I accepted that he was wrong, I saw everything that I did or said as being in God’s way. I had no idea how to get out of God’s way, or what that even looked like.

I never felt like I could fit in anywhere, because no matter what I was blind to somehow being in the way.

I reacted by just removing myself. I can’t be in the way if I’m not there, right?

I was then told by that same pastor that I was in sin because I wasn’t at church everytime the doors were open– I was forsaking the gathering together of the saints…

How does one ever please someone who just sees what they think you are doing wrong?

God moved me out of that pastor’s way, relocating me to another area. But that criticism stuck.

How can I possibly ever get out of God’s way when He is everywhere?

Over the years, God has revealed that He does not see that about me. He has shown me that I have, in fact, been in His way. Going out of my way to obey His word, to demonstrate grace and forgiveness, to show compassion and love– I’m trying to do things in His way.

It’s amazing how much healing and reatoration can be released when God corrects wrong thinking.

Now I know– I am exactly where I need to be– in His way.

2 COR 10:5 “We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.”

God's Heart

Giving God What’s Broken

In our culture of Christianity, it’s become easy to sing our promises and confessions of faith.

Do we follow through? When the service is over, do we reflect on the weighty words we’ve sung in praise, adoration and promise to our God?

I can’t say, with a clear conscience, that I have.

When I sing about surrendering it all to God, and beg Him in song to “take it all”, do I really know what I’m asking of Him— what I’m giving to Him?

Lately I have been playing Animal Crossing with my kids and husband. I have this neighbor— Buck— the “neigh”bor that annoys me the most. He’s brash, loud, yells in my character’s face, and he sneezed on her. I mean— the nerve! Lol! In real life, I wouldn’t want a neighbor like that. So, I’ve been trying to get him to want to move away. I give him boots, which he always hands back, saying he doesn’t want my trash.

My point in sharing that is— God *does* want our trash. He wants the worst parts of us— the things we dislike about ourselves, the stuff we hide from everyone else.

He wants our broken hearts. He wants our ugly, horrible thoughts. He wants that anger that seemingly comes out of nowhere. He wants those feelings that cause us to do exactly what we hate…

He wants our trash.

Because then He can make us better. He can make us stronger. He can repair the broken pieces of our hearts and lives. He can calm the storm that rages in our emotions. He can help us see things clearly, without worry, fear or distortion.

But, we have to freely give them to Him. He won’t just take them. He is never forceful with us.

He just wants to make us the best us we can be.

🎶All to Jesus I surrender

All to Him I freely give;

I will ever love and trust Him

In His presence daily live

I surrender all

I surrender all

All to Thee

My blessed Savior

I surrender all

All to Jesus I surrender

Make me, Savior, wholly Thine;

Let me feel Thy Holy Spirit

Truly knowing that Thou art mine

I surrender all

I surrender all

All to Thee

My blessed Savior

I surrender all

All to Jesus I surrender

Lord, I give myself to Thee;

Fill me with Thy love and power

Let Thy blessing fall on me🎶

Reality Check

Focal Point

Have you ever felt invisible?

Have you ever been the sounding-board for someone who doesn’t really see you while they are talking?

Has there ever been an expectation of you to be available to fit into someone else’s schedule?

Have you ever just wanted to not— just for a little while— be available when it’s expected of you?

Have you ever been broken by something completely unexpected?

Have you felt pushed and pulled into expected directions you just don’t feel like going in?

Have you ever tried to pick things back up after being let down?

Have you ever felt like you needed a vacation from your own life?

There’s this song I loved years ago, called Disappear from Out Of The Grey. The idea in the song is the desire to disappear into Jesus— like John the Baptist said— more of Him, less of me.

Well, I did disappear— but into my marriage and my family.

I’m still seen by God, though, even though I don’t feel worthy to be seen by Him. Because I know I am a broken fixture in this world, and I can’t fix what’s broken about myself. There is no doctor, no hospital, for invisible wounds, and my brokenness is invisible except to God— Who really sees me.

I can rest in Him because He sees me. I’m not His sounding board. I’m not empty, I’m not weak because He fills me, continuously, with His strength and love.

As long as He is my focal point— I can push through the emotional labors of this life. I can stand up under the weight of the roles I’m expected to play. I can be who He created me to be.

Physically I can’t do what I used to. Thankfully my spirit still can, through Christ Jesus Who is my strength— He is my focal point.

Because of that— I am okay.

Isaiah 40:31 NASB Yet those who wait for the LORD Will gain new strength; They will mount up with wings like eagles, They will run and not get tired, They will walk and not become weary.

Reality Check

Fear and Trembling

In this day and age of prosperity doctrines and praying all the bad away— because happiness is this American church’s focus often— sermons or teachings on working our Salvation out with fear and trembling seem to be MIA. Maybe you hear them, but in my circles and resources, I do not.

Today I’m thinking about Job. I don’t know about you, but I cringe at the thought of everything he went through— and all at once. First he experienced peace, and then trauma, loss and devastation all at once as Satan attacked him on every possible front, from every possible angle— with God’s permission— I think we overlook that important fact.

I think God was teaching Job Who He Is and all He has done. God said to Job, “Who is this that questions my wisdom
with such ignorant words?” Job 38:2 Obviously Job had been acting, and reacting to what happened to him, without much knowledge of all that encompasses God.

So God told him.

It’s easy to read God’s response as angry and intimidating. The fact that God speaks from the Storm lends to the idea God is angry or annoyed. But— what if He wasn’t? God allowed the storm, but He did not cause it. If He were angry, do you think He would have been the cause? Does this all come across differently if, instead, we read it with a calm, yet sarcastic voice? With what seems accusatory, what if we inject an underlying sad tone? I mean, God definitely chastised Job, while He also turned the tables on Him— “answer— if you know…” But— look what it took to get Job to a teachable place!

God help us to not need to be brought to brokenness in order to receive truth and the healing Salvation He freely offers to each one of us.

In Job 1:1 we see: “There once was a man named Job who lived in the land of Uz. He was blameless–a man of complete integrity. He feared God and stayed away from evil.”

Job knew enough to fear God, which is the beginning of wisdom. He knew enough to do what God required and Job wanted his children to be right with God, to be saved from God’s wrath at sin. Was he arrogant about it? Maybe. He certainly, it seems to me, didn’t know enough to be in a relationship with God— the reason God created mankind. Job was trying to do everything right, his heart actions were right with God. But— he lacked that relationship with Him.

What if we read God’s next words with no anger or frustration, but instead with a firm gentleness that educates Job, while also giving him an attitude adjustment.

Imagine yourself, standing (if you can) before God— just you, no spouse, family, friends or pastor— and having Him confront you with these questions. How do you think you might answer— if you can?

“3 Brace yourself like a man,
because I have some questions for you,
and you must answer them.
4 “Where were you when I laid the foundations of the earth?
Tell me, if you know so much.
5 Who determined its dimensions
and stretched out the surveying line?
6 What supports its foundations,
and who laid its cornerstone
7 as the morning stars sang together
and all the angels shouted for joy?
8 “Who kept the sea inside its boundaries
as it burst from the womb,
9 and as I clothed it with clouds
and wrapped it in thick darkness?
10 For I locked it behind barred gates,
limiting its shores.
11 I said, ‘This far and no farther will you come.
Here your proud waves must stop!’
12 “Have you ever commanded the morning to appear
and caused the dawn to rise in the east?
13 Have you made daylight spread to the ends of the earth,
to bring an end to the night’s wickedness?
14 As the light approaches,
the earth takes shape like clay pressed beneath a seal;
it is robed in brilliant colors.
15 The light disturbs the wicked
and stops the arm that is raised in violence.
16 “Have you explored the springs from which the seas come?
Have you explored their depths?
17 Do you know where the gates of death are located?
Have you seen the gates of utter gloom?
18 Do you realize the extent of the earth?
Tell me about it if you know!
19 “Where does light come from,
and where does darkness go?
20 Can you take each to its home?
Do you know how to get there?
21 But of course you know all this!
For you were born before it was all created,
and you are so very experienced!
22 “Have you visited the storehouses of the snow
or seen the storehouses of hail?
23 (I have reserved them as weapons for the time of trouble,
for the day of battle and war.)
24 Where is the path to the source of light?
Where is the home of the east wind?
25 “Who created a channel for the torrents of rain?
Who laid out the path for the lightning?
26 Who makes the rain fall on barren land,
in a desert where no one lives?
27 Who sends rain to satisfy the parched ground
and make the tender grass spring up?
28 “Does the rain have a father?
Who gives birth to the dew?
29 Who is the mother of the ice?
Who gives birth to the frost from the heavens?
30 For the water turns to ice as hard as rock,
and the surface of the water freezes.
31 “Can you direct the movement of the stars–
binding the cluster of the Pleiades
or loosening the cords of Orion?
32 Can you direct the sequence of the seasons
or guide the Bear with her cubs across the heavens?
33 Do you know the laws of the universe?
Can you use them to regulate the earth?
34 “Can you shout to the clouds
and make it rain?
35 Can you make lightning appear
and cause it to strike as you direct?
36 Who gives intuition to the heart
and instinct to the mind?
37 Who is wise enough to count all the clouds?
Who can tilt the water jars of heaven
38 when the parched ground is dry
and the soil has hardened into clods?
39 “Can you stalk prey for a lioness
and satisfy the young lions’ appetites
40 as they lie in their dens
or crouch in the thicket?
41 Who provides food for the ravens
when their young cry out to God
and wander about in hunger?”

Job 39: “1 “Do you know when the wild goats give birth?
Have you watched as deer are born in the wild?
2 Do you know how many months they carry their young?
Are you aware of the time of their delivery?
3 They crouch down to give birth to their young
and deliver their offspring.
4 Their young grow up in the open fields,
then leave home and never return.
5 “Who gives the wild donkey its freedom?
Who untied its ropes?
6 I have placed it in the wilderness;
its home is the wasteland.
7 It hates the noise of the city
and has no driver to shout at it.
8 The mountains are its pastureland,
where it searches for every blade of grass.
9 “Will the wild ox consent to being tamed?
Will it spend the night in your stall?
10 Can you hitch a wild ox to a plow?
Will it plow a field for you?
11 Given its strength, can you trust it?
Can you leave and trust the ox to do your work?
12 Can you rely on it to bring home your grain
and deliver it to your threshing floor?
13 “The ostrich flaps her wings grandly,
but they are no match for the feathers of the stork.
14 She lays her eggs on top of the earth,
letting them be warmed in the dust.
15 She doesn’t worry that a foot might crush them
or a wild animal might destroy them.
16 She is harsh toward her young,
as if they were not her own.
She doesn’t care if they die.
17 For God has deprived her of wisdom.
He has given her no understanding.
18 But whenever she jumps up to run,
she passes the swiftest horse with its rider.
19 “Have you given the horse its strength
or clothed its neck with a flowing mane?
20 Did you give it the ability to leap like a locust?
Its majestic snorting is terrifying!
21 It paws the earth and rejoices in its strength
when it charges out to battle.
22 It laughs at fear and is unafraid.
It does not run from the sword.
23 The arrows rattle against it,
and the spear and javelin flash.
24 It paws the ground fiercely
and rushes forward into battle when the ram’s horn blows.
25 It snorts at the sound of the horn.
It senses the battle in the distance.
It quivers at the captain’s commands and the noise of battle.
26 “Is it your wisdom that makes the hawk soar
and spread its wings toward the south?
27 Is it at your command that the eagle rises
to the heights to make its nest?
28 It lives on the cliffs,
making its home on a distant, rocky crag.
29 From there it hunts its prey,
keeping watch with piercing eyes.
30 Its young gulp down blood.
Where there’s a carcass, there you’ll find it.”

Job 40:1 Then the LORD said to Job,
2 “Do you still want to argue with the Almighty?
You are God’s critic, but do you have the answers?”

Do you have the answers?

Imagine Job— broken and traumatized, physically inflicted — all by the devil, who roars about seeking to devour each one of us— with God’s allowed permission.

God is God. He answers to no one, but He has limited Himself by promises and covenants that He always faithfully keeps.

Have you experienced any times of working out your own faith with fear and trembling? Hopefully not like Job had to be brought to.

Philippians 2:12-16 (NASB)
So then, my beloved, just as you have always obeyed, not as in my presence only, but now much more in my absence, work out your salvation with fear and trembling; 13 for it is God who is at work in you, both to will and to work for His good pleasure. 14 Do all things without grumbling or disputing; 15 so that you will prove yourselves to be blameless and innocent, children of God above reproach in the midst of a crooked and perverse generation, among whom you appear as lights in the world, 16 holding fast the word of life, so that in the day of Christ I will have reason to glory because I did not run in vain nor toil in vain.”


Tough As Sand

In the past, I thought of myself as a kind of diamond in the rough. But here lately, I realize I’m more a lump of soft coal that wishes it could be a diamond. Coal that is under the heaviest of pressure can, in part, become a diamond. In the past I’ve compared my life’s hardships as what coal experiences as it then becomes one of the very hardest substances known to mankind. Hard circumstances formed a hardened heart within me and a toughened, hardened exterior. I thought that was what I needed to protect myself, to make sure I could withstand more pressure from circumstances outside of my control.

Today I realized what I believed about myself may not even be the case— if it ever really was. God softened my hardened heart after I met my husband. He chipped away at that outer layer of toughness, like an emotional callous, and He took down the walls I had built up, brick by brick.

Nothing I do will protect me like God does. Walls trap the yuck inside, and keep the positive new things out. Before God fixed my old hardened heart, it could have easily been one of the rocks that praises God when people fail to.

It was that hard.

Today, I talked with someone about something I haven’t really thought deeply about in years! I’m not sure what I expected, but I left that conversation feeling as though all that hardness I still managed to cling to is crumbling away into dust. A trauma I experienced as a child re-emerged into my memories, and God has been so deeply at work within me, my reactions are different. My walls are gone. My heart feels soft, crushable and exposed.

I had myself so figured out before, I had every one of my reactions to my history carefully planned out. And now— I let go of my control. I feel like I’m just going to completely crumble as I now deal with old trauma mixed in with something new that was unexpected.

Maybe my life is a series of diamonds made from my spirit being crushed, over and over again. Maybe it’s all still just a lump of coal that has been broken into so many pieces, it more resembles charcoal powder. Maybe it’s a piece of coal used to keep the fire of difficult circumstances stoked at it’s hottest. Maybe it’s more like the ashes and residue left over.

I don’t know.

What I do know is— I am not the same person I started on this journey as. I thought situations had helped shape me. Turns out, maybe God has handled me differently than I believed He had, and maybe my opinions kept me blind to that. No trauma I have or ever will experience could possibly match what Jesus endured on the way to, and on, the cross. He was wounded for our (my) transgressions.

My walls and self protection have to crumble in order to allow His healing process to be thorough in me.

By His wounds I am healed.

Isaiah 53:5 “But he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was on him, and by his wounds we are healed.”

A Mom's Perspective

Saved Through Childbirth

1 Timothy 2:15 “Women, however, will be saved through childbearing, if they continue in faith, love, and holiness, with self-control.” Berean Study Bible

I’ll be honest— I want to be offended by this verse. And especially by the verse before (14) it that says, “And it was not Adam who was deceived, but the woman who was deceived and fell into transgression.” I want to say, really? But— it’s right there, in black and white, in the written Word of God.

We all know Eve ate the fruit and then offered it to Adam. There have probably been millions of sermons from various viewpoints on this very subject, over the last 2000+ years. Regardless of Adam’s negligence, or being distracted, or even disinterested in what Eve was being coerced into— Eve picked the fruit off of the only tree God warned them to never eat from, and she ate it. And then she gave it to Adam, who willingly went along with his wife’s tantalizing coercion— after all, she hadn’t died…

Being Saved through childbirth is an idea I’ll admit I’ve struggled with. I mean— childbirth is hard! It hurts!

I experience natural births 3 times, and once I felt I cheated by getting an epidural. Honestly— I much preferred the natural births! I don’t think I can explain why, but it was a much more fulfilling experience each time. I felt like I accomplished something amazing, I persevered, I pushed through— literally! The epidural birth, I felt nothing— no bonding with my baby through a physical struggle— the baby was taken rather than emerging.

The real labor began after each birth, for me, though. My first birth, not only was my daughter born, but also my momhood. It was an ugly process at first— I had so much dying to myself to do— and wow did I do that badly! Sleep deprived with a newborn nursing— new experience for the both of us— she was so tiny, born a month earlier than expected, I fought against sleep to make sure she was getting nutrition and gaining weight.

The next two were easier only because I kind of knew what I was doing. I had so much more to learn! And our youngest was pretty easy with brothers and sister ready to help as much as they could.

My life was completely changed overnight. If you’ve ever had to die to yourself before, then you understand what momhood transforms into for many moms. We fight uphill battles for nutrition, clean houses and what we believe is in the best interest of our kids until they move out— and even then, the worry over most of those things doesn’t disappear. There is never an “out of sight, out of mind” moment when our babies fly from our nest.

Back to the being Saved part. So— my life before I had kids was pretty much my own. I mean, of course I tried to put God first. Then I got married, and had to learn to put my husband before myself. Then the kids each came before me. I felt lost for some of those earlier years, like I had completely disappeared into their lives, routines, and needs.

After pushing through those times, I began to recognize my kids actually gave my life new purpose, new focus. My kids saved me from selfishness, from living for myself. My newborn, premie-tiny daughter saved me while I was learning how to be her mommy, while I was learning how to set me aside and make sure she had everything she needed for her life. I failed so much, but I also had some pretty great successes.

Bearing, birthing and bearing my children has been a journey I would love to repeat— for the most part.

What a wonderful, fulfilling gift God gave to women! It’s unlike anything else! Continuing in faith, love and holiness with self-control can be such a challenge! It’s no wonder the devil attacks children! Thankfully we have the Holy Spirit to help us power-through it all.

introspection, reality

Forgive Them? Why??

This is a recurring theme in my life, it seems. And not just little things— really big, hard issues. When things start to finally relax, suddenly it becomes necessary to exercise my forgiveness muscles again. I have lifted some of the heaviest issues with these muscles. I don’t see a need to flex them for vanity purposes— these are the necessary muscles for living a life that keeps me close to Jesus. They are the strength that is unseen, coming from an unseen force— Jesus, Who is my Mediator, my Intercessor— my reason for living. He keeps me continually moving forward.

I’ve been dealt some difficult cards throughout my life so far, most seem to fall under the category of betrayal. I don’t know if I can even categorize them all. The one thing they have in common, besides intense pain, is an attack on trust.

When the burden of offense against me is so heavy— a crushing weight, God reminds me that forgiveness lifts that burden off of me and puts it at the foot of the cross.

We can’t take anything with us when it’s our time to move on from earth— that includes the offenses and hurts from others. When we surrender them to Jesus, Who bore the crushing weight of every offense, past, present and future— we walk in the truest form of Grace and Mercy.

When we come face to face with the knowledge that Jesus said, while being crushed by all of the sins of this world— “Father, forgive them because they don’t understand”, we then have the tiniest of glimpses into what Jesus endured on that cross, in our place. He willingly surrendered to every betrayal we’ll ever experience.

That is why we forgive. Again. And again. And again…

“Then Peter came and said to Him, “Lord, how often shall my brother sin against me and I forgive him? Up to seven times?” Jesus said to him, “I do not say to you, up to seven times, but up to seventy times seven…” Matt 18:21-22

An Honest Perspective

Back To My First Love

Lately my time, one-on-one with God has been a spontaneous thing, which becomes steered by intention.

Something within me has changed. My perspective, or I guess my realization of the reliability— the consistent stability— of God with me. I never question His willingness to make sure I am taken care of. He has never wavered— though I know it’s certainly not because of anything I’ve earned nor do I dare think I deserve it.

This idea of “first love” is tumbling around in my brain today. Meditating in His Presence, saturating my spirit in the beautiful song Nothing Else, this idea of being taken back to my first love opens up a whole new reservoir of understanding for me.

“Take me back, take me back, take me back to my first love…” Can I say God has ever been my first love? I mean— honestly. Because, of course in “Christianese” that’s what we profess— that God is our first love.

As I just meditate on what that means to me, and question how exactly to get back to my first love when I cannot say that was God, I recognize what I need is to get back to the first recognition of my love for Him, and my first realization of His love for me.

My first time knowing this unique, soul-filling love that heals me, that refreshes me— that holds me close to Him.

“Take me back to my first love…” Take me back to that first moment the veil was torn from my understanding, that first glimpse my spirit had of You.

Take my heart back to being satisfied by sitting in Your Presence, back when things were simplified— back to the safety and comfort, like a newborn babe resting on its daddy’s chest— near to Your heartbeat. Because “Only You satisfy my heart… Nothing else will do— I just want You”


The Verse Everyone Quotes

We hear and see this everywhere in America— “For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life…” This is the cornerstone of the foundation of the Body of Christ.

It’s no secret that there are a ridiculous amount of denominations, loftily disputing many ideas from various teachings within the Bible, each believing they have the “true, actual” understanding or interpretation.

I’m going to challenge all of that here. Because, going back to basics, simplifying the simple Gospel message, where we all need to join together is with John 3:16. That is the only key that opens up Salvation and reconciliation with God. None of the rest matters in the same light. Then, I will point out, the next step we all need to join together in is in the following verse— “…For God did not send the Son into the world to judge the world, but that the world might be saved through Him.”

Why doesn’t the majority of the Body of Christ focus on this part?

Then, there is this verse— John 3:18 “He who believes in Him is not judged; he who does not believe has been judged already, because he has not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God.” Whoa! This makes all those gray areas completely clear— it’s already a settled issue! Should this cause us to treat others differently, depending on the Light of Truth that illuminates the condition of their soul, that is the path they are walking down?

If everything begins with the key, and the next two verses are then entwined into that crucial part of our foundation, then everything else becomes filtered through that. All the disputes and focuses of all those denominations, many resulting from church splits have nothing to do with John 3:16, 3:17, or 3:18.

In light of this, very few Christian denominational arguments against each another are solid— in my opinion. Very few of them have anything to do with how Jesus is the way, the truth and the light. Most are resulting from interpretations of Scripture that are minor details or personal preferences.

Everything we believe, everything we do or say should be filtered through John 3:16, and then John 3:17-18.

How far we have moved away from just that sweet simplicity of the Gospel of Truth.

God's Heart

Inward Brokenness

There is nothing like brokenness of spirit and a broken heart to open or change your view of things for previously unnoticed perceptions.

Like the words to songs. As I relived some memory lane through songs I haven’t heard since my most recent bout with brokenness, I realized I’m seeing things differently. Where before I sang them with the confidence of being enveloped by the Love of Christ, this time that same Love permeated into the chasm coated with reactionary numbness that tries to dull the pain. It caused a different reaction, a realization that now I understand more than before, and perspective that grants revelation to a new depth of understanding.

“Clothe me in white, so I won’t be ashamed…” has a deeper meaning to me now. In order for God to clothe me in white, my soul is bare before Him. He sees everything— nothing is hidden from Him. In the past I’ve known this. Now I more than know it— I experience what it really means— He sees me. He sees my deepest shame, my pain, where I have been abused and cast aside. He’s taking the outer garments I thought I had to wear that I believed covered me, but instead caused rejection of me— and He has clothed me in His acceptance. He’s thrown-out the old garments of being shamed, and He’s covered me in His forgiveness, His righteousness, His approval!! And though people may attempt to shame me— I will not be ashamed because I know Who I belong to— no matter what. The not being ashamed, that’s for me to live out. It has nothing to do with how anyone treats me or talks about me— I am not ashamed of who I am, because of Jesus.

When I sing “set a fire down in my soul, that I can’t contain, that I can’t control— I want more of You God, I need more of You God…” and I tell Him through singing that I want Him “…to pour it out…“ I understand that I need to be intentional about what I am asking Him to do— because He will give me more.

What will I do with the more that He gives to me?

When I sing about how “ I will dance, I will sing, to be mad (not angry FYI) for my King, and I will become even more undignified than this…” Baring my naked soul with unskilled dancing is the most vulnerable thing that I could do. I can boldly approach God’s throne of Grace in this manner— it should be an easy decision— casting off everything that weighs me down.

This is the way we should all be with Jesus. It’s a process we each get to face as individuals.

“…that, in reference to your former manner of life, you lay aside the old self, which is being corrupted in accordance with the lusts of deceit, and that you be renewed in the spirit of your mind, and put on the new self, which in the likeness of God has been created in righteousness and holiness of the truth.” Eph. 4:22-24

The likeness of God, is Salvation through Jesus. We have the promise of eternal life with God through Christ Jesus. As we lay aside the old life and choices, we begin to understand the why’s concerning God and His Word. The why’s are important, because without that understanding, we will never be able to really lay aside our opinions that don’t line up with Scripture, or forgive the person who may actually be trying to sin against us 7×77 times daily.

Strong Woman

Disadvantaged And Broken

The shock is wearing off now. The sting of the jolt that rocked me is beginning to fade. Numbness that covered me fully, almost like a protective layer of clothing from the elements of harsh weather, is beginning to peel away now.


It’s tempting to pull back from some of the most intense, penetrating pain I have ever experienced. But, I’m forcing myself to do what I have always tried to do– lean into it. Soon it will intensify to its strongest point, and then I’ll know the level I need to rise to to move beyond it.

I saw a storm coming, but to be honest– I expected a much different storm, in much different territory. This storm is familiar, but the territory is unexplored.

I’m at a disadvantage– probably more so than I have ever been. I don’t know if it’s the result of being cursed by those I should have been able to trust from a young age, or God just designed me and my personality to be much saltier and independently confident than many others. All I know is– support has almost never been something I could rely on. I’ve dealt with some of the most devastating things alone– often one-on-one with God but never much human support or understanding counsel. For a time I tried to fight for that, but realized it was an exhausting battle with little to no reward for all of my efforts.

As a result, now I find myself in this place where I wish I could have 1 solid person who can or will just walk with me through all the stages, emotions, and healing I will be pushing through as I continue to lean into the pain.

I’ve experienced first hand what so many often try to advise me of. I’m not one who can just settle under opinion or scrutiny, no matter how well-meaning the one doing it is.

I find myself looking for an equal. Not a counselor. Not a Pastor. Not a mentor. Not an advisor. Someone who doesn’t view me as a project or someone who needs their help. Because I know. I’ve already lived it. I’ve already made it to the other side. I’ve heard the voice of God calling out to me, directing my steps. I’ve experienced Jesus strengthening me.

I know how to get through this to that other side where healing will fully embrace me and restore– once again– what the locusts have destroyed.

I am confident in my direction, though I don’t see my path clearly yet. That will come into focus as I take each step forward. I’m not going to fall back– not with Jesus as my strength.

I just need/want someone who can and will walk with me, step with me– listen and respect me and my way of going through a process that I have already gone through successfully more than once. Someone proven that I can fully trust. That’s all. A trusted equal who has leaned into their own painful, devastating situations successfully.

For now, it will be me and Jesus, walking forward with steady, firm, intentional steps. Maybe God will provide me with a spiritual walking partner, too. But if He chooses not to– I’ll be ok. He’ll hold me up just as He always has.

A Song of Ascents. I will lift up my eyes to the mountains; From where shall my help come? My help comes from the LORD, Who made heaven and earth. Behold, He who keeps Israel Will neither slumber nor sleep.” Psalm 121:1-4 NASB

Christian Thoughts, Purpose of Church

Christian Music VS All Music

There is this notion embedded in our society that Christian music isn’t really good unless it fits in perfectly with what is currently popular. If you can tell it’s Christian then it’s cheesy, it’s less valued than anything not Christian.


I have given in to this in the past, believing I should be embarrassed by any music not accepted by the “in” crowds of the world.

I have pondered this for awhile now, and here is the conclusion I have come to–

Christian music isn’t supposed to sound like everything else.

Christian music has a different focus and purpose. It has a different origin, and if it is written correctly– a completely different target audience of One.

It should always be excellence strived for, but most importantly– it should be Jesus-focused.

That’s why it’s Christian.

If we are embarrassed about a song those who don’t accept Jesus make fun of– are we also embarrassed about Jesus? Are we afraid or ashamed of being His follower– a Christian?

Christian music is supposed to be different. It’s supposed to stand out. It has infused power that no other music can match. It reaches the senses of our Creator– it teaches truth, it can break bondages, and God releases His healing through it. He illuminates truth through it. The music is inspired by Him and directed at pleasing Him.

We aren’t meant to mimic what is “acceptable” and try to fit in– we need to stand out! Shouldn’t our music, as well? So what if someone makes fun of it? There is a deeper, hidden meaning from those who reject the wisdom often injected into the lyrics. The music is inspired from a different area of our hearts and minds– an area only Christians can tap into– experience with God.

For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, to the Jew first and also to the Greek. Romans 1:16 NASB


Expectation Meet-Up

I’ve failed. Again. No big surprise. I’ve gotten pretty good at recognizing the game by now. I show up, with all of my imperfections– which are easily recognized at first glance– and I fail the test. You know– the test– where I do, or behave, or look like the labeled box I “should” just fit right in to. Where I “fall in line” with how everyone just is or just does– just sayin’…

The expectation test.

Although, I must admit, the anger I seem to detect lately is a new twist. I mean, surely I deserve whatever reaction the opinion of unmet expectations metes out, right? Surely I have no right to react or respond, or– heaven forbid– show any sort of weakness emotionally or physically.

I see the looks behind your eyes, I am aware of the reactions, and all it does is push me farther away.

Humanity has been such a disappointment to me most of my life– other than my own family. See there? You didn’t meet my expectations, either. I’ve expected grace, kindness, but have most often been meet with coldness, disappointment or indifference.

Thank God for Jesus.

Jesus didn’t meet most people’s expectations, either. In Him I find my own identity. In Him I find acceptance, and peace– comfort in all of my times of need. Where I am weak, He is strong. Where I am found lacking, He provides everything I need. When life just makes me more tired, when my body fights itself leaving me exhausted and frustrated– He carries me, He ministers to my spirit– giving me rest.

God made us to need other people. For myself– that remains to be a double-edged sword.

This is what has been on my heart this week.

Maybe God will choose to heal me this year. Maybe He will enable me to better fight back against that invisible enemy that attacks my body. Maybe He will just continue to draw me nearer to Him. I have learned to be content with where I am, no matter how He answers my prayers and needs– have you?

If I’m not angry about my personal fight, what gives anyone the right to be angry with me about how I manage my personal fight?

After nearly 51 years of life, I’m tired.

Be kind. Pray. Don’t put expectations onto me–I will never be able to meet them. You have not walked my path, experienced the things I have, or fought the fight I deal with daily. Maybe you’ve heard things about me, taken out of context. If so, you are adding opinion to heresay.

How is that Godly?

I expect to receive the grace of Christ from my fellow Believers.

Are my expectations too high for you?

Reality Check

Used By God?

The Voice of the Martyrs Facebook Timeline headline says– “LAOS Pray that new believers facing angry relatives will not waiver in their faith.”

How many times has the Devil weaponized family and friends against believers?

The Devil has come to kill, steal and destroy– by any means necessary. Jesus said, ” “They will be divided, father against son and son against father, mother against daughter and daughter against mother, mother-in-law against daughter-in-law and daughter-in-law against mother-in-law.” Luke 12:53

In Ephesians 6:12 we are informed– “For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the powers, against the world forces of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places.”

How many times has the Devil weaponized someone at our churches?

Here’s the most revealing question– How many times has the Devil weaponized us?

Deception hides amongst the well-intended. It thrives on emotional reactions. It drives misunderstandings and miscommunications as a destructive force, tearing through walls of relationships as though they are nothing but smoke.

Make no mistake– the Devil intends to use us to tear down everything God is doing.

May God grant us all discerning eyes and spirits, increasing our sensitivity to where He is at work so we can join in with Him through prayer, supplication and surrender completely to His Holy Spirit.

We need to ask Him to reveal where we may be, now or in the future, deceived by His enemy and the enemy of our souls. Lay aside every assumption and belief of being “right”. Step back and just wait for Him to reveal what He is doing, where He is working– who He has chosen to work through.

We cannot allow ourselves to be weaponized– used– by the Devil.

To surrender everything we believe, everything we “know” to Him– recognizing that He knows all and sees all– that is wisdom. It is necessity— right now.

Who’s “tool” are we? Who’s purpose is being fulfilled through our actions and treatment of others?

For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war according to the flesh, for the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh, but divinely powerful for the destruction of fortresses. We are destroying speculations and every lofty thing raised up against the knowledge of God, and we are taking every thought captive to the obedience of Christ, and we are ready to punish all disobedience, whenever your obedience is complete. You are looking at things as they are outwardly. If anyone is confident in himself that he is Christ’s, let him consider this again within himself, that just as he is Christ’s, so also are we.” 2Cor 10;3-7

An Honest Perspective

Vlogging- Venting Blog

So– I know this will be shocking, but–

I have a pet peeve.

Actually, I have a few.

But the one I am being pounced on by right now is– well– I’ll call it flabbergasted.

I am biting my proverbial tongue pretty hard right now, in all honesty.

The ignorant gall of some people brings me to a boiling point I absolutely have to surrender to God.

First off, I will point out that as Christians, I believe it must be apparent we actually follow the example Jesus set before us. My focus now is on His example and His definition of being a friend.

The greatest lack I see today is selflessness. We have “self-awareness“, “self-assuredness“, “self-esteem“, “selfie“, “self-confidence“, “self-identification“– but not much selflessness.

When a husband returns from the memorial of their recently passed-away dad– that is NOT the time a wife should decide to pack up and move out– as an example of what my pet-peeve is ticked off about.

I don’t understand how when someone needs support the most, a helpmate can turn a cold shoulder and just walk away.

It looks exactly like what the enemy of our God and our soul would convince someone to do– especially in a marriage. Friendship- nurturing is at the root of that lack.

Maybe that’s just the appearance.

I really hope that’s the case.

Someone needs to write a book about the Art of Friendship Within Marriage.

Strong Woman

Common Discourtesy

See that red pea in that pod there? That’s me. In my home, with guests who have a different opinion of things from me.

I have humbly opened my home for entertaining– and as an added bonus I also get to be belittled and judged harshly in a– generalized way. My values are ignored rudely, brushed aside, as I get to practice tolerance (and forgiveness, 7 x 77) to the intolerant.

I’m a Christian– strike 1. In my home, I get to tolerate swearing and inappropriate topics of conversations– in front of my children. That’s the most angering– yes, angering is the right word– about this for me. I send my kids out of the room as often as I can. But, I also recognize the value of them learning not everyone thinks and lives, or treats others, the way we do. So– supervised, with in-depth discussions and Scriptural references later is part of my routine now.

I’m a Conservative. I get to be belittled– in a generalized way– as people of my deeply held values are referred to sarcastically as four-letter “N” words, racists and bigots. I’ll hold my tongue– for now.

What happened to common courtesy?? I would never go into an Atheist’s home and talk down– in a generalized way– about what I’ve come to know to be truth concerning God.

That would be rude.

I would never go into a Democrat’s home, and mock those of their political belief system.

That would be rude.

I am not a rude person. So, instead of letting my inner Julia Sugarbaker loose– I hold my tongue– sometimes tightly between my teeth.

And for now, I’ll just vent here about it.


Inside the Broken

I’ve had this post bouncing around inside my head all day, wanting to just get out.

As a kid, I remember waking up in the middle of the night with a sudden inspiration for writing. It was usually a poem. I recall just looking at the words I had written down, marveling at the picture they painted–amazed that they had come out of me! I wasn’t a clever person. I wasn’t anything special. I was just a kid, a pre-teen, with no special writing training.

I was inspired. I believe, by God. He gave me what to write. No way I could come up with all those phrases and word pictures all by myself.

So, as a child, I was inspired.

I also suffered from PTSD. As a child.

Everyone has hardships in their life. Everyone has obstacles to overcome, people who don’t believe in them– situations beyond their control to push through.

Not everyone has the same things, situations– people– to push through.

For instance– not everyone has survived a cougar planting its teeth in their skull. I have survived this. I’ve lived to tell that story.

That’s a story I can freely share, an injury I can point to that people show interest in hearing about.

Those scars can be seen by anyone, even felt by someone who cannot see. Those scars filled in what was broken, they made it stronger, tougher. But, even though I’ve been healed, which is what produced my scars– the scars still ache sometimes, reminding me that where they provide more protection than the skin surrounding them, there is still weakness within them.

What’s broken is not the same as it was before, after it’s fixed or repaired.

That got me to thinking about the word “whole”. How it has the appearance of being complete. But– inside of the word “whole”, is hole. The word itself defies its own definition.

On the outside, we appear whole. In reality, we might be broken.

My hair hides my cougar bite scars.

I recently heard someone speak on healing, and he shared what I’ve known personally for quite some time. Our physical issues can be the fruit of having been wounded in our spirit, but never getting full healing.

Outside, we give the appearance of being whole. Inside– there is a hole that needs God’s healing touch.

Outside defies the reality of what’s inside. Because it’s not seen with eyes, or felt with physical touch.

Except– it is.

It’s often what is rejected, abhorred, resisted, and can cause hard-heartedness.

It can be defined as quirky, character flaws, or just out right unacceptable. It exposes the lack of compassion of a dying world.

I’ve sometimes wondered what we look like to God, Who sees all, knows all, and is everywhere all the time.

He sees what the appearance of wholeness attempts to hide or disguise.

He sees the brokenness.

Like the doctor who examined my wounds and wrapped my head to stop the bleeding and protect my wounds from infection. God has done this for my spirit.

But, that doesn’t mean there is no sensitivity to what caused the brokenness.

I don’t go out of my way to seek out mountain lions to embrace, to face my apprehension of cougars.

I don’t go out of my way to seek people who are abusive, who break the spirits of others, to form relationships with. And trust me– there are far too many of those types out there!

I have, for years, openly sought out the people who would not do that. In my doing so, I’ve found very few that make the time or effort to look past my quirks, personality deficiencies and obvious flaws. I don’t form friendships easily– never have, I’m guessing never will.

I have scars on the outside of my head, and scars on the inside of my head.

Sometimes they both ache.

Strong Woman

The Forgiveness of God

How many times have you heard someone say, “I will never forgive them.” How many times have we all felt someone has done or said something that is beyond the scope? It’s crossed that unmentioned line we all tend to instictivlely draw in our personal belief system?

I can tell you I had my own line, and I stood firmly behind that line– even though there had been a few events of someone stepping right on or over that line, as though it did not even exist. Of course– for them, I don’t think it did exist, while for myself it seemed reasonable to assume everyone knew about this line.

That’s the problem. Rational people know, people in my society know, men know. Except some must not, or they don’t care about that line.

So, for me, I’ve had this line solidly placed in my belief system, that should never be crossed. And, if it were crossed, as it has been a few times in my life, then I have an “out”– surely I don’t have to forgive that… right?

So a challenge came to me in the form of a testimony of a woman missionary, who had recently passed away when I learned about it.

At first, I was angry with her. How dare she blow off what was a great injustice done to her– and to me! How dare she minimize that as though it were not that major deal I had known personally for it to be! How could she excuse away this awful thing when it has ruined and damaged so many lives?!

Then God’s Spirit went to work in my heart and my understanding– my outrage.

In my defense of holding my grudge, I viewed her as weak- minded and ignorant. I mean, she had been violated— didn’t she get that??

History merely repeats itself. It has all been done before. Nothing under the sun is truly new.” (Ecc 1:9 NLT)

Then I started to think on Scripture that says “But if you refuse to forgive others, your Father will not forgive your sins. (Matt 6:15 NLT) Whenever you stand praying, forgive, if you have anything against anyone, so that your Father who is in heaven will also forgive you your transgressions. But if you do not forgive, neither will your Father who is in heaven forgive your transgressions.” (Mark 11:25-26 NASV)

Most times I have no problem forgiving what people do or say to or about me. But violating me– that is intensly personal, the greatest offense and sin against me. I felt I was justified in my anger and unforgiveness.

This woman’s approach and her testimony challenged my deepest-held justifications.

Then I began to think about all the abuse Jesus experienced on the cross and before He was nailed to the cross and what He said in response– “Jesus said, “Father, forgive them, for they don’t know what they are doing.” And the soldiers gambled for his clothes by throwing dice...” Some continued what they were doing, not even realizing the profoundness of what Jesus had just asked of God.

People do things without realizing what they are doing to others.

Our role as children of the Most High God, as followers of Jesus– is to forgive them. 7×77 times. Per day.

Forgiving is not easy. But, the focus I’ve found I need to have is not on my need to forgive others, but instead on my desperate need for God’s forgiveness towards me.

It’s a matter of spiritual life of death.

I want to encourage you to watch the video interview of a woman who I now believe to have been a pillar of strength and understanding for God’s Kingdom, inside this article linked below:

Walking With God

Heart Strings

I love rainbows. Besides being beautiful, they fascinate me. The origin and history are intriguing.

Besides the colorful streams that invoke a feeling of warmth, to me they are one of the many wonders of our world.

Rainbows and I also have a history. My very first memory in our shared history is seeing one outside my bedroom window. Inside my room, inside of my heart, it was raining– tears of sadness. I don’t remember the cause, maybe I’ve blocked it, maybe I was too young. But I remember that rainbow. I remember crying because I didn’t think anyone loved me, or liked me. I remember, fairly vividly, seeing that rainbow and feeling the voice of God inside my heart tell me that He loves me.

I knew He had made a promise to mankind that He wouldn’t destroy all of mankind by flood again. I remember a kept promise being a deeply important thing to me.

That is my first memory of connecting with God. Through that rainbow, having known about that characteristic of God, He brought His Word to life and breathed life into my spiritual lungs. I was about 7 or 8.

When I was 8 I began to learn to play the violin. I don’t think I took learning it seriously until I was 9 or 10. I had a wonderful teacher who took the time to help me find a sincere love for playing it. That’s when I began to practice. I started practicing everyday during the news– I hated the boring news back then!

As I grew in my ability to play, I also grew in my affection for it. At times it became the extension of my inner secrets, those things I couldn’t give voice or words to, things I didn’t understand.

I struggled with learning certain techniques, and I began to practice hours at a time because I wanted to be the best I could be– I wanted to be 1st chair. You see– that violin sounded scratchy no matter how much I practiced. I had to work extra, extra hard to get the scratchiness to not be noticeable.

My parents were kind, they didn’t complain about what must have been awful sounds at times. They didn’t have much money, and that violin was a rent-to-own. It was what they could afford. They gave me something far more than just a musical instrument to learn. They gave me what I needed to succeed, to survive, to feel. I had a way to access a depth and passion I would not have otherwise.

Without that, I’m not sure I would be here today. My violin became my best friend. It was the tool that I could use to help bring healing into my soul. It was the tool that allowed confidence and accomplishment to be poured into my spirit.

As that rainbow I first recall observing became a vehicle for God to reach into those inward places only He has access to, so became my violin. So much so that when, during my first military duty assignment, my dorm room got so hot from the heater I could not adjust, the glue melted and my best friend literally fell apart.

It was as though I lost my right arm.

I think I was in shock that I didn’t have it anymore.

A few months later, after making payments with my meager A1C salary, I brought home a new violin.

Then my dad bought me a special one, that I sincerely believe God set aside just for me. Someday I’ll tell that story, I’ve gotten myself side-tracked.

As I continued to play, a new passion stirred up in my heart, a desire to serve God while playing, an intense need/want to help bring God closer to other people’s hearts. Sometimes it’s so overwhelming, it feels like my breath is taken away, hoping I can be His vessel to pour healing and life through.

Rainbows, to me, are a visual of how God reaches into our inner recesses through music, through His Word, through prayer– through His Spirit.

I’ve been meditating on the song Remembrance all morning, and as I’ve been writing this. There is so much in this simple, short song. The music is nice and it gets intense. The words are nice and they get intense. My memory gets intense as I internalize, absorb, soak in every note and word– saturating my soul. Communion is deeply personal for me, the words remind me to not just take it but to remember Him as Christ is formed in me– continuously, as I take Communion and live my life for Him. He has been so, so good to me– oh the things He has delivered me from, and protected me from. No matter how bad things ever got– they could have been so much worse.

The rainbow seems like an illusion, but science has proven it’s absolutely real. Just like God in our lives. To others He appears to be an illusion to us, but through our personal experiences with Him interacting with us, we know beyond any shadow of any doubt that He is more real than any problem we face. In fact– the problem becomes the illusion and dissipates completely as He takes it and deals with it in His timing and His way.

Yes– He has been so so Good to me. Unworthy as I am, as I have always been– He has not withheld His goodness from me– I would have. He has provided me with all I need, He gave me a husband who reminds me of Him in how he treats me and loves me. I don’t know what He sees in me, but I am Eternally grateful that He does.

I owe Him everything. I have nothing of worth to pay Him back, He has accepted my life. My life.

My life.

Some days I do need Him to remind me that He’s not finished yet. I don’t understand why he has not given up on me at times.

I would give up on me.

My life is no longer my own, it belongs to Jesus.

Limited as it is, He still finds ways to use it as a catalyst for His healing Spirit.

Until I see You face to face, Until at last I’ve won my race– remind me You’re not finished yet. Hallelujah…”

Here’s another link to the song– Remembrance– Hillsong Worship

Reality Check, What life has taught me

Words Matter– Spoken and Unspoken

Have you ever stood out on the beach and just yelled into the wind? Did anyone hear you?

Social Media traffic is the online wind, tainted by “deboosting”, “algorithms”, “shadowbanning” and the bias of those enforcing them.

That’s a part of what I’m thinking of as I type this on my Social Media platform.

But, it’s more than that.

For me there has been a recurring theme of a sense of being unheard, undervalued, even unseen.

I found at times I could use that to my advantage in a defensive/protective kind of way– I could leave a room and not be missed. I could stay quiet and no one notices or tries to talk with me.

I can’t begin to describe that deep lonliness I’ve just learned to live with.

Why don’t some people want to hear me?

Some are so engrossed with what they want to say, others are lost under the clutter of words, ideas and opinions.

Writing has been my out-source. Sometimes I feel free to say whatever I want to say.

Except I’m not.

Because what if someone reads something they find offensive or hurtful?

It’s always about everyone else.

What about me? Do I ever get to just talk and be heard?

When can I openly share my heart and concerns?

I could tell some crazy and awesome stories!

I could even share bits of wisdom from firsthand experiences.

I think I’m pretty funny. (Don’t ask my husband though, lol!)

I’m pretty creative.

My topics of passion and pet peeves have “evolved” through experiences, trials and life lessons learned from that popular school of “hard knocks”.

One thing has always gotten me through the silent times, the emptiness, and the “I don’t quite fit ins”.

Answered prayer.

Because when no one sees me, hears me, or values my input or presence– God always has. And He has always let me know.

I’ve seen Him transform lives. I’ve seen Him heal people– He even healed me! I’ve seen miracles!

It’s sad that some will just never know what God has done because they won’t stop talking and listen to others.

Talking has always been a struggle for me. The anxiety after talking in a group setting is suffocating. Did I say too much? Did I talk too long? Did what I say make any sort of a difference to anyone? My spirit feels anxious, restless, even worried.

I know this problem is not with others– not most of it.

It’s how I react, how I relate, how I believe I’ll be received.

Or rejected.

Having been told I was “in God’s way” from someone who’s opinion I deeply valued has had an almost crippling affect on my life.

Having been told that I’m “poor in spirit” has stuck with me through decades of church relationships and church leadership. I think that’s because I’ve heard so little to counter-balance and cancel that out.

Where Scripture has admonished us to build up one another– I’m not a “one another” worthy of that, it appears to me.

Tearing down is for strongholds, not for people. Not ever for people.

I’m guilty of having torn others down in my past.

I guess it’s taken feeling like that outcast that helped me wisen up and learn the necessity of speaking life– and life abundantly– to one another.

This is my invisible enemy that fights me often. I wrestle not with flesh and blood– I know this too well.

I have people I do talk to, though my list is growing smaller by the year.

There will, however, always be One on that list. That is in no way a sad or depressing thing. I have the ear and attention of God attuned towards me. That is humbling– so very humbling.

introspection, Purpose of Church

Worshiping in Spirit, in Truth

I’m not a performer.

While I got over “stage-fright” years ago, I don’t like the spotlight. If I could plug in my violin and play from the next room, unseen by anyone, that would be my ideal situation.

Since my husband and I married, Worship has kind of been our “thing”. We’ve been involved with several ministries and churches the past 2 decades. While every experience is different, the focus has most often been the same– God.

At this point in my life, I believe I’m settling into who I am in Christ more. I don’t have to prove myself, I’m a seasoned Christian, with a solid understanding of Scripture, unwavering in my belief and understanding of Who I serve.

But, as settling has occurred, my understanding of certain concepts is changing.

Like the concepts of worship.

The Bible says we worship in spirit and in truth.

My church family says we worship with music.

Do these two ideas contradict one another?

As my husband points out in his latest blog What Worship is Not, there really is not as much emphasis in Scripture about music worship as we sometimes make it seem. There is not an office for Worship Leader.

Do we focus too much on our own definition and understanding of worship?

I know it’s easy to go on the defensive and stop listening when something we believe in strongly is challenged. I’m not set out to challenge, I’m just re-thinking things a bit.

Where in our current recogized system of worship does in spirit and in truth fit in? Sure, we can claim we do these naturally as we focus on God with our spirit, and sing verses written about Biblical truth, and that makes it all fit in a neat, nice little package that is easy on the ears and heart.


Is it all really for God?

Does God need the sound system? Does He need the lights? The projection screens? What about the music and perfect-sounding voices– does God need that?

Is that what worship is to God?

What if we just didn’t have the worship part of the service one Sunday, and just dove straight into the preaching? Would that affect God at all?

If we are honest, our system of worship is really for ourselves. We like the concert-type atmosphere, with our favorite coffee off to the side when we finish. We believe we are ushering His Presence into ours– isn’t it really us just becoming aware of His Presence that is everywhere all the time, and living within those of us who have received Jesus as our Lord and Savior, sealing us with the Holy Spirit?

Individually some do bring the sacrifice of praise into the house of the Lord. But, do we corporately? Do we even know what that really means?

How do we worship in spirit? Does it have to involve music?

How do we worship in truth? Do we have to sing to do so?

When I think about Julie Andrews having her voice taken from her, I can’t help but wonder– what would happen if our music abilities or apparatuses were taken from us? Would we stop “worshiping” altogether?

Reality Check

Square Person in a “Well-rounded” World

That’s me there– the square one. You’d think I’d be the well-rounded one with all my experiences and whatnot, but that’s not how it really works.

Words that have been used to describe me by others over the years–



Too sensitive.





Words I wish I heard about me–





True friend.






That last one is probably the most coveted by me. There seems to always be something people want me to change in order to “fit” their box for me and change the label they’ve put on me.

It’s not going to happen.

I’ll never again be happy-go-lucky. I’ve experienced too much first hand.

I’ll never be the perfect cook or housekeeper. I just won’t.

I’ll never perform the way anyone thinks I should. I have no desire to jump through “social norm” hoops.

Life has filed down my rounded edges into sharp corners with precise edging.

I can’t go back to being ignorant of pain and suffering.

I can’t heal the wounds others can’t see or make the invisible scars actually disappear for good.

I can’t become someone I have not been designed or conformed through life experiences to be. I can’t, and I won’t.

I am not my outer appearance.

I’m not my experiences.

I’m not maleable to people’s whims and wishes.

I am who God has made me to be, and who He continues to shape– as He kneads the mars and scars.

I am misunderstood and misread, as well as overlooked and undervalued.

Somedays I am only loved by God.

But– I am always loved by God, and that is what makes the difference to me.

I have demonstrated my love for others through acts of service in the past– serving my country, using my gifts and talents for the Body of Christ.

Right now I’m in a season of rest and retreat.

I’ve lived for 1/2 a century. I’ve seen and experienced so many things in those years, sometimes it overwhelms my heart, my mind and my spirit.

I’ve been looking for the miracles of God in people’s situations and lives. I’ve seen some in my life, in my circumstances, and God has caused my own life to do a 180 turn. Miracles are not always evident, but if you can catch just a glimpse of one, you are seeing the evidence of God in action.

I could chip away at the edges, but I’d be leaving off what God has carefully shaped. While that might please the well-roundeds, it would not please God.

So, I don’t mind being a squared person in a well-rounded world.

Because that’s the shape God has formed me into.


Caught In The Middle

I just caught a live sermon from Elevation Worship about transitioning. As I listened, it hit me– that’s what I’m going through!

I’m in such a weird place right now.

I don’t mean physically, or emotionally. Not really mentally– just in life in general.

I’m not young anymore, but not old. In my heart I feel maybe 15-20 years younger, but in my body I feel way older than I am. Maybe that’s part of that thing I was diagnosed of years ago.

Maybe not.

I’ve got two grown kids, and two at home. I’ve been a spouse and home educating mom for so many years now– much of that kind of isolated.

I think I’ve grown up now. Transitioning into a different mindset, a newly focused one– who did I grow up to become?

I’ve been defined by what I do for far too long now. I’m not satisfied with definitions and labels deciding who I am for me.

I’m caught in the middle of a transition.

And, sometimes that makes me a bit weepy. Sometimes I feel impatient for it to just be finished so I can step into the newness of being transformed into a better, wiser person.

Being caught in the middle feels chaotic, tumultuous– even ugly.

Looking through pictures to post here about transitioning, I found some interesting ones that helped me change my own perspective on being caught in the middle of a transition.

Like this dandelion caught in the middle of transitioning from a wildflower to seeds carried off by the wind.

Or the transition of day into night, with the sun captured, creating a breathtaking view– caught in the middle of the daily transition.

There is always a lot going on in the middle of a transition, but even if it feels awful, when we surrender our control– or lack of control– to God, He makes it a beautiful thing, with a beautiful change.

So, while I’m in this place that feels weird and lonely, often designated as the listener with nothing of value to say– God sees beauty in the process, and hopefully in me.

introspection, Uncategorized

Transformed By Transcendence

I used to hold the collateral damage in

Stuff it way down deep

Keep it out of sight

Like it was nothing but a junk heap.

I used to care about

What people thought

But then I woke up

I’m different– so what?

I’ve lived an intense life

There are depths I know

Created through strife

I’ve been embarassed to show.

When I began to embrace

The pain and emotions

The trials and the breaks

The personal notions–

I realized others were in need!

I could share what God’s done!

How He’s made that difference

I’m thankful He’s the Healing One.

You see, rejection and I

We go way back– years!

We’ve been intertwined

Tied with dread and fears.

I used to surrender

Just accept the defeat

Now my spirit is strengthened

I forced it to retreat.

Oh, it still pops up

Tries to drag me back down to submission

But I know it’s a lie

I know it’s a fake prison.

I walked away

And found my acceptance

I have risen above, no longer blind

Transformed by transcendence.

I’ve embraced my purpose

I accept it’s about more than just me

Others need my experience

To identify with their need.

My pain, my wounds

My steep pile of stuff

Belongs to other

Diamonds in the rough.

I don’t matter to many

It’s ok, I accept it

Those lives most affected

Are puzzles my life fits with.

My views are intense

I embrace pain till it runs it’s course

Ignoring it seals it in

Confronting it gets to the source.

I thought I had to apologize

For being more sensitive than most

Yet, I owe no person anything

Except to the encroached.

My life has been open

My story a book for the broken

No more apologies

My understanding is now awoken.

Reality Check

Challenging Narratives

Ephesians 2:8 “For by grace you have been saved through faith; and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God; 9 not as a result of works, so that no one may boast. 10 For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand so that we would walk in them.” NASV

My husband had a conversation with someone dear to us that has inspired me to work through some thoughts I’ve kind of held on to for awhile now. I say kind of, because I’ve shared them with him but no one else.

I want to talk about grace– actually– point out a lack of the narrative of grace.

Grace is the difference between Christianity and every other religious belief.

Grace is humbling. Grace removes our efforts from the act of Salvation.

Grace should be easy to demonstrate and practice, a relaxation of criticism and fault-finding. But, in reality, grace is tough.

Grace removes blame. Grace replaces pride and self importance.

Grace removes accusations of other Christians.

We have many, many, many excuses for why it’s not first and foremost in our mindset, actions and view of others.

We look at what others do and we jump to some pretty strong conclusions about them and the condition of their soul, because of their choices that we don’t agree with.

We judge the container of their soul and think we’re in the right.

Only Jesus Saves.

Not doing the “right” “approved” things.

Not going to every church service possible and exhausting ourselves while not being ministered to or admitting what our needs are.

Not having a perfect house.

Not only reading “accepted” books or playing “accepted” games.

We don’t lose our Salvation by watching movies or shows that have garbage in them.

Our part in the Salvation process is confessing with our mouth that Jesus is Lord and Savior, and believing in our heart that He died on the cross, was buried in a borrowed tomb, rose again on the third day, and He ascended into Heaven to wait for the time to return to rule and reign on earth for 1000 years. And then– go out and share the Gospel of peace and grace.

That is our part.

Jesus makes the changes to the desires of our hearts.

He is continuously perfecting us until His return.

Allow me to clarify: I’m not talking about outright sin. Some things are not in our best interest. Some things are stumbling blocks and we know what we need to avoid in order to have the best relationship with Jesus that we can– like we should also do with others.

Before every Christian there is a measure of grace.

Christians should be so full of grace that it coats every word and deed we do.

So– why isn’t the main narrative grace?

Which narrative will you fall for? Accuser of the brethren, or grace?

I want to choose grace.

How about you?

Strong Woman

Loved Of God, Called By God

“And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose.” Romans 8:28 NASV

As a child until young adulthood, I didn’t expect anything good to happen for me. When it did, I would brace myself for it to be ripped away from me, because then I wouldn’t feel disappointment– because I just “knew” *I* didn’t deserve good things like everyone else did.

I carried that belief with me until I made the decision to stop just letting things happen *to* me.

I had been rejected, abused, trash-talked and the butt of family member’s and some “friendsjokes my whole life. I was convinced I was stupid, good for nothing– worthless– because I was told I was by people I thought knew me best. I thought I had to believe them.

Someone even told me they wished I had never been born. Everyday it was confirmed that I “was just in the way.”

Inner wounds and scars are tricky things. People react with compassion and understanding to outer wounds and scars, but fail to recognize that some behaviors are more than likely the evidence of inner wounds, of deep scars only God Himself can see and heal.

And He does heal them.

This is what Romans 8:28 reminds me everytime I hear it. For me, it’s deeply personal.

It’s evidence of God reaching out for me– to me– because I’m not in the way of His plans and purposes– I am a part of them.

He took my life, and He repurposed it. He refashioned it, reshaped it into something He can use. He has taken all of my bads and made them into part of His continuous story within my life.

He takes all of the bad, and uses it to help others know that He is Jehovah Rapha– The Lord Who heals.

I used to worry that people said things to me because that was how God saw me, but the more I learn His Word, the more I can see He has always had compassion for me, has always accepted me. He carefully made me, and where abuse and rejection had trounced and marred me– He picked me up, reshaped me around all of those circumstances, and He reminds me that if those bad things hadn’t happened, I could never understand the depth of His love for me, and His forgiveness towards me. He helped me forgive those who have acted with selfish ambitions– with little or no concern for how it has affected me.

I still have “people trust” issues.

What I no longer have is God trust issues. He has proven Himself reliable.

Reality Check

Relationship Versus Wrongs

What do you focus on with your best friend? How about with your spouse or significant other? Your family?

Do you concentrate on what you have in common? Do you remember how they have wronged you?

Are you confident in how good things are, or are your thoughts consumed with how they just don’t measure up to your standards?

Do you tell others the positive things about them? Or do you feel justified in telling others about what you see as negative qualities?

Does how you treat them, how you talk about them to others, have any impact on that relationship?

How do they treat you, or talk about you? Does that affect how close you feel to them?

What does a healthy relationship even look like?

What about Jesus?

Do we focus on how Jesus has wronged us? How He just doesn’t meet (or mete) our standards? Do we tell everyone negative things about Jesus?

I’m pretty sure the answer is no to the last 3 questions. How do you even measure against His perfection?

So, let’s flip it around.

Does Jesus focus on how we have wronged Him? I think some people really believe He does, but Scripture tells us He throws our sins as far as the east is from the west. That there is no record of wrong.

Is He disappointed that we just don’t measure up to Him? I mean– who can, right? Scripture reminds us that Jesus is our strength, the Holy Spirit is both our Teacher and our Comforter, and that God is our Father. We have been adopted by Him, grafted into the vine of His family tree!

Does Jesus tell everyone the negative things He knows about us? No. Instead, He is our Mediator. He prays for us– He prayed for us all in the Garden of Gethsemane. He felt so much love and compassion, burdened so deeply for us then, that it caused Him to sweat His blood as He prayed! Who else has ever done that for even one of us?

And then– then He willingly died to become the final sacrifice to God, to pay for our failings, our inability to do right by God.

He became our Mediator– standing between God and the punishment for rebelling against God in our actions and in our hearts. He became our covering, the lens God now views us through.

If this is how much we are worth to Jesus, how much should we practice love, kindness, generosity– forgiveness– with our friends, spouses and loved ones?

The saying is, “You can’t pick your family.”

Jesus didn’t pick us– and yet He did! Our sins, our rebellion, against our Creator were the cause for Jesus to be abused and nailed to a cross to be murdered. There was no justification for Jesus to be killed, He did nothing wrong. We did! Jesus could have hated us all, instead. He could have focused on all we did wrong, and turned away with hatred and anger at us. He could have– but He did not. And God accepted His willingness to die the eternal death every one of us deserves. And because there was no sin found in Jesus, God raised Him back to life, and took Him up to sit next to Himself, at and as His righteous right hand. Jesus is God’s Right Hand man.

And Jesus, having done all of that for us, does not focus on what we did to cause Him to be murdered. No. Instead He has given His life to God, to help us be better. To strengthen us. To give us confidence. To free us from the death traps that have been set out for us by the enemy of God, the enemy of our souls. He sets us free as we trust in all He is, all He has done, and all that will come to pass.

Jesus has forgiven us. Jesus has forgotten our sins, all of our sins.

Shouldn’t we?

It’s no longer about sin– it’s about our relationship with Jesus.

Jesus paid it all!

All to Him I owe!

Sin had left a crimson stain,

He washed it white as snow!

The Past

My Shoes

Nobody says, “I wonder what it would be like to walk in their shoes?” about abused children.

No one daydreams about being yelled at, called names– or worse.

No one envies the child with the broken spirit, no one celebrates their choice to fight to survive.

One of the strongest memories of my dad was the time I walked into our living room and he just started yelling at me about how much he hated me, how I was just in the way– how he wished I were dead and had never been born.

I reacted to that, at first, by contemplating ways to take myself out of the way. Then– I called my best friend.

She helped me realize the best way to help myself would be to remove myself from the situation. So– I planned a vacation, where I could strengthen my will to continue to live.

I was in high school at the time. I planned for a two week vacation from my life. I took time off from my job, I arranged for a place to stay, and I told no one except the person I stayed with where I would be.

That saved my life.

It was inconvenient for others, I know. Some worried– and they should have. They should have been worried more about my state of mind before I took my time-out, than the fact that I left.

I only used a week of that planned two weeks.

I was introduced to a life I had never known before that, but it was just enough to realize– that also was not the kind of life I wanted to live.

I woke up to some harsh realities, and I walked away from some permanent options that would have become permanent mistakes– had I chosen to take them.

I had always had a secret life of envying others who had dads that were loving, kind, and healthy. Dads who’s hugs were not dangerous, where insults were not the “norm”– ones that cherished their daughters.

My dad, he had a rough childhood. He probably had a secret envy life, as well.

I forgave my dad for his failings, years ago.

I made sure my own children had what I envied of others (God made sure too) because I knew what I had missed. I don’t blame my mom for my dad’s issues. It’s never been her fault.

I love my friends who have had wonderful, nurturing and healthy relationships with their fathers. But, it’s like bumping an unseen bruise to know that that’s something I will never get to know firsthand.

I’m old enough that I’ve forgotten many things I’ve experienced. That ache at what I was robbed of is always there, though, silently throbbing under the surface.

I’m so very happy for others, but my heart silently envies and daydreams about what their lives must have been like.

I’ve attempted to try on their shoes, but my callouses and bruises keep them from fitting comfortably, I’ve never been able to walk in them.

I’ve heard more often than I can count, that God is my Father. True– He is. He is a good father.

As awesome as God is, I still have a lack in my heart for a loving, mentally healthy, earthly dad. That’s my reality. Acceptance from God has been more healing than anything anyone could offer. This is why more mentally healthy, accountable-to-others, Christian men need to step up inside the church. There are people of all ages missing healthy relationships. We are so quick to just expect God to mysteriously fill every void and heal every affliction, when God gave us to one another.

Jesus made sure his own mother had someone to step in to fill the void He was leaving. What an amazing example of compassion and understanding! We lack nurturing, healthy relationships inside our church families. Our own members are hurting from devastating wounds and circumstances, and we busy ourselves with programs, not recognizing the deep needs right in front of us.

God help us to be what our own family-in-Christ needs us to be– what You call us to be.

God has given us shoes to wear. Shoes of the Gospel of Peace. Shouldn’t we wear them at all times, starting inside the Church? And if we don’t wear them there, if we take Abaraham’s burning bush approach and take them off on Holy Ground– Jesus made it abundantly clear the need to wash one another’s feet.

In other words– we need to look after one-another, with the same intimacy as close, healthy, loving family.

We need to get this right so we can effectively affect and reach the world around us with God’s gift of Hope, Love, and relationship with Him through Jesus.

Walking With God

Worship– What Exactly Is It?

We’ve all been there:

Cue music:

Oh, I love this song! I wonder if my hair looks ok? Did I brush my teeth? Oooh, my voice sounds so good today, I’ll sing louder!

How much thought do we give to God, really? Everytime? Do we pay attention to the words we sing?

Are we really worshiping God through music and singing?

As a worshiper, these are things that have been stirring up contemplation in my own heart lately.

The Bible tells us to worship Him in spirit and in truth. It tells us to exhort one another with psalms, hymns and spiritual songs and sing to God with gratitude.

I looked at 71 Bible verses about worship, and out of all of those verses about 10 mention singing.

Not one mentions music.

Am I saying worshiping God with music is bad? Absolutely not– I believe it is genius!

But, what I am saying is– worship and praise are not music. They can be done with music, with singing, but music is not the definition.

I wonder how God sees what we do in our churches we call His house? Does it really honor Him? Does He approve? Does He even like it?

Or, does He see that really, we are doing it for ourselves, at least, sometimes, and only think it satisfies God?

Or, maybe we are missing that whole worhip Him in spirit and in truth, completely.

How do we worship God in spirit and in truth? What would that look like to God? Do we even try to worship Him outside of the music sets and practice times?

What does worship mean?

What does praise mean?

I do believe we all come to a point in our walk with Jesus where these questions burn into our spirit. We think we know, but–

Do we really?

May God grant us understanding, a willingness to learn, along with eyes and ears to hear and see what we might not already, clearly.

Don’t stop the music and singing. Let’s just do a heart and understanding check to see if we are missing something.

An Honest Perspective


Today is my birthday. I’m ?? years old– my Grandma always said “A lady never reveals her age.”

I’m feeling like– I made it! I survived! I feel a kind of rejunenation today.

Also tired.

I’m leaving an era behind me. My husband just retired from the military, and we’re moving into a new phase that I think we are both pretty excited about. I wish I had the same energy I had in my youth to do cartwheels and cheers. My mind is full of energy, but my body is on a whole other plateau.

My husband and I get to enjoy the fruits of our labor now– or soon, anyway. There are always hurdles and obstacles in our course. We’ve learned to weather some big, strongs storms– natural and figurative.

I find myself taking some serious deep breaths. I can let go of some of the heavy things I’ve carried over the years. I can let out that mental breath I’ve held for over 20 years as my husband was sent away from us for months at a time, waiting to find out the unknown, not anticipating the unexpected. I can start thinking about plans I’d like to make that we won’t have to change at the last minute.

I can start thinking about things I want to do.

That’s hard.

I’ve been mom, and military spouse for so long, I’ve tied most of my own interests into my family. My relationships with my kids and my husband have taken most of my energy and planning.

I have a new stage ahead of me that I get to set. I get to explore new things to find what I want to put on it.

I get to relearn, maybe even remake, who I am.

I’m still wife, mother and homeschool/violin teacher. But, now I can look around and add some other things that I want to. I’m not limited to what’s chosen for me, my plans aren’t laid out for me, I have a plethora options I didn’t have the freedom to choose before.

I have the benefit of hindsight, and the excitement of foresight.

I have so much to be thankful for to God, my husband and the military.

I haven’t felt a physical joy in a long time. It feels almost foreign to me as I feel it now– almost like that part of me is thawing out.

I’m genuinely looking forward to the next ?? years that God grants me to live.

Also– I have birthday pancakes made for me by one of my boys.

Life is good.


Strength Of Endurance

God made me to be strong.

I’m not as physically strong as I once was, but emotionally He helps to keep me strong. He helps me exercise my emotional muscles through daily circumstances, and special circumstances that both test and increase that strength.

God designed me to be able to carry a lot.

When I look around, it sure appears that my load is much heavier than others– but I’m not a good judge of what others bear.

Often, while I am preoccupied with carrying my own stuff, He brings people to me that need help carrying their stuff too. Once in awhile, I am overwhelmed by the extreme weight of my own stuff, but often I’m distracted by the need other people have that God chooses to entrust me with to help them carry.

Today, I waver through feeling the heaviness of so many things, and remembering I am not alone in this life task. God is with me. Where He guides, He provides. Today I am reminded that His provision means that He is carrying me. I’m not going to break, because He has my back. He keeps my emotional state in balance, in check.

He does that, even when I don’t think to ask Him to, even when I don’t realize He is.

My path has been paved– carefully, lovingly, with His patience, His endurance, with His peace that defies all worldly understanding.

Today I am weak. He– in me– is strong.


More Than A Glimpse

To catch just a glimpse of what God is doing in the earth is an amazing privilege! He is busy, changing hearts and minds. He is actively working to bring about unity, undermining the enemies of humanity and of Himself, at every turn.

He is constantly aware of every heart’s cry, every tear shed behind closed doors.

He knows.

He sees.

He cares– more deeply than we could ever *get*.

When we are hurting, He gives us His comfort.

When we are lonely, He keeps His listening ears attentive.

When we are distracted, He is not.

We are the tallest trees in the forest.

He sees us.

He sees us.

More than just a glimpse.

He hears us.

He hears us.

More than just a slight whisper.

He is with us.


He provides for us.

He is our Maker, our Creator, our amazing Designer.

He’s taken great care and detail in all He put into our uniqueness.

He made us for Himself.

Sometimes others appreciate how He made us. Sometimes they do not.

God always admires His handiwork. He always admires His creativity and detail within us.

He always loves us.

If only we could catch a glimpse of Him admiring and adoring us, we would forever understand–

He will Never forsake us. Because we belong to Him. When we knock on the door, it is opened– and never closed on us. When we confess with our mouth that He is Lord– we are acknowledging what will never be changed. When we believe in our hearts that He died, was resurected after 3 days, and walked again with those who followed Him– and then He was taken up to Heaven to sit at God’s Right Hand, we believe eternal truth. He said He would be going to make a place for us. There is a place for us with Him in eternity, as His children. He made that for us. He’s put so much thought and effort into us.

How much have we put into Him?

“Jesus Loves Me, This I Know

For The Bible Tells Me So

Little Ones To Him Belong

They Are Weak, But He Is Strong

Yes Jesus Loves me

Yes Jesus Loves me

Yes Jesus Loves Me

The Bible Tells Me So.”

To catch a glimpse of what God sees– we would see our reflection in His eyes.

introspection, Walking With God


One strand

One life


With other lives

Intersecting with strangers

New strands



To the eye it looks random

Like a bunch of tangled, messy strings

Being brought to order

Composing a theme

One step at a time

One stitch purposely sewn

A picture emerges

The goal’s being shown

As it progresses

The outcome’s unknown

Images are messy

Haphazard, disjointed– monotone

The longer the strand is

Woven in and out

The motivation’s

Revealed throughout

At times it looks abstract

Like Van Goph tried…

But if I look closely

If I squint my eyes…

Is it Jesus in the center?

Or me that I see?

I hope to weave Jesus

Into people I meet

“The Spirit of the Lord is on me, because he has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind, to set the oppressed free, to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor.” Luke 4:18-19 (NIV)

Strong Woman, What life has taught me


Have you ever told the truth, then had to try to prove you were telling the truth, about something that no one wanted to believe?

I have.

Have you ever been called a liar by people who knew you were telling the truth, to others who did not? And the others not only believed you were lying, they punished and rejected you because of it?

I have.

Have you ever had your character slandered, purposefully, just to protect the actions of someone else?

I have.

I know, beyond any shadow of doubt, with a passionate fire in my bones– I know President Trump has been put into that situation a million times worse than I experienced.

I hated being put in that position.

I despise with every fiber of my being what is being done to President Trump’s character and his family.

I’m not talking about his past life of bad decisions and unChristian choices.

I’m talking about now. How he has stepped up to do what no other President has ever done, by listening to the concerns of people, like myself, who have been shut down and ignored for years, decades– for some of us our entire years of understanding.

I am deeply grieved that so many will not simply take a step back and see what is actually happening. The slander of the media, the political attacks from all sides against President Trump and his family.

I am even more grieved that Christians cannot accept or recognize where God is working through the actions of this President and his administration.

People are being set free– in record numbers– from human trafficking.

Most of those people are children and women– the two groups the opposing party claims to “champion”.

I had to write this, because I am so deeply troubled by a lack of compassion and ability to see God through the smoke and mirrors people opposing this man and his prayerful, praying choices are constantly tainted and painted with.

Please– wake up. Ask God what the truth is, because He will show you.

I may not have accurate knowledge of everything– and I don’t– but I firmly believe at the heart of President Trump is a man who simply wants to fix what Americans cannot fix, for Americans.

He has the vision God gave to our Founding Fathers.

If you truly trust God, you will learn through His Spirit that you can trust President Trump.

He needs our prayers and our support.

Regardless of your belief about him, as Christians we all need to be praying, unbiased, that God’s Will and Purposes be accomplished through him and his administration, and for his and their continued protection.

Pray that those mountains of obstacles be removed from the path God wants President Trump to plow through.

Don’t pray for him to fail– that is not God’s Will.

God is blessing our Nation through President Trump– like He blessed mankind through imperfect King David and his bloodline.

Please– ask God to show you the truth in all that is happening.

“Call unto me and I will answer you and I will show you great and marvelous things you do not know.” Jeremiah 33:3

As Christians, all of us need to seek Him for the truth. Because if we don’t– we may be allowing ourselves to get caught up in a snare of lies and deception. And that’s on all sides of the political spectrum! God wants us to dwell in the truth— at all times. Not in our opinions or our fears that we may be wrong if we decide to believe what others say.

I was telling the truth.

Others chose to believe I was lying.

I was defensless.

I was punished and rejected.

I recognize the fruit of this pattern happening now with President Trump.

My spirit bears witness with his.

Trump deserves to be treated with Grace by every Christian.

I hope you will seek God with all you have, surrendering your opinions and your prejudices, and let God wash your understanding with the truth.

Because– He will.

Reality Check


Home- Chris Tomlin

As a kid, when my Grandma yelled “Kids! Dinner!”, I stopped what I was doing, dropped everything, turned towards her voice and house, and raced home as fast as my legs would move me.

Before that, I was so involved in whatever I was doing or playing like “ice cream truck” with my tricycle upside down and the pedals spinning, (not sure how exactly that made it an ice cream truck, but– it was the best game to play!), or burying m&m’s and pennies hoping for very special trees to grow quickly– nothing else mattered!

Important things, right?

As I Watched the video linked above, I had this mental picture of Jesus in the distance, and then of me just freed from wrist shackles– throwing off the weight of the world that ties me to this place, taking off at a full dead-on run, pushing my legs hard to get to Jesus.

All those things I’ve been focused on asking for God to bring His Kingdom here on earth– Jesus is His Kingdom.

Jesus is His promise.

There is no one else I want to be as close to as possible, besides my husband– and even he takes a backseat to my Jesus. My Rescuer. My Holy Hero.

There is some ugliness in the world that is not going to let the healing, transformative Light and Life of Jesus into it. Ever. It will burn in that lake of fire with the enemy of God and our souls.

I want to be as close to Jesus as I possibly can be. Here on earth, in Heaven. Everywhere.

This song has reminded my spirit. There is nothing more important than closeness with Jesus.


No matter where I am, when I am close with Jesus– I am Home.

“Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I fear no evil, for You are with me; Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me.” Psalm 23:4 NASB

His rod and staff can only comfort me when I am close to Him. This Psalm is a picture of walking close to Jesus.

Purpose of Church

Believer’s Meeting

9:00 am, Sunday morning eyes close, hearts open– cue the perfect opening song, chosen because it’s upbeat, uplifting, and it gets the blood pumping. Energy surges. Those who practice loudly in their cars are ready to join in corporate Praise and Worship of Jesus, right?

Except, “I” and “me” are used far more often than His name.

It’s all about You, Jesus and how much You have done for me, how much I have been changed, how much You love me, how You’ve made a way for me…”

Song one finishes. Cue songs 2 and 3, in similar keys and subject so they can flow into each other smoothly. Hearts and minds are focused on all Jesus has done for “me“.

Cue song 4 for the offering, something catchy and convicting to encourage Believers to give to God freely…

Song 5 helps transition right into the sermon, getting hearts and minds prepared to receive the Word of the Lord and the Preacher’s sermon.

The sermon is deep, convicting, full of Truth and equipping Believers to make it through another week until it can all start over again.

A closing song extending the sermon message, inviting people to let down their personal guard so they can receive personal ministry to help them overcome the things holding them back, keeping them from fully embracing Jesus, God’s healing and deliverance…

And… we’re done.

It’s a set, a church service proven to be a smooth and embraceable formula that the majority of American Church models follow now.

What’s the fruit? Happy people, a love for deep, powerful music, a new determined focus to meet the challenges and difficulties of a week focused around “me”.

Mid-week, there used to be Wednesday night Believer’s Meetings to help get us past the dragging down of our spirits, and re-focus in putting Jesus first and foremost in hearts and minds. It seems many churches have instead poured their entire focus on that Sunday morning gathering. Which is fine, Wednesday night sometimes just adds into another thing that keeps us busy and exhausted.

Which songs in church help equip Believers in how to treat others? How many prepare Believers for interacting with those hurting, abused, or abusive outside of the Church bubble?

What church service songs encourage us to help rescue others from the spiritual muck and mire that acts like quicksand, holding and pulling people farther from freedom through Jesus.

We hear the words “help the dying and lost” so often, we’ve gotten numb to their meaning and impact.

The world that has not embraced the Salvation, Grace and Mercy of God through Jesus– it’s not a friendly, warm place. There are people who hate Christians, hate everything about God. Are we ever prepared to walk in the empowerment of God to not only deal with people that hate us, but also show them Jesus?

We lack transformative power, most often, because I believe we are stuck in a “me me me” rut.

Me filters everything– how does this song minister to me? How does this affect me?

All fingers are pointed at me. I’ve recently been confronted with my own boundaries of keeping the ugliness of the world out of my perception and eyesight-hearing range.

Choosing what I allow my understanding to be exposed to is a luxury.

The hurting, lost and spiritually dying don’t have that luxury. They don’t have Jesus, the necessity for us all, to protect them, to shield them, to deliver them from the cold, dark world of animosity towards all God has created– which includes them.

I had forgotten where I had come from. But– God reminded me. How can I not go back and help others ? Did Jesus rescue me so that I could become cold-hearted towards others who need Him to rescue them as well?

Jesus told us to go, share the Good News with the world that hates Him, and by proxy– hates us. Share the Good News that they don’t have to serve hatred any longer, they can have His free gift of Eternal Salvation. Before meeting Jesus, after allowing Jesus to give freedom is like night and day. It’s like shackles and freedom, caged and free, oppressed and… free.


No price.

No bondage.

No entrapment.


Mind-blowing, am I right? The human mind cannot even fathom what that means, and so many reject it because it sounds far-fetched and unbelievable.

We need God to empower us to demonstrate that reality of Jesus.

Where does the neat and tidy American church service infuse that empowerment?

We will never find that power on our own, within ourselves, to reach out to a torture victim. Because they do exist– in America.

How can we help rescue someone’s mind who has been trapped in human slavery– because, again, that exists inside of America.

Jesus left Heaven to be born as a human to walk with us, so He could rescue us– heart, mind and soul. Not just our soul. Not just physical and heart healing.

Our minds.

Our emotions.

He came to set the captives free.

Where are we most held captive?

In our minds.

How can we ever be ready to help people get free from the ugly hatred of the world if we stay focused on “what Jesus has done for me? Those trapped don’t care what He has done for me. They need Him to help them, and they need us to stand in the gap while He sets them free.

“For God did not send the Son into the world to judge the world, but that the world might be saved through Him.” John 3:17 (NASB)

“So if the Son makes you free, you will be free indeed.” John 8:36

Reality Check

There Will Be Weeping And Gnashing Of Teeth

My stomach has been in knots lately. I avoid the “ugly” online, as much as possible. What I’ve recently seen– I can’t unsee it. I didn’t look for it, but I was still confronted by it.

It’s a reality that I can’t hide my understanding from any longer. And now I realize, I cannot pray effectively if I hide my head in the “positives” that make me feel safe and happy.

Some have had their safety and happiness stolen away from them.

Whether you follow the recent “conspiracies” or you just struggle through your day-to-day life, God is unchanging. He is unmoved from His position.

What is His position, you might ask?






And– when necessary– Vengeance.

Why am I writing about this now?

Even those who don’t turn to God through the Salvation of Jesus recognize that– for some– there is a need for Justice, and even want Vengeance.

We Christians often talk about the Love of God and all those “feel good”, “warm fuzzy” things. It’s time we start recognizing there will, soon I believe, be a time God will execute His Vengeance.

I can’t even bring myself to say for those who deserve it. Because I know, if not for Jesus, we all would be in danger of it. It will be worse than the most awful thing anyone could contrive in their imagination.

“Never take your own revenge, beloved, but leave room for the wrath of God, for it is written, “VENGEANCE IS MINE, I WILL REPAY,” says the Lord.” Romans 12:19 NASB

I’ve heard of and seen some things that should just never be.

When those people– and I believe He has them in His sights– refuse to turn to Him, convinced they don’t need Him– when Repentance, Grace and Mercy are rejected, what is left?

God sees all, knows all, is everywhere at once. Nothing, no thing, is hidden from Him. He knows our thoughts. He sees us when we wake up and when we go to sleep.

It’s important for those who Trust in Him to walk in forgiveness of others and trust Him for His timing and choice in the execution of His Vengeance.

His Wrath will be seen– soon. There is no rock to hide under, no cave that is deep enough, no place in space or the air that is out of His reach. The Creator of all the Universes is greater, more powerful than everything combined. He sees into those dark places most of us do not want to look at or acknowledge.

He knows.

I pray He grants Repentance to those who are in His sight for Vengeance.

The Wrath of God is a terrible thing! Those who may very well experience that, they have no idea what is coming. No person or group of people, or event can stop it or soften it’s blow.

Repent now, seek God while He May be found! The Lord is slow to anger, quick to listen to a sincerely reverent repentant heart. Will some of them repent?

His anger has been building up slowly for some time now.

They may not believe in Him, but their unbelief cannot protect them.

Only Jesus can protect them.

“It is a terrifying thing to fall into the hands of the living God.” Hebrews 10:31 NASB

We should be praying God gives those doing wicked in His sight, ears to hear and eyes to see what the Lord would say to them.

As much as I want to hate those who are purposefully involved in the ugliest of evil– I am afraid for them. Their arrogance and pride will melt away as nothing.

If only they would repent and be sincerely Saved. Not saved from their actions. Their souls rescued for Eternity, while they are held accountable to humanity.

I can say it is well with my soul. Yes, I feel a seething anger, and I know God’s judgement has to come. I can hate the actions and words of some, but I can never rejoice that the wrath of God will be like an angry lion ripping apart its prey. Hell was not made for people, and I hate that some will be tricked into it.

No one who is living has gone too far away from Salvation.

It Is Well


Wound’s Protector— The Scar

I’ve mentioned a few times that I have scars on my scalp from a “friendly” domesticated adolescent cougar “playing” with my head as his chew toy. I’m thinking about that today because they hurt. Kinda bad.

So that got me to thinking– if my physical scars hurt so badly at times, what about those deep emotional scars? Sure I’ve gone through all those rituals of forgiveness, repentance for my part in some things, and trust in God for healing. And He has healed me– so much! (I’ve even felt Him heal my esophagus as I praised Him through singing– what an amazing, warm, wonderful feeling that was!) I wouldn’t be married again if God had not done major surgery on my mind and my heart. We just celebrated 20 awe-inspiring years!

Those of us operating in the American mindset think we have everything all figured out. We put things in neatly labeled boxes, organized by category, decorated prettily with descriptions, definitions and diagnosis.

But what if we’re wrong?

What if we take a box out of the organized line-up, sort through it and realize it really isn’t the way we believed it to be?

What if emotional pain is not always as explained? What if it’s the manifestation of pain from emotional scarring?

The tough thing about emotional scars is no one can see them. Only the person who lived the experience can feel and remember.

Incidentally– that’s exactly the experience of Christianity. Only the person who has experienced Divine interactions can feel them and experience their reality. That does not invalidate that person or experience, just like it does not invalidate one who has emotional scars. The experiences did happen, they did have an impact on the person they happened to. Jesus did Save the Christian, His actions and the Holy Spirit interactions continuously impact the Believer, though it’s deeply personal.

Do emotions exist? Do memories represent past experiences? Does pain from emotional wounds and scars ever manifest in our reactions, responses, emotions and beliefs?

I think maybe the “professionals” are really just guessing– and maybe they have guessed wrong in some things.

Maybe we look at mental health the wrong way. I don’t think PHD’s have all the answers because I don’t think they have been asking the right questions– many times they are just masking the symptoms, not getting to the core and root of what they diagnose– not looking for a healing solution.

Only God has all the answers, only God knows all things, sees all things and understands the “why” of all things. He has promised in His Word that we can call all to Him and He will answer us– He’ll show us great things we don’t know. Do we believe that?

I think I do. Sometimes. When we step away from the bindings of what has been explained to us with human understanding, and seek Divine understanding, God will show us, Jesus sent us the Holy Spirit to teach us, to comfort us, to empower us.

How much of that have we stepped out in faith to embrace?

We cling to our diagnosis, definitions and descriptions as though those have life for us. The One Who holds all knowledge is life. My desire is to cling to Him.

I fall short.

Do my emotional scars manifest sadness through their pain? Anger? A desire to be comforted? A lack of trust in others?

I honestly think maybe they do. Maybe that’s part of their intended function as God has designed them to protect where we once were wounded.

God's Heart

Hello Plank, How’d You Get In My Eye?

I have a view. An opinion. About everything. I have a view about that opinion I have of everything— I’m right. Of course I’m right! Can’t you see that? What do you mean you look at things differently? There’s only one way to see things– my way!

I think if we’re all honest, we’ve fit that description at least at some point in our lives. The one where we measure everything against our own perspective, and toss away everything that doesn’t line up.

When I’m sitting in a movie theater, and a tall person sits in front of me, I adjust so I can look around them to see the screen, or I change seats. When I’m driving somewhere and there is road construction, I find a way around it.

When I have an opinion about something, or a judgement– a plank– I look around the log in my eye instead of directly at it. I don’t recognize it as a log, or an obstacle in my view. I accept it as part of the reality I “see”. I make excuses for it being there– “That’s just the way I am…”

God is doing something in me. It feels kind of weird, I’m seeing people different than I ever have.

Tonight I met unfiltered guy. I saw the speck in his eye. Then God showed me the log in mine.

God’s Word clearly tells us to come to Him as we are. As we are. Not “clean yourself up, behave with societal ‘normal’ behavior– you know– fit in perfectly!” Nope.

Come as you are.
















____________. (fill in the blank)

“Come as you are.”

“Those who are weary will find rest.”

“Those who are hungry will be fed.”

“You who are lost will be found.”

“The hurting will find comfort.”



you are…

If God extends that to everyone, shouldn’t we as well?

God can handle it. With God working through us, so can we.

Christian Thoughts, Walking With God

Being Mary In A Martha World

I’m a worshiper. Most often, when I am able and there is a place and opportunity for me, I join the Worship or Praise team of a local church or chapel. We’ve moved quite a bit, or we’ve moved on when we find a church no longer is a good fit for us and our family needs. Right now my husband is stepping in to cover for Worship leaders and pianists that are taking a summer break with travel. Our current chapel service that we feel most fits us doesn’t have need for our usual talents and skills very often, so we both find ourselves in a kind of new situation.

As a home educating mom, in the past I have hit the “your kids use the nursery or classrooms, so you need to volunteer” in a head-on collision quite a few times. Many times I’ve responded by not using those things at all and teaching my children how to behave and participate in the praise and worship while I play my violin or sing.

The problem came in when someone got upset because I was playing violin and not rocking babies. This hasn’t been an issue for me in quite sometime– mostly because my kids aren’t nursery babies any longer, but I find I still have a tough time dealing with attitudes about me not serving the way someone else thinks I need to step up and do.

First of all– I am not 25. I have the energy of someone 20 years older than I actually am, and I live with limiting circumstances in a community that often just doesn’t “get” that. It takes everything I have to play my violin in Worship, some days.

Here’s a conversation I can imagine having:

Me— I’m here.

Church— what do you have of value that you can give to me?

Me— I have nothing of value in me right now, I’ve given all of myself to worshiping God.

Church— I’ll talk to you when you have something to give me that is worthy of my time.

I’ve had work supervisors that would get on me about not standing around, always looking busy. I’ve attended churches that treated me the same. If I “stand around” and don’t exhaust myself volunteering for every opportunity to serve, my value drops.

Can the Church please stop acting like the world?

Programs and outreaches are nice and often helpful. But sometimes they aren’t the necessary things they are presented as being. Church members are often exhausted, which causes dysfunction. Or maybe, a shifting of focus could help assuage those that do need ministry focus inside of the church body.

Many times programs, outreaches and ministries are started and run with good intentions but not necessarily at the leading of the Holy Spirit.

People in the Church have needs not being met. We are often encouraged and prompted to “give of ourselves”, but we need to be given to, we need healing, healthy relationships– we need kindness shown to us all just because and not because of something.

God made us to need one another.

This isn’t the big issue it’s been for me in the past. I’ve learned my own limits to avoid unnecessary exhaustion, as well as how to say no.

I want to be about the Father’s business. I want to worship at His feet, to rest in His Presence, to be a drawing force for others to enter into His healing, comforting Presence.

I am a Mary in a Martha world.

An Honest Perspective

Don’t Forsake The Assembling Of ‘Ourselves’ Together



Hebrews 10:25.

How many times I’ve heard that– especially when I’ve missed a service at some churches. I’ve lost count!

I’ve exhausted and frustrated myself trying to jump through those hoops that lead to acceptance.

What about when the assembly forsakes it’s own members?

Like me.

When my health started to betray me, and I was going through some honestly scary stuff– where was that assembly then?

Not rallied around me, listening, praying and cheering me on with encouragement.

No. It was silent.

Unless I asked for prayer. Then– it prayed, maybe laid hands on me too– and then it went back to whatever else was going on, and silence for me again.

And let me tell you– I have had need of encouragement!

When I was struggling as a kid and teen with things I couldn’t tell anyone about, I needed that assembly.

When I nearly died, a few times, that assembly has been nowhere around.

When it was up to me to forgive some deeply serious and scarring offenses so I could be free to move on with my life and follow God’s path for me, where was that assembly?

When my dad passed away, and I was numb because our relationship was so screwed up, I needed the assembly.

How thankful I am that I have that close relationship with my Redeemer. He has always given me exactly what I need, when I need it.

But– God made us to need others. The Church isn’t supposed to be like a game of jump-rope where you just jump in and hope you don’t mess up the rhythm or get hit or tripped-up by the ropes. There is supposed to be a mutual-ness to it. Not a sizing-up, or a dressing-down. It’s not one-size-fits-all, and yet it’s supposed to be all for people.

The safest place on earth.

That’s what Church is supposed to be.

I always thought it was like a hospital for the sick, a resting place for the weary, and a nurturing place for neglected outcasts. Welcoming and warm…

I’ve struggled my whole life with fitting in, or feeling like I fit in. We all have our family issues and personality quirks, along with unrealistic expectations.

But when, as a kid, I heard several congregations singing about being “The Family of God”, my mind formed certain expectations that I honestly haven’t felt are unrealistic.

I see others laughing, spending time together, helping one another out. I’ve watched from the outer courts on so many occasions, like the envious little girl watching the big kids skillfully turn the jump ropes while the confident kids jump in and sing rhymes timed with fancy footwork.

So when I heard the song about being family– well– I’ve been looking for the evidence of that.

I’ve wanted to find one where there is a healthy father- figure for me, one where the women are not competitive, judge-mental, or seem to actually ignore and look past me.

I am so tired of the Church acting like the world. Or worse.

I want to find that true Family of God.

One where the assembly does not forsake me.

One where God doesn’t speak to my spirit to tell me the Pastor is my enemy, not my friend.

This is what is on my heart and mind today.


When I Was A Young Lass


I’m getting older. I can’t deny it. I can stop counting years when I celebrate my birthdays, but I can’t stop aging– as much as I’d like to freeze a few years at a time. And, to make things even trickier– my birthdays happen so much faster than they used to!

My birthday was a few months ago, but it’s really just hitting me now– crap! I’m a year older, again! My mind feels 20 and my body is somewhere in the waaaay-older-than-that range.

I’m at a stage where I tend to reflect back over my life, remembering what I was like when I was younger. I don’t wish I were there again, and I’m realizing I’m not even the same person I was.

For starters, I’m a mom now of kids ranging from age 7 to age 19, with my oldest being a much more beautiful and just as stubborn version of someone much like I was– but way better than I ever was.

If I were to wish for any part of who I was to be part of who I am now, it would be the endless energy I had! I’m tired now– all the time! I was designed by God to be a survivor, fighting my way through difficulties and challenges that I do not miss. I had so much energy, so much motivation to be the best version of me I could be.

I’m not the same person that I was in my younger years. Each experience and phase I’ve passed through has been evolving me in metamorphosis that happens so slowly, so deceptively simple yet intricately detailed, I can’t catch it with my eyes. Except in hindsight. Only through the rear-view of my life, rewinding the years and events through my memory.

I went through years of self-hatred, believing the things perfunctory and critical people, who’s opinions I valued as much as I value the air I breathe and the water I drink, said to me and about me. For many years I heard the words my dad said to me, and they guided me into relationships where I believed them so deeply, I allowed others to be abusive because I didn’t believe I deserved better than that. Then I would have a moment of waking up, realizing that things didn’t have to be that way at all. I didn’t have to let myself be bullied, harassed or abused.

I was evolving into an independent woman who was learning her self-worth came from my opinion of myself, and the opinions of others did not shape me or choose my path for me.

Ultimately my God’s opinion of me pulled me out of some very dark places mentally and physically– certainly spiritually. He views me far differently than any human, and not at all like my dad did.

So– as I reflect back over my youth, and covet the energy I used to have, I wouldn’t want to change the path I’ve been on. There are situations and circumstances– and people– I do wish I could have avoided. But they helped propel me in many cases in the direction I followed, which led me onto the path I now walk with Jesus.

Forward is now where I need to set my view, with Jesus being the window I look through. I believe our world is speeding up to the end, that Jesus will be returning, and I need to get myself ready.

Now, instead of looking back over my younger days, I will focus on the child-like faith Jesus told us we need to have. I don’t have to give up youth, it’s just evolved into a different form now.

Mark 10:13-16 (NLT)

One day some parents brought their children to Jesus so he could touch and bless them. But the disciples scolded the parents for bothering him. When Jesus saw what was happening, he was angry with his disciples. He said to them, “Let the children come to me. Don’t stop them! For the Kingdom of God belongs to those who are like these children. I tell you the truth, anyone who doesn’t receive the Kingdom of God like a child will never enter it.” Then he took the children in his arms and placed his hands on their heads and blessed them.

Reality Check


Usually I make myself available for others to talk with, to help with their online businesses, to help their friends with their online businesses…

It’s rarely convenient for me. But I value people and sincerely want to help others succeed.

I’m seeing how little that is actually valued beyond the moment it happens, so I’m stopping that part of my friendship offering.

If I kept a journal of friends and family seeking me out first to talk with and spend time with because they genuinely enjoy my company, because they take an interest in what I am interested in– it would be full of blank pages.

I have become that person that is an afterthought to everyone. I’m the convenient one to ask to buy things, or help get someone through some sort of a bind– as long as I don’t ask for the same in return.

I’m the person who has no value outside of political opinions. And if mine don’t match yours– I am valueless.

I’m the mom expected to help in the nursery or with the kids at church often, to pay my “dues” since I have kids– and if I don’t, I’m the mom everyone gets upset with.

I have been a giving person because I want to be. I can’t remember the last time I was given to. I rarely ask for advice or help– especially when I need it, because I already know I will be hard-pressed to find it.

I often say yes just because I know too well how it feels to be told no.


Now it’s going to be no.

No more helping online parties. No more sacrificing sleep to listen and be there for someone across the world. No more taking up someone else’s interests just to spend time with them.

I am right now feeling exactly how empty giving of myself has made me.

I am now unavailable. I doubt it will be noticed or that I will be missed.

Someday God will also be unavailable. Seek Him while He May be found– because instead you may find Him unavailable and at that point it will be too late.

3 fingers pointing back at myself at that reminder.

Walking With God, What life has taught me

One Size Fits… Um No

I confess– I have a tendency to be a serial unasked-for advice giver. I can’t help it. I know others can glean from my experience-gained wisdom. Right?

Except that’s never how it’s taken.

If I’m honest, it’s also not how I take it from others, either, even though I try to be polite and respectful.

The old cliche’ about judging a book by its cover fits here well. How often do we hear or read something someone says and opine that we know the solution to their problem? After all– it worked for us, so it will work 1000000% for all– right?

Well, no. It won’t.

Nothing about me or my life is ever a one-size-fits-all fit.

Even Scripture is not a one-size-fits-all life application. I mean– it is– but it applies in endless ways. Some Scripture is the same for everyone. Like John 3:16-17. And most Scripture will help us achieve the same outcome as others, but it applies individually and uniquely over every life it touches.

Because it’s the Living Word of God.

It’s not a one-size-fits-most bandaid or covering. It’s the healing/repair balm uniquely designed to fit our specific needs.

God’s Word is not reactionary to us, it’s designed for us to respond to it.

Unlike our random acts of unasked-for advice-giving.

I have so much more to learn about letting God love others through me.

His ways are so much better than mine.

Reality Check

I’m A Mom

Maybe you can relate–

Do you know who I have to talk to on a daily basis? My kids— one who can on occasion be opinionated while challenging everything I say– makes me feel like I’m the stupidest person on earth because I never know what I am talking about. I have my husband, but he gets busy or involved with his own stuff and doesn’t always even hear me. He tries, but he can’t stop doing his own stuff just because I want someone to talk with and do things with.

Some days it would be nice if I had a friend who didn’t stop talking to me when I start talking about me. Who’s there for *me*, not just me for them. I don’t need problem-solving or advice, I don’t need to be ignored until it’s convenient to talk because something is needed. I need a consistent friend that does not expect me to always initiate or to give until it hurts while agreeing with everything they believe politically/religiously and then wait until they get around to getting back to me after they just drop off texting. Or gets offended and doesn’t value me enough to work things out.

I am far more isolated than most realize or care to know, I guess. But— pay no mind to my irritated rant— I’ll go back into my corner and look at the news–

That’s what I feel like saying sometimes.

I don’t know if this is common, or just me. It’s pretty much always been my life. I think if someone else stepped into my shoes, they would get back out really fast.

My life itself is really good. But that friend issue– it’s a lonely place.

Thankfully when I start to feel sorry for myself, God reminds me that He always provides what I need. I always have just who I need in my life when I need them. Then they move on or get busy with their own lives, or just step back because they don’t much care for me. I’m used to that– life goes on.

I’d be surprised if anyone really does relate.

It would be a nice surprise, though.


The Ego and the Communicator

Have you ever been in situations where people glean off of your success, and get embarrassed by your failures?

Have there been people who change their treatment of you based on your performance or appearance?

Are there those in your life who have attached their ego to their expectation of you, and then communication becomes this one-way street where even if it’s physically impossible you are expected to elevate them? And if you fail– if you try to signal or explain why you are unable to– the transmission of pertinent information is incomplete or ignored?

Most people are allowed– even forgiven– for their mistakes. Most first-world people are afforded the the right to individual successes and respected with reciprocal dialogue.

I bear the scars of being crushed by expectations and egos of others. I’m not sure why that has been the case for me.

I’ve recognized how I’m treated differently when I fall short of getting them some glory versus when I hit that mark head-on.

People exhaust and overwhelm me. I’ve been trying to figure out why that is, and I believe God is opening my eyes to help me break free from unvocalized and unadmitted rejections I’ve experience far too often.

God’s glory is not attached to my perfection when the world’s spotlight singles me out. He’s not embarrassed when I fail, nor is He prideful when I succeed. He is always consistently the same with me, my relationship with Him isn’t affected by me except where I allow it to be. He never moves away or towards me because I perform perfectly or I miss it by any length.

My whole life I’ve born this crushing weight that I have to say things just right, I have to play every note perfectly, I have to openly be supportive, embracing and encouraging of specific people, while being given little– sometimes nothing at all– in return.

While I am hard on myself, I often take cues from the responses and reactions of others to me after I fall short of where they expect me to land. My mistakes and successes somehow get tangled in with the egos, even pride, of others.

I believe God used my very public mistakes yesterday to open my eyes to this so I can begin to walk in freedom from crushing expectations.

I hope He also helps others to start giving me what I need in every situation. I do see a turning point, I just hope I can use that to shed this chain and fetter people have used to attached me to their pride-success balance.

Maybe then people will no longer exhaust and overwhelm me.


Foolhardy Judgement


How many times do we hear something and jump to a conclusive opinion without actually looking into things for ourselves?

Examples I see everyday are critics of Christianity, political opponents, public school supporters against home educators, race criticizing race, Christian critics of anything secular… I’m sure you can think of many I haven’t listed here, there is an endless supply of judgement that is both uncalled for and unnecessary. But we sure do value our opinions!

I once, many years ago before the internet saturated me with knowledge, said I thought the POW/MIA flag was some sort of American Indian symbol. Of course my husband– then friend– sarcastically corrected me. Yeah– I was that ignorant! He had to tell me that it actually means Prisoner of War/Missing in Action. I was deeply ashamed, but I had never even seen that flag before.

I used to judge table top games, such as Dungeons and Dragons as demonic and evil because Jack Chick made a tract about it that seemed like facts. But, the facts are– it’s nothing more than socially creative story making and acting out the different characters. Sure there are millions of directions it can go– just like any fiction novel. But, I don’t think he wrote a tract about The Lord of the Rings. D&D is so much like that, and Christians miss out because they refuse to investigate what it really is. If a person is swayed to leave Christianity because of a game, there are far deeper issues involved. More than likely they never actually gave their lives over to Christ.

Being confronted with my having badly judged a book by its cover woke me up to how easily I can fall into that trap of not looking into things before forming an opinion– judging what I actually know nothing more than the appearance I see.

It shocks me every time I hear people who have never enlisted in the military talk about the military being soldiers at war, killing innocent children with no accountability. That’s actually the opposite of what I’ve known for more than 20 years in military life. I’m sure it would surprise many critics to know military life is like everyday life, but super structured and strict. There is far more accountability in the US military than in any organization– especially of size and scope– in the world throughout history. Certainly far more than in our current government! But, don’t take my word for it, find out for yourself. Do some research, interview military members, Veterans, contractors– even enlist for yourself!

Critics of our military sometimes falsely accuse it as blindly going along with whatever is commanded. Obviously they don’t realize each member has the responsibility to not obey a constitutionally unlawful order. The military is beholden to no person, no political party, no cause. There are core values instilled within each member. Core values unique to Americans and our 1st world allies.

While there is purposeful misinformation out there trying to sway people to specific sides of various issues or keep people from knowing what’s actually going on, there is no excuse for not researching the facts. The easy way is to not challenge sound bites and points of agenda for what we want/hope to be the truth. The responsible way is to dig deeper and find the truth.

For the past 10-12 years I’ve noticed how historical facts are being changed to paint a different picture than actual reality. I’ve seen things disappear off of the internet, I’ve caught the main news sources passing on false information, lying, and even staging events to mislead people watching to trick them into a political point of view or support some cause.

In this day and age of purposeful deception, it’s imperative that we take on some form of an investigative role. No one likes to be fooled, and no one likes to find out they are reacting in a foolhardy way.


From The Darkness Of Despair To Hope: The Future’s Light

I have darkness in my past. In my 20/20 hindsight view, there are things I’ve said and done, parts of who I used to be that I deeply, deeply regret. I was young and foolish, brought up in a culture that never mentioned accountability or conscience, my immaturity and lack of common sense mixed with my world-view of life was self-destructive.

When I look back at the heart of who I used to be I cringe with disdain and distaste– and then I look away, ashamed of the hatred and jealousy that polluted my younger self. I don’t want to see it, except now I can use it to measure how far I’ve traveled from what used to be my expectations and experiences.

Living in the moment, desperately trying to “find myself” and figure out how I “fit” into the world’s big picture, I made so many bad decisions.

I used to blame the bad things that happened to me– some, the things of nightmares and semi-horror stories, some, happenstance of being wrong place-wrong time– for my negative situations, many I had zero control over.

The one constant I had that never faltered was God.

I remember standing at my window as a small child, around 8 years old, crying, watching the kids outside who seemed to have no cares in the world. I remember the feeling of hopelessness drowning my thoughts. I didn’t fit in, I sincerely believed that no one liked me, that I was such a horrible person that my own family hated me.

And then I saw a rainbow.

Suddenly my thoughts and emotions were flooded by 3 words I heard and felt at the same time, from deep within my being- “I love you.”

The darkness that engulfed me that day was pushed out by the bright, warm light of hope– things would get better.

I’ve always believed that was God. Now when I see a rainbow, I know beyond the shadow of any doubt God is reminding me that He loves me– and He keeps His promises.

Fast forward to today, looking into the review mirror of hindsight– God has indeed kept His promises to me. He turned my darkness into light, my mourning into joy, my fear of the unknown into hope for my future.

I remember as a kid trying to imagine what my future would be like. The thing is, I couldn’t have guessed because I hadn’t experienced or seen anything like it. I had dreams of happiness, but I had no picture of what that was except it was full of this warm light. I was afraid to bring children into a world I had been shown pain and abuse from. I lacked faith that my choices could create a different type of future for my offspring. If others walked through what I barely managed to survive, they could understand the lack of hope I was surrounded by, that tried to overtake my inner confidence and boldness to push through to find the good that others seemed to have.

Had I not pushed through that invisible force that was so heavy and thick that tried to hold me down, I never would have left the life I was born into physically, and stepped into the life Hope embraced. I never would have stepped out of the grappling hooks the enemy of my life, of my soul, attempted to try to imprison me with.

God designed me carefully, He put in me what I have needed not only to survive, but to want to survive. Many living in my circumstances and experiences might have given up, and I don’t say that lightly or with no understanding. I was tempted to give up, to let go of that brilliant shard of hope my spirit desperately clung to.

I understand darkness in a way I don’t think many who know me realize.

Thankfully, I also now understand the light of hope even more fully than I remember the darkness that embraced me with its death-grip.

I am undeserving of God’s grace and mercy, but I am so very, very thankful He wrapped me up in it, healing my heart and my mind. An inner strength pushed with a force far beyond my own strength, to get out of the stronghold of that darkness.

I’ve often seen myself as a 50 yard-dasher type– a short-distance runner. I start out strong, and if the distance is short, I finish strong. But, with longer distances I find myself being tempted to stop short. In this rearview-mirrored view, I can see that God has carried me those distances I didn’t have the strength on my own to go, and the view lighted by the hope He planted deep inside of me, has made it far more beautiful than anything my childhood imagination could have dreamed.

I’m maybe halfway, maybe more, through God’s planned distance for my life. I’m greatly anticipating the view through the remainder of hope’s light for my future.

Reality Check, Strong Woman

The Oppression of Skepticism

I was right.

God has spoken to my spirit a few times about things over the past 25 years, and I continue to find out that I heard Him correctly. Yet– when I try to step out in faith of what I know my Lord and Savior has shared with me, has led me to pray about, or has warned me about, it amazes me how my brothers and sisters in Christ— some near to my own heart– shut me down. They don’t trust me or believe that God would choose to be active in our– in my— relationship with Him.

They don’t want to hear from God– through me.

Well, I’m not letting people hold me back or push me down any longer.

They can live with their skepticism, I choose to step out in the faith of my amazing, loving, kind God Who leads me in all wisdom, Who increases my understanding, Who gives and increases my discernment.

I blame me for trusting in or relying on the opinions of those around me– for allowing myself to be gauged by people I have believed would listen to God’s Spirit for confirmation rather than skepticize– and I repent from that. Their lack of faith in God’s Spirit for confirmation and trust in my ability to discern my Shepherd’s voice is deeply hurtful.


I’m trusting God to guide my steps forward with new confidence because–

I was right.

Strong Woman

Your Discomfort Is Not My Responsibility


When we started dating, my husband, bless his heart, listened to so many stories from my past. He was my true friend– still is. He didn’t live through the same kinds of pain, and maybe he didn’t really want to hear what I was telling him about– but he did. I know he did, because he can still tell me things I told him about back then. He listened, and he remembers.

There are moments when I’m reminded just how separated from most people my experiences have shaped me to be. While I no longer hold onto anger, grudges or the pain of most, those experiences are still very important parts of who I am and why I am the way I am. But– why have I had to have so many of them? I have too much to add to some conversations, and nothing to add to most. Small talk is easier now, but it used to be impossible.

How I wish I didn’t have so much to say about some very difficult things. Most people have one or two, maybe three tough life experiences. If I stopped to count, I could name at least 8– ranging from spirit-breaking to devastating to near-death.

I’ve met very few that could honestly say the same, to the same degree as my own.

This causes me to realize just how alone I really am.

Certain songwriters’ lyrics speak to issues and express feelings I haven’t been able to give my own words to. I was surprised to hear Plumb’s story recently. I thought for sure she must have lived through similar devastating life circumstances to my own, because her words reach down into depths I had forgotten existed in my own past. What she has experienced are not light matters, it just wasn’t what I expected because of the impact her music has had on me. NF is another one that has a few songs that reach the depths of my spirit and my painful past, sometimes so deeply I have to stop listening to it. Through his music, I would guess he’s at a place in his healing that I’ve already passed through in much of mine, so sometimes his lyrics cause me to go back to the negative view of things God has already visited and healed in me.

My point in writing this is– I know I will never “fit in”.  I’m ok with that, now, I just recognize it for what it is. I recognize and I now just accept that if I mention or blog about something that nearly broke me in my past, a rare few stop to listen/read.

They don’t hear what God claims as victory in me.

I think some would rather I stay silent about those uncomfortable things because they don’t have to acknowledge them. Some think I haven’t moved past things if I bring them up. Some feel uncomfortable if others hear.

It happened to me.

It happened. To me.

Don’t they think I feel uncomfortable having to live with those memories, and the shame attached to them?

But– as long as I go out of my way to make everyone else feel comfortable by never mentioning publicly what has been constantly uncomfortable for me– it’s ok. Because they aren’t uncomfortable, and it’s got to be all about me making sure no one feels any discomfort around me because of circumstances outside of my control. That happened. To me.

I try very hard to be gentle in what I share. But to remain silent about it because of the expectations of others feels like I’m being shoved into that box I’m not meant to go into.

The comfort of others is not my responsibility, and it never should have been something anyone has expected me to go out of my way to ensure for others.

The subjects that were the main theme of my past are more than anyone was meant to carry. I’m not carrying that burden of protecting everyone from knowing what happened to me, anymore. That is not my calling. Because to not be upfront about what God has had to do in my life to help me be a normal, functioning woman, is to suppress the glory and praise God alone deserves. The discomfort or embarrassment others experience at hearing about what I have had to survive is not my responsibility.

I’m not going to be silenced by silent or verbal disapproval.

If they care at all about me, they will instead rejoice at what God has done and is still doing in my life– every time I mention it. They would praise and thank God for working unseen from most so that I am still alive, instead of them wishing, maybe, that I weren’t. If someone is embarrassed by something that happened to me because I mention it, the problem is with them, not with me.

People have to know what happened to me so they can praise and thank God for what He did when He rescued me.

And, He has rescued me. More than once.

If you have a broken limb, everyone sees the cast, and most will ask what happened. I’ve had a broken life, and if people were paying attention, they would have seen that. Since the things that broke my spirit are hidden, people want them to remain hidden so they don’t have to be inconvenienced by knowing.

I see that as a problem, never a solution.

That whole #MeToo campaign gave me hope that finally victims would be able to speak out, and be received with hearts of compassion. How disappointing that it’s become a mockery to victims, and I do not mean the fake ones paid to lie to ruin reputations! That needs to be exposed! Where is justice for the real victims of sexual assault? Not the “He said I look pretty.” garbage!

I am a survivor of real sexual abuse, who can claim victory. #MeToo #VictimToVictor #TheTruthHasSetMeFree

Those who don’t want me to speak out can #GetOverIt.






Reality Check, The Past


With all the recent scandals from Hollywood and politicians, I’m again thinking about my own past of sexual abuse, and different reactions I’ve experienced about how I do/don’t do things.

First, I’ll share some of my background.

I was molested by my dad as a young girl. That in and of itself is still a humiliating experience for me. I’m still emotionally sensitive at times and in different situations. It’s just the first abusive situation I experienced, but it’s the foundation of abuse in my history, so it’s my focus today.

Bringing it up now and admitting my emotions can still be affected by the memories– at times, the nightmares– does not mean I’m not healed, that I haven’t forgiven him or that I am stuck in the past. These are some of the reactions I can count on getting nearly every time I mention it.

No matter the reasoning behind my dad’s actions against me– it still happened.

So, when I see and hear things people say to others, it frustrates me. Things like– “Pick up the broken pieces, and move on.”

Well– start where in picking them up? To me, this is like telling a person with 2 broken legs to just stand up and walk away.

Everything about me was broken. I say was, because God picked up my broken pieces, and He helped me move forward– towards Him.

But, you know who didn’t? People. The Body of Christ didn’t. Once when I asked for special counseling from a Pastor’s wife, she blamed me for causing problems with my reactions to having been hurt!

Much of my life I have fought to be heard. Most of my childhood I struggled with being seen and learning how to fit in. All of my victim-hood I’ve fought to survive.

You won’t believe the attacks of my mind, my heart and my body that I experienced as a result of what was done TO me. I fought to get away. I tried to run away. I tried to make it stop by taking my own life away from it– physically– forever. Thankfully God intervened and had Compassion for me.

These were my wrong reactions and thought-processes growing up– I cut because I was numb and that made me feel something. I starved myself because I deserved to be punished because I must have been an awful person for that to have happened to me. I clung too tightly to guys I just wanted to love me– I just wanted to be loved and valued. I thought if I removed myself, I would no longer cause problems for my dad– because he told me that.

My mom did all she could to protect me and handle an impossibly difficult situation. She sent me where she knew I would be safe during the summer years of my childhood– to her parents. I don’t know what they knew, I only know I was told to never ever talk to anyone about things. You see– I didn’t even know that my mom knew. I thought I was completely alone, and had to fend for myself all alone. But, she was looking out for me.

Pick up the pieces and move on…

When you’re self-perception has been damaged through the mental abuse of someone else that should be trusted to protect and build you up– how do you move forward? Where is forward? Which way is up? Because everything I knew was filtered through that experience and how others reacted to me.

It’s by the Grace of God and my mom that I survived my childhood years.

I am not hanging onto what happened. Talking about it doesn’t mean I’m hanging on to it. Hopefully talking about it will extend a lifeline to someone else who may need someone to look out for and reach out to them.

God has brought me through it, to the other side. I don’t need pity of the stuff of feeling sorry for me, or counseling.

My purpose for writing this is– those “encouraging” sayings do not help real people with real needs.

Picking up the broken pieces for me, at that time, meant the equivalent of picking them up and then walking barefoot through more broken, sharp pieces. I saw no clear path, until God in His Mercy reached out to me and pulled me out of it.

He had to carry me, because I was far too broken to walk on my own.

For those who are broken– you can Trust God. I promise! His ways are gentle and kind– and always perfect.

For those who are unbroken observers– Please– Allow God to work through you to reach out and help the broken with more than cute sayings that often feel more like salt poured into open wounds than healing balm.

Pray at all times, without ceasing, giving thanks to God above for one another. Especially those that you just don’t understand. Don’t turn a cold shoulder, don’t be short or abrupt– that helps no one, but instead often feels like condemnation poured-out on those who might be crushed under the weight of it. God is not in that.

Love is Patient. Love is Kind. Love does not dishonor others. Love is not self-seeking– Love does not prefer its own opinion over the needs of others.

What life has taught me

What I Wish Some Understood About Sexual Abuse Survivors

We live in a world full of people with as many backgrounds as there are people. No two are completely alike. In this mix, there are abusers, abuse survivors and the unaware.

The category I fit into is abuse survivor. I was molested as a child, harassed as a teen and young adult, and raped as an adult by someone I believed I could trust.

It’s been quite a few years since it all happened to me, and it surprises me to see how it still affects my thinking of myself. 

So, I’m going to address some of those things that I’ve learned, and some of the attitudes I’ve dealt with.

1) Rape and sexual harassment is never funny to a survivor. It’s never a light topic, it’s not something to be joked about. Words do matter— they conjure up memories— sometimes traumatic ones with deep emotions attached.

2) No, we can’t just get over it. Something was stolen from us, trust was violated, our spirit has been bruised. Healing over time happens but, often invisible to the natural eye, emotional scars remain. 

3) We grieve over the robbery of our innocence. 

4) Our body was attacked, and our bodies react to that— often through eating disorders, or even gaining weight in an attempt to self-protect. Stop the body shaming, they probably have some history of sexual abuse! 

5) We are often more sensitive to criticism because many of us have an unconscious belief there must be something wrong with us for someone to hurt us so badly.

As a Christian I rely on God to be my Comfort and my Strength, but sometimes I wish I could rely on my brothers and sisters in Christ more. Relationships aren’t often easy for me to form because I still, even after so many years of God restoring what the locusts had eaten, I still have trust cautions. 

All I hope to get across through this post is to encourage others to become aware. Be kind and sensitive. Hold back on criticisms. 

Reality Check, What life has taught me

What’s Sexism Got To Do With It?



What does every woman want, universally? Is it to be a “sex symbol”? To be loved by everyone? Is it to be known as the prettiest? The friendliest? How about the smartest?

On the surface, every one of these may fit. But, what’s at the heart of it?

I believe it’s simple acknowledgement of our accomplishments, talents, gifts and hard work. To be taken seriously. To appreciate our contributions. To be loved for the individual we are

Without giving us the “gender” handicap.

With all the Hollywood happenings and exposures lately, my thoughts have returned to my past issues of running into sexism. Whether it was about being a “woman driver“, “too emotional“, treated as if I were “too delicate” to lift weights or as though I were ridiculous to think I could do the “man’s job” the USAF trained me to do, as a civilian– or as though I were a stupid female for making mistakes– I have experienced sexism many, many times, in many, many ways. And– not always from men!

I have overcome it, for the most part anyway, by meeting it head on and challenging those who think I need to be suppressed in my desire to prove I can do nearly everything a man can do– as well, if not better– than men can.

We’ve allowed Hollywood, Hugh Heffner, and Larry Flynt to shape our views on women. They’ve brainwashed us into dehumanizing and minimizing all females into categories of size, looks, and potential popularity– all the while overpowering and/or capitalizing on each victim they’ve chosen.

Hollywood has created this system of failing demand– and we have allowed the land of make-believe to convince us it’s reality.

What is it you love about your spouse, if you are married? If looks and size changed, would you still love them and be attracted to them?

When we watch movies and shows, we are seeing things through the writers’, directors’ and producers’ eyes and imagination. Since we are looking through their biased and skewed perceptions, we may as well be placing scales over our own eyes.

Women want to fight back, but so many are misdirected. It’s not everyday men we need to fight against, it’s the lie sold to them and the people selling the lies. It’s the Harvey Weinsteins, the Anthony Weiners, the perverts changing laws to allow more perversions– like Governor Brown in California. Those are the ones we need to focus on, and then the rest will be small potatoes– easy to ignore and walk away from as we just live our lives and fulfill our vision and God’s vision for our lives.

In the world, there are separations based on all sorts of differences.

In Christ, there should not be.
Galatians 3:28 There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free man, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus. (NASB)



Marriage 101: Arguing

My husband and I got into an argument earlier today, about politics. We agree on some points, and are polar opposites on others. It’s not the disagreeing that is the argument for me, though, because we could easily be having a discussion and disagree. It’s his reactions to me, the person behind what he disagrees with. Males in the past often treated me like I was less than them, rarely as an equal– as though I were validated by their approval of me. Usually my husband doesn’t come across that way, but lately when he disagrees with me it feels as though he does. It may just be my perception, not the reality. But, nevertheless, it stings a lot. 

Maybe it’s different for men than it is for women, maybe they can separate the personal from the words. Perhaps it’s just the way I am built. I believe strongly in certain things, and I research things a lot, and sometimes I don’t research enough or remember specifics well. 

I asked him to tell me he doesn’t think I’m stupid, because that matters to me. I don’t care what anyone else thinks, but he matters. He told me he doesn’t think that. The problem is he argues to conquer and win, and then I feel attacked and our voices raise with jabs and offense– I hate it. I wish we could discuss without it turning into some battle of words and opinion. I wish we could communicate our different perspectives in a healthy exchange where we both feel valued and heard.

We both need to level up our communication skills. We should be aware of how what we say affects the other, as well as how we say it and how they receive it– not always the same things. 

Thinking about Scripture, where the Bible instructs wives to respect their husbands, and husbands to love their wives as Christ Loves the Church, I don’t see us treating Jesus that way. One step further– I don’t see Christ treating us the way we treat one another. I can’t imagine Jesus raising His voice or belittling my opinions or beliefs. I don’t see Jesus yelling at my husband the way I did earlier. 

At some point our humanity has to submit itself to God in order to match God’s Word picture through Scripture– or we fail at demonstrating the Lord Jesus in and through our marriage. 

God's Heart, Uncategorized

My Open Letter To Pastors Everywhere– You Need To Get This

Dear Pastors,

Over the past 20 years I have been moved from place to place, sometimes by God, sometimes for personal reasons. 

That is why I’m writing this.
I am no one special. I have no title, no grand purpose or calling. I am like many within your flock, under your care– part of your Divine calling and purpose.

I am a member of the Body of Christ, and that means something more to me than merely being a member of a local church.

I have been given talents by God, and I strive to use them to help further His Kingdom purpose.  I have been given a heart of flesh that longs to please God. I love people, I love Jesus, and I love serving God as He calls me to.

I have seen where church leadership has some blindspots. I am asking you, humbly, as one who loves God and people–  please– drop all defensiveness and listen.

I believe that God has called Pastors and all church leaders to love His people as He loves His people, not to just instruct us about the Word of God. Not one of us is in the same part of the narrow road, nor have we walked with the same steps or strides. In fact, there are some who are crawling, there are some who are stopped– waiting on God to give them clear direction– direction that oftentimes comes through you.

Every Pastor wants the congregants who are running the race perfectly, with all the energy necessary to carry out the plans and purposes of the ministries churches offer. There are people who are called and able to fulfill those Pastoral dreams. 

I want to tell you, many simply are not. Many are trying to work out their Salvation with fear and trembling. Some want to please church leadership, but they are burnt out by doing so. Some feel weighted down by life. Some have been crippled by life’s circumstances, and they can’t “perform” as is often necessary. These are the people you are leaving behind. These are the ones you are hurting. Some of these equate how you treat them with how God wants them to be treated– and that is breaking God’s heart.

I want to encourage you to look at every person as the individual that God has created them to be.

We are all brothers and sisters in Christ, and God has entrusted you with the loving care to help nurture and grow even the most unloveable Christian.

I believe God wants to release His healing within His Body. Hurts caused by our own family in Christ. Reconciliations. Letting go of offenses. Repentance for how we all treat one another.

I believe He wants to begin from the top of the leadership down through the entire congregation.

What does this look like? More ministries for congregants, not just opportunities to serve. Listening more carefully. Being approachable, a healthy relationship attainable outside of jumping through specific hoops to prove worthiness of your time, attention and appreciation. 

Removal of any “hierarchy” mindset that in any way belittles your congregants in your eyes.

There are millions of Pastors, and every one of you is a unique individual created by God, just like all of your congregants are. 

I pray you will read this, that you will seek God concerning this. Not because I am asking, but because God’s Judgment begins in the House of The Lord. We all need to be far more sensitive to God’s Spirit than we are to the opinions of ourselves and others.

God’s love is not tough, it’s full of compassion, patience and deep understanding.

So should we all be towards one another.


Your Sister In Christ

God's Heart

He Watches Me

🎵”I sing because I’m happy, I sing because I’m free. His eye is on the sparrow, I know He watches me.”🎵

This song is a comforting reminder– Jesus sees what no one else sees concerning me.

And then, there is the realization– Jesus sees what no one else sees concerning me… He looks over the walls I have built. He sees when I cry, when I binge eat, what I watch on tv. He sees what affects me, what bothers me, what tempts me or distracts me– what pulls me away from Him.

He watches me. 

What does that look like? 

I probably couldn’t identify all the ways my heart, mind and consciousness react when I think about Jesus watching me. I mean– seriously– He’s watching me. 

Not in a creepy way.  Not to inspire fear of harm. Not in a mocking way. 

His plans aren’t to harm me, or make fun of me. He doesn’t elbow God the Father in the ribs and say, “Whoa! Did you see that?? What an idiot!”

He’s not plotting my demise. He’s not shouting at me, like I do at my tv, when He doesn’t agree with what I say or do.

He is nothing like me. I need to just let that sink in.

He doesn’t conform to my ways– no matter how good I think my ways are. 

He doesn’t reject me for not doing things the way that He would.

He is full of abundant life.

If we tapped our understanding into the reality of Who He is, we would be walking in His power. Miracles would not be the exception, they would become the standard.

Peace would permeate every space our feet touched, spreading His Word.

Demons, which we’ve been convinced don’t really bother us anymore, would flee in terror because they would recognize not us– Jesus living through us.

Our bodies would be purged of all infirmities and all desire for unrighteousness. We would be transformed in our minds, in our hearts and in word and deed.

We are new creations through Christ Jesus– the problem is, we have no idea how powerful that transformation really is when we fully embrace it.

That is why Christians are persecuted. Because of the potential, transforming power of Christ surging through us, coursing through our veins, into all of the earth. 

We see these movies and tv shows about people and super heroes with super powers. Jesus is more powerful than every one of them combined. And WE know Him!!! He lives inside of us!

Think about that.

If we trade in all of our earthly valuables for Him fully– what would that look like?

We have the potential to demonstrate the most powerful abilities– far more powerful than Hollywood could ever make up. Love, forgiveness, grace, mercy, healing, wisdom, compassion… Discerning where God is at work, and not falling into the critical-of-everything trap…

The thing is, I think we don’t often explore that because,  really– how does that benefit us? How does it make us look cool, or appear sexy? How does it multiply our bank accounts and possessions? How does it help our reputations– seriously– who wants to leave everything, to lay down their life– for real? Does Jesus really expect us to do any of that? I mean– He knows our hearts, right?

Right. He knows our hearts. He’s known our hearts since before we were even formed within our mother’s womb. 

He sees it all, He sees our hearts all the time, not just the times we want Him to.

He died for us, in our place, despite our hearts.

Our hearts should experience a massive change once we allow Him to be our Lord and our Savior. Our hearts should be redeemed by Him.

There is another aspect, though. Jesus knows because He is also human. He has both– God’s heart and a human heart. He understands our limitations from within and without.

And still, His thoughts towards each one of us outnumber the grains of sand– on every beach, every ocean floor, collected as souvenirs, combined throughout all of the earth’s history.

It’s overwhelming to think on and to appreciate the fullness of Who and all He is.

An Honest Perspective

Is Church Membership A Two-Way Street? 

Over the past few years, my husband and I have gotten involved with several ministries. We’ve gone to churches or chapels. We’ve gone through membership classes, fulfilled membership requirements– jumped through those expected hoops…

Then we moved, as is the military way. We’ve lived Stateside twice, for a combined 3 1/2 year total of our 19 years of marriage and military life together. 

Church membership, in my understanding, is different than any other membership. We are already members of The Body of Christ. Does moving just dissolve the local church membership? It doesn’t for me.

I carry some deep-seated disappointment and hurt, I’ll be honest, from our last church membership. More than just moving unexpectedly.

I hoped to be embraced by the church community when we joined with them. It’s such a large community, I don’t even think people knew, or cared, that we decided to make that committment. No one outside of our small class of people welcomed us. We were allowed to go to the business meetings where they were transparent about using the tithes and offerings– but there was also the expectation for us to give– sometimes until it hurt as we trusted God– to support their ministries. 

To be fair, our first Christmas there, they gave us gift cards that added up to $200 for Walmart. We needed coats and winter clothing, coming from a tropical climate. We needed groceries, dealing with less money. It was humbling, and appreciated. But, there was no conversations with us, just someone handing us a card, and maybe a gift basket– I wish I could remember it better. I think it was outer appearance they judged our need on, because no one ever asked us anything, no one took time to hear what we all had going on.

While we were there, I got very sick. There were doctors visits, blood tests, exams, other tests– some very painful or uncomfortable. I had blood tests done over several years past that had problems revealed and recorded, but no one had ever told me or did tests to diagnose the causes. 

I wasn’t able to serve as my heart really wanted. I tried to communicate to leadership a couple times about my limitations and my need for prayer, but honestly– I never felt heard, and I did feel judged because of my lack of involvement, or needing to sit down when I tried to serve with the Thanksgiving ministry. 

On top of health concerns, we had one vehicle, new to us but on it’s last legs. Having spent the majority of our marriage living overseas, we had to start our household all over again. Taking that assignment also meant taking a pay-cut for my husband, and we owned nothing in the states. We had so many obstacles to overcome.

I went from driving on the left side of the car and road, to the right, slow speeds to fast, terrifying highways… Driving anywhere was an enormous stress, scared I’d wreck our only car, nervous I’d drive on the wrong side of the road or get confused… I was a wreck!! 

The church environment was one unlike I had ever really experienced. Instead of any type of an outreach for people new to the area, there was this expectation that we just “jump in.” 

I was overwhelmed– entirely.

I was scared about my health– at one point I honestly thought I might be dying. 

I was drowning just trying to stay afloat and maneuver this new, kind of cold, environment.

Thank God I have a healthy marriage!! 

My husband and I were quick to try to jump into music ministry, as we have everywhere we are, as much as we could. Even that was a new experience– from having to audition, to figuring how to fit my music skill into a completely new dynamic– it started on a high note, but faltered completely by the time God decided to surprise us and move us on. We were actually looking into buying a home and settling there, but God had different plans for us.

I’m not a very social face-to-face person, and I found it incredibly difficult to find even one close friend.  I tried over and over. I met so many nice people at that church, and I did find friends through our writing group outside of the church we were at. But, in the church I felt like I was held an arm’s length away by most people. They were polite, and extremely helpful in so many ways– I love the people. But no one asked about me. No one asked how I was adjusting. No one was interested at all in things I had experienced living in another nation, or as a military spouse, or even as a Veteran.

I was surrounded by so much activity, so much joy– I don’t think I’ve ever felt lonelier.

Overwhelmed, I tried to give all I could, but the more I didn’t get back, the more my attitude about having to jump through hoops that I honestly wasn’t able to jump through soured.

After months of medical tests, including 2 different MRI’s, a full body x-ray, some horrible test of my nerves that I couldn’t even finish– my main doctor gave me a partial diagnosis– some rare, unnamed immune disease I was born with but didn’t know I had. 

My whole life I’ve fought to overcome this tiredness that I learned was actually a physical fatigue. Daily life wears me out. Interacting with people, especially in groups, often leaves me feeling overwhelmed and exhausted– sometimes to the point of tears.

I remember, over 20 years ago, crying out to God during a time I was dealing with fatigue, He spoke into my spirit– “I will bring friends to you. I will bring ministry opportunities to you. You can rest in Me.”

So, I waited on the Lord, and He has been so wonderful to me!

He brought my husband *to* me. He brought a new career and love of teaching violin *to* me. He brought me ministry opportunities and friends who really know me *to* me through various online avenues.

The church we left was a place I had to go to to exert myself in ways that left me not just depleted of energy, but empty emotionally. It wasn’t a refuge– not for me, anyway. 

The small group setting was really nice and friendly, but when it was over, most people there moved on and forgot about me. Not everyone, but most.

The church is there for ministry– even for its own members. I needed to be ministered to, I needed what the people weren’t equipped to provide. I felt no one cared. Even when I asked for prayer. Since we moved nearly 2 years ago, not one of the leaders has kept in real contact with us or inquired after us in anyway. There is no interaction over Facebook at all, no messages– nothing. 

We became members, but they never joined with us. 

I will say, 3 or 4 of the members still interact with us, and I am so thankful we’ve stayed in contact. They are truly amazing people.

There is an expectation that as Christians we should just be able to stand on our own, to fit into those premade “molds” everyone *has* to fit in. But, I don’t. So then– what? I’m just on my own because I don’t meet the expected standards? 

Will church leaders ever stop to assess the damage caused to members through expectations and standards? Will they begin to look for each individual’s best interest here on earth, as we participate and join together to be about our Father’s business?

One can only hope. 


God's Heart

Excitement with the Familiar

When my husband asked me to marry him, I was so excited I did cartwheels! I couldn’t wait to tell everyone, to show them my ring!

Compare that to the day I was baptized, as an adult at 22. Excited– because I was following after Jesus. In my spirit I felt the love of God as though the sunlight were shining on my face. But I didn’t do cartwheels, or run to tell everyone and show them my certificate of Baptism.

I believe each Christian denomination gets some things right. 

With Charismatics, I see the passion they get at excitement with familiarity with God, as a strength. They embrace the outward expression of God answering prayers and helping in times of trouble by dancing, raising their hands, even thanking God out loud. 

I believe God wants us to demonstrate unreserved excitement sometimes when He responds to our prayers. That He wants us to reach up outwardly, surrendering pride of appearance to Him. Like a child, unable to contain their joy over something they love, I think there are times He wants us to worship Him with that complete abandonment of everything that restrains us.

What would that look like for you?

God's Heart, Walking With God

Simple Gospel

John 3:17– “For God did not send the Son into the world to judge the world, but that the world might be saved through Him.”
And yet–

We constantly see judgement coming from those of us who claim we belong to Him.

We have redefined judgement as love, giving ourselves excuses to do exactly what God did not send Jesus into the earth to do.

God alone is judge. We are not equal to Him, we serve Him. If He made it clear in His preserved Word for us that He didn’t send His Son here to judge the world– why do we believe that’s what He’s calling us to do? 

God has bound Himself to His Word. His Word tells us to love one another.

Love does not include our well-meaning criticism. It does not look like what we define it to be, at all.

Love endures all things.

Love looks past what we opine as being flaws.

Love encourages.

Love is gentle.

Love is kind.

Love leaves evidence of Grace everywhere it touches.

Love gives.

Love forgives.

Love is impossible without God. 

I believe we can often be so focused on the speck in someone’s eye, we miss the log in our own.

Though we are individuals in Christ, God is unchanging. Just as He is bound to His Word, we are also bound to His Word– Jesus is the Word, and we have been given the written Word to help keep us grounded in Him firmly. There is a danger when we stop measuring everything against what is found in Scripture.

God has chosen love as the vehicle to give us Hope, He has chosen Jesus, His nonjudgemental Son, as the Savior of the world.

He has called us to be wise as serpents, yet gentle as doves, as we wear the sandals of peace to spread the Good News.

He has called us to fast for Him to remove unbelief. 

He has told us through His Word that the battle belongs to Him, that vengeance belongs to Him. We must be so careful to make sure our actions and words are lined-up accurately with His written Word.

He speaks to His people, today. But He never strays from His written Word.

Who are we listening to? 

The more complicated we make things, the more exhausted we become. 

The Gospel message is simple. Always.

Luke 2:11″For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord.”

John 3:16 “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believes upon Him shall have everlasting life.”

An Honest Perspective, Walking With God

Just Stop–


Daily busyness mutes His voice.

So many things clutter our lives, clutter our hearts– clutter our churches. So many good things. So many good intentions. So many ideas to please God, programs to help people, traditions we’ve convinced ourselves we need.

Abel understood the very heart of God. It was more than just hearing and obeying God. It was more than the best of what he could come up with, within himself. Cain gave of his best efforts, his strength, his creativity, but it wasn’t the same as Abel. Not because it wasn’t the exact same offering. Cain did what was required, and he lacked the understanding or caring of why.

Mary sat with Jesus. She was bold and brave, in a culture when women did not sit with men, she sat with Him. She listened intently with her heart. She understood and openly sought the heart of God– despite what anyone else would say or think. We might, in our culture and time, think Mary was being lazy and trying to get out of work. She sought Jesus while He might be found. Martha was steeped in her culture and the burden of what had to be done. She prepared the meal, and she openly complained to Mary about her not helping. Martha did what was required of her in her culture’s role for her. She lacked understanding of why Mary did not. Maybe Martha had a bitter root planted in jealousy, as well as offense that it looked bad. There was Mary– sitting down with the men– listening and being taught, but not pulling her own weight in the work of serving.

For many of us, we try to do the minimum requirement when tasked. We have a mental checklist, and at the end of that checklist is what we would rather be doing– if we’re honest. Our heart’s are not in it. Like Martha, we look at someone else not doing what we think they should be doing, and we get jealous. We complain. We give in to frustration and allow bitterness to plant a root.

Cain had a jealous and bitter root, which produced the murder of his own brother. Like his parents with God, he tried to hide it.

What does God require of us? Is it perfection? Maybe exhaustion? The best programs? The most outward sacrifice? Praying the most profound prayers? Knowing the most and best Scriptures?

There is a plan layed-out through Scripture that highlights what He requires.

Come as you are.

Trust in the Lord your God.

Fear not.

Rest in Him.

Beloved– He requires us. Everything that we are.

He inhabits the praise of His people– not our works or sacrifice.

Take a deep breath… just stop– worship Him, meditate on Who He is, thank Him for all He has given, all that He is, and that He will do and has done.

When He Walks Into The Room

The works will happen as we regain our focus. Not our works– His work through us. We will be more in tune with Him, He will lead us to be about His business– not our busyness.

When was the last time our heart started to burn for His Will, or the darkness trembled at the Light of God breaking through our lives?

That’s when the miracles will happen. When His Spirit will pour out on all flesh, sickness will be healed, mountains will be moved.

But first, we need to stop and get reaquainted with Him and remember our first Love.

American, Reality Check, What life has taught me

Survivors Are The Strong Heartbeat Of Our Nation

I am a survivor.

I survived childhood trauma, dealt with it and moved on. -Taught me how to be a better parent for my kids.

I survived life with a mentally ill parent. -Taught me the importance of trusting God for who would father my own children.

I survived nearly dying from alcohol poisoning. -Taught me I got a second chance, life is a precious gift, and there are reasons to limit alcohol in-take.

I survived emotional, physical and yes– mental– abuse in my first marriage. -Taught me to appreciate those who treat me as God wants them to treat me.

I survived divorce. -I learned to pay attention to details about who I married next.

I survived date-rape. -I learned to not be so trusting, and eventually how to forgive someone who did something so horrible to me.

I survived remaking my life choices. -I am a better person today.

I survived Basic Military Training– which for some was no problem, but for myself triggered many raw childhood emotional scars. -Taught me I could do whatever tough thing I set my mind to.

I survived moving to another country all by myself. -Taught me I am capable of adapting to new environments and situations.

I survived being deployed to the Middle East with bomb threats, violent threats towards me from a local man–  as the only woman in charge of men who hated me because of my gender and my Christian faith. -I am stronger and more resilient than I even know.

I survived and overcame PTSD. -I can do ALL things through Christ Jesus Who is my strength.

I survived being laughed at because of my gender as I applied for a job I was qualified to do. -I learned to dust myself off and find a job where I was treated with respect.

I’ve survived unfair and inaccurate slander about me and to my face. -Taught me how to know who I can trust.

I’ve survived unforgiveness for mistakes I tried to make up for with relatives. -Taught me to forgive and do my best to make better decisions, not just out of wanting to help.

I’ve survived unfair judgement. -Taught me people may never be fair, but God’s Judgement is always fair.

I survived being fat-shamed. -I can hold my head up even amongst the small-minded.

I survived anorexia. -Taught me I’m not attached to any label– anorexia no longer “owns” me.

I survived losing loved ones to tragic or natural causes. -Taught me that relationships are more valuable than I often realize.

I’m a survivor of Mt. St. Helens. -Taught me about a volcano near where I lived, and what it’s capable of doing when it erupts.

I survived an attack from a “domesticated” mountain lion– have the scars in my scalp to prove it. -Taught me never to trust dangerous wildlife at any age as a pet.

I survived natural childbirth without any drugs– 3 times. -Taught me how to push through and embrace pain, rather than cringe and try to hide from it. Pain actually serves an important purpose.

I survived emergency gall-bladder removal surgery. -Taught me I didn’t need to rely on drugs for pain so I could again nurse. I valued being able to nurse my baby afterwards even more.

I’ve survived several deployments without my husband, while living in a foreign country far away from family. -Each has taught me I can be self-sufficient when necessary, the importance of schedules for my kids, and how much I value my husband being home with us.

As a survivor of so many things, I in turn have sought to help others as I would have wanted help from someone.

I’ve helped 2 guys violently threatening their own lives with knives, one cost me a hospital visit and stitches in my hand.

I’ve counseled many people, and helped those who wanted help, over the past 3 decades, to find their inner strength– GOD– and turn their focus to surviving and thriving, and to walk away from self-destructive behaviors and thoughts.

I no longer see young survivors that seek truth and the betterment of society. That concerns me deeply.

What’s the deal with all these people who are having a meltdown over a Presidential election?

I survived 8 years of Obama blowing off and ignoring everything that seriously concerned me, and I didn’t have an emotional meltdown. I did, however, have a personal time of mourning the future deaths of so many human babies. I have kept my eyes open and myself informed of important things. I have given voice to concerns and passed on information I believe is important for others to be aware of.

I’ve been a part of the healthy vein of our Nation.

The in-Dems-pocket media force has our young adult generation so afraid, and believing outrageous lies like anyone not with the Dems is for racism, or whatever the current slanderous  word-of-the-day is injected into their malleable minds. There are actual outside forces doing everything possible to stoke and stir-up emotions and irrational actions– some are even paid professionals. That’s been proven.

If these are our Nation’s future leaders, our country is in trouble. These aren’t survivors.  These have been programmed and controlled as puppets of a monster political organization that does not care about them in the least, to have a “victim” mentality. Where is their discernment?

I used to also be a controlled-programmed “victim-mentality” puppet of the Dems. Until I woke up.

I hope they all wake up before it’s too late.

I wish they could see they are being played.

Reality Check

Sexual Assault Damage Is Not Just Physical


As I read about high ranking military officers not being disciplined for sexual assault, I felt sick at my stomach, disgusted and angry. Here are men that are at the forefront of our Nation’s safety, yet they are purposely hurting those under their authority!

Sounds like something our Nation should already be past, does it not?

So, why aren’t we? Why is that an untouchable issue? What gives these men the impression that they can do whatever they want and not be held accountable? Stars on their shoulders? High prestige? The fact that they are men?

No matter how it gets overlooked, blown-off, and ignored–

it is not ok.

It’s NOT ok that they get to walk away while the woman– or man– they assault has to try to move past it. It’s NOT ok that the attackers’ lives are intact, while the victims’ lives are shattered. IT’s NOT ok that they abuse the authority that they have been entrusted with.

It’s NEVER ok.

For every life they have destroyed, they are accountable. For every suicide that happened as a result of their abuse of authority, blood is on their hands. For every child conceived in their selfish lustful greed, borne or aborted with shame, they are accountable. For every life shattered, every career destroyed, every hope smothered– they are accountable.

Ladies and Gentlemen– This is our current day Air Force, led by yesterday’s male chauvinist pigs.

Think it’s time for a change yet?

If we call enough attention to this, things WILL change. They have to.

What happens when 4-star Air Force general is accused of sexual assault?

American, An Honest Perspective, An Honest Wife's Perspective, Reality Check, The Past, What life has taught me

Happy Birthday, United States Air Force– What Is There To Even Celebrate Now?

As a veteran and military spouse with 22 years of Air Force experience, what can I say about my beloved branch of service on its 69th birthday?

I was proud the day I stepped out of MEPS with a promised new, exciting yet completely unknown future.

At 24, after a failed marriage to a man who was abusive and mean, I was beginning a new life– one I’d be proud to say I’ve lived.

I think I was a joke to my first recruiter, but I found another recruiter who took me seriously and helped me find my door out of the destructive life going nowhere that I’d made for myself.

To the Air Force, I was a female body filling an empty spot in a predominantly male career field. I had high expectations of learning my job, being trained exceptionally. I trained waitresses before I enlisted, and I expected at least that same level of professionalism and depth. My expectations were not met– it wasn’t even close. I was a female after all– someone to flirt with, try to date, but keep at arms-length in what was, after all, just a man’s job.

I’d faced that challenge my whole life with relatives that mocked my efforts because of my gender, as though I were less than any male.

I rose to the gender challenge in school by taking a car repair class, acing it. I knew my way around a car engine, transmission and a/c– you know, back in the day when things were repaired and replaced, not sent to someone to fix or throw out.

I fought against that whole “weak girl” mentality, and the Air Force decided to throw me into that, once again. I was left at job sites by my supervisor, to figure things out without his help, tools or replacement parts. My 25th birthday was spent alone in my dorm room until my supervisor called me to go on a call at the dorm next to mine. The lighting was nearly non-existent  outside, and as I was walking, I didn’t see a step in the sidewalk, and fell. I got up, and not realizing I had a concussion from the fall, I went to try to stop a broken shower. I had no user’s manual, no training, and no supervisor taking me through the troubleshooting steps to fix it. 45 minutes later my supervisor finally showed up, disappointed that I hadn’t magically solved the problem. I went back to my dorm, finished that birthday by falling asleep. A week later I went to the doctor because my head had been hurting since I fell, and that’s when I learned I had a concussion. God still had plans for me, even if my co-workers thought I was just a waste of space in their career.

I’d love to say there were many high points, but I was constantly held back. One guy even became my supervisor, after being turned down over the phone for a date. I’d never seen him face-to-face, so I didn’t realize who he was until my career was nearly ruined. As soon as I figured it out, I changed supervisors and shops, but he had already said too much negative about me, gave me a bad EPR and convinced me I needed to work on my CDCs rather than drive around to jobs we never had the parts to actually fix. My personal challenge was a ruined opportunity, I’d never make Msgt by 13-14 years. I also no longer cared.

After that, I learned the outdoor part of my job. I had better opportunities at being trained, and hands-on repairs. I learned a lot and I worked hard physically. It was a better fit for me, but my shop boss hated me and I got another low EPR because he didn’t agree with the positive things my new supervisor reported in it. My shop boss never actually went to my job sites and saw how hard I worked, or how good I had become at everything I was given the opportunity to actually do with the right parts, tools, and training.

I received orders, so I moved to another base. I wasn’t hated because of my gender, this time I was too delicate to do my job. I was given jobs like painting, hammering a few nails in, controlling and sitting-in for my commander’s secretary. I volunteered to deploy to the desert, and my leadership nearly had a heart attack! They fought me on it, tried to keep me from going, but no one else was volunteering. So I went. But, not to do my actual job. No. I was an escort for the local nationals. And then, because I couldn’t be alone with the local nationals, because I’m a girl, I was put at the gate for 12-16 hour days, in charge of who was allowed in. Over Muslim men. You can probably guess how good that went over. Besides the fact that I was a girl, I was a girl that drove, told men what to do, and read her Bible openly in front of men. Now, I had no idea women weren’t allowed to read religious stuff, and as a Christian I read my Bible because I needed God’s encouragement and wisdom to handle some difficult people and situations– like bomb threats and air tests, and men who hated me, refusing to follow my instructions without cops threatening to pull out their guns telling them they had to do what I said.

Anyway– that was much of my enlisted experience, though definitely not all.

As a spouse, I’ve endured 18 years of constant changing plans and the results of the spectrum of various leaders my husband has worked for- from awesome to abusive at times. We have been blessed, and most of the time he has had awesome local leadership. Though it often feels like he’s away more than he’s here, we have had it better than many.

His extended leadership has gotten worse, though. Most of the time they’re clueless about what they put their people, and their people’s families, through. They are uninformed, and “yes men”, not professional enough to get needed information or listen to the needs and complaints of the workforce they are near breaking.

It’s not unlike Benghazi, where they are communicating needs, concerns, and asking for more bodies– but being ignored, blown off, and having more work than is even possible dumped on them. I have watched my good-natured husband, who has already put his 20 in, in a much needed career field, be crushed by unrealistic expectations, pushing of regulations, as well as physical and mental exhaustion to the point he falls asleep as soon as he gets home some nights. His schedule is all over the place, he has no time or energy to keep up with the rigid demands of PT because the nature of his job is already far too physically and mentally demanding.

And now, we celebrate the birthday of a force to be reckoned with– by its own people. From leadership that sexually abuses and assaults those lower-ranking than themselves, getting a “pass” from being held accountable, to leadership that has no clue what they are putting their people through– this year, I’m not celebrating the birthday of my beloved Air Force.

This year, I mourn its self-destruction, from the inside-out.

American, An Honest Wife's Perspective, Christian Thoughts, God's Heart, Uncategorized, Walking With God

Me, Myself And My Husband– One Flesh

My husband doesn’t do things the way that I do. He doesn’t say things the way I say them. He doesn’t look at things the way I see them.

He doesn’t have the same Political views that I have…

When we married, we were taught through God’s Word that his body is my body, and my body is his body. In some ways that has become a kind of joke for us throughout the years.

“Honey, we have some things to do.” “Do I have to?” “Well, since your body is my body– yes.” Or, the silliness of doing something impossible– like using the restroom, lol.

Since my body is my husband’s, and vice-versa, does that mean his mind is also mine and mine is his?

Could you imagine if this were the case? If I had the ability to get him to think like me, and if I thought as he does, misunderstandings would become nonexistent!

But, the mind is such a complicated thing. The closest we could get to that is doing our best to consistently work at clear communication. Practicing listening. Sharing openly. Discussing differences.

Body ownership has been defined for us in Scripture– we become one-flesh, two halves of a whole. But our minds? As Christians, they should belong to the Lord. They have the unique ability to multi-task. While doing one thing like talking with people, we can pray, remember Scripture, Praise and Worship God at the same time.

The Bible exhorts us to pray without ceasing, because we can. We are able to do that. It takes practice, reminders, and at first a lot of attention and time. But then it becomes a habit. It happens naturally.

Our minds were made to interact with our Creator continuously.

That’s why there is so much competition for it with the world, people, even within ourselves.

We have a choice in who or what we give our minds to.

Everyday I want to choose God. Many times I fail somewhat, some days completely.

Every day is a new chance.

An Honest Perspective, Walking With God, What life has taught me

Fighting An Invisible Enemy



I have an invisible enemy. I’ve fought against it for as long as I can remember. This enemy does not fight fair. It hides in the shadows. I have exhausted myself many times throughout my lifetime trying to fight back, but it dodges every retaliatory jab.

My enemy catches me off-guard, though less often now. It strikes with the intention of crippling my efforts. It dismantles my credibility. Mocks my accomplishments, experience and concerns, rendering them invaluable– useless. It attempts to define me as “too emotional”, “uneducated”, “ridiculous” or “ignorant”. It laughs at me, or rolls its eyes with a sarcastic dismissal of my importance.

It steals my confidence– tries to steal my joy.

I’ve learned to stand back and just observe how this enemy attacks and come to recognize that part of its victory over me has been through the use of decoys. It’s as though I am blindfolded, and I think I know its location through a sound or a movement. But, when I attempt to retaliate, I punch through thin air, exhausting– even injuring– myself in the process.

It’s impossible to fight this enemy.

In an effort of self-protection, I surround myself with people who have proven their trustworthiness to me over time. People who value me and don’t laugh at my creativity, experience, or blow off my concerns. Sometimes those people disappoint me.

I have begun to realize, the best way to defeat this enemy is to guard myself during its assailment and then assess the damage.

The damage hardest to overcome or heal from is the friendly fire. I know my visible enemies will not care about or recognize the truth over their opinion of me, so their words no longer hurt me. But, those closest to me– their opinion becomes the fiery darts my enemy uses to go straight to my heart.

When I remember to hide in the shadow of God’s wings, the damage is minimal, often non-existent.  Psalm 63:7 reminds me: “For You have been my help, And in the shadow of Your wings I sing for joy”. Hosea 14:7 encourages me that:  “Those who live in his shadow Will again raise grain, And they will blossom like the vine. His renown will be like the wine of Lebanon”.

Then I know, the only thing that ever matters is God. He sees all, knows all, and He’s with me every step of the way, guiding me with the light of His Word, working through me regardless of how useless or unimportant any person believes me to be.

God is my strength, and He helps me defeat the intentions of my invisible enemy, by praying and believing God’s Word– His promises. Every time.

Christian Thoughts, God's Heart, The Past, Walking With God, What life has taught me

The Spiritual Damage Of Anorexia

I’m a former anorexic and bulimic, reformed through Christ. This post has been a long time coming.

To look at me now you can’t tell I was near death at one point from practicing anorexia.

The Spiritual consequence is what I want to get into with this post. I don’t think I’ve ever read anything about that before.

Fasting is an important part of our growing relationship with God. When we fast unto God, we deny our flesh to set aside our physical wants and needs temporarily to focus on seeking God. We fast to repent, seek God, grow in our faith and understanding, and to actively put Him completely first. The focus is God, not our body, not the avoidance of food.

Anorexia is a tool the devil uses to corrupt that. Fasting not only becomes an obsessive practice of focus on ourselves. Opportunities open for the demonic to gain footholds in our lives, choices, beliefs, vision, perspective and practices. The devil sells us the idea we can obtain perfection.

When Jesus is our Lord and Savior, God sees us as perfect because Christ is in us.

Through the practice of Anorexia, the devil causes deformity within our spirits and our understanding. The devil clouds our vision, and converts our perception to a distorted view and belief system– the belief that our body is the enemy we need to fight against.

The Bible is clear that our battle is not against flesh and blood. We are transformed through the renewing of our minds, new creations through Christ Jesus.

Striving for perfection, we work hard for acceptance and approval of the world. But like a small kid in a game of Keep Away, or Monkey In The Middle, we never lay hold of it. The constant effort steals focus, energy, confidence– reality. The bar gets raised higher. It’s always just… out of…


God accepts and approves of us because of Jesus. We don’t have to prove our worth to Him because Jesus showed us how much He values us by dying on the cross, and rising up again. We are wanted, welcomed by God.

Jesus made it possible to have acceptance from our Creator. We can have a relationship with Perfection Himself, and He is working to make us the best version of ourselves– for His glory.

We have a choice: We can work really hard for a distorted version of perfection that’s never within reach. Or we can rest in God’s approval and meet Him in the changes He makes as He perfects us His way.

I have experienced both. I prefer God’s way.

The Past, Walking With God

Scars– Survivor’s Thick Skin

I have scars.

Some are easily seen. Like the one on my hand where I got stitches from grabbing a knife out of a distressed friend’s hand. He was threatening self-harm.

Tonka The Mountain Lion

Some are hidden. I have scars in my scalp from an attack by a playful young mountain lion my aunt kept and adopted from a hunting trip. When my fingers locate the indented bite marks my hair now hides, it seems as though the scars remember the trauma– the pain. All that blood… I can still almost taste the metallic flavor as it as  gushed out of the fresh wounds, covering my face. The rush of fear– I had no idea how to get away from Tonka cougar’s implanted teeth in my scalp. The tears. The shock as my aunt just stood there, watching, with what I remember as being a curious and possibly slightly amused look on her face. Her husband grabbed a towel and somehow got my head out of Tonka’s clenched jaw. I don’t remember being separated from my new “friend’s” grasp. I vaguely remember being in the ER, having my head bandaged. The rest is hidden in my memory, deep beneath those still sensitive-to-touch scars.

There is a Proverb that says– “Wounds from a friend can be trusted, but an enemy multiplies kisses.” (Proverbs 27:6) I’m not sure I can apply this one to what happened with Tonka.

Then there are inner scars that no one person see. The ones that form over our emotions. The ones that guard our hearts. They cover our memories, stretching over wounds as a protective layer. They remind us to avoid people and situations that cause us pain. They encourage research into preventative measures. They might even be what makes us want to build up protective walls– to keep similar pain out.

Maybe they are the walls…

I have hidden scars. From an abusive childhood. From people who called themselves my friends, but never really followed through. From a devastating first marriage.

I have other scars I call regrets. Wow did I do stupid things! I had no self worth. I was beat down by the words of my dad on a regular basis, convinced what he said about me was how everyone saw me. Worthless. Good for nothing. In the way. Why was I even born?

I am thankful that God swooped down and rescued me the times I almost gave in and gave up.

He was my Comforter. He was my  Rescuer. My Protector. In later years He also became my Shield.

He brought people, one at a time, into my life. He worked through them to help me. He helped me find the path to trust and healing.

My list of traumatic life experiences is longer than many people’s. I hate that so much! Not because I would ever want anyone to experience more. Because each situation where the scars have sealed-off painful memories, is horrible.

I have fought a tremendous uphill battle just to be normal. I fought to have a healthy mind. I’m fighting to have a healthy body.

I have hated my life for most of my existence. Except where God made the changes that delivered me from being bitter, hate-filled and angry. I love that He has healed and transformed me to the me I am now. Believe me– I was beyond  repair. Consumed by anger for my dad. Filled with hatred for my neglectful, abusive, rapist-coward of an ex-husband.

I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that God is real. I look at who I was before I allowed Him to walk with me, and I feel a sense of shock that He didn’t just have me removed from the face of the earth.

He healed me. He revealed a deeper love for me than anyone had ever shown to me.

All I ever really wanted was to be loved, to be welcomed– to be wanted.

God has given that to me.

The scars remind me.

One of my scars is sadness. You can’t walk through all I have and not still be affected in some ways by it all. God healing me does not erase those circumstances or all of the emotions still attached. I was still robbed of a healthy relationship with my dad. I remember the horrible words he said to me, how he hurt me in so many ways– physically, emotionally, mentally, even spiritually.

It all still happened.

It all no longer defines who I am.

Jesus has scars. Crucified on a cross. Nails the size of small railroad stakes pounded into His wrists and feet. Scars on His scalp from the crown of thorns. Scars on His back as His flesh was ripped apart by a whip called the “cat of nine tails.” He endured that for me. His scars remind me that His love and compassion are so deep, He willingly went through everything He did for me. I couldn’t have done that. I wouldn’t have been able to look at my abusers and say to God the Father, “Father. Forgive them, for they know not what they have done.”
Jesus did that.

His scars remind me.

An Honest Perspective, The Past

What You See Isn’t Always What You Get

We live in a timeline of illusions. Photoshop and other apps often help us give the appearance of faked perfection. Movies and tv shows take us to other times, places, worlds, universes, and realms of perception. Even Reality shows are not very “real”.

We are so caught up in a culture of perfection that the imperfect, as defined by popular societal opinion, is often thrown by the wayside.

We measure others by a set of standards we’ve been told everyone should just fit into, or else they are wrong.

Worse– we measure others by the standards we have set for ourselves, and that our parents or spouse have set for us.

If we are honest, we can admit: anyone who doesn’t conform is wrong and not worthy of our time.

In Christian circles, I see so much of this “Put your pretty face forward” junk. “Think Positive!” “Focus on the prosperity God wants to give to you!” “Be happy! The joy of the Lord is your strength!”

I’m caught in the middle of imperfection. I used to be able to fit into an appearance of perfection. Now I have way too many openly apparent flaws. I’m ok with that, but a lot of people are not. If some things were suddenly reversed, I’d have it made! Like, if being overweight were looked at as a trophy of having carried and cared for 4 children, for instance. I’d fit right in there!

My imperfections on the outside are right there for everyone to see.

My imperfections on the inside aren’t easy for anyone to see unless I draw attention to them. Like I’m about to do. But, it’s going to get ugly. Because some of my memories just can’t be prettified. They can’t be made into happy ones. There is no prosperity to be gained from them.

I have found it difficult over the years to find people who can, or want to take time to try to identify with me. My life has never been average, but I rarely invite anyone in to look at it.

These days we are drawn to dark things, but not the kind of dark that I have faced– the kind of dark that makes you beg for the Light.

It’s intense. That’s not my fault. I didn’t author my life.

I’ve just survived it.

I don’t know how anyone else would have lived through– survived– the kinds of things I have had no choice about. I suspect they might treat other imperfect people with more compassion and understanding.

I’m drawing this out because I don’t want to write about the dark memory that’s been on my mind.

When a bone is broken, there is something on the outside to make that apparent. Lots of pain. Bruising. Swelling. It can be x-rayed, set or fixed with surgery and put into a cast until it heals.

When something happens in our lives that causes us to be broken inside, there are no x-rays, no setting or fixing, no doctor that puts a cast on it until it heals.

Yes, God heals us. But, that’s not what this is about.

There is no bandage that is able to heal the memories of what I have seen and experienced as a child with an abusive, mentally ill parent. The legacy I have been left by my dad is painful memories. There is no amount of  “Put on your pretty face and be happy because the joy of the Lord is your strength” that I can apply like a balm of Gilead.

Happy is not the same thing as joy.

I have an inner joy because Jesus Christ has given me eternal Salvation. I have an inner sadness because something has been stolen from me that has not and can not be replaced: my dad. Even while he was still alive, things could never be repaired into a normal, healthy relationship. Because he wasn’t normal or healthy.

He was broken.


No medicine could fix him. In fact, for years, it made things even worse.

Sure, talking with a counselor often helps with inner healing. But, let’s be honest: what’s been seen can not be unseen. And the darkest memory I have fits into that category. I don’t really think about it often. I remember that it happened but I don’t actually look at the memory.

Because it’s the crippling kind of painful.

I feel an anger and a sadness I don’t want to acknowledge. It makes me feel like crying, but the tears are stuck somewhere deep.

It’s the horrifying picture of when my dad tried to kill my mom on Mother’s Day of 1980. I witnessed it. I might have even helped stop it. But, what I remember is that nothing I said, or yelled in desperation seemed to have actually been heard by my dad. I heard my dad shouting early on that morning, and I opened my bedroom door to find my mom lying on her side, under our dining room table– under my dad– curled up in the fetal position. My dad was pounding his fist against the side of her head. She was crying, trying to get him to stop.

I nearly lost my mom that day.

When I stop to really think about what happened that day, Mother’s Day is not a happy day for me.

When I gloss over it and instead think about how I am now a mom of 4 amazing miracles, there is happiness.

So, is the answer to just gloss over it all the time, and never really remember? I don’t think it is.

I can’t change the fact that it happened. I can ignore it, but it’s going to pop up in other areas.

That deep anger creeps into my interactions and reactions.

The sadness tries to take over as depression, but I don’t usually let it.

There is a gratefulness that we didn’t lose my mom that day, to God and the family member that made my dad stop before it was too late.

I don’t think I’ve let myself think about the full impact of that.

My mom was almost taken from us in a horrifying way.

There is nothing to make that memory “pretty” or happy. That day impacted me deeply. It’s a thread sown into the tapestry of my life. I can’t remove it, or ignore it forever.

It caused something in me to break. No x-ray machine will show where the breaks are, or help anyone diagnose how to help it heal.

I can’t explain how it’s made me want someone to reach out to me. I can’t talk about it. The rare times I’ve tried to, people get put off because they don’t know how to react to it. It’s not the kind of thing that societal advice applies to, there is no Joel Osteen quick fix.

It’s not pretty. It’s not happy. It’s not the popular kind of “dark” or traumatic.

There is no box my life fits into comfortably, without trying to conform me to some unrealistic expectation.

I once asked a Pastor to counsel me, and she told me I didn’t need to be counseled. She finally agreed, but ended up she blaming me for reacting badly to things– like crying and irritating my dad when I was a baby.  I was told I need to just “let go and let God.”  I have done that, and I still hurt when I remember. I still feel angry.

I forgave my dad. I moved on.

But it still happened.

I appreciate my mom’s strength. She never divorced my dad because she made a covenant with God when she married him– For Better Or For Worse. Many marriages end with things less worse than what my mom endured. She stayed with my dad because if she had left him, he would have no one. She felt compassion for someone who behaved like a monster to her. In this day and age of impatience and perfection– who does that??

My mom is a brilliant example of loving someone unconditionally.

Am I advocating for someone to stay in a marriage they are not safe in? NO. Absolutely not! I can’t tell you how much I wished she would divorce him throughout my childhood.

God protected us all as she honored Him. I believe that. I’ve seen proof of that more than once.

Before my dad died 3 years ago, my oldest son wanted to make sure he was Saved. My dad said to tell my son that he loved Jesus. I’m sure he had to work out his Salvation with fear and trembling because there were still some ugly things that had a hold of my dad’s understanding.

But, isn’t it good that God has made Salvation so simple “that if you confess with your mouth Jesus as Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved; for with the heart a person believes, resulting in righteousness, and with the mouth he confesses, resulting in salvation.” (Romans 10:9-10 NASB) We like to make it more complicated.

Mother’s Day is coming up. This year it will be tough for me to not remember that day so many years ago.


I’ll try to acknowledge and embrace my inner devastated, heart-broken, frightened child as I also embrace my beautiful children who are like the sunlight lighting up that darkness.

I understand what I’ve survived God has used to make me stronger, but the scars will always remind me of the brokenness I’ve suffered and what God has brought me through.










An Honest Perspective, The Past, What life has taught me

Dark Reflection: Looking At The Painful Past

I hate looking at my past. I hate remembering. I have set out so many times to write “my story”, but something always blocks me.

I think it might be “this” me hating the “old” me.

I don’t want to look at it through my memories.

Why would you?

Today my youngest was playing with a rubber band, joking about shooting it at me. Even something as silly and simple as that reminds me, like a scar reminds us of a painful wound.

What is the big deal about shooting a rubber band, right? If you could look into my memory, and “feel” with my emotions, you’d know. You might even hate it, too.

You’d see the man who molested me, aiming then shooting a rubber band at my butt as I laid on the couch watching tv. You’d feel the sudden surge of rage consume what might have been a semi-peaceful moment. You’d watch my leg shoot out, my foot connect to the back of his knee as he walked by. Full rage force. Knocking him off his balance.

The rest of that day is a black hole.

One thing I really want people to understand is that I don’t live in my past. I don’t need advice on how to forgive or heal. I have overcome tremendous odds, and I only have God to thank. My experience has often been that those who hear what I’ve been through assume I need their help, that I’m asking for help or advice.

I share my story because it’s God’s testimony of Him transforming an ugly duckling into a swan– the traumatically-challenged, nearly bitter woman into a trusting Christian.

If this encourages you, I’ve accomplished what I never used to believe I could. If it hits home, I am deeply sorry.

Please feel free to use the comments section to tell how God helped you heal or overcome a troubled, painful past. We all need to hear more about what God is doing to heal the broken-hearted; to set the captive free, transforming us into the likeness of Christ.

Christian Thoughts, Walking With God, What life has taught me

Why My Defensiveness Is A Reflex Reaction For Me With Some



Last night, I had the most wonderful time having dinner, talking, then just listening to a dear friend. I learned so much about her, things I never would have guessed! It’s even easier to see why she is such a beautiful, loving, sincerely kind woman of God.

As is the usual case with me, it’s also hard to not also see that deep contrast between her life and my own.

Again I come face-to-face with why I have often felt a type of rejection from some I’ve hoped to get to know. I’m no Miss Congeniality or Miss Anything.

Often in my lifetime I’ve been left feeling as though I’m not worth people’s time. Some of that is cultural, sure. Some of it is personality-clash. I can be abrasive. I’ve even been described as a “bull in a China shop”.

There aren’t many “boxes” I allow myself to be put in. I tend to fail under heavy-handed expectations. I am as God designed me, also molded from my unique life experiences, which also at times have borne the weight of heavy-handed expectations.

I have learned that not everyone is alike, not everyone does things the same, or reacts to expectation the same way.

I probably will never meet any human’s expectation.

I can only try to meet God’s. And, I fail… All. The. Time.

One of the toughest things to put into practice is listening when it feels like you are not heard by others– that’s where my reaction of defensiveness tries to overtake me.

My life is full of many amazing, even some miraculous testimonies of God’s work.

It’s easy to focus on things that happened because God was not in the circumstances. It’s best to focus on contrasts caused by God’s healing, intervention, love, kindness, miracles and His Mercy.

While the contrast between our lives is somewhat vast, my friend and I have one very important thing that is similar– the knowledge of Who God Is in contrast to who we are and how amazing it is that He loves us.

A Mom's Perspective, Uncategorized, Walking With God, What life has taught me

Why I Am This Way, And How It Applies To My Dating Daughter



I grew up a fighter. At a time when women were belittled– not taken seriously while harassed for wanting to break out of the “norm” set for us by men– I decided not to just accept that, but to push past it. I have dealt with that issue head-on for many years now. From a grandpa who refused to call me by my given name because it was a “boys name”, to being treated as an emotional idiot, I have learned how to stand my ground and not ever just take what someone has dished out.

I’ve fought for jobs that “girls aren’t hired for”, and won. The pizza place that refused to hire me to work in the kitchen because “girls only work as cashiers and hostesses”– I worked in the kitchen. The Air Force recruiter who thought I should enlist to be a cook– I became a plumber. The plumbing shop owner who laughed at this female Veteran AirForce  plumber– because “girls don’t get hired as plumbers”– I was hired by someone to help with their in-house plumbing problems. (Nevermind that I had mostly worked on Japanese plumbing, and as a side-effort, I tried to help my aunt in her older house. Let’s just say, I screwed that up REALLY bad! That’s one of my biggest regrets.) 

I drove heavy machinery in Korea when women still didn’t drive there. I drove a Humvee in the middle-east where women aren’t allowed to drive.

When I am backed into a corner and told I can’t do something just because I’m a girl– watch me do just that.

I don’t deal with that so much anymore, as a military spouse and stay at home mom.



Now, I’m dealing with a new kind of thing– I’m now the teen girlfriend’s mom. Oh yes. So far her boyfriend has referred to me as not knowing what I’m talking about, and childish. This 18 year old boy that I am allowing my 16 year old daughter to date– with getting-stricter monitoring.

He has some nerve! I am struggling to not take my “childish” attitude and sever his relationship with my daughter!

How do I get it across to my daughter that how he treats me and his own mother will be how he treats her, once they move past all the hormonal ushy-gushy crap?

I am angry that he has the nerve to say things like that about me.

I am concerned that he does not have a relationship with Jesus at all. I want to put a stop to them dating, but at the same time, she is not going to learn important life lessons if I do that.

I am uncomfortable with my daughter dating him at all. Very uncomfortable.

So, the fighter in me has taken to prayer and sobering interaction.

I am accountable to God for my daughter. I will not take that lightly, but I’m not going to give into the temptation to “fight” with her boyfriend. I’m gonna let God fight that battle for me.




I played with my youngest boy today. Without having my phone in the same room with me. 
I tickled his feet, and tried to hit him with a small pillow, which he kept karate-kicking away.


He giggled.

I laughed.


It was just like when my 3 other kids were little and I didn’t have electronic devices plugged into my ears or constantly drawing my attention, my focus, away from the loves of my life.

It was wonderful!


Where Does The Body of Christ End?


We became members of a local church just before my husband received a new assignment. It’s not the first time that has happened to us, but this time we had begun thinking about possibly retiring to the area we were in. So, as is often the case with our family situation, we switched gears after just 2 years at that place, and began trying to prepare for a move to another country.  

It’s full of challenges, and this move was our worst ever. I am still so thankful that 4 ladies gave of themselves and helped me! I could not have done it without them!

 But, what I don’t get is why we are so easily forgotten whenever we have to move on.

We gave what we could of ourselves: our time, talents and money.

We poured out our hearts as we worshipped with many we found a connection with, beyond just our common beliefs.

Yet now it feels almost as if we no longer exist to many of the people we formed relationships with or just simply grew to respect. There have been limited efforts to stay in contact with us. Only a handful of people talk with us. This is a very large congregation!

Truth be told, my closest friends are Christians I met not within church walls or activities. Only a very few are ones I attended church meetings with or served the Lord with in some way.

That speaks volumes to me! It makes me sad and frustrated. Too many times people are content to put the burden of staying in touch on me.   

Am I not worth the effort?

The Body of Christ, is made up of many parts, even moving parts like those of us that have no choice but to move away. I believe fellowship should  represent the Eternal relationship we will always have with God and that common understanding of Eternity. 


Continued relationship.

I’ve hit a point where it’s nearly too difficult to give of myself over and over, to figure out where or how I can fit in to the new while nursing the wounds of being forgotten or pushed out of mind, or just really, really missing the old.

Often a congregation can be so introverted and focused on their programs and busyness they miss the point of being part of The Body of Christ.

Why must I make all of the effort to connect and maintain any friendships? The fight I’ve had in me for this, is dying down. Why? Because the effort is most often one-sided.

I have discovered I can meet with others online, I can minister to others online, and I can be ministered to by people like Joyce Meyers, online.

But online doesn’t meet every need. It’s just a way to extend fellowship and ministry.

The Body of Christ is in the wireless world, as well.

It doesn’t end just because a member moves away.

An Honest Perspective, An Honest Wife's Perspective, Uncategorized

What Do Women Really Want?

We have all heard the sarcastic jokes about how girls are so difficult to understand. If we are honest we have either told a few ourselves, or agreed with them.

But, are women really that difficult to understand?

Being a woman myself, I feel qualified to answer this.


Flowers, chocolates, jewelry, a spontaneous trip somewhere, getting us that dress we have been eyeing as we do our online Windows shopping– believe it or not, they all have something in common.

Being valued. Being remembered. Attention to the details that matter to us being acknowledged. Being that priority in thought and heart.

Not out of guilt. Nope. If guilt is the motivator then you have lost.

It’s not the amount of money that makes something valuable to a woman. No, really, it isn’t. It’s the motivation that created the desire to buy or make and then give the gift. That is what women most care about. What is your motivation for what you do, say, or give to your wife or girlfriend?

Behind the motivation, your heart towards her is revealed.

Women are sensitive to that. We do not want gifts, compliments or acknowledgment born out of guilt, manipulation, or stubborn obligation.

Us women, we need to know you are thinking about us. That you are appreciating us. That we, alone, satisfy you. Show us that an evening alone with us is enough, it doesn’t make you cringe or fall asleep, or day-dream about when we let you go play Fallout 4. Let us see first hand that holding our hand satisfies you more than that game controller ever does, or that iPad, or even that drink or cigarette. Put your phone on silent and look into the eyes of your special lady, without thinking about all you need to be looking into your phone’s screen to check. Dazzle us with your full attention so we know you think highly of us, you are interested in our point of view– that you value how we are different from you.

That is how we measure how much you value us. Not by how much money you spend on a gift. That you would willingly spend as much money as possible to show that you value us even more than the cost of what we have our eye on.

Make it a point to notice what we have our eye on.

We need to know we are the most valuable part of you.

When you met us, you craved our attention, you dropped what you were doing when possible to spend time with us.

You showed us we were important.

After becoming confident you had “won” our hearts, a shift happened– you began telling us we are important. Not wanting to be “needy”, we’ve adapted and accepted, until pretty soon that’s all we have.

That becomes our value. How much we adapt, accept, overlook…

This is not at all what women really want. It’s definitely not what we need. It does not satisfy or make us happy.

All too often we become part of the background of your attention or memory.

An after thought.

The least in your list of priorities.

There are too many things competing for your attention, and your affection– those things the woman in your life most deserves.

Isn’t she worth more to you than you often make known to her?

An Honest Perspective, God's Heart

Don’t Talk About It

There is an unhealthy attitude. Within the Church. You may not want to hear about it. You may not want to listen. But, that will not make it go away. Confronting it will. Confronting it is the first step to healing.

And, the church needs some major healing and repairs.


So, the attitude is this: if something about a church congregation hurts, disappoints, offends, or puts you off– don’t talk about it. Don’t talk to anyone if your feelings are hurt. Don’t mention that the lesson might not be quite Scripturally accurate. Do not show your true feelings, because the attitude is– “that’s unGodly“.

But that attitude is wrong.

Jesus never said “Blessed are those who pretend everything is fine when it’s not.” No, He said, “Blessed are the poor in spirit…”

Who are the poor in spirit? It includes those who have been hurt within the Body of Christ, sometimes from the Body of Christ.

We need to pour healing into our own.

I am going to talk about it, and we all should.

Because this pretending like everything is fine, it’s not worshiping God in spirit and in truth. It’s lying.

Everything is not fine.

And, it’s not ministering to the ones who need ministry the most– those that have been hurt. Often hurt by people within their own congregation.

I have been to several churches regularly since I turned my life over to Jesus, because I move around with the military, and sometimes God just moves me on to another church.

I have been hurt. I have been devastated.

By a church split. By a Pastor I respected like he was my own dad. By a pastor’s wife I hoped would be like a mom for me. Then I wised-up. I stopped trying to fill a need I sincerely believe God wants church leaders to help fill in their congregants lives.

But, it hurts.

Because that is a realistic, honest need. Maybe not for everyone. But it is for a lot.

How many people can actually talk about this disappointment, this failure in ministering to our own?

Most won’t because they feel shamed. They feel their needs are unimportant. They don’t know who they can talk with and be real with.

They get blind-sided with remarks about lack of faith, or about not trusting God enough.

It has NOTHING to do with not trusting God or lacking faith.

It has everything to do with not making oneself vulnerable to and not trusting Church leadership. Those God has put in place to represent Jesus. Many times, they are the ones who are not trusted. And, by every account, they should be the most trustworthy.

The most approachable.

God made people to need other people. God uses His people as His vessels to speak through, to pour His healing through, to help draw others nearer to Him.

I know, I know, God calls humans… so human weakness and faults… I get that. But, it goes way beyond that, into a seeming hardheartedness.

Why is there such an attitude of busyness, but not a deep healing ministry for everyone who walks through the doors?

God does not want Christianity to be a religion of individuality. I don’t believe He ever meant it to be such a hands-off thing.

God’s heart is for the hurting within the Body of Christ, not just without.

Who are the hurting within the congregations? Widows. New moms. New members. People moving from different communities, states or even countries. Divorcee’s. Military spouses and kids. Singles, of all ages. Teenagers. Homeless. Those untrusting of people.

The Body of Christ often can’t see beyond Its nose.

It’s time to wake up. Judgement comes to the House of The Lord first, and I do believe this is the 11th hour– perhaps even the 11:30th hour. Do we think God will “see our hearts” and just have His Judgement pass over His Body?

Lord, please pour out Your healing in all those who are hurting, who are lonely, or who just don’t know who they can trust. Please reach out to the broken-hearted, and minister to their every need. Soften the hardened hearts towards the weak, the hurting, and the ones who don’t seem to measure up or step up under the heavy weight of human expectation.

Lord, please help Your Church to walk in Unity, as well as to walk like You did as You prepared the way for us.

Please help us to make ourselves ready, to clothes ourselves with Your love and compassion for all. Remind us of our own weaknesses that You strengthen, and help us to be encouragers and extensions of Your healing Grace. In Jesus Name, Amen– So be it.

An Honest Perspective, The Past, Uncategorized, What life has taught me

I Once Was Not A Christian


I have had a lot of experiences in my lifetime. Way too many to write about here. I’ll break it down into two parts: Before Christ and After Christ. I’ll even throw in some Why I CHOSE Christ, for added tangibility.

So, BC:

I was born into a family that loved me, but that love didn’t create a safe, warm, snugly, nurturing environment. We are often hurt the worst by those that love us, and that was certainly the case for me. Do I need to go into details of abuse? Goodness, I hope not, but I’ll touch on a few of the “highlights” of my BC life:

I was sexually, emotionally and mentally abused by my dad. Maybe he treated me better than his dad treated him, but I HIGHLY doubt it because my dad was mentally ill. I don’t mean the catch-phrased quirky kind that seems acceptable, or even coveted by some in our modern society. He was severely mentally ill. I think I can honestly say I’m one of very few who watched their dad try to beat their mom to death as she laid huddled in a fetal-ball beneath him, his fist pounding into her temple. On Mother’s Day. Then there was my dad escaping the mental hospital hundreds of miles away, hitchhiking to try to come back and finish killing her. There was lots of yelling in my house, sometimes my dad even acknowledged I existed and he yelled at me. Once he punched me in the jaw, which made it painful for me to hold my violin for a few weeks.

As a result, I was a pretty screwed-up kid and I nearly died when I was 16 because of my own stupidity.

Let me just say this: I lived in a house of horror because of mental illness as a child. There is NOTHING in Christianity that comes even close to actual mental illness.

Thankfully I got to spend the summers with my grandparents, who were Christians. Things weren’t perfect there, but they were better.

I hated myself for bad decisions I made.

So at 20 I made another decision future me would hate: I married  someone I had convinced myself was “my best friend”. The problem was, I only knew him a short time before we married. The other problem I didn’t realize yet was: we were not equally yoked. He was not a Believer.

Trust me when I tell you that, yes, that absolutely does make a tremendous difference. Not only could I not share my faith with him and grow with him in that, he did not value me as God would help him if he were a Christian.

My ex-husband was abusive to me. Much like my dad, though not exactly to the same degree. But, there was also more aspects to the abuse from him. I was cut off from my family. I was locked-down at home, he had to know where I was and who I was with or talking to at every moment. I had to work and it had to be the graveyard shift.  My earnings had to pay all the bills while he kept his earnings in a separate account and he bought anything he wanted for him. Never for me. He convinced me to get life insurance, but was angry when I was refused because of extensive damage caused by an eating disorder. When I was sick he treated me like I was faking it, wouldn’t let me call in sick to work or go to the doctor until it became emergencies. Once the car he made me drive nearly got me killed, the lug nuts on the tires he had just worked on weren’t tight.

I wasn’t safe with him. He actually saved my life by divorcing me.

Now I’m thankful he decided he didn’t love me anymore. Not only am I still alive, I am married to a man I am equally yoked with, who really is my best friend and who does value me.

But my divorce was the beginning of my personal rock bottom.

After Christ:

It was at that point I finally began to “own” my relationship with God through Jesus. (Thank God Jesus didn’t return while I self-focused, because after that “blink of an eye”, I would more than likely have been left here.) I got baptized. I began making changes and reading the Bible on my own.

Because I wanted to.

I could feel God healing my life and my heart as I read His Promises.

I went through a tremendous time of grieving the death of my old self. Regret, unforgiveness, shame… God helped me work through each one of those at my own pace. He never gives me more than I can handle as He works His healing, often one-on-one with me, through His Holy Spirit.

My “conversion” did not happen because someone preached a sermon and “guilted” me in to following Jesus and obeying God’s Word.

My life changed as a result of God working in my life. Often without people.

God illuminates His Word.

He teaches me how to be a better human being. He helps me look at people as individuals, not through my own preconceived opinions.

Why I Chose Christ:

Had I continued on my own path, my life would look like the night version of how I am now. It’s like Jesus called out to me through the darkness and despair, and He whispered to me, “I have a better way for you”.

His ways are higher than mine, so much better and healthier. His way is practical. It’s loving and kind. It’s rational. It’s peaceful.

Jesus is the best way. He is the truth. He is the light with no darkness in Him, nothing evil or hateful.

I wish the naysayers would pay attention to the positives Christians demonstrate, because I lived as a non-Christian and was surrounded by non-Christians. It was destructive, mean, harsh, even deadly.

My job as a Christian isn’t to try to convince others that Jesus is the Savior of the world. That’s the Holy Spirit’s job, to do all the hard work of preparing the way of the Lord for people’s hearts and minds to be ready.

My job is to love the Lord my God, and to love my neighbor like I love me. Give them the same benefit of the doubt I give myself. Show the same grace I believe I should be shown.

Some call that cutting people slack…

I just know– I’d personally rather have Jesus than anything this world could ever hold. I have known both– life without Jesus and life with Jesus.

He makes the difference. Not me. Not my choices.

Only Jesus.

An Honest Perspective, Christian Thoughts, God's Heart, The Past, Walking With God, What life has taught me

God Loves Divorcées

I get it. God hates divorce.

Divorced people also hate divorce. It’s ugly. It’s destructive. It tears apart what God put together. It turns a peaceful union into a war zone.

Moses gave permission for divorce because mens hearts had hardened against their wives. A hardened heart makes way for cruelty and abuse. Moses was protecting the wives by allowing it.

As one who went through a Scriptural divorce– it sucks! It hurt!

Divorce rips apart lives, hearts and families. It destroys reputations, confidence and dreams.

Divorce is Hell on earth. It separates two people who were once bonded together by love and agreement.

Every divorce is different, it happens for different reasons. It’s a deeply personal experience that cuts through the one-flesh union down into the marrow of our spirit. If you have ever had to have a bone marrow biopsy done, then you know how much that cutting hurts the spirit of those split apart by divorce.

Divorce is more destructive and devastating than losing of a loved one to death. It’s cancer to marriage.

Going through a divorce is pain-filled dying yet still living. 

Can we as the Church, the Body of Christ, just stop? Stop judging our wounded family. Stop throwing stones. Stop rejecting. Stop pouring on our salt… Just stop.

Can we just love one another?

Can we just reach out and encourage each other, especially those in our church memberships that we haven’t taken the time to really get to know?

Let’s trade rejecting for compassion. Hatefulness for love. “Tough love” for gentleness, kindness. Anger for patient listening. Judgment for hugs and healing words.

We can do this. We need to do this. We’ve got to stop wounding our wounded.

I hope to see more teaching to couples and congregations about the difficulties of marriage and the solutions God provides through His Word and through praying together. I hope to see less rejecting of divorcées, and more kind and gentle ministries offered compassionately towards them.

Come on, Church. We are better than this ugly, hate-filled rejection of those who are hurting and struggling to get the pieces of their lives together, alone.

What Would Jesus Do? What does He expect us to do in His Name?

An Honest Perspective, An Honest Wife's Perspective, What life has taught me

One Anothering

My husband and I got into an argument early this morning. Which, in all honesty, is an uncommon, even a rare thing for us. We both had had a long night for different reasons, both feeling tired and some stress. He was snippy with me, I was short-fused because of that and the long night… And the collision of our frustrations happened.

I snapped.

Years ago, in a far away land in a different lifetime, I was married to a different man. We fought all the time. He insulted me, called me degrading names, and treated me with such rudeness that my mom, who gets along with everyone and their dog (she’s a dog lover), hated him. He was mean and nasty to me, and I was defensive and fought back. I was a different person back then. Language that could make a sailor proud, a tongue that could tear an enemy to shreds, I held nothing back on him. After our divorce, I decided to make some drastic changes about who I would allow to get that close to me again.

I promised myself I wouldn’t let anyone be verbally abusive, or degrade me again. I deserved better.

This morning, I reached a point I just never get to anymore, and I angrily told him how I was feeling. I expected him to get mad. I thought about how my ex-husband would have reacted when I had gotten to that point with him.

Mean and nasty…

I braced myself, wondering if I needed to gear up for a bigger argument.

He apologized.

We discussed it all rationally.

I apologized.

I forgave him. He forgave me.

We discussed a bit more, looking at the circumstances and reasons for the pressure build up. It started last night when I missed his telling me he had a headache and then I was loud and silly, obnoxiously happy because my character in World of Warcraft could finally fly. He tried to let it go. He snapped at me, I tried to let it go.

Then the long night of little sleep involving a cat scratching him as he accidentally rolled on it, and I was having a rough night as well…

Then more snapping, and I no longer was able to just let it go.

The actual argument lasted maybe a minute, the discussion maybe 5.

Now I am patting myself on the back at a job well done for picking a man who treats me even better than I expected.

John 15:12  (American Standard Bible), “This is My commandment, that you love one another, just as I have loved you.”

He has One Anothered me.


An Honest Perspective, What life has taught me

Depression IS A Thing


Did you know that King David dealt with Depression? In Psalms 42:5 he wrote: “Why are you in despair, O my soul? And why are you disturbed within me? Hope in God, for I shall again praise Him, The help of my countenance and my God.” (NASV) He then wrote it again in Psalms 42:11, and again in Psalms 43:5. It was a recurring issue for him.

Everyone deals with Depression, at some point, in some way, for all kinds of reasons. It’s a dilemma we face caused by different circumstances.

It does not have to be a permanent part of who we are. There are ways to deal with it. There are ways to combat it, and even conquer it. I know, because I have conquered it. More than once in my life. From terrible circumstances in my childhood, to dealing with the rejection of divorce. From joining the military and never quite fitting in, to discovering my mom had cancer while I was stationed in another country. I’ve been temporarily homeless, jobless, and friendless. I suffered near-severe postpartum depression with my first child, before it was a recognized problem with available help. I developed PTSD while deployed in an area with bomb threats. I’ve had my life threatened, even nearly died more than once. I was depressed in my teens and almost died from alcohol poisoning when I was around 16.

I am no stranger to Depression.

I am also no stranger to the fight to overcome it. I have never taken medication for it, but I don’t think negative of those who need or choose to do that. It’s ok. Whatever helps, that is what is important. Take hold of that necessary help.

I have learned there are things that trigger it. Certain words, memories, even people. I have adjusted my life to include a group of those hand-picked by me that I know will stand by me no matter what so that I have that source of necessary encouragement. That is part of walking in freedom from Depression’s debilitating grip.

I have a personal relationship with the greatest Encourager mankind has known, or ever will: Jesus Christ.

I have learned tactics and techniques to pull myself out of the downward spiral. I also have learned not to focus inward so much, to get busy, find an outward focus, become the encourager for others that I often need others to be for me. At times I find out that as I encourage them, I also encourage myself as I remind others of all those positive things depression can tend to overshadow and hide.

Depression is a stealthy force that can render us overwhelmed, unable to cope or do much. But it doesn’t have to remain that way. I was inspired to write this for a couple of reasons.

The first is an important movement started by Jared Padalecki, #AlwaysKeepFighting. I cannot begin to tell you how relief has overcome me to see there is such an amazing place for people to reach out and become a part of!! I fought my battles mostly alone for so long, though when my battles were toughest there was always at least one person I could lean on. I’m inspired to see so many reaching out to one another, as well as to Jared Padalecki himself.

The second reason for this writing inspiration is because of a recent letter gone viral over Facebook. The writer is Bekah Miles. In her letter she asked, “…why aren’t we having a conversation about it?” It’s a good question, an important question. We should be having a conversation about it so we can move past it. So people know there are others who care, who understand, who identify, and even some who have moved past it into content and happy lives.

The thing I’ve learned that has stuck with me the most is: It’s only temporary. It does pass. Circumstances change. Things that caused me to feel depressed have lost their hold or have been forgotten over time.

So, let’s talk.



An Honest Perspective, Christian Thoughts, God's Heart, Uncategorized, Walking With God

Comfortable In My Faith

Do you find yourself being a reactionary or responsive Christian?

I want to be responsive, but I have reactive tendencies far too often. My reflex at feeling attacked, questioned, put on the spot or called names like hypocrite used to be to jump into action and find Scripture to back up my actions, words and belief.

I fell into the false belief that my job as a Christian is to be on the defensive, to fight back with words, to defend my faith, my belief, my Savior from attacks. I thought that was what being a Christian looked like, what it meant.

I was wrong.

My job has never been to convert anyone to my beliefs.

My job is to live out my faith, while living at peace with others as much as is possible.

And, it’s not actually my job. It’s who I am.

Christian is what defines me.

Not my appearance.

Christ within me.

I am comfortable in my faith, because I am able to rest in God. I am able to trust God. Everything I am now, in this moment, is because of changes God made in me, because I am His. And He is mine.

He is Worthy to hand my complete trust to. He is Worthy to give over my plans and decisions to. He is Worthy to live for. He is Worthy to represent.

This past week I have been reminded where He has Saved me from. I remember who I was. Because of a nightmare and a school friend’s recent death, I’ve been taken back to where I’ve come from.

I needed to be reminded.

I have the loveliest peace resting in my heart, because I am comfortable in my faith.

I don’t pounce on those who say things to make me feel defensive. I don’t jump on people who mock us, hate us, and live in ways we don’t agree with. Because that doesn’t reach hearts or change minds.

I live to be a heart changer, to have God’s healing work through me. Defensive fighting doesn’t heal or help others see Who God really is.

I understand God expects me to reach up towards Him through prayer and demonstrate His higher ways. That is a tall order from God, but to whom much is given, much is expected. I have been given much experience, much forgiveness, many, many chances. Should I not give those to others, as well, where it’s appropriate?

An Honest Perspective, The Past, Uncategorized, What life has taught me

So What?


This is what my insides feel like every time I try to write my story. Gut-wrenched. I describe that feeling to my husband as killer moths flapping around in my tummy.

Every time I tell a portion of my story it feels like someone reached inside of me and yanked a piece of me out.


I wasn’t supposed to tell. But I did, and cops were called. I wasn’t supposed to talk to anyone about it, but I did. I had to. It was destroying me from the inside-out to not try to get someone to hear me. Then the worry and fear of having told would try to destroy me from the inside-out. I told someone, and then the one who hurt me, who tried to intimidate me to stay silent, tried to take his own life. Part of me grieved and blamed myself. Part of me wouldn’t miss him, would be relieved.. Which then kicked-off a worry-guilt-hatred cycle.

All that turmoil I felt for years, so many years ago, comes right back when I am writing my story. It’s agonizing and spirit-crushing to remember, to admit it all in writing.

I was molested as a child.

I was raped as an adult.

I was emotionally and verbally beat-up both as a child and as an adult.

But I’m not anymore.

I’m not anymore…

The feelings, as I recall things and relive them in my memories, they are tumultuous.

I’ve convinced myself what has happened in my life, all I have survived, is nothing special. Everyone goes through traumatic things at some point. And then as I tell someone something I realize– I have a unique story to tell because so many things have happened to me.  And I lived through them, and passed through to the other side where things are instead normal.

It will take me awhile to write my story, because there is so much to it, and very little is easy to pass on to others. Part of me goes in to all I write and share.

Please be patient. Please stay with me, even if it takes awhile. What God has done through every experience is nothing short of miraculous.

A Mom's Perspective, An Honest Perspective, Christian Thoughts, God's Heart, Walking With God

180 Into Momhood

red carnation









It started with a carnation.

Just over 20 years ago I walked into my church service on Mother’s Day Sunday. A divorced Airman, stationed in Japan, I assumed everyone knew my status. But a boy handed me a red carnation, my favorite flower. I started to give it back, saying I wasn’t a mom, and he told me not to worry about it. I could keep it.

As I went to find my seat, I saw a friend who was a mom. I told her I felt bad for keeping the flower, and she said, “Don’t. It’s a promise from God that you will one day become a mother.”

A few years before that day, I nearly made an appointment to have surgery so I wouldn’t have children. I had a sad, awful childhood, and I didn’t want to bring kids into this world full of such ugly hatred for innocence and vulnerability. A friend talked me out of it.

Today I have 4 children. Each one carried and formed within my body. Their lives are so different from how mine was.

The change to motherhood began in my heart, a seed desiring children was planted the day I received that carnation. I wasn’t in a relationship, but I began looking into adoption options. I pondered the future, thought of ways I could include a child. I thought I’d be a single mom. I believed I’d never find a man I could trust to be the father of my children. I refused to have children with the  man who divorced me because I did not trust him.

God did a work in my heart that caught me off guard. I don’t know how or when He made the changes. I made a list of 50 things I believed I’d find in the man He would bring into my life, if He wanted me to remarry.

Months passed. I forgot about the list I had written. I was introduced to a guy, and we started walking and talking together. We went to church together. It wasn’t long before I found the forgotten list. I could check off 46 out of the 50 things, and I recognized evidence of God at work on the 4 things unchecked. A short time after, he asked me to marry him.

I said yes!

The next year and a half was a jumble of long distance, high phone bills, separation anxieties, misunderstandings, making up, praying together, wedding preparations, family frictions, and finally we were together as man and wife. During that long year and a half, God spoke to my heart about the promise of a daughter, and He gave me her name. Deborah.

I got pregnant immediately after rejoining with my new husband.

It was not an easy pregnancy. I had awful morning sickness, and a terrible rash some first time moms carrying girls got… I knew that child was fulfillment of God’s promise of a daughter. Everyone thought I was carrying a boy, but I knew she was a girl.

My water broke 30 days before she was due to be born. She was a tiny 5 pounds 8 ounces. Then she lost a full pound the first week. Our first two weeks together were the hardest I have ever endured. I was fighting to keep her alive. She slept all the time, nursed constantly. I was sore, tired, scared… I had no family nearby to get help from. There were ladies at our church that supported me and prayed for us, and I know God used them to help me continue.

When my daughter was born, my mom-hood was born as well.

I went from fighting as a survivor from my own circumstances, to loving a tiny human who was part of me and yet separate– loving her so much I could feel my heart tearing to be able to fit more love inside of it.

With each child, my heart has stretched and broken apart to fit even more love inside of it. The eye can’t see that, but I have felt every tug, pull and tear. Each child and I have our own story, our own bondings, as well as our own conflicts.

God has been incredibly good to me. He fulfilled His promise and gave me so much more! He provided me with a safe, healthy environment to raise my own children, with a man who selflessly displays so many of God’s characteristics.

I am indescribably thankful that God helped me find my way on to a different life course than I started out on.





Un-rule-y Status Update


We are often in a rush to get somewhere or do something. Facebook has become so much of a part of our lives, it’s what we browse through to get caught up on just about everything– friends, family, world news, local news, political speculations, animal videos, cute baby pics… We have this quick, easy, soundbyted information summary at our fingertips, 24/7/365.

Do we take time to think about the people behind the statuses?

Here are 15 things on my mind I probably won’t say over a Facebook status:

1) My cover doesn’t look anything like me.

2) I binge-watched a whole season of Royal Pains the other day.

3) The last church I became a member of hurt and disappointed me.

4) I eat food I don’t even like because of the health benefits.

5) You hurt my feelings when you walk past me and pretend you don’t see me, but you don’t devastate me.

6) I’m blunt, but overflowing with compassion, and I have comfy shoulders to cry on.

7) I prioritize relationship. If there is miscommunication, I’m quick to try work it out, and make sure there isn’t unforgiveness or bitterness left to fester. If you don’t want to talk or work things out, I will move on– most likely without you.

8) When I feel afraid, I embrace it. When I feel pain, I embrace it. The only way to conquer is to face challenges. They won’t just go away. (Okay, except in the case of spiders. I might be a tree hugger, but never a spider hugger.)

9) My family is the ministry that God has given to me. They are important to me and to God.

10) I don’t play games. I am who I am, and I am me with everyone.

11) I have conquered things you would never guess. Alone but with God.

12) I’m generous with my time and attention, until I’m patronized, belittled, or shown what I say is of little importance.

13) I’m harder on myself than you will ever be towards me. That being said– I don’t have enough gentleness, kindness or genuine respectful concern from others. Respect is important to me.

14) Those who come along side and offer friendship on equal terms stay my friends– for life. Those who treat me like a victim, or don’t value the wisdom I have gained through hard circumstances–  won’t. I despise being treated like a victim.

15) I wish people could see past the opinions blinding their sight.

/end status update.


How Can We Identify With Jesus?

Jemtree's Heart Renewed

A woman sat at His feet and poured her very best, most expensive bottle of perfumed oil over them. She had just finished washing them with her tears and drying them with her hair.

Another woman had been talking with Jesus at the one well everyone in that area had to use, then ran through her town, shouting with happy excitement. He was a stranger to her, and political correctness would have Him not even acknowledge her. He knew things no one could, and told her He knew she was living with a man she was not married to as well as how many times she had been married before. Even with that knowledge, He still talked to her, told her how to get Living water.

A man, cursed with life long blindness, looked around with a new perfect, clear view. Jesus had just picked up some dirt, spit…

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My Healthwatch Update

I have been taking this supplement twice a day along with a dose or two of Turmeric for 2-3 weeks now. I notice when I take it with coconut oil, it works better. I also take Vitamin D and Fish oil. Sometimes I add in garlic and ginger. What I have noticed is my legs are better. The pain in my knees is not near as bad, stiffness is also better. I can see places where the swelling has gone down substantially, but I think it’s going to take time for all of the edema and swelling to go down. 

I notice if I miss a dose of the olive leaf extract, my legs get pretty weak, so I do think it’s making a good impact.

When I take Centrum for women with the olive leaf extract, I can feel things are more balanced.

I have added superfoods to my diet, gradually, 2-3 times a week. Coconut water/juice, coconut oil 2-3 times a day, and I add a few of these

  to my coconut water/juice. I don’t even crave chocolate anymore! I let the coconut juice saturate them for a few minutes, then they take on a nutty taste and crunch. They are kind of an acquired taste, but pretty yummy. You can add them to smoothies or even ice cream, as well. 

I’ll keep you updated as I see more results. :)


387 hours!

So precious! You’ll cry and fall in love with this sweet little fighter. ❤

Annalise Hope

Hello my wonderful family and friends!

I cannot believe it has been 16 days since the birth of our sweet little Annalise Hope! The girl who was only supposed to live for an hour… has now made it for about 387 hours! Talk about a fighter who wants to beat all odds and show those doctors up! 😉

-Side note- for those of you who don’t see my Facebook…here is Annalise’s one-week birthday picture from last week:


Now back to business 😛

Last Friday (the 27th) Kevin and I went to Children’s Mercy to meet up with all the different specialists and doctors to talk about this new diagnosis and about the possibility of a shunt. We didn’t necessarily learn anything new about hydrancephaly besides from what we already heard a couple days before. They mainly were discussing the “pros and cons” of doing a shunt and not…

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American, An Honest Perspective, God's Heart, The Past, Walking With God, What life has taught me


I hate my past.












I hate the parts of my personal story that involve my past. I don’t like who I was, I don’t like what I lived through. I abhor my reactions and choices. I despise where I had no choice or that I had no one to help me, to comfort me, or just talk with.

Yeah, I hate my past.

Maybe that’s why I haven’t been able to get my book written. I hate reliving it. I hate thinking about it. I hate how when I am in a group of people and I just want to fit into the conversation, I feel compelled to share my experiences so I can identify with others. And I hate how vulnerable and


I often feel when I tell something deeply personal.

Who really wants to hear about the horror experiences of my childhood and teens, and for what reasons do they want to hear about them?

Who cares? About me?

I loathe feeling like other people think I’m competing in storytelling. I hate how it just feels normal to me that I have gone through so many things, and then I see that look of shock on the face of someone I’ve opened up to- then I realize, my life has been anything but normal.

It’s like a thorn in my side.

The parts I don’t hate about my past are when God shines through, as a warm, magnanimous Light, as if He has given my heart the most loving hug.

Healing me, bringing completeness to my injured, abused soul.

Exposure reveals the miracles and even the heart of God throughout my life.

Hating my past has helped me to love and appreciate God. Living my life, I’ve learned there is no one more trustworthy and faithful than God.

An Honest Perspective, The Past, Uncategorized, What life has taught me

What’s In An Opinion?






I have always liked people.

Anyone who really knows me, knows it’s kind of my nature to try to put others before myself. Sometimes I’m clumsy about it, often I appear to just be trying too hard. OK– yeah, I try too hard.  Always I just want others to know they are important, that they matter. If no one ever tells them that, well, I want them to know they matter to me.


There are times when the harsh cruelty of others knocks the wind out of me and I temporarily lose sight of my heart’s main focus. Maybe it’s like a spotlight on certain behaviors and treatment of me, and everything else dims while my mind works to process it. It’s unfamiliar territory for me. Sometimes it takes days, even weeks, before I realize what’s happened. I’m slow to react. I’ve never understood how anyone can decide they don’t like me, as a person, just because I view life differently than they do. It catches me off-guard when someone positions themselves as though they are above me just because they don’t like what I believe or I do.

I used to think that I need to explain myself. But recently it suddenly struck me: I don’t owe anyone any explanations. Their opinions do not make them superior to me, no matter how much they believe they are.

Just like with anyone, all I have ever wanted was to be known outside of judgement. Could those who look down on me live my experiences and end up as I am now? When I look back over my life, I am so surprised by the success I have become. Not famous, not special, not super talented or even kind of known.

I am loved. I have a handful of people in my life I can count on. I have a husband who has, for whatever reason, decided to stick by me, even through times I consider worst. I am not at my best. My ex-husband abandoned me at a time when I was not at my best. This man, he stands by me. And he actually likes me. I am well aware that I do not deserve him. I don’t believe I have ever been so grateful for anyone. Not only does he know me, he knows my story. If it wasn’t enough for me to tell it to him, he’s heard things first hand from my dad and mom. There is not another person who knows me as well as my husband.

And he still loves me.

My relationship with my mom has gone through some repairs, and it’s stronger I think, now, than ever in my life. We talked through some major things, and we learned so much that we both just didn’t know about some horrible life events and circumstances. I have her permission to write about my childhood traumas, now that my dad has passed on.

Reliving those things I have forced to the back of my memory, that’s what has held me back. I cringe at the thought of reliving so many things.

Since my dad’s passing, I have felt this new freedom to miss him. There is no more frantic fear of what he will say or do. No more added reasons to need to release forgiveness to him. No reasons to work through hatred or hurt. It’s all in a neat tidy package now ready for me to deal with, with no added pressure or painful experiences.

I’ve spent years writing circles around things, because I didn’t want to upset my parents or else I just haven’t wanted to look at what’s in the middle of the circle. It’s time to dive in.

How did I get to this rabbit hole from the beginning of this blog post? I’m recognizing a common link. I loved my dad, I always had this lingering hope we’d someday, somehow, have a healthy relationship. But, because of how he often treated me, I have let others look at me through the same horrible opinions my dad saw me through. I have had myself convinced that others have a right to question me or treat me as though I’m an idiot.

I  have nothing to prove or explain, and I have nothing to fear now by talking about my past.

I’ll be moving forward as I look backward and share some very hard times. I’m hoping there will be some who will travel the journey of my life with me. Going through it alone once was enough. I’d love and appreciate some company this time around.






Jemtree's Heart Renewed


This is my 3 year old’s toy tornado.


This is my silicone funnel that I bought at the 100 Yen store.


Perspectives are like opinions: everyone has one.

Like noses.

My perspective comes from a different view of life than yours does. My experiences factor into it.

My age, where I have lived and traveled.

The jobs I have worked, the people I have associated with.

My choices, my successes, my failures and my mistakes.

The societal standards for “normal.”

The media sources I pay attention to.

Those all factor in to my perspective equation.

Perspectives are molded over time, and it seems like sometimes they can become the opposite of what they once were.

We don’t even realize something is molding or shaping– let’s just be real here and say manipulating– them at times, when we aren’t paying attention.

One of my favorite phrases…

View original post 548 more words

American, Uncategorized, What life has taught me

9/11: 13 Years Later


My daughter asked me what today’s date is, and as I glanced at my calendar and told her, the date slapped me across my consciousness. September 11. Wow. So much significance in that date, and yet, this year for the first time, it caught me off my guard.

13 years ago, when our country was attacked by terrorists who have declared a holy war against our nation, I was out of the US. I watched the entire thing unfold, as plane after plane hit, from a long distance, over the news. I did the only thing I could think of doing: logged in to the chat rooms over Yahoo, to see if anyone online was needing someone to talk with, to prayer with or for them, to just be there to keep them from feeling alone. It was shocking to see the chatrooms almost empty. Even the mockers of Christianity were silent, absent from their self-appointed posts.

I waited around online, and eventually someone logged on. They didn’t know about the planes, the fallen towers, the heroes and the many missing and dead. I don’t think they believed me when I told them. Until they turned on the news. Then, they logged out.

For one day time online seemed to stand still. The busyness of the primitive versions of our now sophisticated social media was abandoned, forgotten. I doubt social media will ever again see such abandon and neglect. I prayed for 2 or 3 people on that day (it was night for me). I don’t remember the prayers, or the names/id’s of the people. But, I remember being grateful that I was able to just do something to help anyone. I felt so helpless, being so far away. I cried and prayed a lot that night, all by myself.

I still cry on September 11.

Yet, this year, I didn’t remember to think about the day as the anniversary approached. I let myself get caught up in daily cares and life.

I didn’t forget.

I just didn’t pay attention. I didn’t prepare myself for the flood of memories.

I’m letting the memories start to slip away.

9/11 2012 was another reminder of murderous hatred towards our nation. People died. Regardless of political beliefs and whatnot, no one can dispute that our Ambassador did not deserve to die. So horribly.

The men protecting him did not deserve to die and be abandoned by their own country’s leadership.

I forgot to remind myself to remember.

I’m ashamed, and sad.

I can’t let myself forget to remember, again. Those people did not just die in vain. They do not deserve to be forgotten. My daily life is not more important than the death they experienced in service for my country and essentially my protection.

Ambassador Christopher Stevens.

Sean Smith.

Tyrone Woods.

Glen Doherty.

They deserve to be remembered by name.

A Mom's Perspective, American, An Honest Perspective, Christian Thoughts, God's Heart, Uncategorized, Walking With God, What life has taught me

Embracing Pain and Fear


It’s on my heart to share this, and given recent events in the Middle East, I can see that in some respects, it could be a timely message for some.

As an American, I’d say–in our modern American culture, there seems to be a strong growing trend to avoid pain and suffering. We’re a first world nation, we should expect to have comfort and some luxuries, isn’t that the mindset we have all just accepted as normal, healthy living?

We tell ourselves we deserve it.

I think this has, in some ways, weakened some of our resolve and even work ethics.

In today’s America we often expect to be well paid for a job we put minimal effort into doing well. We complain about working, about customers, about our bosses, about not getting paid enough–so little contentment with so much expectation and even an overreaching of an attitude of entitlement of money, healthcare, cell phones or the latest electronic device, of getting everything we want and having every convenience possible, with as little effort as possible.

Us moms, we often give in to the temptation of having a pain-free birth. I gave in with our 4th baby, but I felt like I had somehow cheated. I’m not saying I think that’s wrong, but it seems like it could be a symptom of pain avoidance.

My first 3 births were natural, no pain killers at all. Our second child came so quickly, there was no time to even have an IV put in.

Through childbirth, I learned how to embrace the pain of the contractions, to use that pain to know when to help my baby come out into the world. I bonded with my babies, I struggled and strove to help them. The pain wasn’t something I feared, but something I embraced, I used it to accomplish purpose.

During the labor of my 3rd baby, God spoke to me through the pain.

He told me no one could touch my soul because it’s safe with Him. No matter what happens to my body, my soul can never be touched, harmed, or stolen.

With the recent growing number of killings of Christians, this is something He has reminded me of, to share and have others meditate on.

Pain is fleeting. Salvation is Eternal. Our soul is safe when we give it to God through belief on Christ Jesus. As a result, I know deep within, I Never have to be afraid of any pain. I know that God will avenge me for anyone who hurts me, because I belong to Him.

I know that God will avenge every Christian murdered by those who have set themselves up as enemies of The Most High God. We may not see how He does it, but their souls will never have the comfort, peace, rest or safety that the souls of those they murdered will have for ALL of Eternity.

God’s judgment is coming for those who dare to touch the ones He has claimed as His own.

I have no fear, because I know Who I belong to. And, if I stumble into fearfulness, God reminds me that it’s His perfect love that casts that out. I don’t have to succumb to it, to let it take over my reactions, my emotions or my actions and words. I don’t have to let it take control, I am not helpless because I have Help.

I have read and heard quite a few interpretations of Shadrach, Meshach and Abednigo–from prosperity encouragements, to commitment, to God’s faithfulness to us. But, what I get out of that account is that no matter what–no matter the pain, no matter if God chose not to intervene or help them–No Matter What, they would remain faithful to God. Because they knew Who they belonged to. No amount of pain, or manipulation, or fear-inducing circumstances could make them turn their backs to God.

He chose to help them. I have no doubt if He hadn’t, they would have died in that furnace still completely faithful to God. Because they knew He knows the end from the beginning. He knows the reasons He does, or does not do things.

Do you know Who you belong to? Do you believe on Him so deeply, that no amount of pain or suffering will manipulate you into relenting and turning away?

We need to pray that those being killed for belonging to Him through Jesus know Who they belong to. We need to pray that God will intervene, that Jesus will return, and that this persecution will be stopped. Only the return of Jesus is going to stop it.

When we obey the command to pray for peace in Jerusalem, we are praying for Jesus to come back and intervene on behalf of those who are suffering because of His Name.

Return, Lord Jesus, return quickly!

When we Christians unite, the power of God is manifest through our agreement in prayer, through our worship of God, and that is what causes fear in our enemies. That is why they kill, because Satan knows and wants to stop God’s power from flowing through His body–The Church, The Bride of Christ.

We are part of something so much greater than we are just in ourselves.

Satan is using people who believe his lies to try to stop God from working through us. He will not succeed, we know that from The Revelation of John.

But, where 2 or 3 are gathered, He is in our midst. When we have faith, we can tell a mountain to move, and it will.

Do we ever challenge our own faith?

Paul had a thorn in his side that God chose not to remove. There is debate of what that thorn was, but what I understand is–Paul chose to continue to faithfully serve God with that thorn unremoved. He didn’t complain. He didn’t yell at God. He didn’t quit. He didn’t rebuke it.

Paul focused on God, not on the thorn.

Our faith and our commitment need to grow up. We need to put off the American part of ourselves and embrace the Eternal, like putting off our old selves to put on the new. Ephesians 4:22-32 Colossians 3:1-4

We can’t, after all, take America with us, and America can’t keep our souls safe Eternally.

Only the One True God can do that.


How To Build A Mom

The first item needed is the promise of a child. This usually begins with a growing belly and cravings for strange foods that defy human logic. Like a cheese and mint jelly sandwich. Variations include the promise of a pet, adopting a child, and investing in the life of another.

Next thing needed might be a careful study of blueprints. A super close look can even detect the evidence of God’s design, which is often shaped by circumstances and experiences to develop the prototype. It’s from these elements the plans for a supportive, strong base foundation stem. However, sometimes the blueprints are bypassed, and intuition and avoidance of past experiences are engaged instead.

Next, a team of helpers for support, advice,  some amount of prayer, with at least one model to draw off of will be needed. The model can be well-known or local anonymity, past or present, real or wishful thought.

Finally, a child (or pet) is added. Then, watch all the plans come unraveled as life adventures begin to unfold. And, Voila! A mom has been built.


American, Christian Thoughts, Nuggets I Learned from my Childhood, Uncategorized, What life has taught me

The Truth About My Mom-In-Law

The strengths of my mother-in-law stand out so clearly for me. She has been a wonderful example of being strong, courageous and faithful.






































An Honest Perspective, Nuggets I Learned from my Childhood, Uncategorized, What life has taught me

My Mom Is One Of A Kind

The things I learned from my mom are perseverance, strength, wisdom and loyalty.





My mom is:


Economically minded






























Yielded to God




Young at heart


My mom is beautiful.


Elements of Critique: Dialogue

Hubby’s taking an a-z blogging challenge. I don’t want to brag but…. Oh, who am I kidding? He’s brilliant! I can’t help but brag.


My teenage son is constantly getting into trouble with Mom. It’s because of his mouth.

“The problem’s not what you say, it’s how you say it.”

With dialogue the problem can be both.

First, I need to know who’s talking. That means attribution tags are important to include as early into the speech as possible. I read books to my kids, and I do voices for certain characters. You’d be surprised how often I have to double back after reading two or three lines of speech, because the author did not let the reader know who was talking until the very end.

If I’m critiquing a piece and I come to a point where I don’t know who’s talking, I’ve identified a problem for the writer to fix.

Second, I need to know how something is said, but this can be tricky. I used to try descriptive speech verbs. He…

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An Honest Perspective, Christian Thoughts, God's Heart, Nuggets I Learned from my Childhood, Uncategorized, Walking With God, What life has taught me

Before and After: A Matter of Perspective

Here is my dad David was able to get a picture tod

It’s been 2 months since my dad’s passing, wow, to the day. My timing isn’t planned, just lucky coincidence.

This picture accurately represents something unexpected for me.

My dad is smiling here. He was happy because my husband was able to visit him.

When my dad was alive, it wasn’t his smile I remembered, or his comforting shoulder hug when he walked up next to me after not having seen me for a long time.  It wasn’t the twinkle of kindness and love in his eyes when he looked at me during my short visits so far and few between the passing time. It wasn’t his jokes, or the happy tone behind all he said.

The thought of my dad when he was still alive wasn’t anything warm and fuzzy.  It was sadness that he was in hospital or nursing home care. It was frustration that so much of a normal relationship with him had been stolen from me because of mental illness (also PTSD misdiagnosed and neglected) and his “guinea-pig” status with the VA. It was anger that he was so unpredictable, I never knew what to expect when I was able to visit him. My mom claims he had no “filter”, what I know as practicing self-control and taming the tongue. The last time I saw him when he wasn’t being kept alive by machines breathing for him, he told my husband some really awful things, stuff he said he was confessing to concerning me. There are so many holes in my childhood memory, some of what he said I  can’t even verify.

He was moved around so often by the VA that I rarely knew where he was, and he did not always have access to a phone for me to call him. My mom stopped remembering to tell me he had been moved, it became part of her normal life. And, the truth is, I often cringed at the thought of talking with him on the phone. What would I say? What would his frame of mind be?

The most surprising aspect of his passing is that all those fears and negative emotions have just sort of evaporated away. I am finally free to feel the good feelings when I think of him now. My guard can be let down, I don’t have to defend myself, or prepare for the worst. I don’t have to remind myself of the bad things.

I never once wished him dead- well, after I forgave him, that is. So, there is no guilt to deal with now. Life circumstances kept my family and I far away from him, so again, no guilt about any of that. It was out of my control.

I can let the little girl I once was think about my dad and remember what I loved most about him.  No more guard, no more self-defense, no more cringing as I think of him.

My heart is free to remember safely now.

Christian Thoughts, God's Heart, Uncategorized, Walking With God

Church “Home”

I feel so blessed that this time as we transition, we are leaving an actual church home. Not just because we chose to become members and begin to lay down roots. No. There are many facets in why we stayed with this church until God, through the military, chose to move us on from the area.

There are a lot of really “good” churches. There are also, sadly, some not-so-good churches. Every church has different focuses, different ministries, and even different reasons for having been planted.

This church has felt like home. I have been free to just be myself. I have been allowed to make mistakes, to grow, to be the vessel God has molded me to be. Not everyone has been formed by God into a pitcher. Some are vases, some are bowls, some are cups… All can be poured into by God, but there are a variety of ways God redistributes what He uses through us. I have been able to serve as God has built me to serve. And, it’s not been an issue with anyone that my season just has not been one of exhausting myself getting involved with everything possible. Maybe some haven’t liked that, but I don’t feel judged or labeled, or even rejected. No one has resorted to calling me offensive names, or directing sermons at me trying to get me to change something that they completely misjudged about me. Nope. Not this time.

I love that this church is involved with several missions to quite a few international locations. They open their doors to guest speakers who share stories about God using them to help people who don’t have many opportunities to be shown hope, kindness, love or grace (Project Rescue). They embrace opportunities to reach out to hurting children in ways that don’t try to conform the child to any standard, but just to give them a chance to rest, and have fun in a safe environment (Royal Family Kids Camp). They reach out into the community to give what is needed, and make things fun and inviting (Harvest Party and Feed the Multitudes).

I’m not going to blather on all mushy-like about how perfect it’s always felt to me since we started going. It’s not perfect. It’s not fakey-polite, it’s not elevating of certain people. It’s well-balanced. And, while, of course, there are things I would personally change, the things I would not change far out-weigh anything petty.

It’s real, with real people, doing real things, with God at the heart of it all. The teaching is sound, with just the right touch of “edginess” and twists on perspective to illuminate the Word of God being alive – that double-edged sword that separates our understanding and everyday ways from God’s actual intentional purposes and plans.

That’s why I consider this my church home- because it reminds me of how things will be in our Heavenly Home. I have been satisfied here.

American, Christian Thoughts, God's Heart, Uncategorized, Walking With God, What life has taught me



I’ve said goodbye to an extraordinary amount of people during my lifetime. So many, I’ve lost count. Different phases, stages, careers and places I’ve moved on from.

This past year I’ve lost 4 people near to my heart, to death: 2 sisters in Christ that I admired deeply, my dad, and my middle school music mentor who helped form the individual I’ve become.

 I don’t remember how the two sisters in Christ that passed on last year dressed. I remember how they demonstrated their love for the Lord by giving Him their lives, their hopes and dreams, in service, worshiping Him in spirit and in truth. I remember seeing the reflection of God’s heart as they prayed for me and others. I remember the Hope they lived out and openly shared with people who had no idea they even needed it. I remember when I was young, how my dad made me laugh. I remember how my music mentor encouraged my creativity and helped me form a sincere love for music, how it could be fun, how we could take the notes and put them in different orders to make new melodies. I don’t remember what color shirt he wore, or if he wore sneakers or dress shoes. 

It’s human nature to size people up. We value our opinions more than we value the person our opinions are about. It’s God’s nature to value what’s within each individual, the unique qualities that make us all who we are.

We’re all so much more than our outer packaging. My own life has been full of adventures, twists and turns, comedy, drama, tragedies, trials– easily missed by an outward scan of the eye. 

My heart misses the people who have impacted my life over the years. My eyes miss seeing their smiles or tears of compassion. My ears miss hearing their laughter and voices.

The things we place value on in the here and now are often completely erased– rendered invalid as time passes on.

What do you miss about those you’ve cherished?


Remember Me?







Lots of people make a fuss to get gifts for loved ones during the Christmas season. For some, it’s just about checking people off of a list. For others, it’s about spending as little money and/or time as possible. For others, it’s about really looking for that “perfect” gift for each person.

My love language is giving and getting gifts, so I’m a “perfect gift” searcher. I fail if I don’t give something that has special thought and meaning behind it. Empty gifts just create clutter and are easily given away. One with thought and purpose involved also contains a portion of my heart and thoughts towards the recipient.

I am not one to just get “something, anything”.  That makes me sincerely uncomfortable.

This year I got some really nice gifts.

God gave us all the ultimate gift. He put so much thought and care into His gift to us. It’s the perfect way to be with Him eternally, if we will choose Him to be first in our lives. He gave all of His heart, all of His love, all of Himself to make a clear path for us all to join Him one day.

Our gift to God is allowing Him to be our help in everything and loving Him more than we love anyone or anything else. That’s what He wants.

Have we remembered God this Christmas season?


15 Things I Wish I’d Known About Grief

Wow. This is completely on the mark. Great advice for losing loved ones through death, divorce, and broken relationships.

Identity Renewed

After a year of grief, I’ve learned a lot. I’ve also made some mistakes along the way. Today, I jotted down 15 things I wish I’d known about grief when I started my own process.

I pass this onto anyone on the journey.


1. You will feel like the world has ended. I promise, it hasn’t. Life will go on, slowly. A new normal will come, slowly.

2. No matter how bad a day feels, it is only a day.  When you go to sleep crying, you will wake up to a new day.

3. Grief comes in waves. You might be okay one hour, not okay the next. Okay one day, not okay the next day. Okay one month, not okay the next. Learn to go with the flow of what your heart and mind are feeling.

4. It’s okay to cry. Do it often. But it’s okay to…

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A Loving Wife's Perspective, American, An Honest Wife's Perspective, Christian Thoughts, Uncategorized, Walking With God, What life has taught me

Individually One Flesh

Love my husband s fun hobby D these are our mains







Mark 10:8 “and the two shall become one flesh; so they are no longer two, but one flesh.” (NASB)

Marriage is the most unique relationship between humans. When a man and woman marry, it takes time to learn how to live together.  How to agree and disagree. Whether or not to even have children.

Then, if having kids, how to raise them and discipline them. How to encourage them in the midst of parents coming from 2 different perspectives, backgrounds, and maybe even world  views.

There are many outside forces to consider. The husband and wife learn they have to set boundaries for outside forces so they can follow the path together that they set out on when they said, “I do”. There are things to compromise on, things to agree on, and times where tongues may or may not be held, when one does things the other doesn’t like.

I learned a lot from my first marriage that failed. I was rejected by a husband who was far from the image he sold me before we married. I was shoved out of the way to make room for another woman. As I struggled with my hurt, I also learned how to become an individual again. I lost “me” completely within that marriage.

When God brought His choice for me into my life, I remembered my previous marriage experience. How bad things were with a man who would have nothing to do with God or church. I realized it would be best to focus on what is right with my second-chance marriage. I chose to not adopt society’s way of focusing on what I see as being wrong, and telling others about my irritations, getting people to be on my side.

We are one flesh. There are no sides.

What I say reflects back on both of us. It points to my character as much as his character.

But although we are one flesh, we are still both individual people. One of the hardest lessons I have gleaned from is: I can’t take his failures personal. Not everything is about me. Sure, his decisions and actions affect me more than any other person besides him. Sure, I am in it with him, and when he makes bad decisions they affect me like they affect him. I am part of the fall-out. My feelings are entangled with his choices. And, no, he doesn’t often remember to think about that.

God gave him to me. To love me, to provide for me, to protect me.

Sometimes I forget: God also gave me to him.

God gave me to him to be his help mate. He may not want my help. He may not recognize what I am trying to do as being helpful.

But, God has given me a mission as his wife: help him.

How am I supposed to help him? The first thing is to let him be the individual God created him to be.

I have to disengage my feelings when he falls off the pedestal I tend to put him on. He is not immune from making sinful decisions. So, how can I help him look to God more? How can I help him be a man of prayer and response, rather than human reactions? How can I help him make decisions best for the whole family, that please God, rather than just decisions for himself?

I need to remind myself at times that God will work out the details for what He sees as faults.

How can I help him be his best for God? Without being manipulative. Without trying to be his Holy Spirit. Without putting my opinion and expectations in place as the standard I try to push on him. How can I just let him be him, treat him with respect and loving-kindness, regardless of what I see as being wrong?

How can I submit to his leadership, in a sense, without losing my own individuality in the process? How can I help him consider my needs and instincts, while balancing myself against things I recognize as not being God’s best for him, us, or our family?

My husband needs me. Whether he acknowledges it or even recognizes it, or not.

He needs me to be encouraging when he feels overwhelmed. He needs me to pray for him. He needs me to help carry his burdens, when possible, and let him handle them his way when I can’t.

He needs me to love and accept him, unconditionally. He needs me to not harden my heart when he doesn’t do things “perfect”, or even when what he does and says hurts me.

The hardest part of being his helpmate is focusing on my mission from God to respect him and be the helpmate God gave me to him to be. Through prayer, fasting, encouraging, silence, sharing Scripture, and being nonjudgmental when he does not do things the way I would.

Individually, we are one flesh. He does not have anyone else like me in his life.

God has given me an important mission on earth. To help one of His children in ways no other person can, with God’s help through my life.

We are 2 individuals that are also one-flesh. Even when my other half messes up, or strays from God. I still have my purpose given to me from the Divine. That does not get cancelled out. If anything, it becomes a more urgent focus.

My feelings and expectations are not the standard I live by. God’s standard is what I am striving to live by.

I can’t just give up and walk away, even if it ever felt like it was killing me.

Jesus didn’t give up and walk away when it was killing Him.


What Will Greater Things Look and Sound Like?

John 14:12 NASV “Truly, truly, I say to you, he who believes in Me, the works that I do, he will do also; and greater works than these he will do; because I go to the Father.

As my soul drinks in this song linked above, some questions come to mind. What will the greater things Jesus said we would do, look like and sound like? Can you even imagine what it will be like for God’s Kingdom to come down to earth?

The first time the human race experienced God’s Kingdom coming to earth, most did not recognize it.

Most weren’t even aware. Only those whose hearts were linked with The Creator of all, knew. Only those who had a relationship with the Living God appreciated what God had given to all humanity. Only those who studied the prophecies of the coming Messiah recognized Him and loved Him.

72084292455What does it look and sound like when God’s Kingdom touches earth? Have we ever experienced even a taste of that? I think it looks like Praising and Worshiping in one accord. I think it’s supernatural abilities of demonstrating kindness, love, and forgiveness. Like those times when we are aware of God’s heart for other people, and we seek Him on behalf of them. Or, when telling the truth, even in the hardest of situations, becomes more important than saving face or being right. When the needs of others being met overshadows our worries and fears about our own needs being met, and those who are hurting can rely on those who have hurt in similar way to walk with them, listen and pray for them. That’s what it looks like, sounds like, and feels like, to me.

We look like and act like Jesus.

What will His return look like? What will it sound like?

We know from Scripture, there will be a trumpet sounded from Heaven.  Will everyone be able to hear it, or just those who have been called and chosen by Him? Will there be a rushing sound as there was when the Holy Spirit first was released? Will there be a choir of Angels singing His Praise as He rushes to the aid of His people being persecuted, or about to be persecuted?

He IS returning. Signs He mentioned tell me that it will be soon, and most of us will not even realize it… I pray we do everything we can to make ourselves ready and aware of His return. That we all don’t remain complacent, burdened and buried by the concerns of this life, which tug at our hearts and minds, draining our energy, warring with our focus. That we don’t get, or remain, so consumed in all the things we say we are doing for Him, that we don’t pay attention to Him. That we will be ready for Him. Would we be ready if He returned tonight?

What do you think will greater things look and sound like?

American, Christian Thoughts, God's Heart, Uncategorized, Walking With God, What life has taught me

Bondage Gospel: Good News?

1048428-Royalty-Free-RF-Clip-Art-Illustration-Of-A-Cartoon-Happy-Springy-Man-Running-BarefootMark16:14-15 (NLT)
Still later he appeared to the eleven disciples as they were eating together. He rebuked them for their stubborn unbelief because they refused to believe those who had seen him after he had been raised from the dead.  “And then he told them, “Go into all the world and preach the Good News to everyone…”
Recently in the news, many rejoiced that 3 young women who had been held captive by a man for a decade, were suddenly found and freed. They were alive! Though not unharmed, and changed in ways most of us will never comprehend. They were finally allowed the freedom to return to their loved ones, robbed of a decade of memories and experiences with them.
 I think we can all agree, their new freedom was good news!!! And, it was spread, far and wide.
Also, recently in the news, the government has enforced a new law that is popular with some, and unpopular with others.  For years, many have been shouting the good news about free government healthcare. For others, they recognized a new bondage they have been forced to embrace.
The Gospel can come across that way. When we Christians quote the 10 Commandments of God to the world, many look at it as a new bondage. One that locks them into a box of condemnation and away from the freedom to live as they choose to. Many hear the clanging of gongs whose noise level is deafening, and it makes them run away from what they think of as a type of ancient imprisonment. It makes them strike out in anger at the ones making the noise.
Sadly, we have been ineffective messengers. We’ve caused many to equate the Good News of Jesus conquering eternal death, and being raised up from the grave, as an agreement to surrender to a bondage. One they cannot live up to, and don’t even want to try.
Do we hear how we sound?
Is what we say, and the attitude in which we say it, how we ourselves were drawn to Jesus?
When we say to someone, “You will die a forever death that will keep you eternally separated from the love of God, from the goodness of God, from God Himself”, what reaction does that invoke?
How can we communicate the Gospel message effectively?
Do we even want to communicate effectively?
See, it seems like sometimes we prejudge people and we tailor our message to fit the perception we have created with our opinion. Then, we leave God out of the message. Oh, we talk about Him, we try to thump it into people’s guilt and consciences. God is probably not in that.
Many have come to equate the Gospel message with a message of condemnation and criticism for how they are, who they are, and how they want to live.
When did Jesus ever talk to an unbeliever like that?
How many people actually ask us what they have to do to be Saved? Most often, it’s an unwilling listener who gets a barrage of what a horrible person they are.
When my husband asked me to marry him, if he had told me what a horrible person I was and how he could make me be a better person if I would marry him, I would have never spoken to him again.
That’s what we do when we walk in condemnation of the people God loves and wants to draw near to Him. They aren’t going near God with a 10 foot pole, when we approach them like that.
Are we like Jonah? Deep down inside, do we feel like they don’t deserve our loving God’s arms wrapped around their lives, or His promises fulfilled for them?
Is it really a Gospel of repelling and condemnation we are wanting to pass on, so they will instead reject the wonderful things we have been given in Christ Jesus?
Or, is it a manipulative way we embrace because of how we view our own inadequacies in sharing Jesus with a world full of hostile critics? Is it our own lack of faith in God working through us to draw others to Himself through us?
Are we willing to be vessels filled with His love and grace?
Whatever our definition of love is, I do not believe, most often, it is God’s definition of love. Where is the kindness, the gentleness, the peacefulness that God Himself demonstrates to us constantly? Is God like the slave master who whips us into submission to Him?
He is gentle, and loving, and Kind, giving us everything we need. Why is it, then, that often we take on a harsh, mean attitude, and shout about Sodom and Gomorrah, the 10 Commandments, and how the unbeliever needs to repent?
Perhaps there is a time and a place for that. But, most often – I think not.
I believe these are some hard questions we need to be asking ourselves. This is a mirror for us to look into, and do a heart and motivation check.
Paul wrote:
1 Corinthians 5:9-12 (NASB)
I wrote you in my letter not to associate with immoral people; 10 I did not at all mean with the immoral people of this world, or with the covetous and swindlers, or with idolaters, for then you would have to go out of the world. 11 But actually, I wrote to you not to associate with any so-called brother if he is an immoral person, or covetous, or an idolater, or a reviler, or a drunkard, or a swindler—not even to eat with such a one. 12 For what have I to do with judging outsiders? Do you not judge those who are within the church
American, An Honest Wife's Perspective, Christian Thoughts, God's Heart, Nuggets I Learned from my Childhood, Uncategorized, Walking With God, What life has taught me

United We Stand

glass broken  heartGod has sure been stirring up a lot of things in my heart and thoughts lately.

One of the recurring issues I deal with is that I am still missing out on a father figure for my life. I understand that Scripture teaches us that God is our Heavenly Father, and He has never disappointed me.

I know it sounds ridiculous, but I am 40-something, and I still wish I could just have a normal conversation with my daddy. I have never had that. I have missed that, and struggled not to envy what others have been given.

There are so many people, of all ages, who have not had real, or healthy  relationships with their parents.  Where are the Godly men who will step up, and allow God to use them to replace what has been stolen from so many?

“When Jesus then saw His mother, and the disciple whom He loved standing heart-photo-by-Carien-of-sxc.hu_nearby, He said to His mother, “Woman, behold, your son!” Then He said to the disciple, “Behold, your mother!” From that hour the disciple took her into his own household. (John 19:26-27 NASV)

He understood that those relationships are of utmost importance.

We are missing so much with our individualistic approach to Christianity. We are missing out on so much.

American, Christian Thoughts, God's Heart, Nuggets I Learned from my Childhood, Walking With God, What life has taught me

Love Is Tough

Judah 031Our American culture has adopted this practice of Tough Love when we see others doing stuff we don’t like.

I can see how this has been helpful in some situations. Some people are hurtful towards others, and destructive forces for themselves and others. Sometimes we need some kind of kick in the pants to wake us up to difficult things.

Judah 034My concern is, it seems like we often call something else “Tough Love”. When people do things that annoy, we turn our back on them. We don’t tell them what the offense is, but we ignore them in a manner that is manipulative, and honestly – mean.

I cannot see Jesus doing that with others. Not this second thing.

The second description is a form of rejection, candy-coated so we can justify our actions. It’s often the result of hearing one side of a situation through gossip. Often the person being rejected or ” Tough Loved” is the most in need of acceptance and actual Love. It is not Biblical.

Love is patient. Love is kind. Love endures all things . Love keeps No record of wrongs. Love does not rejoice in evil ( do we rejoice in turning our back on others?). Love is not jealous (does our rejection cause someone to feel jealous of others being treated better by us?). (1Cor 13)

When someone offends us, the Bible instructs us in how to deal with that. It is rare that I see that put into practice! Even by lay leaders. What most often happens is we play this manipulative game of “guess what you did wrong – no you didn’t offend me”.

We need to stop the games.

Let’s practice Tough Love on that manipulative, mean practice we use to elevate ourselves in our minds, as being better than someone else.

Let’s practice compassion by imagining ourselves in other people’s shoes, and demonstrating the very same Grace, Kindness, and Love we would hope we could expect.

I’d like to redefine Tough Love as being resilient, and sincerely loving others even more so when they are the most unloveable.

Let’s really be the Church, and effective ambassadors of Jesus. Starting right now.

Part of “revival” is repenting from Ungodly practices.

American, Christian Thoughts, Walking With God, What life has taught me

When I Say “Food”, You Say…


It’s hard to stop pre-thinking about what I am about to read, as I blog-hop. So, let’s all just take a moment to close our eyes, and clear the thoughts ready to pounce as the words here are read.

I’ve been thinking about food today, and medical problems, and possible connections between them. I’ve had a lot of blood work done lately. So much so, that I now refer to the phlebotomist as the medical vampire. I’ve been questioning whether some of my problems are caused by what I eat.

That got me to wondering: when you think of food, what is the first thing that comes to mind? I wouldn’t be surprised if for the majority of Americans, it’s calories, fat, or weight gain.

I don’t think we have a healthy mindset about food.

We fret, we stress, we avoid, we burn, we ban, we purge, we omit, we decorate, we make scents of it…

But do we really make sense of it?

Our body needs food. That’s the one fact about food none of us can dispute. It’s the fuel our bodies are designed to function from. Do we have a healthy relationship with it?

There are certain foods our bodies have been designed around. No matter what, we need water. We need protein. We need certain salts to keep it in balance. We need minerals and vitamins.

It’s not supposed to be about avoiding, and focusing on counting calories. It’s supposed to be about relaxing and enjoying what the earth produces to nourish us.

Babies draw comfort from their mothers as they are nourished by their mothers. I think, there is nothing wrong with finding some amount of comfort in eating what’s good for us.

There are plenty of examples of celebration feasts in the Bible. God provided the nourishment needed as Jesus fed the 10,000 with the Word of God – Spiritual food, that our bodies have been designed to need to function in a healthy manner.

So. What do you think of when the word food is mentioned?

Christian Thoughts, God's Heart, Walking With God, What life has taught me

Are You a Riverbed of Living Water?

my phone 044A few weeks ago, my husband prayed over me, and God revealed to him how things often are for me. A scene played in his mind of a deer going from riverbed to riverbed, finding them all dry. I cried as he shared this, in awe that God would reveal something so deeply personal with accurate detail, in such a beautiful way.

God has taken this outcast and placed me right in the middle of His Living water. Now, when I thirst, I know I can always drink from His Living water, in a riverbed that never runs dry. God’s Spirit has been the water when I have been dying of thirst, with no opportunity for the type of relationships my life has often needed in order to be nurtured and healthy.

He has held me close to Him when others have kept me at arm’s length, gave me a cold shoulder or shut me out.

God made us to need other people.

???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????For years, I’ve had this mental picture of looking through a window I’m on the outside of. I see people enjoying each others company while listening to each other intently and celebrating life, ministering to specific needs.

It’s like watching a movie of something that has been the longing of my heart.

More and more I’m sure God has been showing me His own heart with that mental picture. I believe He wants that to be a mirror, instead of a window. A reflection of all His children included. No jealousy, no competing for favoritism or position, and no bullying. Just unconditional love, appreciating God’s handiwork in others while building one another up and spurring them on towards the prize.

Maybe, also, that’s what it will look like in Eternity.


Isaiah 55:1
“Come, all you who are thirsty, come to the waters; and you who have no money, come, buy and eat! Come, buy wine and milk without money and without cost.”

Psalm 42 NLT
1 As the deer longs for streams of water, so I long for you, O God. 2 I thirst for God, the living God. When can I go and stand before him? 3 Day and night I have only tears for food, while my enemies continually taunt me, saying, “Where is this God of yours?” 4 My heart is breaking as I remember how it used to be: I walked among the crowds of worshipers, leading a great procession to the house of God, singing for joy and giving thanks amid the sound of a great celebration! 5 Why am I discouraged? Why is my heart so sad? I will put my hope in God! I will praise him again— my Savior and 6 my God! Now I am deeply discouraged, but I will remember you— even from distant Mount Hermon, the source of the Jordan, from the land of Mount Mizar. 7 I hear the tumult of the raging seas as your waves and surging tides sweep over me. 8 But each day the Lord pours his unfailing love upon me, and through each night I sing his songs, praying to God who gives me life. 9 “O God my rock,” I cry, “Why have you forgotten me? Why must I wander around in grief, oppressed by my enemies?” 10 Their taunts break my bones. They scoff, “Where is this God of yours?” 11 Why am I discouraged? Why is my heart so sad? I will put my hope in God! I will praise him again— my Savior and my God!


In All Things Charity

“Scripture shotguns and Gospel grenades just don’t make a lot of sense to me. “In all things, charity.”
Not casualties.”

Wanton Disregard for Safety

I am amazed when I consider how some Christians handle conflict.

Some people seem content to throw the figurative grenade into the room, then pick up the pieces and see what’s left. No really, that’s pretty much a quote I was given as one person’s method of conflict resolution.

There are those who feel compelled to fire their Scripture-shotgun into the face of any opposition, no matter how tame. “I know what God says on this matter. I asked Him.” Or perhaps “I have a degree in Christian Ministry, so I don’t need your input on Christianity, kthxbai.”

Not exact quotes but close enough.

I attend a church whose stated vision is to “Saturate our city and our world with the heart of God.” My wife and I have been playing for the music ministry for about a year and a half now. When they announced a new members class…

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American, Christian Thoughts, Uncategorized, Walking With God, What life has taught me

Being An Enabler Is Good


Isaiah 57:14 “And it will be said,
“Build up, build up, prepare the way,
Remove every obstacle out of the way of My people.””

We’ve all heard the phrase and warning, “Don’t be an enabler“. I grew up thinking there is only one definition and only one way to enable: to allow, encourage or make excuses for the wrong or hurtful behavior of another. I became an expert in not fitting that definition. I also became an expert at knowing how to avoid being co-dependent.

Recently I’ve become aware that Merriam-Webster is changing definitions to words. No, not adding new definitions, but erasing/deleting/removing previous definitions, then adding new ones. “Tolerance” is one that has been redefined. I’m going to work hard to help change the mindset about this word “enabling”. Don’t get me wrong. I am not saying we completely throw out the definition society most often grabs hold of and speaks out against. I am saying, let’s get to the place where that becomes a secondary definition, and the word doesn’t cause such a negative reaction.


I thought about how using a lawn mower enables us to take care of our lawn.

Recently my husband was asked to play the keys in a band performing that didn’t have someone available to play them. I reacted, rather than responding, with a groan. My husband has so many demands on his time. Often when it’s my turn, he’s so exhausted he’s falling asleep. Things have been busier for both of us, and I was looking forward to just having a day where nothing was scheduled that we could relax at home. Then, he explained the reason for the performance. It was an opportunity for the young lady singing to participate in an open air concert, with a possible opportunity to be able to open for a big named singer in the future. Wow. I didn’t want to stand in the way of that possibility! So, I stopped complaining and dreading his being busy with yet another thing, and I went with him in support. Meeting her and hearing her sing, I realized this was a super big deal. She is good, with a powerful message that made me cry while they were rehearsing.

So, that got me to thinking, and realizing: I’ve been short-changed. There is a whole other positive side to being an enabler, one I think the majority of us would love the chance to embrace. So, here are some ways to enable the people in your life:

1) Always speak to them with words that encourage and build up.

2) Address things that need to be changed or done better, in a positive way. Don’t just allow the negative to continue, but don’t criticize harshly or condemn.

3) Be available to support in the ways they need, not the ways you think they need.

4) If they mess up or fail, be there to support, build up and gently encourage them to not give up.

5) Support them and help them have a balanced attitude when they succeed.


American, Christian Thoughts, Walking With God

Experience The Rainbow


“For no matter how many promises God has made, they are “Yes” in Christ. And so through him the “Amen” is spoken by us to the glory of God.” 2 Corinthians 1:20 NIV

When I took these two pictures, I had no idea they would fit together like this.

I have been fascinated with rainbows for as long as I can remember.

As a little girl I sat in my room alone and watched through my window as others played. I saw a rainbow, and felt God speak into my spirit “I love you”. I had learned from the Bible that God made the first rainbow as a promise to never flood the earth again, but instead washed the earth with the rain.

In the past when under duress, a rainbow would take me instantly back to that first moment God spoke into my spirit, and instant peace flooded me.

At 24 when I entered a crossroads in my life, having sought God for the very first time as to what He wanted to do with the life He gave me, I asked Him for a sign to know, so I wouldn’t doubt His answer and direction.

The sign He gave me, twice, as I began to doubt it the first time, was a rainbow over an American flag. It was the military He was leading me into.

184100_10150323851712456_7034223_nI had a tattoo of that sign from Him inked above my right ankle, to remind me of where I had come from, and where my journey with God started. I knew God before, but I often just kind of stumbled into His path for me. The crossroads served as an opportunity to follow His path with purpose, determination, and confidence that I would know His direction. I left everything behind, shed off my old life, and followed closely after Him, clinging to His Word and His Promises.

Of course I have stumbled as I’ve learned how to walk on His straight and narrow path, many times. It has been a lonely walk at times, and full of fellowship other times. My vision for my life has not always matched God’s vision for my life, and I’ve had to remind myself to surrender to His purpose, not insist on mine.

As I’ve looked at things not of God that use the rainbow as a symbol, I have found something to be completely ironic.

The Gay Pride flag is a rainbow. I pondered this last night, and wondered if that was done by intent, or completely by accident?


If by accident, it could very well serve as a reminder that we are all, ALL, covered by God’s promise to never flood the earth again. But, Biblical history also shows us that at the time God flooded the earth, homosexuality was rampant. Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed as homosexuality was practiced. I don’t believe, personally, it was homosexuality itself that caused God to destroy those cities. It was the heart condition that serving and elevating self  caused.


Was the rainbow chosen to dig at Christians, as a source of irritation? I have heard many gay people say they just want to be accepted, but in action, they very often say hateful things about Christians and Christianity.

It seems to me, the heart of this movement might not be just acceptance and peacefully co-existing. It looks very much like they might be thumbing their noses at Christians and the promise of our God. Regardless their flag serves as a reminder to us all that God honors His promises, even if there are attempts to provoke Him.

“The Lord is slow to anger and filled with unfailing love, forgiving every kind of sin and rebellion.” Numbers 14:18

“So, as those who have been chosen of God, holy and beloved, put on a heart of compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience; bearing with one another, and forgiving each other, whoever has a complaint against anyone; just as the Lord forgave you, so also should you. Beyond all these things put on love, which is the perfect bond of unity.”

Colossians 3:12:14“Be kind to one another, tender-hearted, forgiving each other, just as God in Christ also has forgiven you.”  Ephesians 4:32


Only An Internet Message Away

380482647455Many of us have lost a friend or loved one that left us a bit bewildered as to why God choose to take them.

I have, recently.

I can’t say I knew her very well. We joked, we chatted about Scripture and natural foods, and we shared prayer concerns. She once watched my kids at my van while I ran my dog into the Vet, because kids weren’t allowed and my husband was unavailable to help out. We ran into each other a few times out shopping, and at a Christian weekly function. All of this has been scattered over the past 8 years or so, beginning shortly after my second son was born.

Even with that limited interaction, she left an impact on my heart. Her smile could draw someone out of the darkest mood, and her laugh had to have shattered demons ears, it was so full of joy. She had the most gorgeous long, flowing hair. But, it was her countenance that was the most apparent. You could just look at her and not only see her love for Jesus, but you could feel His love for her. I remember seeing her and her husband standing close by each other, worshiping Jesus together at The Harbor. It was so easy to see how cherished she was by him, as he would stroke her long hair and have his arm around her. They had a silent testimony of the power of love in a marriage. It’s just not something that is so noticeable in marriages, not even Christian marriages, so it has stood in my mind, like a beacon. That is what God wants in our marriages, and it’s what He wants in our personal relationship with Him. To be so comfortable and natural together, I wish that for every marriage.

I don’t understand why God allowed her to pass on. She was one of the warm, beautiful lights here, glowing with His love for everyone. I get to see her again one day, and because of that I am sincerely able to rejoice. Even though I miss her here, just knowing she was here, ministering to someone, reflecting Jesus to others so clearly was so comforting. I have a friend from high school that I’ve been separated from by time, distance and circumstances, but I can pick up the phone and call her, and we talk like there’s nothing separating us at all. It was like that for me with my friend who passed away.

I miss just knowing she was only an internet message away.


Pound of Flesh… or Soda


I chugged the last of my third can of Diet Mountain Dew (or Mtn Dew, as the label now reads), and I listened to the radio news on the way home from work.

“A court in New York struck down the city’s ruling limiting beverage sizes in restaurants to 16 ounces.”

Well good. That was stupid.

Then I hear that somebody or other “vows to appeal and continue this fight.”


New York City must be an absolutely amazing place. If the biggest problem on their plate these days is fighting against a venti or the dreaded 32 oz giant soda from the gas station, then we should all be moving there ASAP. Forget crime, and gun control (or lack thereof). Forget about cities going bankrupt or businesses struggling, or unemployment rates.

Someone out there might drink a 24 oz cup of Coke!

What’s to stop me from getting a…

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What life has taught me


heardYou know what it’s like to have something to say, but you just can’t be heard, right? Like at a rock concert , trying to talk over the music. Or when you have advice for someone whose shoes you have been in, but they just won’t stop and listen.

I have had some medical issues going on for quite sometime now. A couple of times in my life, I have dealt with edema and swelling. This most recent dealing has lasted 14 years.

Often when I go to the doctor, they have an agenda: find the quickest, easiest method to get me out of their office. Well, ok, that has been the majority of military doctors. One doctor pulled me into his office where his desk is, after I explained my reason for making an appointment: my arm hurt. Badly. So badly, I could barely move it. I didn’t know what I had done, except we had just moved back overseas, and I had to carry a lot of heavy luggage and 2 babies. He completely ignored my pain, and sat me down at his desk to counsel me. On what, you might ask? On the need to lose weight and exercise. I didn’t even bother to try to explain my problems with all over swelling and edema, he never would have heard me. He had an agenda. So, I fumed silently to myself, left, and NEVER made another appointment to see him again. I was sure that was the end of it. I was wrong. That following Sunday, smack dab on the front page of the Stars and Stripes was this doctor’s picture, and an article he wrote about  the spontaneous counseling session he forced on me. He didn’t “quote” me, didn’t mention my name in particular, but he used  our conversation along with some of the things I did actually say, and of course his “wise words”, putting me in my place. If he wasn’t military, I could, and would have sued him! But, I can’t do that. So, instead I chose to not trust military doctors again. I’ve had a few appointments when necessary, and especially when I was pregnant. I did try to deal with this edema again, years later, at a different military medical facility, and a civilian Naval doctor took my concerns seriously. He listened, but he was limited in how he could help.

About 2 months ago, I had some concerns about some things I am experiencing, so I hesitantly made an appointment. After the appointment, I wasn’t sure if I would actually be taken seriously. I thought she had put me in for some routine tests to look for my concerns. Then I didn’t hear from her again, but her office actually calls me every couple of weeks to check in with me.  That’s a new thing.

Because of some concerns with my blood tests, she had me referred to a Hematologist. I’ve seen him 2 times now. The first time I wasn’t sure what to make of him. He asked me some questions, did a short exam, and sent me to have my blood tested again. He had a nurse talk with me, and she is really friendly and helpful. Today, I had a follow-up, and the doctor asked more questions. He told me about my blood results, which are a bit scary. I don’t exactly know what’s going on with me, but he has explained what I can expect from him and the process he thinks I need to go through. I will see another doctor, and possibly a third doctor to find out what’s going on. And, more blood was drawn so he could look at it even more closely.

Today, I was heard. I was taken seriously. I was asked how I feel, what I think, what I am concerned about, and if I had any questions. I have a new faith with doctors that I have never had before.

Today was a new day, indeed.

As frustrated as I have been all these years, I can imagine how frustrated God feels when we just won’t listen to Him. Sometimes we value our opinion above what He has to say. We don’t want to hear what He’s saying because we don’t want to change something He wants changed. Or we don’t believe He is talking with us, we aren’t always very good listeners to God.

So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.  Romans 10:17

Nuggets I Learned from my Childhood, Uncategorized, Walking With God, What life has taught me

“Don’t Apologize”

I’ve spent most of my lifetime apologizing for who I was and who I am, for simply being here, maybe in someone’s way, or saying something that might have given the wrong impression or just didn’t get my point across. I’ve apologized and been completely introspective, believing something was wrong with me, because someone was positive I must have been flirting with a worship leader when I was watching them for upcoming cues, as I would a conductor in a symphony.

I’ve mentally kicked myself probably near 1 million times for all the mistakes I have made or possible wrong impressions I unknowingly have given.

I’ve eased up on myself over the years, because the focus stopped being so much on how I was messing things up, the more I grabbed hold of my life and learned to follow God. But sometimes, I can feel that try to pull me down again. It’s like trying to swim to the top, to breath, but being pulled back down by someone who just doesn’t want me to reach the surface. That’s what the negative opinions and gossip, misunderstandings, misinterpretations and even lies of my past tries to do to me.

I’ve apologized time and again for making mistakes, for giving an unpopular opinion that offends someone (but they don’t apologize to me in return, as their opinion can be just as offensive.)

I don’t expect from others what I know should be expected of me.

So, lately, I’ve got some stuff going on. I’m realizing I have some health issues that stem back to before I was even a teenager. The medical diagnosis is taking F.O.R.E.V.E.R. but I’m pretty positive I know what is wrong. At the very least, I know the generalized category of what is wrong with me. Had I been diagnosed as a child with this, would that have shaped my life differently? Would I still feel the need to constantly apologize for my very existence that alone seems to have caused so many problems, less or even more so? I believe some people actually think if I had not been born, their lives would have been tremendously more easy, and some of the problems just wouldn’t have been. Too bad, cause the only place I’m going is probably shutting the door to them. I am grateful for the life God has given to me, and I am satisfied. Should I apologize to them for that, do you think?

So, I’m sorry.

I’m sorry for being awkward and untrusting.

I’m sorry for being messy and unorganized in the past, yes I know, I was pretty bad.

I’m sorry for ever having needed to rely on someone else for help.

I’m sorry for having an opinion different from yours and not just keeping it to myself.

I’m sorry for having been promiscuous and confusing that with being cherished and wanted.

I’m sorry for leaving a church where the lack of grace was suffocating me. I’m also sorry my husband felt the need to leave, as well, all by himself. I’m sorry so many misjudged and thought I convinced him to leave, too. I’m even more sorry for the hurt inflicted in him, and me as well, as we felt rejection from some who had once treated us like family.

I’m sorry I’ve cut so many people out of my life over the years, because I just do not trust them not to hurt me.

I’m sorry for misunderstanding what you said.

I’m sorry for having a possible physical disability that seems impossible to actually diagnose.

I’m sorry for thinking a fire hydrant was a child dressed in winter clothing, in the middle of the hot summer, because my eye sight gets so blurry.

I’m sorry that you think I’m stupid.

I’m sorry for being born. Really. I’m sorry for being born. Because, we all know I had so much control over that. (Yeah, ok, this last one was pure sarcasm.)

I often hear from my husband, “Stop apologizing. It’s ok. It’s not as bad as you think. It’s not as frustrating as it seems. You’re fine.”

I can’t just quit. Because maybe apologizing will help people who don’t like me because we differ in political or religious opinions, to like me. Maybe people won’t judge me so harshly as being stupid because I made some mistakes, or I got confused about something, or I don’t debate the way they think I should.

Maybe people will think as highly of me as I think of them, if I just apologize enough for being so inadequate and insignificant.

I purposely cover over the hurts and negatives that others have caused me. But, I don’t see that happening for me from most people. So, I guess if I apologize enough, maybe, they might realize that sometimes I need to be apologized to. <shrug>

Some people, and they know who they are, have yet to begin to scratch the surface of apologies I deserve to be given. But, because I understand how to forgive and look past things in everyone else, except myself, of course I will overlook things and press on, surrendering the pain and frustration to God.

By the way, I’m getting better at not making myself the exception. That is the healthiness God is bringing about in me.

I hope you’re getting better at apologizing.   😉

Christian Thoughts, Nuggets I Learned from my Childhood, Uncategorized, Walking With God, What life has taught me

To Know Me Is To ______ Me

1Corinthians 13:12 “For now we see in a mirror dimly, but then face to face; now I know in part, but then I will know fully just as I also have been fully known.” (NASB)

I have a jumble of thoughts built up. Hopefully I can get them all out and place them in good order.

I’m thinking about God’s continuous cycle of revealing and healing. He shows us something about ourselves or our past that we haven’t seen through His understanding, He illuminates it, then He begins the process of healing.

The thing about God’s way of healing: it’s not always our way. We don’t even understand that that’s what He is up to, sometimes.

A root biggie in my life is enveloped by the Scripture I shared. To be known. A branch off of that would be to be seen, and another branch would be to be heard. The fruit that I want to grow on this particular crop in my life is: to be valued.

This probably shapes pretty much every thought, action, and even inaction I do, all the time.

There are so many things we place value on concerning people. What they do (job, talent, skill), what they say, where they have been. We value degrees, titles, clothing, monetary worth, status, and career choices.

I think we often forget to place value on the most valuable part of a person: them.

When my husband and I discipline our children, we often remind them that it’s the dangerous, unacceptable, or just all around bad behavior we are wanting them to change and correct, not them as individuals. Their worth is not tied into behaving perfectly. No matter what, we will love them, they will always be our child, though their choice in behavior may disappoint and frustrate us. Their behavior does not define them.

God defines them. He began the definition of each one of us as He knit us in our mother’s womb.

There are roots in my history that have become tied to how I perceive being valued. My parents weren’t the sort to hold conversations with me, or listen to what I had to say. They were focused on their own lives for various reasons, and the very best thing I could ever do was try to just stay out of their way as much as possible.

There were times I ran away, and they didn’t even know I wasn’t there. There were times I ran away, and they did know I wasn’t there, but I never heard a conversation about how I might have been in danger, or how I had or would be missed. I heard about how it made things look, or how things weren’t so bad for me, or how next time they’d  put me in Juvie. I had no self worth, because I never saw my parents reflect that back to me. Except when I did something that reflected on them in a good way, like doing well at a concert. My worth became tied into playing my violin well.

I remember times when I shard things with my mom that seemed super important to me, things I didn’t have anyone else to share them with, and she would roll her eyes, sigh irritatedly, and tell me how stupid it was, or something to that effect. She still does that, and it still tries to affect my perception of my worth.

I feel like I was robbed of a healthy mom-daughter relationship. Because of that, I purposely go out of my way to tell my kids how important they are to me. I don’t ever want them to believe they are not valued just for who they are, because I know what that feels like. (Of course, a clean room would also give an added pleasant bonus…)

I think that’s why God carefully took me under the shelter of His wings when I was pretty young. I always remember His being there, going out of His way to give me something I needed to help me want to carry on. He made me aware of a deeper purpose that He has given to me, deeper than any person ever could. He reflected my own heart back to me when I was heart-broken at trying to help a friend who tried to commit suicide, then told me they never wanted to speak to me again. He fixed that, and He worked, and I didn’t have to lose that friend to suicide or hatred. He made Himself known to me before I knew myself at all. He showed Himself to be real. Nothing can ever convince me God is not real, because He simply IS. There is no unbelief that is more powerful than God’s reality. It doesn’t take much to find Him, either. One just has to sincerely want to know Him for themselves.

God is at work healing some pretty deep hurts in my life. After all the healing and work He has done, sometimes it’s tempting to want to ask Him, “Are You ever going to be finished in me?”

“For I am confident of this very thing, that He who began a good work in you will perfect it until the day of Christ Jesus.” Philippians 1:6

I do know that answer: Yes. When Jesus returns.

Anyway, I got the jumble of thoughts out, and here I am at the end of this blog entry. You’ve now had a glimpse into my head, heart and life. I hope something good will come out of that for you.

Thanks for reading.

What life has taught me

Who Reads This, Anyway?


Since no one really reads my blog, I can pretty much say what I want to, and not many will know, none will care.

I feel sick to my stomach. I feel like crying. I want to yell. I want to find a  way to shut down the avenues connecting to my past that keep trying to lock me into who people thought I was.

Some people have family who actually like them, who speak highly of them, and build them up. But, not me. I have family that hates me. Even worse: they falsely pity me.  (This does not include my husband, who really does know me, likes me, and builds me up.)

I hate my family. I hate my past life with them. I don’t want anything to do with them. Ever. Unless they repent and stop trying to lock me into a negative prison made from their own inaccurate judgements.

I feel sick because people I thought of as trusted friends would rather look at me through my family’s poisoned, unclear perception. I am never seen or heard, because my family’s opinions are so LOUD.

Do you know what it’s like to grow up with a family member who was more unstable than stable? Do you know what it’s like to be abused by a family member, only to have other family members cover it up and accuse you of lying about it? Do you have any idea how devastating it is to just not be believed, or even to be treated like you’re stupid, crazy, dishonest, or invalidated? How do you rise above that? How do you overcome those tremendously large, jagged mountain-like obstacles?

Well, I have chosen to just walk away. From all of it. I forgive. I can forget. But I refuse to subject myself to it anymore. I refuse to allow it any room to be attached to my identity.

Thankfully God has seen. He knows the truth about me, and my past. He knows the obstacles I face because of my family. He knows my weaknesses, and He knows my strengths. He created me to be a fighting survivor in order to overcome what He foresaw my struggles would be. He has taken hold of my life and reformed it into something useful. My identity is no longer in my family or my past. My identity is hidden in Him, safe.

People may think the worst of me, or believe they should pity me. But, God knows the reality, the truth. And, because of that I can rest in Him.

I am safe, secure, and where I belong, in the Hands of God. Under the shelter of His Wings.


What Does Living Water Look Like, Feel Like, Taste Like?

I have noticed that women within the Church are sometimes, many times even, deficient in living water because of a lack of Spiritually fulfilling resources. Especially single women, divorced women, and widowed women. As a teenager I experienced this firsthand, and then later as a divorced adult. Maybe that’s why I feel sensitive to it even now.

This deficiency in the living water, it’s not from a lack of interaction with God, or even a failure to be filled by God’s Holy Spirit. Not at all, not all of the time. In fact, it’s easier to spend time with God in those instances of a woman’s life, because her heart isn’t so divided, her attention isn’t so fractured and distracted, or demanded.

Then, what do I think it’s caused from, some may ask?

God created women with an ingrained designed need for fellowship, a meeting of the heart and mind, a desire to be heard and cherished. That need becomes deprived when women are separated from healthy interactions. That’s why the devil has worked overtime in the Middle Eastern and Asian cultures, because he has been at war with women through the men in their lives, creating an environment where they cannot thrive well, cannot grow to their full potential without the proper nurturing, cherishing ,valuing of them, or the allowance of them to reach their full potential as healthy individuals. The devil has waged a full on war against women, with very little opposition. Because those outside of that particular part of the war have been hesitant to “interfere” (really it’s hesitant to help, withholding the needed love and compassion from them to reach out and help them rise up above this twisted mindset, effectively putting Satan under their feet), it has been allowed to continue and just accepted as “That’s just the way it is over there”. The perception that America is “the great satan” is a lie that has effectively been intertwined into cultures where women have become undervalued, abused, neglected and not at all cherished as God has created them to be. Satan lives, thrives within that mindset, not within any specific nation.

In our Western Christian mindset, there are denominations who also do not value women or allow them to become all God intends for them to be. In the church mindset (and, not every church, not every church in any one denomination, and not any one denomination overall), women are limited in the roles they can serve in. Why is this? Different interpretations and applications of Scripture create specific “doctrines” that lock churches into mindsets that are not always accurately Scriptural-based. In Galatians 3:28 it specifically states “There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free man, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus.”

So, often, there is a distance already placed and understood between single, divorced and widowed women within the church. They aren’t often given the special considerations they need, that God desires for them to have. The fellowship that provides that refreshing living water is not always available for them. It forces a deeper reliance on God, but it also can place a wedge in their heart keeping them from effectively being ministered to. It creates a wall that blocks them from the resources that God desires for them to have.

The Church desperately needs to seek God to begin learning and teaching how to help women in various stages of life, to be helped and encouraged to grow to their full potential. There has to be a culture within the Church of both humble submission to Church leadership and then a healthy trust relationship and covering for women in all stages to reach the full potential that God has placed within their lives and hearts.

We have yet to see many women reach the full potential, but I believe that God wants to supersede that, and make some deep adjustments in mindsets and attitudes.

The well of living water within the Church should always be readily available through fellowship and healthy interactions with others. Then we will experience an even greater outpouring of the living water from Heaven that God will continually pour out upon us all.

If anything scares the devil, it’s the stronghold over women being broken.

When Jesus spoke to the Samaritan women at the well, He broke the strongholds over her life, her mindset, and the mindset of those in her city. He did that by speaking the truth to her, by knowing her, by interacting with her. We can do the same, just by getting to really know the women in our own lives, by listening to their stories, by helping to foster an environment that allows them to reach that full potential God has for them. ( )

Christians: we are the Church. It’s not a building that enforces doctrine and teachings, or creates environments. We can make all the difference that God wants us to.

What life has taught me

The Girl No One Really Knew

004When I imagine people from my past talking about me, it usually goes something like this: “Remember that girl in school, the one who__________(fill in the blank)?” “Yeah. I hated her.” “Remember J…? You know, the one that….” “Oh yeah, she was stuck-up!” “That girl who… You know, the one who was always….?” “No. I don’t remember her at all.”

Of course, when I remember me, I’m pretty much my worst critic. So much so, that I hate even remembering who I was. I always struggled to fit in, to be accepted or to just be liked. I know the things people most often remember about others are what they hated about them, or the mistakes they made.

I have made some bad choices in my lifetime. I mean REALLY bad. Awful. I had so many mixed messages from all sorts of influences, and not enough healthy interactions with the adults who were supposed to help direct me. I was just so very lost. And, no matter what I did, I felt like a tremendous failure.

I learned to guard and value the friendships I made, because they were pretty sparse. I had the social skills of a bull in a china shop (someone actually made that reference to me about me, to my face, and I have to admit, it’s pretty darn accurate.) When a misunderstanding happened, or someone I valued got upset with me, it felt like the end of my world.

The one thing that got me through the awkwardness that has always been me, was just knowing God loved me. Every time I saw a rainbow, I remembered that God kept His promises. There were times when I was miserable and sad, then all of a sudden a cloud with rainbow colors would pass overhead, or a rainbow would peek out at me from behind some dark clouds.

When I met my husband, I confessed every stupid, horrible thing I have ever done or have been wrongly accused of having done. And he listened. He stuck by me. He called me back. You know, he was one of very few to ever return my calls. And, that was after he got to know the real  me – the bull in the china shop.

I still can’t figure out what he sees in me.

I still can’t figure out what God has seen in me.

But I am so thankful they have stood by me, even in my most awkward and stupid moments.

Christian Thoughts, Nuggets I Learned from my Childhood, Uncategorized, Walking With God, What life has taught me

Being Falsely Accused

“‘You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.” (Deut 5:20 )

Don’t take hold of a misunderstanding, giving it no opportunity to be resolved or cleared up, and instead tell others about it as if it were the truth.

1-sad-girl-bad-love-relationship-quotes-photo-images-wallpaper-fanzwave-netMisunderstandings happen.  I have often hoped for grace from others when I have either misunderstood something, or I have been misunderstood.

But there is a pride in some that just won’t let them admit they have misunderstood something. That lack of communication that could most often keep friendships safe, marriages strong and family close in heart, often gets overlooked or disregarded.

That’s when anxiety pulls the strings with impulsive reactions, causes a spewing out of hurtful words that can’t be pulled back in under a controlled tongue. The mind plays tricks, creates scenarios that consume concentration. Reality is saturated with illusions and injections of a “read between the lines” offensiveness that often doesn’t even exist.

Negative, accusing thoughts are illuminated and become like darts of poison to a misunderstanding.

The wisdom of God‘s Word in Philippians 4:6Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.” (NASB)  stands out like a beacon of light on the darkest of nights.

God’s Word heeded saves friendships during times of misunderstanding.

I grieve the loss of friendships torn away from me by confusion of circumstances, misreading of intentions, and not having open heart-to-heart conversations.

Be anxious for nothing. But in everything, by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving: Let your requests be made known to God.

That seems so clear. Until I walk away from it, and my thoughts remind me of a perceived offense.

In light of God’s advice: maybe my own perception is affected and influenced by things outside of what really happened. Maybe what I see is tainted by my choice to instead meditate on the perception. Perhaps my prideful ego suckled on the bitterness of a false negative, while stirring up strife in my heart and in the hearts and lives of others.

Who wants to admit when they’ve made a mistake? Isn’t it easier to instead cover it up and share with others the perceived offense? Doesn’t the sweetness of revenge that drains the vitality of relationships grant a satisfaction, while turning people away from an innocent person that we project false guilt on to? To drag a reputation through the mud to elevate a temporary false victimization, that’s vindication, right? Isn’t that fair?

Enough of that. When it becomes the destroyer of reputations it is unfair and wrong. It’s actually a form of bullying.

Jeremiah 29:11 “For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the LORD, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope.” (NKJV)

What are God’s thoughts towards us?  Even though every one of us have sinned against God and fallen short, this says His thoughts are …”of peace and not evil, to give you (us) a future and a hope.”

What about thoughts towards those who we perceive to have sinned against us? Are they of peace?

We need to get this right. God will hold us accountable for our words and our actions. No matter how justified we believe we are.


That Inner Voice: Do We Really Pay Attention? Can We Really Hear And Understand God The Creator?

God tells us in His Word that we can call unto Him, and He will answer us, tell us great and marvelous things we don’t know. (Jeremiah 33:3)

There are times it amazes me just how clear I hear and understand God in my spirit. Over the years, I have learned to trust that quiet, near silent, inner voice. It’s different than intuition, independent from my own purposeful thoughts, and it’s always accurate. I just need to stop and pay close attention.

Years ago, I heard that sweet inner voice speak to me about my diet, and to avoid certain ingredients. I have been sincere in my efforts to be faithful to that, though I don’t always obey.  For the most part I am mindful of what I allow myself and  my family to eat. If God has told me to avoid certain things, I am sure it’s not just me they aren’t good for.

The brilliant thing about God is that He often uses science to prove things about Himself, so in this, He has proven Himself through scientific research. The ingredients He told me to avoid, science has since proven to be harmful to the human body.

Tomorrow , I will be testing something else that I have been hearing in my spirit over the past few years.  Something I have not paid close attention to and have not wanted to look at up close. I’m going to have medical tests done. While I hope I am wrong in my recent accidental findings that match things I have often experienced, it will confirm just how clearly I hear my Master’s voice.  It will reveal if I have been foolish to not pay attention sooner to the whispers I haven’t wanted to hear. It will also reveal if God had another purpose for me to avoid those specific ingredients,  a purpose that directly relates to what I will be tested for soon. God has a purpose for everything He has said, still says, has done, and continues to do.

I will continue here  in the following weeks with the results,  with the content of the whispers I haven’t wanted to hear, and the ingredients He told me to avoid.

I have no doubt that all true wisdom comes from God. Do you agree? Do you have any stories about things you have heard clearly from God?


Decisions, decisions.

Big Fat F: Flying Through Life with Faith

I’ve had my current job for just over two years.  Some things have gone on that have made me question whether I belong there, and so I put out a few feelers regarding other opportunities.  Lo and behold, one of them was offered to me.

opportunity 2

Great, right?  It’s a chance to do something new, a chance to get out of a work environment that has been rather problematic of late, a chance to get into a position with room for advancement, all sorts of good things.  I accepted the conditional offer and, in the past few weeks, I’ve been waiting on the results of all the checking and cross-checking that goes along with this particular job.

Except in the past few weeks, it has also been laid heavily on my heart how very beneficial it would be for me to have flexibility for my family.  My kids, while generally pretty …

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Memoir of this Mom

1-sad-girl-bad-love-relationship-quotes-photo-images-wallpaper-fanzwave-netThere are a handful of days that I try to make/take time to reflect over my life, to remember where I came from and remind myself of how truly blessed I am.  Mother’s Day is one that is significant for me.

20 years ago, I had just emerged out of an abusive first marriage. Emotionally I was weary and spent, physically I was angry and and defensive. I believed I would never marry again, and certainly I didn’t think I would bring children into this world where they would only find pain and suffering. I talked with a close friend about having something permanent done, so I would not even be tempted to have children. I continue to thank God that she talked me out of that, encouraged me that someday I might change my mind, would regret that decision. I thank God that I listened to those important words of wisdom and concern.

rose18 years ago, my life direction had changed in a  drastic way. I had hit the rock bottom of rock bottom, and surrendered everything to God. I could not trust myself to make any sort of rational decision, so I turned to Him, and asked Him where He wanted me to go, what He wanted me to do.  After seeking Him, I received confirmation to enlist in the armed forces. On Mother’s Day of 1995 I distinctly remember all of the moms at church being given one red rose . I too was given a red rose. I started to give it back, and a friend said to me, “That isn’t a mistake, it’s a promise from God. One day, you will be a mother.” I began to seek God about a husband of His choosing for me, and started to form a plan to adopt one day if it wasn’t His plan for me to remarry.

scan005415 years ago was one month away from marriage to the man God brought into my life.

14 years ago found me to be pregnant with our beautiful daughter, the fulfillment of 2 promises from God: a daughter and my becoming a mother.


Today I am blessed to have 4 beautiful children. God has blessed me far more than I could have imagined, or dared to hope for. My life is nothing like it was 20 years ago. There is a joy and fulfillment I never believed I would experienced at that time.

76808_502024327455_4146625_nI can look back over my life and see where God has been at work, where He orchestrated each moment, and worked in events and decisions.

I am grateful beyond words.

God took my worth-less-than-nothing life, and He gave it value and meaning nothing else could come close to giving. No career, no amount of hard work or striving could ever compare to the uniqueness and fulfillment each child has given to me.

David and I have discussed the possibility of having one more child,  but, we both feel satisfied and, for lack of a better word, done. I reminisced last night on how amazing it felt to have life apart from myself growing within me, how wonderful and different from every other experience that has been. I miss feeling mine and David’s combined flesh and blood  growing in me, dancing free from my control, even stretching their limbs against the safety that encased them. There will not be any other experience that can match that.

I truly love and appreciate how God made man and woman to come together to be intimately involved with the continuance of the creation of life. There are few things more Awe-inspiring.

Today, Mother’s Day will include our youngest being dedicated to the Lord. Perfectly timed.

Being a mom is a good and perfect gift from above.


Within Us

“Greater is He Who is within me, than he who is in the world.” 1 John 4:4

Wanton Disregard for Safety

One of the phrases I heard so often on worship teams and at churches was “We have to get into the presence of God.”

The impression I got was that God’s presence was a difficult place to attain, a challenging state to achieve, where all the music goes right and everyone is caught up in worship. That experience was the goal, and apparently it was rare, but we were going to try for it anyway.

For the “W” entry in the A to Z challenge, I want to talk about the term within.

This understanding of worship that I mention above seems to follow the Holy of Holies model.

If we look into the Old Testament and the laws about the setup and rituals of the Tabernacle of God, we find that there were three main sections to the place of worship. The Outer Court was the largest, where…

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Fading Words

Harnessing the Power of the Story

Tonight ideas fill my head

They dance around like fireflies

Voices and the words they said

Characters live out their lives

As faith without some work is dead

So words unwritten often fade

And now it’s time to go to bed

But there has been no progress made

So now I hope tomorrow proves

To be a more productive day

So long as I recall this truth:

For what we love, we make a way.

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A Mom's Perspective, American, Christian Thoughts, Nuggets I Learned from my Childhood, Walking With God, What life has taught me

What My Mom Helped Me Learn

My mom has helped me learn some things that I now have the opportunity to purposefully make sure my daughter gets from me.

Deborah turning 4 Incidentally, when my mom came o1) Always have her back. Even if I don’t agree with her or she doesn’t handle things the way I would, never make her feel as though she has to deal with things alone.

2) No amount of money or possessions can replace a sense of being cherished or belonging.

3)  I need to be approachable.

4) Listen, even when it drives me crazy to hear about her friends I’ve never met. It’s important to her to be able to share it with me. Also, that keeps me informed and interested. I know who is dating who, who just moved into the neighborhood, who I should be aware of,  and what their ages are.

5) I need to be involved without being controlling.

6) Make time just for her, just because I want to spend time with her. I enjoy her company.

7) Help her find a sense of purpose by telling her what her strengths are, and what I admire about her.

8) Praise her and compliment her; critique things she does without harsh or mean criticism of her.

9) Teach her skills that will help her fit into society in a healthy way.

10) Help her value herself so she will make decisions that will be healthy and beneficial.

11) Don’t say negative things about her behind her back. When I share information out of frustration or as a prayer request, she knows about it and what I have said.

12) Don’t side with someone who calls her a liar. She isn’t always completely truthful with me, but I have never, ever known her to lie to someone, outright. And, even if I thought she did lie, we would deal with that in private and she would apologize to the person face-to-face. I will not take sides against my daughter.

13) Teach her the “why” behind each piece of instruction, guidance or advice.

14) Make sure she knows I separate her from her actions, decisions and mistakes. She is not what she does.

15) Let her wear my shoes and clothes sometimes. There is just something uniquely bonding about this with my daughter.

16) Don’t attack her for, or say harsh, mean things about, what I view as faults. My view is only one perspective, but she gets her cues at self-confidence from me.

17) Make sure she knows beyond any shadow of doubt, every single day, that I love her, cherish her, and my life is better because she’s in it.

18) I am careful to not expose her to things she’s not old enough to be able to process with an informative maturity. Raising children is like growing plants in some ways: I wouldn’t throw a rose-bush out into a blizzard just because I was tired of it being in the house and it’s too expensive to buy it food and soil. The same with my daughter: there will be no cut-off time for her, we won’t force her out of the house by a certain age. My hope is that we will help her become confident and prepared when the time comes for her to begin a new phase of life apart from us. I’m in no rush for that day, but I also won’t hold her back from embracing it.

19) Give her a healthy view of marriage. I think this is one of the best gifts my husband and I can give to our children, especially our daughter. As she sees how her dad treats me, and how I treat him, she will be able to discern the right relationship for herself. It’s so important for her to understand God’s perspective in marriage, because the world’s perspective brings no peace, no comfort, no health, and no longevity.

20) Make sure she has a firm foundation in Christ, while I encourage her in her own relationship with God, but don’t criticize when she doesn’t do things the same as me, or she isn’t passionate about the same things with God and church that I am. She is uniquely formed by God, and I trust Him to lead her in the direction that He has planned for her.

I hope I can pass on things that she will pass on to her own daughter someday, and so on, and so on…

My desire above everything is to bless my daughter. When a mother curses her daughter with negatives and harsh criticism, it affects every relationship and interaction she has, negatively. My hope is in blessing her it will do the exact opposite. I can already see some positive fruit from things people say to me about her, and how she is treated by her peers.

American, Christian Thoughts, Walking With God, What life has taught me

Set-Up To Fail

Have you watched the show “Everybody Loves Raymond“? In the episode where Marie, the mother-in-law, teaches Debra, the daughter-in-law, how to make meatballs, Marie purposely hides the wrong spice behind a label of the correct spice, and they end up tasting horrible. Debra was made to look incompetent. We laugh, but it has a ring of truth to it. We all know someone who has either experienced it, or has done it to us. Maybe we have done that to someone else.

Set-up to fail. The phrase alone packs quite a punch!

It’s something I have become more aware of in many aspects of life and relationships. I see evidence of it within our government, in the media, as well as in various personal relationships.

It feels lousy when I realize someone has done that to me. When I don’t meet certain expectations within a time-frame that just doesn’t work for me. When Grace is not extended if I make a mistake, forget, or can’t get to something. When an expectation is unrealistic.

I fail.

It seems to me that sometimes we think that God does that with us. When something good in our lives is removed, how often do we blame Him? When a promotion falls through, when a career ends, when illness, accident or disaster strikes, sometimes our very first thought is that God set us up to fail. Not in those words maybe, but the idea is the same. He gives good things, allows good things, just so He can take them away when we don’t do good enough… We get angry with God.

Except, He doesn’t do that. He doesn’t withhold good things from us just because we don’t perform well for Him or do enough “works”.

James 1:17

Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father …

Romans 8:28

And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.

Philippians 4:19

And my God will meet all your needs according to his glorious riches in Christ Jesus.
Christian Thoughts, Nuggets I Learned from my Childhood, What life has taught me

When Trust is Gone

Trust does not come easy for me.

As a young girl, I searched for someone I could trust to bare my soul to. It was years of being alone and afraid before I finally found someone who would listen, and not repeat what I told them, who didn’t treat me nice to my face while saying horrible things behind my back.

Maybe you can imagine the disappointments I have experienced. I grieve the loss of trust more than the loss of loved ones.

Recently I became aware of someone bad-mouthing me, someone I thought I could trust. The hurt cuts deeply, down into my soul. What do I do now? Sometimes, I push people out of my life when the trust tests fail. If they treat me coldly after I share my heart with them, then I close the trust door and lock them out. If they tell others what I share in confidence, out they go. My intolerance for failed trust creates a wall of separation to protect me from making the mistake of trusting them again.

When I see signs of gossip, slander, back-stabbing and bad-mouthing others, I stay away.

As deep as intolerance runs, forgiveness fills the void intolerance creates. Because of Jesus, I have been enabled to forgive. I am able to be wise as a serpent, but gentle as a dove, withdrawing myself from future issues, now knowing the damage this person has caused, and will cause in the future. All I can do is withdraw my trust, let God count my losses of reputation, and grieve the relationship I believed we had.

Now, who will I talk with?

Fiddlesticks-Fanart The devil uses our tongue like a scythe cutting through hay, destroying trust, reputations and opportunities for God to work beyond what we can even imagine. There is a reason the scythe is often portrayed with the demonic.

I am desperate for God to build others up through my words. Why is it so difficult to find people who are like-minded and trustworthy?

I try to live by Proverbs 11:13 “Whoever goes about slandering reveals secrets, but he who is trustworthy in spirit keeps a thing covered.”~ESV

I am so thankful I have God to hand my hurts to. He tends to them carefully and lovingly. But, how I wish people were easier to trust, and cautious to guard that trust.

James 3:2-10   “For we all stumble in many ways. And if anyone does not stumble in what he says, he is a perfect man, able also to bridle his whole body. If we put bits into the mouths of horses so that they obey us, we guide their whole bodies as well. Look at the ships also: though they are so large and are driven by strong winds, they are guided by a very small rudder wherever the will of the pilot directs. So also the tongue is a small member, yet it boasts of great things. How great a forest is set ablaze by such a small fire! 28_32_90---Scrap-Timber-Fire--Darlington--County-Durham_webAnd the tongue is a fire, a world of unrighteousness. The tongue is set among our members, staining the whole body, setting on fire the entire course of life, and set on fire by hell. …” ~ESV

Christian Thoughts, Walking With God

Wounded Reality

thThere is a phrase in our society I have heard quite a bit. It’s “victim mentality.” I often hear, “Don’t be a victim.” “You’re not a victim.” There is a growing disdain for those victimized who don’t handle the aftermath the way society thinks they should: Jump back into life like it never happened. Forgive and forget. Act “normal”.

There is a complete phase of victim-hood that seems to get ignored: having been wounded.

Supposedly victims of rape, incest, emotional and mental abuse, and other things are supposed to lick their wounds and fit right in with everyone in society. They are supposed to heal their own wounds, invisible to everyone else so maybe that makes the wounds seem nonexistent or unimportant. If they are a Christian, they should expect that God will heal all their wounds without anyone else, they “just need to trust Him”, “need to have faith”. When it doesn’t work out “perfect”, then the wounded are accused they “don’t have enough faith”.  Maybe it’s not the fault of the wounded at all. Maybe the members of their church lack compassion. Biblical compassion.

I don’t expect much from the Godless world, they don’t know any better, but they do actually demonstrate a bit more kindness than we Christians sometimes do. I submit to you that within the Body of Christ , there are times we are wounding our wounded by placing unrealistic expectations on them, sometimes we even neglect their actual need. God created people to need people. So, why is the Church sometimes dismissive of the very real needs the wounded have? Why do we tend to see those wounded as whiners, “needy”, or ridiculous? Where is our compassion?

I don’t see this in every church, or even the one we are part of now, but, over the past three decades, I have seen this many times.

Physical wounds need the help of others to be stopped, repaired and healed. Someone applies pressure to stop the bleeding. Someone rescues someone from the vehicle of an accident. An ambulance takes the “victim” – wounded – to the hospital where an entire team and staff work to save the life, repair the damage and stop the bleeding. Careful instructions are given to the wounded victim, and follow-up appointments are made. Prescriptions and bandages are given.

Shouldn’t the Church be more like a hospital? What one-on-one care is given? Who stops the bleeding of the wounded heart, the mind and emotions? Who applies the healing balm? Who helps with the repairing, and the healing? Who gives the prescriptions of Scriptures, and bandages of prayers and encouraging words? Obviously Christians know the answer is the Holy Spirit. But, who are the willing vessels He works through?

I hope I am.

The last thing that wounded people need to feel is left alone to find their own healing. Church, The Body of Christ, is unique from everything in that we give and we get, as members. It’s when things are unbalanced and the giving is stressed, but the getting can tend to be neglected, or vice-versa, that it becomes dysfunctional. I think there should be a healthy balance of both hospital-like and service for God, but maybe my own expectations are too high. At any rate, I see such a need that my heart aches to help fill. I hope others see it, too.

Christian Thoughts, Uncategorized, Walking With God, What life has taught me

Reflex Defense Mechanisms – The Ambitions of a Survivor

004 Years ago when my husband and I were shopping in a little store on Okinawa after having been at a Church serviceDavid accidentally dropped his huge, heavy Bible on my foot. Before I even realized what was happening, I swung my arm around and popped him a good one on his back. I was so embarrassed! He and I burst out laughing as I apologized profusely. However: the Okinawan people in the store did not share our humorous moment, and they looked pretty shocked which added to my embarrassment.

I have quite a few, what I call, reflex defense mechanisms (rfd’s). After a variety of tough life situations, I figured out how to adapt, and in most cases, overcome by using these.  I also have quite a few that I tamed over time. For the longest time, I had a sharp tongue that, at the first sign of danger or trouble,  swung into action and sliced with depth and precision. Now, I do my best to speak encouragement, healing and positive words into the lives around me.

In another constant rfd, more than just a reaction or reflex, I troubleshooted every possible situation I could think of and figured out how I would/could protect myself, stand up for myself, and escape. There wasn’t anyone to rescue me in my scenarios, just me frantically figuring out how to escape and survive. That was a result of PTSD.

I didn’t listen to what I viewed as unwanted advice, (because I already had it all figured out, you know). I knew what was best for me… God has also tamed that in me. He showed me in His Word how being stubborn stifled His Holy Spirit speaking into my life. He also showed me how many of my rfd’s kept me from receiving His help. If I thought I knew better than God… well, I learned the importance of listening to Godly advice from others, whether I think I need to hear it or not. I don’t want to shut out God’s Spirit speaking into my life, in any way, ever.

While I believed those rfd’s kept me safe, they didn’t, even though I certainly prepared for much of the worst!

I didn’t know that I could count on God to rescue me as I called upon the Name of Jesus. He rushed in like a flood, made a clear path for me to safely walk, and prepared a new future for me.

Now, I have peace of mind. I can, and I do, trust God to protect me, to help me survive, and if I don’t survive I know my soul will be with God for all of eternity. God is my Defender, my Protector, my Provider: He is my Rock. He has my back. He rescued me when I called upon Him, and He delivered me from my old life, made the way for me to live free and peaceful. Now, no matter what is going on, I have peace that lives inside of me, and I know I can rely on God. What a tremendous difference that has made! God sees ahead of me,  behind me, and He sees those blind spots that I’m unaware of. I know that whoever comes up against me will have to answer to God, He will hold all accountable for what has been done to me in my past or will come against me in the future, and I have let go of any need for revenge. I still have some rfd’s I may not even be aware of as God peels back those complex, calloused layers life has helped form. He reveals the hidden ones and removes their trigger points, bringing a healing and a restoration to replace them. I can leave it all in God’s capable Hands.

1Corinthians 2:9
“That is what the Scriptures mean when they say, “No eye has seen, no ear has heard, and no mind has imagined what God has prepared for those who love him.” ” ~New Living Translation


A Mom's Perspective, American, Christian Thoughts, Walking With God, What life has taught me

Getting Our Attention, and Missed Opportunities

Jami's ipad 026

If you have children, then you understand what I am saying when I tell you my mind is exhausted from the attention grabbing attempts of my kids. I have 4, and they all want my attention, they even compete for it at times. When my dog climbs into my lap, my 2 year old will rush over and try to push him off, climb into my lap for just a minute, then climb back down. He has to let the dog know who owns my lap, already showing 10150407652477456signs of that male conquering spirit, lol.

Each of my kids has their own way of getting my attention, and we have a method we call the “interrupt rule” that they are supposed to follow (put a hand on my shoulder or arm and wait until I can give my full attention), but of course they often forget to follow it. My daughter,  DaBee , will text me questions and pictures she takes with her phone, or come over to where I am and start talking 111940127455about whatever comes to mind. She gets excited and shows me pictures she draws, or things she sews. She is so talented! My oldest boy, “Jonenator Dude” (JD), he waits until I am alone to talk about his different collections. JD can also be competitive  with the others and try to demand I give him my full attention. I am teaching him how important it is to be considerate and patient, some days those aren’t easy lessons to teach. My middle boy, “Little Red” (LR), he often copies his older brother, or tries to get my attention away from JD, in order to show me his latest drawing or tell me about his Lego creation or a game he’s excited about playing. My 2 year old, “Doctor Oo!” (DO),  lately he will stand behind me and put his hands on my cheeks or in my hair. Sometimes he just sits next to me and takes hold of my hand. He loves to be playful and show me his toys by pretending to shoot me with them, or holding them up close in my face, and often I don’t mind at all.

But, I have learned from past mistakes. Those times when I have been too busy to look up and listen, or when distracted and frustrated, I pushed them away… I can’t get those opportunities back. I lost out.

72083967455As God’s child, I don’t feel I have to try to get His attention. But, I’ve been thinking about how I become aware of God trying to get my attention. How many times have I missed Him during my distracted daily activities, or when I’m frustrated by something or someone? When do I become aware, then give Him my full attention?

Sometimes, I have a song or a verse on my mind that woos my attention to Him. Sometimes I have a sudden urge to pray about something specific, or for someone specific. At times a subject comes to mind with a sadness that overwhelms my spirit and I can’t help but pray and seek God on behalf of what He places on my heart.

I am desperate to not miss Him, to not miss an opportunity to pray or speak into someone’s life, or just be available in the way He impresses on my heart. Except when I’m distracted by the cares of this life. Then I miss Him.

But, because I am distracted, I don’t miss that I miss Him.

That makes my heart sad, when I take the time to let myself think deep on that.

Isaiah 55:6 “Seek the LORD while He may be found; Call upon Him while He is near.” (NASB)

Christian Thoughts, Walking With God, What life has taught me

You’re Almost There…. Why Did You Stop?

Have you ever tried to talk someone through something, blindly? Just like a blind person has to rely on other senses, talking someone through something you can’t see also requires the same. A blind person relies more on their sense of smell, their sense of touch, and their sense of hearing than a seeing person does. Talking someone through something you can’t see, but you know what the outcome should be, and you understand how to get there, it’s very similar. To be helpful, you have to rely more on your patience and understanding for sure. But, most importantly is your ability to communicate in a way they can relate to and follow easily, as well as your willingness to listen and demonstrate graciousness and consideration.

Last night I told my son to clean a mess he has been neglecting: the hay that falls out of our bunny’s cage. He didn’t want to, and in his frustration he did something that caused him to hurt himself. Nothing serious, but it would have been avoided had he not reacted with frustration. So, then, that started a chain reaction of his getting more frustrated, which caused him to push my frustrated button. But, instead of giving in to it, I let him just continue to react, because I wanted my husband to see what I sometimes deal with when he isn’t around. After a few minutes of loud growls, a little stomping, and vocal complaints, my husband snuck upstairs to observe, then interact with him. In his frustration, he neglected to follow some of my instructions, and also wisdom gained from past experience, and he clogged the vacuum, which gave fuel to more frustration. Since his dad was outside of the situation, he was able to handle it much calmer than I was. The situation was resolved, the mess cleaned up (for the most part), and he and I talked things out and worked through it without arguing. Peace is such a beautiful thing!

It’s difficult to communicate in a way that is received well and respectfully, heard accurately, and is easy to follow. Like the old example of explaining how to make a pb and j sandwich to someone who has never made one. It’s a funny, realistic, eye-opening way to see how people follow what you are saying. Sometimes it’s not how you say it but how someone hears it. It takes trial and error.

Recently, I was working with a loved one trying to honestly help them with something and make it as easy as possible, blindly over the phone. I had the picture in my head and the knowledge of what should have been the outcome, but something entirely unexpected happened instead. I realize it was time to step back and wait for them to be ready to try again. Working frustrated does nothing to help any situation.

I have this picture of God doing this with us. He knows the direction we need to go in, and He is communicating through various methods: His Word, Godly people, to our spirit as we seek Him, even through nonbelievers. Are we listening? I can see Him encouraging us, gently giving us instructions, excitedly explaining what to do, where to go, what to say…. And I see Him asking “Why did you stop? You are so close to hitting the mark! You are almost an overcomer. Don’t give up! I can see what the outcome will be, just follow the sound of My voice, just do as I instruct. You can do this! I have full confidence in You! You are so close…..”

What areas do you see where your own communication skills can be honed? What areas can you improve your listening?

Most importantly: have you faltered in following after God? He is our Help in times of frustration and trouble.


Christian Thoughts, Nuggets I Learned from my Childhood, Uncategorized, What life has taught me

My Dad (A Soggy Account)

Here is my dad David was able to get a picture tod

Well, what can I say about my dad? Where do I start? I guess I will introduce him to you.

He is James Roy Bennett Jr. He is the oldest of 3 children, the only boy, and both his parents have passed away. He’s a musician (plays/played the guitar, sings, and wrote his own songs, including one for me called Jami Michelle). He’s a disabled Vietnam era Veteran. He grew up under tough circumstances, in a tough house. Worse than many, but not as bad as it could have been.

I know 4 sides to my dad. The first side is tender. I remember him singing the song he wrote for me when I was very young, probably about 3. I don’t have many memories before the age of 10, but time, and God I believe, have been kind to me and allowed me to remember some good things that my heart holds valuable.

The second side is angry. While I was growing up, my dad faced so many obstacles, both because of his disability and lack from his own childhood. He didn’t handle things well, and for that reason I hated him for a very long time. He made choices that hurt me, and he was unapproachable.

The 3rd side is hilarious. He told the funniest jokes and usually had us laughing wildly on road trips. We played 20 questions for hours, sang “Jingle Bells” as he beeped it on the car horn through tunnels, and giggled insanely at his playing on words. He could also be crude and inappropriate, which made me so uncomfortable, but the fun stuff made all the traveling worth it.

The 4th side is vulnerable. I have seen my dad at his weakest, and because I was able to forgive him, that caused me to feel protective towards him. I’ve seen him in grave condition with a ventilator helping him stay alive, much like I’m sure he is now. He thumbed his nose at death then. I’m not sure he’ll do that this time.

Listening to others talk about their relationship with their dad has always made me feel cheated and even jealous. I wish I had my dad encouraging me, cheering for me, and playfully interacting with his grandchildren. We have all been robbed. He’s lived in nursing homes and hospital care since 2003. Military life has kept us at quite a physical distance from him while our relationship has kept us at an emotional one. My kids know the fun things about their Grandpa Jim, and a little about his strictness. They don’t know the man I grew up fearing and hating. My daughter has her own tender memories of my dad from when she was 3, but none of the fearful ones I have purposefully shielded her from. I see no purpose is telling his grandchildren the negative things, I won’t pass on my burdens about him to them. They deserve fun, happy memories.

I said my good-byes and made peace in my heart as we traveled back from Okinawa in 2009, not knowing if he would have passed on or clung to life by the time we landed. It’s been in the back of my mind that he will die at some point. So, it surprises me that I am having such a tough time dealing with it now. It surprises me that my heart is broken that he will probably never meet his youngest grandson and get to see his smile light up the room, or get to hear his crazy laughter. My boys won’t have the fun memories that our daughter has, won’t hear his silliness about things like driving over painted warnings, him yelling, “Watch out! A head!”

The “best” of my dad will be passed on as the condensed version, instead of experienced by them firsthand, while the worst will remain in the past, not known by them at all. I think that envelopes the meaning of “honoring your parents in the Lord“.  God didn’t add, “if you think they deserve it” to that commandment.


A Loving Wife's Perspective, A Mom's Perspective, American, An Honest Wife's Perspective, Christian Thoughts, Nuggets I Learned from my Childhood, What life has taught me

How Have You Grown?

I was inspired to write this by this blog:

There is nothing like becoming a mom and being responsible for the lives of our little ones who are so vulnerable and completely dependent on us, to make us both grow, and grow up.

I became a mom at 29. I had almost 3 decades to learn how to be selfish and think about “mememe”. My transition to momhood was ugly. My life before marrying a Godly man was all about my survival, my being independent and responsible, my working hard. I can count on one hand the number of people who sincerely had my back or even cared whether I survived. Transferring that mindset into taking care of a baby, especially after not being around babies much at all, I was a huge mess. I didn’t have family nearby to help me, and I didn’t have the benefit or experience from a healthy relationship with my own parents. I did have my Grandma to confide in, and I had an amazing husband that God provided for me, who supported me, believed in me, and continually shows me kindness I often feel undeserving of.

The first 2 weeks of my first baby’s life were the hardest and scariest of my entire life, and believe me, that is saying a lot. She lost a full pound after being born a month early, and I was trying to learn how to breastfeed her. Thankfully I had encouragement from people at church to not give up breastfeeding. I am so very glad I pushed through. She finally started gaining weight at 2 weeks, and we had some rough times, like clumsily trying to feed her in public and getting a yeast infection in my milk ducts. She is 13 now, and she’s one of the best accomplishments of my life, and a reminder of how much God changed my life when she was born. When she was born, the “mom” me was born. As a mom, she and I are both 13, and trust me, we both have some seriously real “adolescent” days.

Over the past almost 15 years of marriage, God has used His Word to instruct me to not be anxious for anything, to cast all of my cares on Him, and that no matter what, I can lean on Him and He will make all of my pathways clear. He has never failed, He has never given up on me, and I know there is nothing I can’t trust Him with. I have grown as a Believer.

I have grown as a wife. When we first married, I had all sorts of expectations of what I believed a Christian marriage would/should be. I was previously married to a nonbeliever. It was a disaster, and I know it was because of God’s protection over me, in my ignorance and desperation to just have someone who would love me, that I’m alive today. He delivered me from that marriage that I clung to when my ex decided one day he wanted a divorce, but I wouldn’t grant him one. Until I read Scripture, and I heard God in my spirit tell me it was ok to let him go. So, I joined my new husband 6 years later, with God’s permission to remarry, with hopes, plans and expectations. All of those either died out or were changed by God. I learned to relax when things feel out of control, spinning ahead of what I feel ready for, because God knows everything, and I can just lean back on Him, rest, and trust. Being married to a Christian has both defied and soared beyond my expectations.  We don’t pray together about everything, we don’t sing and play praise and worship songs together all the time, we don’t always have it all together with perfect smiles on our faces and lots of Christian friends who adore us, we don’t have popular Bible studies and prayer meetings in our home every week, and we have never gone on mission trips as a family like my heart still longs to do. Yeah, my picture guess was way off from our reality, lol. I’m not “Suzy Homemaker”. I’m a military spouse who has almost no control over any area of decisions or plans, the military takes care of all of that for both of us. I have learned to be content during some pretty intense times, but I’m still learning, and I fail at “content” pretty much every day in one way or another.

I have grown as a daughter. I have a new lens on my “hindsight” indicator. I no longer look through it as a daughter, but I look through it as one who has a daughter. There are things my mom did that I have made sure not to do. There are things I cringe every time I do or say. There are things I am careful to do, and I’m sure there are things I wish I had done, though I can’t think of any off-hand. I learned a lot from my Grandma that I didn’t learn from my own mom. There have also been times when anger or tears pop in because of things I missed out on or was robbed of in my own relationship with my parents. I have had much forgiving to do, needed much grace to apply, and tempered with love much disappointment and frustration. God has helped me to be a better mom to my children than I ever could have been without His compassion and help.

It’s amazing to me when I look back over all of the events of the past decade and a half, just how much “growing” God has accomplished in me while I was distracted by my life’s moments. I still have a lot of growing to do, but wow: God sure has been busy in me!

In what ways have you grown?

A Loving Wife's Perspective, Christian Thoughts, What life has taught me

Irregular Frustration With Realistic Expectations

In the civilian, real world, when you go to the doctor and get told you need surgery, you schedule the date, make the necessary preparations, work things out with your boss and loved ones when you schedule the date, and you go get your surgery done.

In the military, under normal circumstances, you discuss things with your supervisor, fill out necessary paperwork to be sent up your chain of command to be either approved or disapproved, then schedule accordingly. So imagine our frustrated surprise that it’s after 4 p.m. the day before my husband‘s surgery has been scheduled, and his convalescent leave still has not been approved. His Chief is still talking with people, trying to get someone to step up and fill my husband’s shoes, so he can get what he needs done. His commander is risking losing my husband completely, because of the pain he’s in and the screws in one foot can break at any time. I see the pain he is in, and it makes me both very angry that his leadership cares so little about him, and it makes me cry.

So, I’m not a bit afraid to say: fireworks are about to go off. I am going to explode in a fit of frustrated concern on someone who can make a difference. At this point, weighing the consequences: repercussions because his leadership will have no question of who is stirring stuff up, versus my husband’s crippling pain: I think I honestly just don’t even care. Someone needs to be informed of what is happening here. This will be the third time his surgery is being put off, because of “Air Force needs”. Well, the Air Force NEEDS to fix my husband, or they are crippling their own mission.

Ok, now the Christian part of me is kicking in. I have prayed off and on, I have trusted God to help make the way for this to happen. My husband is humble and kind. He puts others before himself. He has put the Air Force before this need for years now, but now it’s their turn to make his well-being the priority. He has given and given, and he can’t keep being the only one to give.  His leadership obviously does not have anything of God in them, or they would be listening to the Holy Spirit on the issue. I trust that God is concerned for my husband, and He will provide for all of his needs.

I just wish the Air Force would live up to their end. Things have really gotten rotten in the past 4 years.

Update: As of about 6:45 p.m., our God has indeed come through for my husband!! So very thankful for the Chief God has put in place at this time. She fought all day to get his command to sign the convalescent leave form. He is getting the surgery.

Some battles are worth fighting for both in prayer and in action, we can’t give in and give up the fight, when the need is so great.

American, An Honest Wife's Perspective, What life has taught me

Husband Versus Wife, Wife Versus Husband

The more I listen and watch people, the more I see a frustration in marriages that just doesn’t need to be there at all.

Maybe I see it because I’ve been in a unique position most of my life. Maybe it’s so apparent because it’s just so different from my own marriage. Whatever the reason, it honestly makes me sad to see what could be an amazing experience, end up being a hurtful competition or a neglectful, negative situation.

Recently my husband had an interaction on a social network with someone who said it is awful for Christians to live the Biblical description of marriage where “…wives submit to your husbands…” *gasp!**howoldfashionedancientandbackwards!*

Ok, at face value, that taken out of context description of a wife’s “role” does seem a bit antiquated or third world-ish. So, I guess I want to take just a moment to address that specifically.

In what ways do I personally “submit” to my own husband? Do I ever resent “having” to be submissive? Does that mean he “rules” over me and our children? Am I afraid to be independent, or modern, with a “healthy” perspective on my own self-esteem and self-reliance? The answer to this last question is, No, I am not afraid to be any of those. In fact, there is no fear at all in my marriage. He doesn’t keep me ” in check”, or “barefoot and pregnant, in the kitchen”.

I practice “submission” by not hiding things from him. I do that because I don’t want hindrances in our relationship, or stumbling blocks. I can’t think of anything I haven’t told him about my past, or things I’ve done since he and I married. I am open and honest with him. I don’t resent living a submissive life with him, because he also reciprocates. He doesn’t hide things from me.

This is actually what got me thinking about this subject: I see a lot of women get hurt because of things their husband’s or boyfriend’s have hidden from them. I see so many marriages break down because of this lack of communication, and a rise of this competitive “spirit” that often sets them up as each other’s enemy.

My husband is not my enemy, he’s my very best friend. In fact, most of our marriage he has been my only real, true friend. He knows me better than anyone else, except our Creator.

My husband treats me with dignity, kindness, respect, generosity, equality, and love. Why does he do that? Because that’s how our God has taught him to treat me. I choose to submit things to him because he sees things from a different perspective than I do. I choose to be submissive because he is fair, honest, and he’s accountable to our God for me and our children. I choose to submit to him because we are equals, and he chooses to submit himself to me. We share our lives, our burdens, our concerns, with each other. We don’t consult with friends outside of our marriage, we don’t gossip with our complaints about one another. We don’t hold value of a friendship above each other, we are each other’s best friend.

That’s exactly what I see missing in the marriages that end in divorce and hatred. They forget to be friends.

A Loving Wife's Perspective, A Mom's Perspective, American, An Honest Wife's Perspective, Christian Thoughts, Nuggets I Learned from my Childhood, What life has taught me

Who Controls Your Time?

This is painfully honest, but it’s “real”.

There are some days when I have a heightened sense of awareness concerning how very little control and input I have in my daily life’s circumstances. I am writing this as I sit in our one vehicle waiting for my husband to finish something he’s volunteered to do for our church. I have no issues with his having volunteered. What I am continually frustrated about are my lack choices in my own life. Some days it’s apparent that nothing about my life is about me.

As a Christian, I remind myself that that’s the way my life is supposed to go. Putting others before myself. This is the “season” I am in, and the lesson of learning to be content in all things, it’s a doozy some days.

As a military spouse and veteran, I remind myself that serving our country is an honor. Supporting my husband as he serves, is some days a more difficult sacrifice than my own military service was. He has people telling him what to do and where to be pretty much every minute of his work day. He’s scheduled for meetings without any communication with him about it, and he has no say, nor does he even get to take real vacation time. There is often little to no consideration or concern for how his work affects his home life, by his leadership. He wasn’t issued a family, so his family isn’t important to them. I do my best to keep things under control at home, but I have reached a near breaking point a few times since we moved to this assignment 1 year ago. Service before self, that’s what is expected, even from military families. When he gets orders just days before he’s sent away, I just have to go through the motions of having it all together. If I’m sick or stressed, it doesn’t matter, his duty comes before my life, in every way possible. That’s just the way it is. When he flies, I drop him off so I won’t be without the car if he gets stuck somewhere over night, or for several days. Everything revolves around his schedule, and truth be told: I don’t often feel much like running errands just because his work schedule makes our car available for me to actually go somewhere.
I cannot plan anything. When he comes home from work, he tries not to bring his frustration home too, and he plays with the kids when he can. Sometimes he lays down and falls asleep. Ok, lots of times he does that. I get the leftover exhaustion that’s a result of all the junk he deals with, or exhaustion from his flying 6-10 hours a day.

As a home educating mom, I remind myself that my kids educational needs are priority. They have to learn, we have to stick to a schedule to fit in the State mandated number of hours required, even though the school system certainly doesn’t follow that guideline very strictly. The school system gives kids 5 days off over Valentine’s Day and Presidents Day, alone. My kids can’t take that amount of time off without having to make up time over a weekend or extra long schooldays. Even though they will beg me to go play with their friends, they have to do schoolwork, because of those mandated hours I signed my name before a Notary Republic agreeing to enforce. Normally I enjoy the kids staying home to learn, but I honestly despise that box of “time” everyday that this state has inflicted on us. I have consistently been strict concerning their education from day 1 of their schooling, that mandate is unnecessary, and it’s too restricting.

I have no one to talk to that really understands where I’m coming from. There is nothing that is about “me”, at all right now. When people ask what I like to do, I’m at a loss. I don’t even know anymore. I try to write, but I’m only motivated by getting stuff off of my chest, encouraging others one-on-one, or politics. I play my violin for church sometimes, but that’s another part of my life that is scheduled for me, which isn’t a big deal in and of itself, but when I look at the whole picture, I just get overwhelmed by how lost I am in everyone’s scheduling that affects me but isn’t ever about me. I very much want to play my violin and bless others, just some days I feel crushed by “overwhelm”. Thankfully God never lets it really crush me, and He gives me the strength to get out from under it, and rise above it. I am no good at anything without God’s help.

Nothing about my life is my own right now. I sometimes stay up too late just to get peace and quiet time to myself, but that comes with a price, too. I cannot ever get away from responsibility, or everything being planned for me while not including me in the planning.

I just follow the schedule.


The Reality Of My Life

I have something heavy on my mind, stirred up by a sermon I recently heard.

Part of the message was about community, not being isolated, having people you can talk with about stuff who will pray with you.

I have prayed about this, and I feel I should share openly. So, here are my thoughts on this, and I will confess up front: this is a sensitive issue for me. I will start by asking a question, or two. Maybe more:

Where was community while I was being molested? Where was community when I struggled through years of eating disorders, as I blamed myself for all the horror of what happened to me? Where was community in the aftermath of a close family member almost purposely killing another close family member, as I watched?  Where has church community been in the 30+ years of my fight to survive, muddling through all the confusion and pain, wounds and scars, trying to make sense of it all, struggling to learn how to live a healthy life, while learning I could trust others?

I’d like to tell you where community has been for me, for the most part. It has been ignoring me because it doesn’t know what to do with me, doesn’t want to see what I’ve been through, doesn’t want to get its hands dirty trying to help me. It’s been unapproachable and out of my reach. It’s been there for others, but not me. I’ve been “too intense”, or “too sensitive”, and I have never fit into those boxes of “acceptable things” it has tried to stuff me into.

I am different. I was shaped differently because my life has not been anything like most people’s. I have walked hard roads, learned lessons the most difficult ways, hit rock bottom more than once, in different ways. I am unique. I love people, value them with a passion and intensity that I have never experienced. I hurt when others hurt, I cry when others cry, I rejoice when others are blessed. That is what God has formed from the ashes of my life, the beauty He has given to me. I am uniquely and wonderfully made, and if you don’t get to know me, if you don’t hear my story, you will miss out on some amazing things. Most of my story can only be told one-on-one. Someday it will be written in a book for all to read, but you won’t know it’s my story.

I am not bitter or angry, I’m sad. I can’t pretend the things in my past have never happened to me. I can’t pretend I never went down the wrong road, reacted badly, have never been sinful as a result of having so little human guidance readily available for me.

So, I find I am expected to rise up and be there to reach out to others, despite that not being a viable option for me, and I will because I want to be for others what I have needed others to be for me.  I understand things from a perspective that is sometimes lacking in the church community: God doesn’t look at people the way we do.


What Is “Conversation”?

NASV James 1:19 “This you know, my beloved brethren. But everyone must be quick to hear, slow to speak and slow to anger; 20 for the anger of man does not achieve the righteousness of God.”

We are studying James in our weekly Journey Group, and this is what we talked and learned about last night. The “human condition” is talking, wanting to be heard above everyone else, but not just listening. I am guilty of this, though I honestly do try to listen.

Being a stay-at-home, home-educating mom of 4, I don’t get to hear the voices of adults often. I also don’t get to talk with adults about personal things. Even when I am with other adults, I am often the “listener”. I confess, I’m not the best listener, sometimes I am thinking about what I want to say next, trying to find that break in the “conversation” so I can share my own thoughts. But, you know what? Most of the time, that break, it never comes. Once whoever is done talking, they move on to someone else to talk to or another more pressing activity, and I never get to talk. I just get to listen.

Sometimes I get rude, and I interrupt, so I can share my own thoughts before I forget them. But, 75% of the time, even my interruptions are not heard, or that ends the “conversation”.

It becomes apparent to me, I am not valued as more than a type of “soundboard”. The more crowded the room, the more lonely I get. So much listening to do, so little being heard.

To be fair, there have been times when I have done that to others, because then I feel like I am actually being heard. But, I’m not really heard, and then I feel guilty, like I said too much and I maybe missed something important.

I guess that’s why I often prefer interacting with people over the internet. There is an actual conversation. Well, sometimes. There are times it is still very apparent that the person sending me the message doesn’t want to talk to me, they just want to get their message across to me, whether it’s to pray for them, buy something from them, or take their misdirected advice that doesn’t really fit me or my situation. They said their piece, and they move on without reading mine, or replying to it.

I am grateful that God listens.

A Mom's Perspective, American, An Honest Wife's Perspective, Christian Thoughts, Nuggets I Learned from my Childhood, Uncategorized, What life has taught me

America the Great

Life. Liberty. The Pursuit of Happiness. The American Dream. This is how America was described to me as I was growing up.

I was taught to love and appreciate the country I was blessed to be born into. I was taught to be a giver, and to fight the need to be given to. I was taught to have a sense of pride, and even a touch of arrogance, about being an American, because I live in the greatest country in the world. I was told to love my neighbor as myself.

The definition of neighbor seems to vary among individuals.

Neighbor, to some, means the people in our neighborhoods. To some, it means friends. For some, it includes people at work, school, church, or those we interact with as we enjoy our hobbies and our lives. For some, they also include other nations as our neighbors.

For me, the title of neighbor has grown to include the homeless, the person standing alone at a gathering, the child whose parents would rather they go play than stay home, and the person across the world being persecuted for what they believe, or rather, what they have rejected to take on as a belief.

American Pride often keeps us looking at the things we value, that look good on the surface, but rarely does it acknowledge those within our nation that are the least desirables. At best, we touch those subjects with a few glancing words giving a shallow appearance of compassion, while moving on to a more comfortable subject like football, or how many medals we won in the Olympics this year. American Pride give homage to what looks pretty on the outside, while skirting issues that don’t reflect pride or even the pretty. For example, the way our war heroes are treated, often neglected, if they don’t find the successful path that ends up in a house with the white picket fence and the 2.5 children, that have become entwined with our definition of “American Exceptionalism”.

Years ago, when I was placed in another country, I went with my American Pride and touch of arrogance. I had been taught being an American meant I was the best, that I was better than other people. I learned pretty fast, that I had been taught wrong. I learned that even though we have this great respect for ourselves, other people in the world, well honestly, they hate us. They don’t think we are great, they don’t rejoice with us that we were born in the greatest country in the world. No, they don’t respect us, they don’t even like us.

I learned that people are people no matter what country they live in, and when we attempt to define them by their country of origin, we are missing the big picture. I learned to appreciate what those in my host country of Japan, the Okinawan people, placed value on, not trying to Americanize them, but embracing their culture and learning to interact with them, even in a limited way, in their own language.

I found that people want you to meet them where they are, and find things in common with them that they love, that honor them. I realized that putting people above America was more important than trying to get them to be more like an American. I learned that something as simple as saying, “Thank you.” in their language meant more to them than just about anything I could do or even give them.

I came to love the people of another country, and even respect them as much, sometimes even more, than those in my own country. I grew to appreciate and sincerely value the true humility I saw in them and in their everyday lives. I gathered as much knowledge and information as I could about the area I lived in, so I could understand them better, and so I could be effective when I prayed for them, from my heart.

I gained a new perspective and clearer sight. My neighbor is everyone, no matter what their station in life, or what their nationality or belief. And, I learned how to love them as myself, even more than myself.

America is an amazing country, full of opportunities, hope, and generosity. I love my country, my heritage and my life. But now I also love people everywhere far above my love for my country.

An Honest Wife's Perspective

Military Wives: The Need to be Flexible and Forgiving

I am part of the 1%: I am a military wife. If you know anything about military life, then you know I am not part of that 1%, the wealthy. No one gets rich from being in the military.

Ok, maybe it’s a higher percentage, but I’m not so sure.

What does it look like, and feel like, to be a military wife, some have asked me, so I thought I’d take a moment to jot it down, while it’s fresh on my mind.

A military wife is often the invisible support of a military member, while being the least considered when arrangements are made for the military member to be sent somewhere far away. We are never asked if it’s a good time, are never included in the planning, do not get to call in sick from our supportive duties, and we are on a permanent volunteer basis as part of the support system that helps things remain operational, so we never get a raise or bonus. Our health is not a consideration, our careers are not a priority, and our owned homes and belongings are expendable. Our lives are often littered with a smattering of being both parents while our loved one is deployed or on a temporary assignment, and moving, sometimes at just a moment’s notice.

Arguments are often non-existent when our husband is about to be sent somewhere, or we argue more often than usual, as we struggle to balance fear of what could happen with the responsibility of holding down the fort, alone.

We manage household finances, everyday life, meals and children, expertly, and many times with minimal or no support or help.

We celebrate anniversaries, holidays and birthdays alone, over the phone/webcam, or late. We hug our children extra hard, kiss their boo-boo’s for 2, and comfort our children when they wake up in the middle of the night crying, because they miss their daddy.

We plan birthday parties and special events to take our kids’ minds off of their dad not being there, and we plan surprise homecoming parties or events to maximize the relief and excitement of our beloved American hero returning back home to us.

This lifestyle has tamed me and shaped me into a responsible, appreciative wife and mom, and even through the disappointments, cancelled plans, and struggles with making ends meet, I would not trade this life, right now, for anything.

I’ll check back in with you all after my retirement and our transition back into the civilian lifestyle. 😉

An Honest Wife's Perspective, Uncategorized

Do You Like Your Husband?

My husband loves video and computer games. I mean, he Loves them. I have often struggled with thinking if he had to choose between them and me, they would win out, hands down. I have tested him on this theory, and he has failed. He Refuses to just stop playing and let his character die. I mean, he tells me when I nit-pick about the lack of modesty many game women are created to display, “Those are just pixels. That isn’t real, it doesn’t mean anything.” But, he still refuses to let them die, so, yes, it does mean something. It means he has chosen them over me, in my mind.

In the past, you wouldn’t believe the arguments we have had, the times I have fumed in silence, or even the time I took all of his x-box games and put ransom notes in each one. Once he paid the ransom, time with me minus the x-box between us, time with the kids, then he could have that particular game back. Well, he was IRATE when I did that. It hurt that he was so angry, but I finally stood my ground: I was angry too, and why was his anger more important or justified than my own?

We worked through that, but it wasn’t easy, until he realized I was right, and I was justified.

We have had a few different things we haven’t seen eye-to-eye on. Some things, like disciplining the kids, we had an early-on parenting class about, so we discussed and came into agreement before those “heat of the moment” times. We had a marriage clase, well, we took that one twice, early on in our marriage, so that has been a foundation we have relied on continually over the 14 years we have been married.

I have the benefit of having a failed marriage in my own past, and I learned what not to do, and what not to make a big deal of, because of that prior abusive marriage. I appreciate things about my husband that I would not have appreciated, because I experienced far worse. It helps me keep things in a proper perspective.

I have learned how to like my husband, while not liking what he is doing. That has not been an easy process, and it did not happen over night.

I spent many days and nights on my face before God, crying, begging God to please change my husband. For the first 5 years of our marriage, that was me, behind closed doors. I didn’t understand his unwillingness to give up something that was creating a wedge between us. So, I asked God to please help him stop.

Instead, God changed me. But, I had to let God change me. I had to stop judging my husband. I had to stop trying to be his Holy Spirit, thinking I knew what was in his best interest. I had to swallow my pride and indignation, and start enjoying my husband’s first-loved hobby with him.

Yes, I became a “gamer”. Well, I don’t play much anymore, for various reasons, but now I can show respect to my husband, because now I have gained understanding.

Being transformed into a wife of understanding was not an easy, fun process. I had to lay down my desire to judge him, I had to lay down what I would have rather spent my time doing, I had to learn how to enjoy playing something that I personally did not value putting my time into.

I had to want a deeper, more intimate connection with my husband that he had not worked to try to have with me.

It hurt, but I did have fun. I felt guilty for having fun, at first, because of pride, because of judgement, because I felt frustrated that it seemed I had to do all the work to try to make that deeper connect with him, and I thought it was just a waste of time.

Fast forward to 14+ years later. I have gained a new respect for my husband and his hobby. I have an understanding not only of my husband, but how God often directs my husband to interact with others who have a common love for his hobby, people he probably wouldn’t get along with otherwise, or have a reason to talk to. I have a new “language” with my husband, and now my kids who have willingly embraced his hobby (imagine that, kids loving playing games), that I would have been left out of had I not taken part and built that connection with him.

I have fallen in love with the person my husband is, and not just fallen into the humdrum pattern marriage often falls into. I really like my husband, I like how God made him, I sincerely appreciate him.

If there were anything I would want to pass on to others as a type of legacy, it would be this: take the time, make the sacrifice to get to really know your husband.
He will surprise you, and you will win his heart and his affection if you lay your life down to take up his. Jesus said, “Greater love has no man except he lays down his life for a friend.”

Is your husband your friend, your first and best friend? Mine is, and now I am happily content.

Christian Thoughts, Nuggets I Learned from my Childhood

Living out Titles and Roles

Throughout our lives, we acquire many titles that attempt to define us. I have been given several: daughter, wife, mother, violinist, Mrs…

I am the wife of my husband, my life has been molded under that title, by that title, by God’s, my husband’s and society’s definition of “wife”, but the way it’s lived out is different than how other wives live it out. I am not molded by any other woman’s husband to fit the title of wife. I am not the mother of any other children than my own, I don’t discipline other children in the same way that I discipline my own. The title of wife and mother does not define my role in other relationships the same way it defines me with my own husband and children.

In the same regard, I have been molded to fit under the title of Christian. Within that one title, are many roles: sister, Godly, Christ-like, encourager, worshiper, intercessor, forgiven, and so many others.

When I consider how I am a child of the Living God, it can sometimes feel overwhelming. It isn’t just a title, it is part of every aspect of who I am. It’s part of being a wife, mother, daughter, and violinist. I now have a responsibility to be an ambassador for God, to be an accurate representative of His Patience, His Forgiveness, His Love, His Peacemaking. That title extends out to everyone I ever interact with. I am a Child of the Living God. There is continuous molding going on under the surface, every situation is used to mold and shape me into a more clear likeness of Jesus Who modeled God in human form perfectly. My reactions to things are not God’s reactions to things as His ways are higher than mine. As His child, I have the responsibility to make sure I am teachable, not resisting Godly correction from those God places in my life to help me walk in His ways. I have the responsibility to make sure my behavior points the way to God, Glorifying Him, but not embarrassing Him or causing others to not consider coming to Him. I have the overwhelming responsibility to reflect Jesus, and not deflect people from seeking Him.

People aren’t going to turn to Him in times of trouble because I tell them they need to and I one-up them with His Word. They are going to seek Him out because they see His Kindness, Gentleness, Love, and concern for them in their situations. They will be drawn to Him through His perfect Peace within me.

I wonder what aspects of God are recognizable to others in my own life.

A Mom's Perspective, Nuggets I Learned from my Childhood, Uncategorized

Grandad’s Teaching and Example

I had 2 Grandads, growing up. Well, actually a Grandpa and a Grandad.

My Grandpa taught me by example how little I mattered by never getting my name right. He called me “Janey” the whole time I knew him. He never teased or joked, he just didn’t like me. I learned that because I’m a female, he thought I was worthless. I despised him, so much so, I refused to go to his funeral when he passed on my Junior year of High School.

My Grandad called me by my name, never got it wrong. He also called me “Sunshine”, and “Punkin” (his way of saying “pumpkin”). He taught me work ethics and the importance of respecting and valuing others. He had all sorts of stories about knowing Jesse James (he lived on the farm down the street from my great grandparents) as a child before he became an outlaw, meeting Bonnie and Clyde during his days as a security guard on a train before they turned to crime, and his having met Buffalo Bill Cody. I wish I had paid closer attention to his stories, so I could pass them on to my own kids.

My Grandad was a hard worker, and he placed value on others by the work effort they demonstrated, as well. He had the best garden with the yummiest “pickins’ ” I still have ever seen or tasted. He would pay my brother and I a dime to pull weeds each summer. Then as he held the dime out to give to us, he would tell us a story about how that was a day’s wage when he was a kid, or how bread used to cost a nickel a loaf. I never forgot those facts.

He also taught me, consistently, that the effort I put into the work I did would tell people more about me than I could with words. It tells people whether I respect them or not, whether I have self-respect, and if I would be willing to go that extra mile and put in extra hours when needed. In my heart of hearts, work ethics are more important than most things.

Health issues frustrate and keep me from doing all I really want to do. I am trying to pass on to my kids all I learned from my Grandad. I think they are getting it, but sometimes I wonder. Then again, I bet my Grandad wondered if he was getting through to me, and his lessons and example are still some of the strongest bricks of the foundation of my character and person.

So, maybe one day, I will be pleasantly surprised by my own kids really getting it.

A Loving Wife's Perspective, A Mom's Perspective, Christian Thoughts

Worth the Effort

We have all seen those “funny” television shows with the background laughter letting us all know we should find whatever is being said or done funnier than anything we have ever seen or heard before. You know the shows, where someone thinks something else is happening, but ends up being completely, even embarrassingly, wrong? I always wonder what would happen if they would just talk. To each other. But, where is the “fun” in that, right?

My husband and I try to sincerely talk about as much as possible, to avoid miscommunications and tense situations. While on televisions those can be hilarious, in marriage for real, not so much.
He and I have been co-parenting our children for as long as 13 years. 12 years ago, communication was so easy, and tons of fun. We have developed our own family “language” over the years as a result of all the cute words the kids have made up in learning how to communicate with us. Now, it’s hard not to wish we had skipped that whole “teaching them to talk” stuff. The sarcasm, the back-talk, the arguing with each other… Many times the problems that rise up would have been headed off before they began, if they would communicate more with us and with each other. I hope I can get that point across to them, it will make their own lives so much easier.

Getting past miscommunicating is an art anymore, I think. Not many people seem to want to put the effort necessary into avoiding miscommunicating, or working past misunderstandings, anymore. They are too busy, and just don’t care how their lack of effort sometimes hurts other people.

I think people are worth the effort. I hope they think I am worth the effort, too.

A Loving Wife's Perspective, Christian Thoughts

Husbands and Wives

This is deeply on my heart after talking with someone who walked out on his wife and kids. “Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her, to make her holy, cleansing her by the washing with water through the word.”
Ephesians 5:25-26

Do those words really hold any meaning for Christian marriages in today’s American society?

Is it husbands versus wives? I know it can feel that way at times, when we don’t see eye to eye, when tension is high, when the kids are fighting and the stress of just trying to make it through each day tears at the very heart of every issue we face.

This man complained to me that his wife hasn’t been handling things perfectly since he walked out and is now with another woman. He blames the one he left, but he doesn’t see how his leaving set her up for failing. He doesn’t see how his walking away has torn her in half, as they were one flesh. Husbands often don’t understand the emotional toll it takes on their other half when they are unfaithful, when they are not supportive, when they are critical or judgement, when they are not kind…. when they do not love their wives as Christ loved the church and gave Himself up for her….

Christ gave up His own life so the church could live. How can a husband possibly compare himself to Christ loving the church? I think he can by purposefully putting her needs, and even wants, before his own. I think he can demonstrate Christ to her by being understanding, patient, kind, and not placing expectations of what his opinion of who and what she should be, on her.

That is a huge challenge.

My husband has taught me more about Christ’s love for the church than anyone else ever has.

It is possible.

God hates divorce. So, let’s stop doing what He hates, and put on the Lord Jesus Christ.

Ephesians 5:33 “Nevertheless let each one of you in particular so love his own wife as himself, and let the wife see that she respects her husband

If we tear down our husband, we damage the core of who he is. If we mock him, make fun of him, treat him angrily… we are not helping our marriage be healthy and strong, we are pushing him away, causing his flesh to rise up and his heart to harden against us. If we treat our husband with patience, kindness, gentleness, love, respect, graciousness, like he’s the most important person in our earthly world… our husband will be more likely to want to love us as Christ loved the church. He will be more likely to listen, treat us with respect and dignity, I mean, if he is a Christian and he lives as a Christian. Unbelieving spouses will respond more positively to positive, loving, respectful treatment, and might be won over to Jesus.

The heat of the moment is never what it seems, and it often brings out things that aren’t there normally.

If we strive to rise above the temptation of our flesh to embrace the negative, often ugliness that beckons at our tempers and tongues when our emotions are high, then the world will see that difference, that empowerment from on high, to love and respect one another. Even in the bad times.

Let’s do those greater things that Jesus said we would do, starting in our marriages.


Who Cares, Anyway?

Many times our lives become extensions of others, and we the people get lost in the roles we are cast in.

Have you ever made yourself vulnerable to others by sharing things you are excited about having done in your life? Were you met with a positive reaction, or a negative one?

I shared some things about me last night, in a small group setting. I wasn’t met with many reactions, except 2 that I’m aware of. Some seemed surprised, but one person said, “Wow. Now my life feels boring.”

I was so excited for an opportunity to be able to actually talk about some things I have done in my life and hear things others have done. But what ended up happening was me feeling like others thought I was bragging or boasting in myself, which wasn’t my motivation at all.

I think I understand why I felt so excited last night to tell people about some of that: it’s because I just don’t get those kinds of opportunities.

People have always been important to me, but I’ve never found that special “key” where I become important to others, not really.

Anyway. Life has gone on, life will continue to go on, and I’ll embrace what is allotted to me, because life is pretty amazing when you stop and think about it.

Apart from Christ I am nothing. My past was a failure and a complete mess, my present is much better when my focus is on who I am because of Jesus, rather than who I sometimes wish people would see me as, my future is full of hope and Eternal promises and destiny.

I can do all things through Christ Jesus Who strengthens me.


Life Reflections

Thinking back, I’m remembering how I made some really bad choices when I was younger. Some stupid choices, some embarrassing choices, some just very bad, at the spur of the moment.

At some point, I woke up, and I started really thinking about the choices I was making. I started caring what the outcome would, or could be. I started caring about the people who were helping to influence my decision-making.

At some point I decided to take my life in a direction that would be good for me, a positive direction, one where my prior bad choices and life happenings could be used to encourage others, and help with their emotional healing.

Wow do I have a long way to go to reach some of my own personal goals. But, wow have I come a long way from the person I was 10, 20, even 30 years ago.

What an incredible journey this has been.

A Loving Wife's Perspective, A Mom's Perspective, Christian Thoughts, Uncategorized

The Power of Life and Death

When things are changing, like life constantly seems to do, and tense moments take over our reactions and thoughts, our tongue can be our worst enemy. The phrase from Scripture in Proverbs 18:21 “Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will eat its fruit”, has been echoing through my thoughts all day.

It’s honestly a pretty rare thing for my husband and I to fight, I mean really fight. We snap on occasion, we argue, we disagree, but for the most part we don’t really fight. So, this past weekend while we are both going through so much in our own emotions about this whole stressful moving process, well, we got into an argument, and then a full on fight. And I realized: fighting with my best friend really just sucks.

I have been aware for sometime of the necessity to build others up because the world is constantly tearing us all down. And, sadly, it’s not just the “world”. It’s those closest to us who know our vulnerabilities, and in that heated moment of arguing, swoop down and sink their words into the jugular of our trust in them.  Seriously. Who doesn’t get into an argument and fight with every motivation of doing or saying everything possible to “win”?

It’s hard to rise above our tempers. It’s hard to forgive so things don’t build up.

Ephesians 4:26 says, “”In your anger do not sin”: Do not let the sun go down while you are still angry…” Anyone who knows me, knows that when there is a conflict, I try to talk things out both as soon as possible, and as thoroughly as possible. And, those who value me and any sort of relationship with me, they talk with me and pray with me. Because we cannot live at peace with someone when we are hurt or angry, and I sincerely do my very best to not ever let the sun go down on my anger, because then the sinning comes in the form of mean thoughts, hardness of heart towards the person things are unresolved with, all sorts of things. My mind and emotions become the Devil’s playground, and I don’t want the Devil anywhere near my thoughts or emotions.

I have lived and learned: no good comes from harboring anger or not acknowledging it. It leads to the death of relationships. It leads to the death of dreams. It leads to the death of being effective for Christ in our everyday lives.

There is no “winning” when there is death because of what we say and/or how we say it.

My daughter’s youth Pastor had her group do an activity where they hammered a nail through a piece of wood. Then he talked about how that wood was damaged. Sure the nail could be removed, but there would still be a hole. Then he told them that’s what our words can do. You can say something , and even apologize, but it still makes a “hole”. You cannot take back your words.

That’s definitely some “food for thought”.


A Mom's Perspective

Where My Heart Is

This past Sunday was such a busy one for us. By the afternoon, everyone had things to do, and I got to play the “Mom-taxi” game. After dropping my boys and a neighbor off at Awana, and hubby and our daughter went to their afternoon activity, it was just me and a sleeping baby boy.

I suddenly found myself  bored! It was then that I became so aware of just how much of “me” is wrapped into my family. I pour everything I possibly can into them, trying to be the best wife and friend possible to my husband, trying to nurture my kids and be a good mom for them, while trying to help them learn from everyday experiences just what they will need to know in order to survive and thrive as they grow up and one day enter into the world without me and my husband.  I make mistakes just like every mom does, even the moms who refuse to admit they make them. My children and my marriage are one of my deepest passions. So many things I want to impart from so many experiences I have endured, hoping and praying they won’t experience horrible things they will have to learn from, as well.

As I started driving, I had to pull into one of the few secluded parking lots around here to change my baby’s diaper and feed him, and I thought about when our daughter was a baby. How my life was so entangled with hers. I was so busy, and it was a new thing to have to surrender things I wanted and had to do to such a small person who depended on me for everything. How difficult that seemed at the time!

When I had finished taking care of my baby, I drove around to pass the time. I then started realizing that it would be one of the last times I would drive around here. I remembered when I had first arrived here, and the first time I saw a web created by the infamous banana spider. I looked at the beauty of what has just become my normal background environment, and realized there just is no other place on earth that looks like this place. The clouds are amazing, the trees unique to this area, and different places that hold other memories of my own military service.

Everything that I have here now has my heart attached.

We have some major, major for us anyway, changes coming up. It’s time to leave what we know as our home now.  This has become home for us all. My heart is in the sunrise, the rain, the ocean, the trees, the quirky roads, the landmarks… and it is going to hurt to be separated from that part of my heart. But, the good news is: my heart is also invested in my children, and we have so many fun memories of this place, I don’t feel like I’m leaving even part of my heart behind.

I really love being a mom. ❤

Christian Thoughts

Unknown Future

All too often happiness and being content are tied in with being prepared and informed. Well, for myself, anyway. So one of my greatest challenges as a military spouse has been ignoring all that stuff that makes me feel comfortable and at peace, and muddling my way through the unknown. It gets kind of scary sometimes, and if I did not have Jesus with me to help me and keep me company, it would be impossible.

Right now we are getting ready to be moved, but there isn’t a firm date. We are trying to make plans to see family, but with no firm moving date, we can’t make a firm “We’ll be there on….for….amount of time.” plans, so it doesn’t just affect us, it affects everyone who is close to us.
I like to know things, like dates, what to expect, and so on. I have never even been to the place we are moving to, and neither have our children. This is going to be an amazing, and kind of scary, change for us. What if we miss our flight? What if we fail our housing inspection? What if we are given wrong information? What if something changes and we aren’t informed? Everything hangs in the balance of communication and the expectations of others, we are at the mercy of others.

I think surrendering to God can be like that for us, sometimes. Is He really going to help us? Does He really hear us? Does He care? What if I miss Him? Is He dependable and will He really have mercy on  and demonstrate grace towards me?

Thinking about when Jesus returns, and all the changes that will take place when He does makes me realize I have a known future, but it’s also unknown because there are so many things I don’t understand, so many changes that will take place, and no matter how much I try to imagine what it will be like, I really just cannot know until that day.

I’m excited and a bit overwhelmed about our upcoming move. I can do my best to prepare myself and my children, but there are still a lot of unknowns.
I’m excited and a bit overwhelmed about the return of Jesus. No matter how much I try to “prepare”, the only real preparation I can do that will mean anything, is to draw near to Him while He still may be found. (Isaiah 55:6- Seek the LORD while He may be found; Call upon Him while He is near.)

I think living as a military spouse has helped me in my spiritual growth in ways I never even realized. God sure does always provide for our needs, especially our spiritual needs.


Pulling Myself out of the Muck of Today

The great thing about a blog is that I can be forthright and honest. So tonight, that’s what I have in mind to do.

Today was a very disappointing day for me.

It started last night when our baby just would not sleep. He is teething and growing, and only his mommy can really comfort him beyond food or orajel. So, comforting sweet Judah, as well as trying to make sure David could actually get much-needed rest was my focus. I didn’t get much sleep at all.

Then, this morning, the kids decided to test my limits of patience, of course. I had that target of, “Look, Mom got no sleep. Let’s get her!” painted on me, apparently. I got back talk from the kids, and much of my organizing efforts were undone, once again, thanks to a mischievous 6-year-old.

I try so very hard to not need or ask anyone to help me with things, but on rare occasions, I do need something. I couldn’t find anyone to watch Judah while I go to a meeting I need to go to, about our upcoming move. (But one sweet friend who lives too far away sincerely wished she could watch him. That made my attitude about not being able to go now, better.)

So, I was feeling pretty sorry for poor old me.

Then my daughter gave me a spontaneous hug. (Those are rare with a 12-year-old.) My husband went out of his way to make dinner so I wouldn’t have to worry about it while he was at a worship practice meeting. And, my cranky, demanding baby smiled sweetly in his sleep, a smile that only a happy baby could smile.

All is well again. I really don’t require much, and yet I get the most precious, amazing gifts in return from my family. I feel pretty doggone spoiled right now. And tired. I’m going back to sleep.

Thoughts From The Hubby

Making Marriage Work in the Military – David’s perspective

I certainly don’t write this from the perspective of someone who has marriage figured out. My wife and I have had our share of issues and disagreements. But we have figured out a number of things that work well for us, and some of them are general enough that I suspect they’d work well for others too. So, in mostly no particular order, here are ten things that my wife and I have struggled to learn and strive to live out:

She works too – The first thing I often want to do when I walk in the door is get out of uniform and relax. I just want to sit down and enjoy some peace and quiet… after all, I’ve earned, it, right? I’ve had a hard day at the office, getting things done and dealing with all the various forms of stupidity that the military has to offer. But I’m not the only one who has had a long day. Admittedly, my situation may be different from most; we have a daughter and three loud boys, and my wife home-schools our four children. She puts up with so very much! People often ask, “Does your spouse work?” as though the only real “work” is a job outside taking care of the home. Don’t dismiss what your spouse contributes, and consider what your spouse deals with every day, whether they work in or out of the home. She’s going to need time to decompress, time for peace and quiet, time to relax, just like you. Respect her needs.

Friends, not roommates – Think back to your wedding day, to those dates where you were first getting to know this wonderful woman who became your spouse. What she said mattered; what interested her was important; you wanted to get to know her. At least, I hope that was your experience! Now that you have come to know her, that relationship shouldn’t end. This isn’t a task we check off as “completed” on a to-do list. Don’t allow the woman of your dreams to become that person who shares a house with you. The routines and the stresses of life will make it very easy to fall into a rut, where you both take care of your responsibilities but never interact with each other in a meaningful way. If you find yourself treating your spouse like (or worse than) you would treat a co-worker, a business associate, or a roommate, then take a step back and remember her as the love of your life.

Family is your hobby – We all have interests and hobbies to occupy our time, but don’t let that become your second job or your “other woman.” It’s not pleasant to be confronted when your personal interests are overpowering the needs of your family, trust me. My wife once held all my video games for ransom. I was livid, but she was right; I deserved it. Be willing to evaluate yourself, looking to see if your pursuit of your hobby “in moderation” is really a consuming passion that detracts from the needs of your wife and children. Whether it’s your car, your golf game, your football team, or your WoW account, understand that hobbies can be addicting. If you feel like you “just HAVE to…” then check your priorities. My hobby will be there waiting long after my children have grown up. But my children can’t stop growing so I can waste my time on a hobby now. One ideal solution is to see if your family can get involved in your hobby somehow. My children love to help me cook. My wife (after many years) now enjoys (a select few) video games. We can’t always get together with other adults for game nights, but we play as a family, and we grow closer as a result.

Individual time – After suggesting that too much time spent on a hobby can be detrimental, it’s strange to suggest the opposite. But I believe it with all my heart. My wife respects that sometimes I need time by myself, and I understand she needs the same. Within reason, I do want time to enjoy my personal interests. That relieves stress and helps clear the mind. It makes me more stable emotionally, mentally, physically, and spiritually. I can often use that quiet time by myself to figure out some of what’s been on my mind. Or perhaps I just need a moment where I don’t need to think or worry about what the kids are doing or wonder if all the responsibilities are taken care of. Just remember… she needs that too.

Praise and compliment – The old joke is that the typical woman says, “You never tell me that you love me,” and the man replies, “I told you that 13 years ago! What?” The fact is, in marriage, no news is definitely not good news. Just like I prefer frequent feedback or at least a pat on the back now and then at work to confirm I’m doing my job and meeting or exceeding expectations, my wife needs to know that she’s still everything I want, need, and hope for. She needs to know that I still find her beautiful, and not just in some “oh yeah, you’re pretty” thoughtless way. She needs to know that I love the sparkle in her eyes or the brightness and warmth of her smile. She needs to hear –often—that I am grateful for what she’s doing. Be specific in praise and generous with compliments, because the rest of the world rarely is. It will be fresh rain to a flower in a parched land.

Leave work at work – Your family needs you, not your burdens. They need a husband or father, not an office chief or program manager. It’s not always possible to just ignore responsibilities at work, and some days the family has to take a back seat to getting the mission or the task done. Those days should be the minority, not the norm. My kids don’t really care how many forms I processed or how many officers I briefed. They just want Dad. My wife doesn’t center her day around how well I performed in the last inspection, or what the Commander thinks about the spreadsheet I designed. But her day does focus on spending time with the man she loves. Do not pass that up. The military will get its time out of you, don’t worry. But whether your time in service will be three years or thirty, at the end, you will be promoted to Mister. I want my wife and children to be there and to be proud when that day comes.

Communicate – Even though you leave work at work as much as possible, keep your spouse and kids in the loop on what’s going on. Whether it’s a little thing (calling home because you’re trying to finish typing up this article, so you’re running later than normal—oops, sorry honey) or a big thing, you two are meant to function as a team, and that requires some communication. If your wife is your best friend, she’s going to want to know what is going on in your world, how your day went, what great things you did, what troubles are on your mind, and so on. If there’s something coming up that might affect her, don’t keep her in the dark. The more time she has to prepare, the better. No one likes getting told at the last minute about bad news. And remember, communication is a two-way activity. If you are a father, your wife has possibly spent significant portions of the day dealing with children; she might be eager to have an adult conversation for a change.

Integrity – The most frightening thing in my wife’s mind is a lack of security, and I know she is not alone among women in that regard. You are your wife’s close friend, confidante, and lover. You know her on a level few if any others do. She has made herself vulnerable to bring you into her life because somewhere along the way you earned her trust. Do not abuse that trust or take it lightly. When you make a commitment, to her or to others, you are showing her that her trust in you is well-founded. This is true of the “big” things, but it’s especially true of the little things you’d think wouldn’t matter at all. (You may have noticed women seem to pick up on these things much differently than men.) The reason is, it’s the little broken commitments along the way which lead to bigger and bigger problems; starting out with dramatic breaches of trust is rare. The “insignificant” decisions you make are the most important, because they speak to a pattern of character, and your integrity of character is what gives her that vital security she needs.

Fight about the issue – One thing my wife and I learned very quickly (whether by good advice or by good fortune, I can’t say) is that if you must fight, only fight about the issue at hand. Do not let anger or resentment fester; do not let walls build up over days, weeks, months, and years of disagreement or hurt. You have a choice at every step of the disagreement for how you will act. My wife and I were arguing, practically screaming at each other, storming back and forth through the hallway, into the living room, into the kitchen, just letting each other have it. We were sticking it to each other as well. Where there is intimacy, there is vulnerability; we knew just what to say to really jab at each other, and we weren’t pulling verbal punches. I let loose some mean-spirited comment, and suddenly, instead of firing back, my wife replied, with absolute sincerity and the same emotional force as the hurtful words we’d been throwing back and forth, “I love you.” Everything froze, and the all the stupid argument was defused in a split second. She didn’t lose, I didn’t win, we didn’t resolve everything in that moment. But we did immediately refocus and come together as a team facing a circumstance instead of as enemies facing each other. For the life of me, I could not say what we were fighting about. But I can say with complete certainty that her response will stick with me for the rest of my life. Work as a team, and if you must, then disagree with each other about the issue at hand. You’re on the same side.

This will pass – Above all, remember, all the things you’re facing are temporary problems. A while back, a work situation was frustrating me so much that I could not get it out of my mind. I could not think of anything but the problem and consequences I expected. I was adding stress to my wife as a result. One day, I was riding to work, and I realized I was looking out at a magnificent view of the Pacific Ocean on a beautiful sunny day, something I was missing out on because I was so frustrated. As I looked out at the waves on the horizon, I knew that a week later, this situation would be resolved and forgotten, and I’d be focused on whatever the newest issue would be. The struggles and frustrations we deal with are, far more often than not, a short-term matter, whether it’s a situation at work or at home within our marriage. Don’t let these concerns dominate your every waking moment; next week you probably won’t even remember it, and you risk missing out on so much along the way. Enjoy the journey down this precious road, for better or for worse, with all its potholes and panoramic vistas.

But most of all, enjoy the company.

A Loving Wife's Perspective

Secrets of This Happily Married Military Wife

I am writing this as a self-edification, and reminder of what I have found to be positive in my own personal situation. These are the things that have worked for our family. If I didn’t find the positives, I would drown in the misery of all the negatives and uncertainty military life can cause.

It’s no secret that staying married to a military man takes a lot of blood, sweat and tears, some days. It’s WORK! The military lifestyle and environment does not make it an easy task. So, here are some things I have learned over the past 13 years of being married to my military man that have helped us. Maybe others can find encouragement in them as well. 🙂

1) Patience. His life is not his own, just like my life is not my own. He dedicates his life in service to his country, and I dedicate my life in service to him and our children. There isn’t room or time to put myself or anyone else ahead of my husband, children, and military needs. The sooner I gave in to this, the more easily I have found peace in my specific role, as well as my act of service to my family and our country. I have days where I need to smack myself in the head to remember it’s NOT about ME at all, and there is no room in our tiny, old government house for a pity potty.

2) Spoil him when he’s at home. He puts up with more micro-mismanaged, abusive, confused turmoil in one day than most American people ever experience in their lifetime. I spoil him rotten while he’s home with me so he has something kind and loving to look forward to come home to. Keeps him wanting to come home. 😉

3) Treat him like the hero he is, with respect, kindness, understanding and love. Our military husbands are not recognized for their tremendous sacrifices near enough!

4) Make every moment count. The reality is: Something can happen to take him away forever. That is always at the back of my thoughts and understanding. He is an amazing hero fighting against our country’s very real enemies. In light of that fact, being “right” just doesn’t have any significant importance. I never let myself be upset with him when he has to leave. I always let him know, no matter what, he is cherished and will be welcomed home with the openest of arms, and the warmest of love and adoration, as well as an unending supply of hugs and kisses from us all. 😀

5) Make him feel welcome, and help him feel comfortable and relaxed to get his thoughts off of work. He needs to have someplace where work isn’t constantly on his mind, and he can de-stress.

6) Give him time to re-adjust after a deployment or temporary assignment.

7) Listen. He may need to talk, he may just want to talk, so I stop doing whatever my distraction is, clear my thoughts, and give him my full, undivided attention. Granted some days the kids have taken off with my attention span and replaced it with exhaustion, but I give it my best effort, lol.

8 ) Take an interest in what he’s interested in. My husband has so many hobbies and things he’s really good at doing, so it can get kind of exhausting sometimes, but it’s always worth it, and it helps us stay close when he’s away to have those things in common to talk about or do together. It helps us stay involved in each other’s lives. I love being married to my military man.

When I married my husband, I took my vows seriously.
For better or for worse: the military sure can make things hard and worsen a situation at times, whether it's deployments, long work hours including not getting weekends off, or finance screwing up his pay, or many other things unique to the military lifestyle.
For richer or for poorer: Well, no one gets rich, monetary-wise from being in the military. Our government makes sure of that…but, I digress. But, experience wise, we are some of the wealthiest people in the US.


Jemtree’s Heart Reflections of the Past Few Months

Deployments are not for the weak-minded, or the weak in spirit. Whether going, or staying behind while a loved one, particularly a spouse, goes: it’s a unique world in dealing with the ups and downs that come along with the ride.

I have been thinking about why this particular deployment time with my husband is away, feels so much more draining than most have in the past. Then it hit me: a few days after he left, Japan was hit by major earthquakes, a tsunami, a nuclear melt-down, tsunami warnings, aftershocks, death, destruction….. a super-typhoon is on it’s way at us now… In the States, there has been so much devastation from storms, people acting out in violent manners, the price of gas and groceries is soaring while the jobless rate seems to either be stagnant or increasing….

Then there is all that is going on in the world, coupled with, I’ll be honest: a President and administration I frankly just don’t trust to really act in mine, or my country’s best interest. Stress is higher than usual.

No, deployments are not for the weak. Raising our 4 children as a temporary single parent is enough without all the other stuff weighing down. I can do this, I’m not worried about me. But, I just had to get into words the incredibly overwhelming burden this particular deployment has been. Thank God He is helping us, He is by our side. I could not do any of this without Him, or the incredibly affirming and stable love of my husband.


The death of a dear friend

I had a very close friend in Middle and High school. He was like a brother to me. We lost contact with each other after our school years though. My mom called me a several years ago, and she read me an article about my friend Rod. He had just gotten married and was heading back to is Army base with his new bride, he fell asleep at the wheel and ran into a semi, killing both himself and his new wife. I still cry, I miss him so much. He and David would have gotten along so well. Rod died not knowing how important he was to me.
For a long time I blamed myself, I thought there must have been something I could have done that would have changed his path.
I don’t blame myself anymore. But I try hard to be sure I tell people how amazing they are, how important they are, anything positive, because I just don’t know if I will get many more opportunities to interact with them. I have been hurt by so many people, I still get hurt a lot. But God has just poured this deep, sincere love into my heart for everyone. It’s like He has given me this understanding that they are the way they are because of their sin condition. Because Jesus died even for those who abused Him on the cross, even for those who who gambled over His clothing, put a crown of thorns on His head, mocked His kindness and love…Because He told God the Father to forgive them because they just didn’t understand what they were doing. That’s the example my heart wants to follow. I am still such a long way from that, though. Even in my frustration with some people, there is still this love and concern for them that helps me to not stay angry, to not hate them.
In a world that is often so full of hate, criticism, anger and intolerance for good and some bad, it’s wonderful to experience the true power of the Love of God.


The Healing Experience

It really is just amazing to me how much of my life I have simply forgotten. I’m not holding on to those grudges against those who hurt me any longer, or even myself for some of the stupid things I’ve done. I’m not meditating on all the sour and painful details of those situations that could have destroyed me years ago. Sure, some of it has shaped how I react to some things now, but I am in reality a new creation through Christ Jesus. I have put away the old, and I am living in the new.

There are things I have shared with some over the years that kept the details fresh in my mind. I have found those details have faded. There is no longer pain, sadness, anxiety…all the negatives that accompany the nightmare memories. The memories are no longer nightmares.

It is because of this that no one could ever convince me that my God is not real or that He does not love me deeply. My life has been useless to many. Many, in God’s position, would have thrown me out, called me worthless and a waste of time. But not God. He lifted me up, He changed my life, and He gave my life purpose and meaning beyond anything this world could ever have to offer.

I am satisfied with my life, and I am healed. By His Grace, by His Kindness, by His Compassion and His Mercy. I can’t think of many people who have ever really taken the time to demonstrate these things to me, but God has never failed to. Never.


To Whom Much Is Given, Much Is Expected

I have been thinking about this a lot lately.

Our current President wants to impose this on those who have been given, or have earned, a lot of money. Following the Biblical concept, I guess I can see this, except I also see where in the Bible we are instructed to not give under compulsion. So, that’s all back and forth, and not at all what’s really on my mind.

What has been on my mind, is how I have been given a lot of life experience. I have been through some stuff. And, it’s not like I have it as extra baggage, God has helped me deal with most of it, and has healed me in so many different areas of my life.

Now I understand where the “much is expected” part comes into play. Because I have been through so many things, and I am now on the other side, where all that pain and anger I had stored up for years, has been dealt with. Forgiveness has been released, and healing has taken hold. There is no more bitterness at those who have somehow hurt me in my life. There is no more hatred. But, I now, instead, have this amazing view that I never had when I was holding on to those things, or going through it all. I can see the evidence of where God has been at work, healing me, restoring me, building me up, all while I wasn’t even paying attention to what He was up to. I didn’t have to fix myself, I didn’t have to be conscious of what He was doing, I didn’t have to do anything, except concentrate on my relationship with Him and with others. I never would have believed anyone telling me this 10 or 15 or even 25 years ago. I thought I had to be on top of it all, completely aware, ready to fix my own problems.

God changed my perspective and He illuminated my understanding about what it really means to belong to Him. I can finally relax and rest in Him. I don’t have to exhaust myself. He really does care for me, He takes care of me.

Now I find that I want to reach out to the hurting, the destitute, the unlovable, the rejected. I can identify with each of those positions in life, those self-perceptions. I can help show others that, through the love of and faith in God, it no longer has to be that way. The way we view ourselves, it’s not how God views us. The hurt, the wounds, they don’t have to be the way it is. They can be the way it was, with scars on our hearts covered by the most amazing and beautiful Grace ever known to mankind.

We can be restored, stronger, healthy, even whole. Because with God: ALL things are possible, and He turns everything around for the good of those who love Him and are called according to His purpose.

I am so very glad He reached down to me, lifted me up out of that muck and the mire that was my life before really following Him, and He Saved me.
I am forever in His debt.


That All Too Familiar Feeling

It’s back. The tightness in my chest as I try to just breath. The tears almost constantly threatening to over-take my eyes. I have prepared my heart a million times for this, I have been through this before, but my emotions still catch me off-guard each time I think about it, every time I remember, the moment of his walking away… It doesn’t get easier each time, it doesn’t just become a way of life, or “old habit”. But I can adjust, take a deep breath, take each day one at a time, and deal with everything life throws at me while he is away being the amazing hero I am so deeply in love with.

I can be weak because my God is my strength and He never gives me more than I can handle. I can rest in Him and know everything will be ok.

Ahhh There it is, it’s back again. That peace that surpasses everything. I can breath again. I can do this, because I am never alone, God is always with me, He is my Shield and my Guide. And I can be confident in that no matter what, I will see my best friend again, no matter what happens.


My oldest son and the cat

My cat, Camouflage, hates my oldest boy. He actually came up with her name when we adopted her, because she is a Calico. It’s amazing how you think you know your child and how he will behave, and then you find out just how wrong you are…

To look at him and talk with him, he’s a sweet, intelligent, fairly considerate boy. He does not at all give off the appearance or suspicion of being one who would experiment with his creations, on the cat.

He created his own “grabber” (he calls it) with pliers, a blousing strap (for military pant legs), and  a long string so he can use it to pick things up from behind furniture or in holes. It’s actually pretty ingenious! Well, it was, until he tried to use it to pick up the cat by her ears. He is now grounded from the poor cat. It’s for his own safety as well as hers… she’s pretty good with those claws!

You think you know your child, but they are a completely different character when they think they aren’t being seen…


Words and Language

I am fascinated by the history of words and different languages. You’d think that would mean I speak a lot of different languages, right? Nah, I married a linguist instead. LOL Ok, that’s not why I married him, but it’s a definite plus!

When I met my husband, I was beginning to study Russian. I was already working towards a goal I had made for myself to understand and speak some Russian because my heart’s dream was to help out in a Russian orphanage. God had different plans though, obviously, because instead I have spent the better part of the last 16 years in Japan, instead. And, while I did get to briefly interact with and help out a bit with some of the orphans here and I have zero excuse for not being fluent in Japanese, I am so familiar with the Japanese language that when I hear it spoken I can often understand what is being spoken, the idea anyway. The sound of the Japanese language has become like music in my ears, a comforting background that used to be more of a culture shock. Now when I visit family in the States, the background language is often Spanish, and it sends me into a type of culture shock that says, “Wait! Something is not right here!”.

As a Christian, I often use what I call “Christianise” (I didn’t come up with that “word”, but I can’t remember where I got it from). As much as I dislike many of the “key” phrases that have become sort of cliche’-like and habitual rather than heart-felt, I speak this often around other Christians, because it’s how we relate and identify with each other.
In our home we have a few token Japanese phrases and words we use. We also have developed our own “family” language which consists of words and phrases David and I have come up with naturally over the years, and then has been added to as our children were/are learning to speak and as our relationship with each child grows. I won’t give the name of the child, but one funny phrase we often jokingly remember is when one child told my mom over the phone, “I went poopie for chocolate!!” because I used chocolate chips as a reward for a job well done. When my daughter was learning to speak, she would tell us confidently, with her green toy phone rattle, that she had to make a “cone fall”. The moon will forever be known to us as “the banana moon”, we often tickle each other’s “armpicks”. One of our favorites is the “earwax” plane that Jonathan just loves to see. This is one of my very favorite parts of being a mommy: watching my children grow, and seeing the creativity and learning process each child uniquely goes through. I love my job!!!

The words people use say a lot about the person saying them, to me. It’s often easy to see someone’s heart through what they say and how they say it, whatever their passion is comes through in their language. I find that fascinating! I can learn more about a person through the words they choose to use than through what I see them doing, often times, and that has many times helped me to either be able to identify with them, or realize I can’t identify with them, and I need to find something we have in common so we can have positive interactions.

Of course, if they speak Swahili only: I am out of luck!